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POSTGAME: Rd 05 vs Richmond


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1 hour ago, Sir Why You Little said:

Goodwin does not demand excellence, his teaching methods are not good enough. I am sure he wants the best, but he is not capable of achieving it

We need an experienced Coach. ( We needed to have Roos for way longer than 3 years) This Club has been down too long


Of course he demands excellence, see his press conference, he is as [censored] off as the rest of us

The execution and skills on display today were appalling, what's the the answer, keep changing the team?

The players need to take responsibility,  they train the skills week in week out, they need to use it them consistently week in week out

Not sure which bit some on here don't get, you can't coach skill errors


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46 minutes ago, trout said:

I am starting to think we have done a Richmond circa Spuds time as coach and that is seriously over rate our own list and sell the farm thinking where closer to a flag than we are. We have so many issues it’s not funny, sadly the club thought injuries were the only problem last year if only that was the case. 

I’m in your camp trout. I thought it was injuries too but the game has moved on and we were caught with our pants down over investing in contested players and recruiting for our back line. Given we have no real draft picks, we need to look long and hard to trade back into relevance.

There will be some hard names to trade, but we have to get some existing kicking talent < 25 years into our team otherwise we will waste the next 5 years of this team. We have to secure the next Neale or Mitchell type trade if there is even one - Josh Kelly maybe?.. What do we need to give up? One Or two of Brayshaw, Harmes, Viney or Salem I’m afraid. they might not get you a first rounder to trade but you may get 2 picks under 20 for two of em.

What would a Jack Martin have done in this team ??? 

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1 minute ago, CYB said:

I’m in your camp trout. I thought it was injuries too but the game has moved on and we were caught with our pants down over investing in contested players and recruiting for our back line. Given we have no real draft picks, we need to look long and hard to trade back into relevance.

There will be some hard names to trade, but we have to get some existing kicking talent < 25 years into our team otherwise we will waste the next 5 years of this team. We have to secure the next Neale or Mitchell type trade if there is even one - Josh Kelly maybe?.. What do we need to give up? One Or two of Brayshaw, Harmes, Viney or Salem I’m afraid. they might not get you a first rounder to trade but you may get 2 picks under 20 for two of em.

What would a Jack Martin have done in this team ??? 

The player you describe sounds a lot like that guy Harley Bennell. If only we had him

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1 minute ago, daisycutter said:

no excuse for losing, but how is that the umpires can change the rules for holding the ball, not just this game but this round

all after clarkson complained tacklers aren't being rewarded

again the afl/umpires change the interpretation quietly mid season with no warning

i'm sick of the amateurish way of running the rules of the game 

Well the AFL did announce that they would reward the tackler if the ball carrier did not release the ball when tackled. He had to make a genuine attempt to release the ball and if he did that would be play on. So as usual on the first week of the new interpretation they got it wrong. The free against Petracca in front of goal was ludicrous! Then there were two similar frees for us that were just play on. But that is footy when you keep changing the interpretations. 

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1 hour ago, WERRIDEE said:

Another bad quarter cost us. We have them all 1st quarter v west coast 2nd quarter v Richmond 3rd quarter v geelong 4th quarter v carlton. This happens all the time under Goodwin he must go, he has no idea. Skill level shocking and we haven't got any injuries that's the scary thing about our best team still can't win a game. 17th what a joke.

May - Tried hard got plenty of the ball but was a bit loose on Lynch.

Salem - Tried hard our only classy player but still doesn't do enough.

Harmes - Hasn't found the form of last year.

Petracca - Fantastic start was our second best player.

Viney - Ordinary game skill level terrible.

Lever - Our worst recruit ever does nothing week in week out.

Brayshaw - Only plays well when we play well a front runner.

Gawn - Best ruckman on the ground he can't do everything though.

Oliver - The worst kick in the comp.

Hibberd - Our best really played well since his return.

Langdon - Not doing enough.

Melksham - Shouldn't be in the side.

Hannan - Done his job providing spark kicking 3.

Tomlinson - Not a wingman.

Vandenberg - Tried hard second half a lot better.

Rivers - Not up to it.

T.McDonald - Made Balta look like a star. He is finished as a footballer.

Hunt - Never play again useless.

Fritsch - Best game for the season tried really hard and kicked a couple.

Pickett - Out of his depth.

Lockhart - Was he out there?

Smith - I like him made a few mistakes but kept Riewoldt to 1 goal done his job. 

Lockhart did better than Smith. He was out there Did you watch the game?

 With J Smith you will get what you saw today..... Mistakes!  and does not take the game on. Has no idea, You don't need him to be just a stopper. He can't play that role well. 

On the mark when Reiwoldt kicked a goal. I think Smith was adjusting his sock when on the mark  and wasn't paying attention 

Ball smothered  by Townsend off  Smith's boot and the goal was kicked. I can go on. 

If J Smith isn't  dropped this week l promise I will not criticise him  again regardless.

However he will finally be dropped, Maybe for good l hope. NO FOOTBALL BRAIN.


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Just now, Leoncelli_36 said:

The player you describe sounds a lot like that guy Harley Bennell. If only we had him

I hope as much as anyone who goes for this side. But will he play again - probably. Will he play like he did at his best at tue Suns? I’m not willing to put my house on it.

it’s a long shot at best. We had the opportunity to convince Jack, but he has a smart manager who convinced to stay clear of the MFC train wreck. The wanting to play alongside Betts was just a cover story.

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4 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

Of course he demands excellence, see his press conference, he is as [censored] off as the rest of us

The execution and skills on display today were appalling, what's the the answer, keep changing the team?

The players need to take responsibility,  they train the skills week in week out, they need to use it them consistently week in week out

Not sure which bit some on here don't get, you can't coach skill errors


The trouble with demanding excellence is you will only have a very few lining up, Max, Tracc.......the rest are mortal and need coaching and guidance. 

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1 minute ago, nosoupforme said:

Lockhart did better than Smith. He was out there Did you watch the game?

 With J Smith you will get what you saw today..... Mistakes!  and does not take the game on. Has no idea, You don't need him to be just a stopper. He can't play that role well. 

On the mark when Reiwoldt kicked a goal. I think Smith was adjusting his sock when on the mark  and wasn't paying attention 

Ball smothered  by Townsend off  Smith's boot and the goal was kicked. I can go on. 

If J Smith isn't  dropped this week l promise I will not criticise him  again regardless.

However he will finally be dropped, Maybe for good l hope. NO FOOTBALL BRAIN.


[censored] I know you don't like him. Did you watch the game ? It was Lambert Townsend plays for Essendon and that was Oliver's fault. He's just a stopper what do you think O.Mac is? I hate O.Mac as much as you hate Smith but I would rather him in the side than that spud Lever. Lever is suppose to do something and never does he is a bust. Drop Lever before you drop Smith.

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17 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

Not sure which bit some on here don't get, you can't coach skill errors


This is a ludicrous statement.

The coach has a responsibility to teach his players the required elements to improve their skills in order to execute a game plan.

If the players don’t possess those skills, then the game plan will not work. 

Dont tell me the players are able to execute the required skills at training and simply can’t do it on game day. That’s BS. If they can’t do it under the pressure of a game, then they can’t do it, it’s that simple.

There is of course the real possibility we have brought in players with poor skills and that seems to be the case. But this is the clubs fault, overseen by the coach. 

While I agree Goodwin can’t kick or handball the ball for them, he is responsible for the implementation of a game plan that works and in turn teaching the players the required skills to be successful under the pressure of AFL football.


edit - I will add Saty, that I do agree the players do need to take some responsibility  here. I don’t COMPLETELY disagree with you.

Edited by Beetle
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1 hour ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

So shiited off with these shortened 3/4 length games.  Despite the melt down started by Oliver in the last 5 minutes, we were playing all over Richmond in the second half and almost looked like the 2018 edition MFC streaming through the centre of the ground.

I know some will say that we were playing an undermanned Tigers down their ruckman and only one on the bench, but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes and I recall the ANZAC game in 2017 when we lost Jake Spencer in the first 5 mins, had Jack Watts ruck the whole game and then were out on our feet in the last quarter, got over run an pipped at the post.

Despite a few woeful plays and players today, I feel like we are actually not that far off playing some decent footy when we move it through the middle and take the game on more.

While I agree - until we eradicate the idiotic turnovers and select the team who should be playing we are going nowhere.

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15 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

Of course he demands excellence, see his press conference, he is as [censored] off as the rest of us

The execution and skills on display today were appalling, what's the the answer, keep changing the team?

The players need to take responsibility,  they train the skills week in week out, they need to use it them consistently week in week out

Not sure which bit some on here don't get, you can't coach skill errors


Today wasn’t skill errors. It was gross stupidity. Kicking or hand passing directly to the opposition is not a skill error it’s just stupid.

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12 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

Of course he demands excellence, see his press conference, he is as [censored] off as the rest of us

The execution and skills on display today were appalling, what's the the answer, keep changing the team?

The players need to take responsibility,  they train the skills week in week out, they need to use it them consistently week in week out

Not sure which bit some on here don't get, you can't coach skill errors


Buck stops with the Coach. 
How else can it be. We play the same way week after week

Goodwin’s message is not getting through. 
Skill errors can and should be eradicated most of the time. We are not AFL standard at this stage

If you think we have to live with skill errors that were on display today, then i can’t help you. 

it is Goodwin’s problem. This is his team

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30 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

Of course he demands excellence, see his press conference, he is as [censored] off as the rest of us

The execution and skills on display today were appalling, what's the the answer, keep changing the team?

The players need to take responsibility,  they train the skills week in week out, they need to use it them consistently week in week out

Not sure which bit some on here don't get, you can't coach skill errors


You can't coach skill errors? What does that even mean?

What you can do is recruit players who will make skill error for their whole careers. And choose not to recruit barely a single elite kick in 8 years.

And then you can marry that decision with a game plan that, like any game plan, relies on players hitting targets inside 50 (or if bombing it in at least kicking it to a forwards advantage) and not making dozens of ridiculous turnovers every game (because of the decision to recruit players who will make skill error for their whole careers).

And then you can go to post match press conference and wearily answer the same question about connection going inside 40. And promise we will work on it.

Unlike you Saty i don't blame the players. If you don't have the skills, you don't have the skills. You might improve a bit (or like Salem and Oliver you might go backwards) but there is no magic fairy dust that is suddenly going to make a rubbish kick into a good one.

Again, both Roos and Goodwin are to blame for our list and our current problems as their recruiting strategy as been to weighted towards contest ball winners at the expense of skill. 



Edited by binman
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7 minutes ago, WERRIDEE said:

[censored] I know you don't like him. Did you watch the game ? It was Lambert Townsend plays for Essendon and that was Oliver's fault. He's just a stopper what do you think O.Mac is? I hate O.Mac as much as you hate Smith but I would rather him in the side than that spud Lever. Lever is suppose to do something and never does he is a bust. Drop Lever before you drop Smith.

Lever is a waste of money and a waste of oxygen.

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3 hours ago, Leoncelli_36 said:

Guys on the chopping block:







and Oliver.

We need to play Harmes in the middle, as evidenced in the last quarter. 

We must add a KPF next week. I am not sure Kozzie is ready. He will be a star and the chase down tackle was his highlight. He has not hit the scoreboard enough. 

we lack scoring power and I’d try Bennell as a forward, at the expense of hunt or Melksham 






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Just watched the presser. Interesting to hear Goodwin sound more open to the possibility of bringing in another fwd (noted change in stance from a week ago when he seemed adamant current setup would be persisted with.  He identified Brown in particular, then mentioned Wied form "improving". 

Also Harley Bennell confirmed as part of the hubbing squad.

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8 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

Buck stops with the Coach. 
How else can it be. We play the same way week after week

Goodwin’s message is not getting through. 
Skill errors can and should be eradicated most of the time. We are not AFL standard at this stage

If you think we have to live with skill errors that were on display today, then i can’t help you. 

it is Goodwin’s problem. This is his team

I can't believe Saty doesn't blame the coach he's the only one on earth who doesn't. As you said the buck stops with him time for him to pack his bags.

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23 minutes ago, nosoupforme said:

Lockhart did better than Smith. He was out there Did you watch the game?

 With J Smith you will get what you saw today..... Mistakes!  and does not take the game on. Has no idea, You don't need him to be just a stopper. He can't play that role well. 

On the mark when Reiwoldt kicked a goal. I think Smith was adjusting his sock when on the mark  and wasn't paying attention 

Ball smothered  by Townsend off  Smith's boot and the goal was kicked. I can go on. 

If J Smith isn't  dropped this week l promise I will not criticise him  again regardless.

However he will finally be dropped, Maybe for good l hope. NO FOOTBALL BRAIN.


You did note that Townsend opportunistic goal came off Smith’s smothered kick after he made position to receive a 7 meter handball from Oliver that should have gone straight to his midriff but instead dropped to his feet. He did well to scoopthe ball up in full stride but then it got smothered. Who do you blame? 

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3 hours ago, Darkhorse72 said:

wow what a collection of cluster****s!! 

At times the intensity was there.  But gee, those lack of intent to properly execute the basic skills of footy.  That shows a lack of real focus in the minds of the players irrespective of talent.  The club has the talent to compete, we have enough good players to make the 8.  But we have a broken culture and leadership off and on the field combined with a lack of focus on skills. 

The question is why and why hasn't it been fixed.

If I was Goody, it would be back to basic, hitting targets under pressure, learning where to place the ball for advantage (we rarely do that). Teaching forwards to read the bloody ball as our midfield do a fast break (I could only see what was on tv, but how can the opposition continually be alone marking in our 50 from a centre bounce clearance) if they aren't kicking to where you want, run to where they are kicking it, and work out a better defensive system as there are always so many free players running around for oppo to move the ball to a better position and taught to keep running hard and not jog to the next content and then try to accelerate for the few metres when they realise the ball was still there and gettable.

At times today we played great footy, intense with pressure but then there is that shocking howler of a skill or stupid decision. (Few been named already).  I saw many great individual efforts from different players.  But they can't seem to realise they need to maintain it for the entire match.   Even with extra time we would not have won with our errors.   As they kill our momentum. 

Melksem, smith should go. Pickett needs to find his touch in the 2nd's or be taught to play in more space at times to get the release handball as he builds his confidence.

End of the year, we need a purge of assistants, bring in some class to guide goody.  The talent is there but its not been trained to succeed.   


Holy [censored] darkhorse!  have you lost your mind?  Bring in some class to guide our coach?  WTF? [censored] me drunk!

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38 minutes ago, Rab D Nesbitt said:

Very good Earl. I think we'll be on in the back room next week as there will be an overlap with the Bombers v Roos game. Haven't been in since last season. 

What is wrong with you???????? #MFCSS

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7 minutes ago, WERRIDEE said:

I can't believe Saty doesn't blame the coach he's the only one on earth who doesn't. As you said the buck stops with him time for him to pack his bags.

Goodwin will live or die by his win/loss record in the end. 
It is up to him as head coach to get the best out of his players. 
i don’t care if they are mates or not

I hope the player and coach respect one another 

The same thing happened to Bailey. He was too nice, the players loved him

But they burnt him and nothing has changed

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7 minutes ago, Earl Hood said:

On a related note I intend to watch the replay to count the number of times Reiwolt blocked a Demon defender, usually Smith to let Lynch take a mark unopposed in the forward 50. I thought with 3 umpires they were cracking down on this stuff but not this week.  

This may appear to be a loser's sour grapes and no way excuses the disappointing performance on show this arvo. But the umpiring did appear to favour the victors. Petracca was crucified by the "infamous' no prior opportunity decision. The umpire told the player, there was no prior opportunity, but penalised him for not attempting to dispose of the ball, with no prior opportunity. A contradiction that defies logic. More goals is good for business.

Dustin Martin's arms are pinned to his body and he does not drop the ball to his boot. The ball in broad daylight, moves miraculously by divine intervention to his team mate who commences a scoring chain from half back. The disposal was not actioned according to the rules. Dusty's two handed rugby 'toss' was apparently kosher according to the officiating referee. Everybody's going to Sydney right?

Other overlooked rule breaches included late, prolonged tackles. Mitch Hannan releases a handball to be crash tackled to the turf. Next contest, Tom MacDonald is tackled with ball, turnover free is given. And the Hardwick 'Special', from his playing days under Sheedy. Contact with the opposition needs to be as physically punishing as gameday officials will allow or myopically ignore. Bailey Fritsch on the half-time siren. The lack of a team mate(s) remonstrating with the instigator was not a good look.

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39 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

Of course he demands excellence, see his press conference, he is as [censored] off as the rest of us

The execution and skills on display today were appalling, what's the the answer, keep changing the team?

The players need to take responsibility,  they train the skills week in week out, they need to use it them consistently week in week out

Not sure which bit some on here don't get, you can't coach skill errors


When are they going to take responsibility Saty?!?! When..... it’s been one swallow (2018) in 56 winters.

Oliver doesn’t do enough, Viney hasn’t learnt how to play modern footy, Tmac hasn’t learnt how to be a fwd, Mahoney has overseen a recruitment policy that has burnt picks for Lever and May etc etc etc etc etc. 

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