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Private security harassing supporters.

bush demon

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Couldn't believe the behaviour of security at Punt Rd end after last goal. Of course supporters are going to be emotional. There was no crowd trouble and absolutely no need for Mr. Microphone to bring down his flying squadron of body-builder mates to intimidate the unfortunate patron.

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53 minutes ago, bush demon said:

Couldn't believe the behaviour of security at Punt Rd end after last goal. Of course supporters are going to be emotional. There was no crowd trouble and absolutely no need for Mr. Microphone to bring down his flying squadron of body-builder mates to intimidate the unfortunate patron.

What happened?

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After Freo kicked the last goal security mived in quickly and one guy near the fence said into his mike that someone had made an abusive comment. Then about five of these private militia thinking the game was about them honed  in on the alleged orator in the cheersquad presumably to eject him from the ground or knock his teeth out i don't know which. Anyway, the sooner of these goons are ejected from  the football the better. One of the cheer squad can probably give more insight into what was said. Presumably the boys in yellow don't police every ground and game in this fashion.

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It looked a little heated down there after McCarthy's goal. A few behind the fence thought that no contact was made.

I would love to get the opinion of a Cheersquad member.

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My letter to the club this morning:


Our family attended the Fremantle game on Saturday, and I am writing about the role of private security post-match.  My daughter begged me to sit down near the fence both times we have been to the football this year so we sat three rows back right near the cheer squad. This gave us a real insight into what the AFL calls 'game day experience'.  One one hand it was great to sit near the cheer squad and for my daughter to hear the real passion for the game inspired by the chanting and barracking. Not so the role of private security, who after the drama and disappointment of the last goal decided that they would swarm this area post match and move in on patrons because they had allegedly heard some 'abuse' from the crowd. From our vantage point the cheer squad was in excellent spirits all day and the intrusion of a private 'flying squad' of bouncers was totally unwarranted. The club is often criticised in the media for lack of passion at games, I wonder what security would do if it was a Richmond, Essendon, or Hawthorn cheer squad member had allegedly berated the goal umpire.  There was no indication of racial or sexist abuse.

If the AFL, or the club, or its sub-contracted security want us to simply turn up and jog on the spot for some inane 'run like a demon' at quarter time, and act on any other of the various queues of the ground announcer, and allow members and patrons to be pushed around by glorified bouncers then I can't really see the point in bringing my family up from Gippsland - a 250k round trip, we could just watch the game from home.  I hope that the club liaises in this instance with the cheer squad and find out what, if any provocation there was that required a squad of private security to intimidate paying patrons in this way. If the alleged misbehaviour was trivial and no more than disappointed barracking at the goal umpire, I sincerely hope that the club makes its feelings known to the ground managers at the MCG and ensures that sub-contracted crowd controllers can not act in such an unrestrained fashion in the future.


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I sit in the cheer squad have so for many years. I can tell you that i had a clear view of the so called docker goal (Cough, Cough) by McCarthey his boot did not even touch the ball at all, and that is why me included was so *@%$~~ off because it was not a goal.

I have even watched it online and paused it and you can see his foot did not even touch it, but no one has said anything, that i know of ?The media are saying nothing about it at all, and i can tell you people in the cheer squad are fed up with the umpire"s to a point where yes you are going to fume.

As for the security they seem to go over board at stupid things they have been doing it for the last couple of years now, i didn't see what happened on Saturday it must have been on the other side to where we were sitting, but i do understand what your saying because it's happened in the past.

I would like to see some one from the club that you can contact in person to report such concerns at the time it has happened not days after the event.

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5 minutes ago, deebug said:

I sit in the cheer squad have so for many years. I can tell you that i had a clear view of the so called docker goal (Cough, Cough) by McCarthey his boot did not even touch the ball at all, and that is why me included was so *@%$~~ off because it was not a goal.

I have even watched it online and paused it and you can see his foot did not even touch it, but no one has said anything, that i know of ?The media are saying nothing about it at all, and i can tell you people in the cheer squad are fed up with the umpire"s to a point where yes you are going to fume.

As for the security they seem to go over board at stupid things they have been doing it for the last couple of years now, i didn't see what happened on Saturday it must have been on the other side to where we were sitting, but i do understand what your saying because it's happened in the past.

I would like to see some one from the club that you can contact in person to report such concerns at the time it has happened not days after the event.

Wow. Didn't realize it was a non goal. 

Marvellous. Just Great. No review??

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3 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

Wow. Didn't realize it was a non goal. 

Marvellous. Just Great. No review??

commentators claim that even if there isn't an umpire requested review, there is still a review done before next bounce, by which time they can notify umpire if different result. obviously in this case it would have to be a 100% certainty to overturn umpire decision

whether all this happened or not i have no clue

i was crook at the time that the umpire didn't call for a video review, especially given the state of the game and time left. i'm even more crook that it has not been a talking point in the media

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Yes that was the clear attitude of the cheer squad and you could really feel the snger behind the goals. Supporters have been entitled to express an opinion at the football since Tom Wills drew up the rules. It's not the role of these guys to try and intimidate.

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14 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

commentators claim that even if there isn't an umpire requested review, there is still a review done before next bounce, by which time they can notify umpire if different result. obviously in this case it would have to be a 100% certainty to overturn umpire decision

whether all this happened or not i have no clue

i was crook at the time that the umpire didn't call for a video review, especially given the state of the game and time left. i'm even more crook that it has not been a talking point in the media

Now that there are no videos uploaded onto youtube i have seen very little footy replays this year. 

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1) It was a clear goal and to say anything else is just farcical;

2) We had ample opportunities to win the game, we weren't good enough;

3) This thread is a total joke, security often liaise within all cheer squads at various times during games. If this somehow makes you feel uncomfortable, maybe you should look a sitting somewhere else. 

4) I suggest if you are so traumatised and aggrieved by this apparent blatant assault upon spectators at the football, you seek to launch a civil claim against Securecorp. After all, it just sounds so intolerably unconscionable, what you had to endure. 

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6 minutes ago, BLWNBA said:

1) It was a clear goal and to say anything else is just farcical;


maybe it was..... but from where i sat and seeing only one video angle it certainly seemed worthy of review and at least discussion

i'd just like to see the different video angles that ch7 have before i'm satisfied

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1 minute ago, daisycutter said:

maybe it was..... but from where i sat and seeing only one video angle it certainly seemed worthy of review and at least discussion

i'd just like to see the different video angles that ch7 have before i'm satisfied

Don't get me wrong, I totally agree with you. I was at the game and even my Freo supporter mate was unsure that it was a goal. But having seen the replay several times on Foxtel when I arrived home, it was genuinely a goal. I agree it should have potentially gone to a review, especially given the close nature, but far too many people are acting like that game was lost by a goal that should've been disallowed. That isn't the case.

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1 hour ago, bush demon said:

My letter to the club this morning:


Our family attended the Fremantle game on Saturday, and I am writing about the role of private security post-match.  My daughter begged me to sit down near the fence both times we have been to the football this year so we sat three rows back right near the cheer squad. This gave us a real insight into what the AFL calls 'game day experience'.  One one hand it was great to sit near the cheer squad and for my daughter to hear the real passion for the game inspired by the chanting and barracking. Not so the role of private security, who after the drama and disappointment of the last goal decided that they would swarm this area post match and move in on patrons because they had allegedly heard some 'abuse' from the crowd. From our vantage point the cheer squad was in excellent spirits all day and the intrusion of a private 'flying squad' of bouncers was totally unwarranted. The club is often criticised in the media for lack of passion at games, I wonder what security would do if it was a Richmond, Essendon, or Hawthorn cheer squad member had allegedly berated the goal umpire.  There was no indication of racial or sexist abuse.

If the AFL, or the club, or its sub-contracted security want us to simply turn up and jog on the spot for some inane 'run like a demon' at quarter time, and act on any other of the various queues of the ground announcer, and allow members and patrons to be pushed around by glorified bouncers then I can't really see the point in bringing my family up from Gippsland - a 250k round trip, we could just watch the game from home.  I hope that the club liaises in this instance with the cheer squad and find out what, if any provocation there was that required a squad of private security to intimidate paying patrons in this way. If the alleged misbehaviour was trivial and no more than disappointed barracking at the goal umpire, I sincerely hope that the club makes its feelings known to the ground managers at the MCG and ensures that sub-contracted crowd controllers can not act in such an unrestrained fashion in the future.


I'll give you the other side, I was on level 2 at Etihad for the Geelong game and near us there were 3 kitted out Melbourne 'supporters who were obviously worse for wear with drink

Their behaviour got progressively worse during the game, as drunks do they became more agressive to everybody, including other MFC suppoters who asked them to calm 'their passion'. Security also had a word with them

Eventually we had all had enough when they started to look that they were about to take their verbal assault of a Geeling supporter further and we got security to throw them out during the 3rd quarter

Security at footy games are on a hiding to nothing, act and they are accused of bullying, do nothing and a situation, particularly if fuelled by alcohol, can quickly escalate. There must have bee reasons for them to act at the G

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I liked the letter except you used the word queue where it should have been cue.

I particularly hate dance like a demon.

Security should steer clear of cheer squads as presumably they are not offending other paying patrons.The officials have to expect the crowd abuse- racism notwithstanding .

If they walked into the Richmond cheer squad there would likely be a brawl.

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3 hours ago, Satyriconhome said:

I'll give you the other side, I was on level 2 at Etihad for the Geelong game and near us there were 3 kitted out Melbourne 'supporters who were obviously worse for wear with drink

Their behaviour got progressively worse during the game, as drunks do they became more agressive to everybody, including other MFC suppoters who asked them to calm 'their passion'. Security also had a word with them

Eventually we had all had enough when they started to look that they were about to take their verbal assault of a Geeling supporter further and we got security to throw them out during the 3rd quarter

Security at footy games are on a hiding to nothing, act and they are accused of bullying, do nothing and a situation, particularly if fuelled by alcohol, can quickly escalate. There must have bee reasons for them to act at the G

FMD Saty, do you always have to toe the party line? Try thinking for yourself - it might be habit forming.

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Security have a tough job that, generally, they don't do especially well.

Very poor discernment of when to use a light touch and when to go heavy. Almost always in favour of heavy.

A favourite - they were ready to cart my mother off to an 'interview room', separated from her sons, because she made an error scanning her barcode coming through the gates at *Head stadium. Couple of overstuffed sausage rolls in uniform, and they were clearly shaping to actually physically grab her. Do y' think she was being loud or abusive?

Another favourite - a group of three Collingwood fans in the top level of the 'G, had clearly brought in their own alcohol (unless the MCC has endorsed sale of whole bottles of cheap bourbon), rapidly drunk, even faster began the most vile streams of abuse at the players, the umpires, and Demon supporter nearby. A father a few rows in front turned to ask if they could keep a lid on it for the sake of the kids, which got the all too predictable response of a torrent of personal abuse and later being used as a target for food scraps. D y' think security did anything? No, I guess it's just good that my then girlfriend, all 160cm of her, switched on her teacher-voice and gave them a solid lecture. It was a phenomenal effort, they got confused, subdued, and moved at the next quarter break. But had security been any use at any point? HA!


So, no Saty, I'm not going to go along with your 'authority figures should be assumed right' position. Not for a bunch of subcontracted, untrained, poorly instructed thugs doing a bit of sidework from beating up punters at Crown.









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32 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

FMD Saty, do you always have to toe the party line? Try thinking for yourself - it might be habit forming.

I wasn't toeing the party line, I was providing another example of what occurs at footy games,  to provide a counter view, those in the vicinity of our seats on Level 2 were glad of security to get rid of the rather obnoxious knobs who were spoiling the game for everybody else

Security, these days, only act when they have to, so assume they thought that there may be an escalation of behaviour, which does occur at footy, particularly with the amount of alcohol consumed, some seem not to be able to just sit and watch the game

I do find some of the rhetoric of Bush Demon to be over the top, 'squad' 'body builder mates' etc some of the security at the G couldn't kiss their way out of a wet paper bag

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4 minutes ago, Little Goffy said:

Security have a tough job that, generally, they don't do especially well.

Very poor discernment of when to use a light touch and when to go heavy. Almost always in favour of heavy.

A favourite - they were ready to cart my mother off to an 'interview room', separated from her sons, because she made an error scanning her barcode coming through the gates at *Head stadium. Couple of overstuffed sausage rolls in uniform, and they were clearly shaping to actually physically grab her. Do y' think she was being loud or abusive?

Another favourite - a group of three Collingwood fans in the top level of the 'G, had clearly brought in their own alcohol (unless the MCC has endorsed sale of whole bottles of cheap bourbon), rapidly drunk, even faster began the most vile streams of abuse at the players, the umpires, and Demon supporter nearby. A father a few rows in front turned to ask if they could keep a lid on it for the sake of the kids, which got the all too predictable response of a torrent of personal abuse and later being used as a target for food scraps. D y' think security did anything? No, I guess it's just good that my then girlfriend, all 160cm of her, switched on her teacher-voice and gave them a solid lecture. It was a phenomenal effort, they got confused, subdued, and moved at the next quarter break. But had security been any use at any point? HA!


So, no Saty, I'm not going to go along with your 'authority figures should be assumed right' position. Not for a bunch of subcontracted, untrained, poorly instructed thugs doing a bit of sidework from beating up punters at Crown.









I didn't say authority figures, it's just these days, especially at public events, security are on a hiding to nothing, all of us are going to be able to provide good and bad examples

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