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Clayton Oliver caught drink driving


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2 minutes ago, bjDee said:

Agree about the judgement vs what it was like 'in our day'.  I got away with some very risky stuff, but in hindsight it was just an unseen car / pedestrian away from disaster.

What is really the yardstick is the norm for today, not a generation ago.  My sons and daughters (now 21 - 26 yo) just don't drive if they have had a drink, or they plan ahead to get a lift if they are going to drink.  It has become the societal standard of those who accept the societal rules.

I don't want the book thrown at Clarrie.  But however it happens, I want the lesson to be learned - and for that lesson to affect his future behaviour.  For his sake, and those he could affect.

I trust the club to make the right call and to achieve the right result.

Certainly times have changed and for the better. And this might be a bit unfair of a judgement but the country might still be a little bit behind. There's greater distance, less public transport, towns still revolve around the pub. It's not any more excusable but it could be more explainable if Clarry was back in the bush.

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9 minutes ago, Ron Burgundy said:

He's still a kid. And he strikes me as a 'wear one's heart on sleeve type'.

I reckon he absolutely loves the club and he yearns the respect from all other players on the list especially the more senior ones. He's not a Tom Scully robotic type - and I like him for that.

He'll learn from this. He'll be determined to make it up to the player group next year. 


Apart from anything else, I can't agree with all the "he's just a kid" sentiment on here.

If anything that's all the more reason to lay down the law so he understands he can't play AFL football and carry on like his mates. He has to grow up. Make smart choices. His mates will still like him, he doesn't have to drink and be a fool.

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1 hour ago, beelzebub said:

The punishment , for want of it , should not be footy orientated. He made a personal life faux pas.  Let him visit a hospital, let himtalk to a family bereaved. Let him understand and grow.

Yes, possibly in the great scheme of things it seems marginal but it points to a poor decision. He needs to understand that and change. Thats all

Go Dees

Agree. A poor decision that needs to be handled firmly but carefully so that he learns from the experience and doesn't happen again. A visit to a hospital rehab facility and a chat with a family who have lost someone will open his eyes. Fortunately this time no one was hurt.

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1 hour ago, beelzebub said:

The punishment , for want of it , should not be footy orientated. He made a personal life faux pas.  Let him visit a hospital, let himtalk to a family bereaved. Let him understand and grow.

Yes, possibly in the great scheme of things it seems marginal but it points to a poor decision. He needs to understand that and change. Thats all

Go Dees

that sounds reasonable, bub. as it is he will face a decent fine, he will have his license suspended which will be a big inconvenience (esp visiting family/friends in country), he'll probably have to use an interlock for some time when he gets his license back, which i'm told is quite inconvenient and costly. on top of that he has the public humiliation via the media. if he is a decent bloke he would be feeling quite chastised and remorseful. prolonging his discomfort with match suspension many months away seems a bit unfair. your idea of immediate reinforcement/remedial activities seems more apt.  

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The mfc statement says: “We are confident that, with the program we will put in place, that he will not only learn from this incident, but also play a role in ensuring other young people do not make the same mistake.”

This suggest a rehab/community work program as a 'penalty'.  Unless he had a high reading or has had behaviour warnings form the club/leadership group in the past, I suspect that is the last we hear of it.

Releasing the statement on the day the AFL announced the Brownlow/Whitfield decisions was a premeditated, clever piece of work by Mahoney and co.  A really good way to keep any media pressure off Oliver.  If there is to be another mfc release, the morning after draft the would be a good choice!


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9 hours ago, Ted Fidge said:

Anyone who puts mayo on chips ...

Spent much time in Belgium? It's the national dish. And deservedly so. Many's the night I've stood in a queue in the freezing cold for "frites mayo".

Goes very well with a Belgian beer (just to pull the post back on topic, cough cough ...)

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9 hours ago, picket fence said:


Whilst acknowledging that rules are put into place for a reason, there is no evidence to suggest he was out of control  AND or negligent?


I am not suggesting that this is a hanging offense but are you suggesting that getting behind the wheel over the prescribed limit is not negligent ?

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Like Jones has taken Brayshaw under his wing, I would like the club to set Clayton up with a personal mentor. Either Lewis who has show professionalism and elite standards throughout his career or Bernie who has demonstrated how you can mix being a lad with being an elite footballer 

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10 hours ago, Dr evil said:

While i think Oliver is very talented and will be a very good player for us 

RIGHT NOW Parish is ahead of Oliver, he's a very well rounded player, wins his own ball, uses it well and held his own in a very good team, if he was OOC 18 clubs would be keen, not the same with Oliver. 

but that's not the arguement here, what Oliver did let himself, his family and the club down and i'm sure he'll cop some sort of punishment, maybe miss the start of the season, and move on to hopefully a goood decade at the DEES

Dr Evil, have you seen the ladder for 2015? The team that came last appears to be a very good team in your mind. The truth is he looked good in the worst side in the competition.


Edit:- Yes I know they beat us.

Edited by ManDee
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34 minutes ago, ManDee said:

Dr Evil, have you seen the ladder for 2015? The team that came last appears to be a very good team in your mind. The truth is he looked good in the worst side in the competition.

I think that was a typo on Dr Evil's part. Parish was a standout in a terrible team. Not a matchwinner but he acquainted himself to AFL immediately and has noticeably better stamina than Oliver (probably because he's been groomed in the system for years). Oliver, has more flashes of brilliance but is much less consistent and will remain so until he gets fair dinkum about his fitness.

IMO It's irrelevant if this happened the morning after a big night. If you're planning to have a big night, DO NOT take your car with you - make alternative arrangements to get home.

I liked the idea suggesting a suspended punishment where, pending his dedication throughout the rest of preseason, he could nullify or reduce any match suspensions. Puts the onus back on him to make amends and win back his teammates trust.

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2 hours ago, bing181 said:

Spent much time in Belgium? It's the national dish. And deservedly so. Many's the night I've stood in a queue in the freezing cold for "frites mayo".

Goes very well with a Belgian beer (just to pull the post back on topic, cough cough ...)

No. Holland.


You poor fool.



Those monks invented beer specifically because mayo on fries is an abomination in the eyes of god.

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14 minutes ago, SaberFang said:

I think that was a typo on Dr Evil's part. Parish was a standout in a terrible team. Not a matchwinner but he acquainted himself to AFL immediately and has noticeably better stamina than Oliver (probably because he's been groomed in the system for years). Oliver, has more flashes of brilliance but is much less consistent and will remain so until he gets fair dinkum about his fitness.

IMO It's irrelevant if this happened the morning after a big night. If you're planning to have a big night, DO NOT take your car with you - make alternative arrangements to get home.

I liked the idea suggesting a suspended punishment where, pending his dedication throughout the rest of preseason, he could nullify or reduce any match suspensions. Puts the onus back on him to make amends and win back his teammates trust.

Very generous Mr Fang, but I cannot see how that could be a typo. " held his own in a very good team," No Mr Fang that was no typo that was a brain fade.

I do like the idea of a suspended sentence.


Edit:- A few days ago people were receiving warnings for derailing threads, be careful you mayo fanciers, mind you it does remind me of the colour of Olivers skin.

Edited by ManDee
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2 hours ago, bing181 said:

Spent much time in Belgium? It's the national dish. And deservedly so. Many's the night I've stood in a queue in the freezing cold for "frites mayo".

Goes very well with a Belgian beer (just to pull the post back on topic, cough cough ...)

And stoofvlees

Edit: yea right and Ollie will be held up by the Roosian cultural standards now in place. Not concerned. Thread also on track.

Edited by AmDamDemon
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Something very similar happened to me when I was about 19.

I went to a mate's place for a party, had a big night. I stayed over and didn't leave his house until 3 PM the next day, to make sure all the alcohol was out of my system. My last drink was at about 1 AM, so 14 hours without a drink. 

I was pulled up by a cop on the way home. He gave me the bretho. He looked at the bretho, looked at me, back at the bretho, just smiled and said "on your way mate".

I assume I had blown something minuscule, but the time of day I was driving indicated to the cop that I had been responsible in waiting to drive home.

Technically he could have booked me, as anything over 0.00 is a violation for P plates, but he chose not to.

Unless I completely misread the situation, but the smile he flashed was suggestive.

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6 minutes ago, Choke said:

I was pulled up by a cop on the way home.

Unless I completely misread the situation, but the smile he flashed was suggestive.

I read about a very similar thing in an old magazine called "Forum".

Only it was a lady cop.

And the guy in the story did indeed get off.

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And we are back to regularly scheduled programming with the old 'weren't you a teenager once?' and 'boys will be boys' line...

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't that get bandied about when:

1) Terlich and Georgiou turned up at Mad Monday dressed as Rolf Harris and a young girl?

2) Chip, Howey and Riv got kicked out of the G for making a beer snake and then getting into an altercation with other fans?

3) Tracc breaking his toe playing basketball in his back yard and trying to dunk on a ring erected against a shed?

4) Colin Sylvia's numerous mishaps? (He just needs another preseason don't forget!)

5) Beamer's weekly drinking adventures?

The funny thing is that when item 1 and 3 made their way into the papers, Roosy took the exact OPPOSITE tact to the excuse makers on here and came down on them like a tonne of bricks. Terlich and Georgiou never got another game for Melbourne and Tracc was held back as long as possible to make his debut. The main players in items 4& 5 were treated like free range chickens for too long. When they did have someone who told them to pull their heads in (albeit one who went overboard), they cracked the absolute sads and their sulking caused a net negative for the club.

Clarry needs to be given a decent suspension (4 weeks). Get him with a mentor and make sure this ends now.

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1 hour ago, Colin B. Flaubert said:

And we are back to regularly scheduled programming with the old 'weren't you a teenager once?' and 'boys will be boys' line...

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't that get bandied about when:

1) Terlich and Georgiou turned up at Mad Monday dressed as Rolf Harris and a young girl?

2) Chip, Howey and Riv got kicked out of the G for making a beer snake and then getting into an altercation with other fans?

3) Tracc breaking his toe playing basketball in his back yard and trying to dunk on a ring erected against a shed?

4) Colin Sylvia's numerous mishaps? (He just needs another preseason don't forget!)

5) Beamer's weekly drinking adventures?

The funny thing is that when item 1 and 3 made their way into the papers, Roosy took the exact OPPOSITE tact to the excuse makers on here and came down on them like a tonne of bricks. Terlich and Georgiou never got another game for Melbourne and Tracc was held back as long as possible to make his debut. The main players in items 4& 5 were treated like free range chickens for too long. When they did have someone who told them to pull their heads in (albeit one who went overboard), they cracked the absolute sads and their sulking caused a net negative for the club.

Clarry needs to be given a decent suspension (4 weeks). Get him with a mentor and make sure this ends now.

Agree with this but think it's a bit harsh to group Trac in with these.

In the past we've let too much slide. It doesn't do the club or ultimately the player any good in the long run.

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2 hours ago, Choke said:

Something very similar happened to me when I was about 19.

I went to a mate's place for a party, had a big night. I stayed over and didn't leave his house until 3 PM the next day, to make sure all the alcohol was out of my system. My last drink was at about 1 AM, so 14 hours without a drink. 

I was pulled up by a cop on the way home. He gave me the bretho. He looked at the bretho, looked at me, back at the bretho, just smiled and said "on your way mate".

I assume I had blown something minuscule, but the time of day I was driving indicated to the cop that I had been responsible in waiting to drive home.

Technically he could have booked me, as anything over 0.00 is a violation for P plates, but he chose not to.

Unless I completely misread the situation, but the smile he flashed was suggestive.

You completely misread the situation. You blew 0.00 but the suggestive smile was because you are a devilishly handsome brute.....

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33 minutes ago, TeamPlayedFine39 said:

Agree with this but think it's a bit harsh to group Trac in with these.

In the past we've let too much slide. It doesn't do the club or ultimately the player any good in the long run.

Fair point. What Tracc did was a bit undisciplined and not in the realms of being anti social like the other incidents.
I think my bigger point was that the club moved swiftly and decisively to let expectations be known and no compromise was given. 

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I don't know the full extent of Oliver's situation so the comments below are more of a general commentary 

It comes down to the age old argument on Demonland whether or not AFL footballers have "role models" as part of their job descriptions.

Whether AFL footballers like it or not a multitude of youngsters ( and not so youngsters) look up to them and want to emulate them. AFL footballers are on the big stage but not only on the filed  -  prime time television, radio stations and back pages of newspaper. In turn they are compensated handsomely for not only their football prowess but for everything else that comes with being a professional AFL footballer. I say this to any footballer who doesn't like the spotlight, social dictates and close restraints that go with their chosen AFL career - if you don't want to be a "role model" go play in a suburban league where none of this matters - you will only face the judgement of the law and your mates. 

I believe for any AFL footballers' social or legal indiscretion there should be some form of fitting punishment ( we can argue over exactly what that is) 

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4 hours ago, ManDee said:

Dr Evil, have you seen the ladder for 2015? The team that came last appears to be a very good team in your mind. The truth is he looked good in the worst side in the competition.


Edit:- Yes I know they beat us.

It was a typo... i meant in a very poor team. 

even Jack viney didn't have the same impact Parish did in his first year of the Dees, and we were of a similar quality to what the Bombers were this year.

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