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Ok, so this is what I'm hoping will be the case for it to potentially work for us if it's a 4 club multi trade and Mahoney to keep his word re: Kennedy being seperate and still allowing us to work with Gold Coast.

Firstly let's say the Treloar deal is Collingwood's Pick 7 & 2016 1st Rounder to GWS for Treloar & Pick 27.

Then the Aish deal is Oxley & Pick 26 to Brisbane for Aish and a late Pick.

Melbourne trade out Howe, Toumpas & Pick 46

Collingwood trade out Seedsman, Pick 27 (from GWS) & Pick 47

Port Adelaide trade out Pick 29 & 50

Adelaide trade out Picks 28 & 52.

Melbourne gain Picks 27, 28 & 29

Collingwood gain Howe, Pick 50 & 52

Port Adelaide gain Toumpas & Pick 47

Adelaide gain Seedsman & Pick 46

Melbourne can then:

Trade Picks 27, 28 & 29 (2033 points) to GWS for Pick 8 & 41-They're likely to get from Carlton (1963)

Trade Picks 6 & 8 (3302) to Gold Coast for Picks 3 & 16 (3301)

Trade Pick 41 to the Filth for Kennedy

Trade Grimes & Pick 64 to GWS for Bugg & Pick 70

Go to the draft with Pick 3 (Parish/Curnow/Francis), Pick 16 (Bonner), 70 (Vandenberg Promotion), 82 (Harmes promotion)

Pick up a couple of De-listed free agents, two rookies and away we go.

Like your thinking but Getting 3 2nd round picks out of Toumpas, Howe and 45 would be a dream.

Dont know if i would rather 3 and 16 or 6 and 8

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Cannot believe all the disharmony amongst the supporters on here. Melbourne has a clear plan and they keep reiterating it, trying to bring in players that have been developed and been in the system for a few years now.

Yes it would be great to land these Big fish or A graders and I can guarantee we are trying to lure one but unfortunately we are just not quite there yet, give it another year of the draft and natural improvement amongst our list and we will be a destination club.

There is no quick fix here we have tried that (moneyball) and it just doesn't work. I'm very optimistic about the clubs strategy and as hard as it is to say we just need to be patient.

If we can land 2 top 10 picks that will be enormous and I believe that's along the lines of what the club is trying to achieve.

I agree with you in general, and I am also one of the few trying to shine a little positivity around here at the moment BUT I can't help thinking when I read your comment about this:

In 2009 we finished dead last. At the best and fairest, Brent Moloney (who finished 2nd) made a speech in which he said words to the effect of 'we are on a path that we will not deviate from, if you want to go play for Carlton (refrencing Brock McLean) then good luck to you (read: F you). After that we appeared to be on the rise before it all crashed horribly. Historically badly, in fact.

My devil's advocate point is that we have all been here before, being asked to believe that we'll get better, and when we get better we will be the ones landing the big fish.. but it never happens. We say it every year, but my word is it is a big season coming up. We NEED to keep improving and be pressing the 8 at least, to give us the leverage to snag somebody big a year from now then in 2017 we can really do some damage. Just re-reading what I just wrote is depressing.

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We theoretically only need to land two second rounders to be able to upgrade to Pick 8 (Pick 7 will be used to get another academy player so don't need to pay the extra points).

If we trade Howe to the filth for 24 (pick they receive from the saints for Freeman) and pick 26 (their second rounder) then we will have amassed a total of 1514 points.

If we then package this up with our Pick 64 (4th rounder equal to 101 points) then we get a grand total of 1615 points which is more than the 1551 points needed for Pick 8.

This would leave our third rounder to net Bugg (only worth that), but it means we would struggle to get Kennedy (who we're obviously keen on), that could be brought about by a separate trade where we gain a late second rounder/early third rounder i.e. Toump to satisfy the filth.

Josh Mahoney you can sign here __________. :)

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I understand where your coming from, but we have changed leadership about 3 times since then and it's hard not to deviate when there is no continuity in the place.

For the first time in a long time I'm genuinely excited by our youngsters and we no longer will overpay players to retain them, you either want to be here for the journey or you don't. ta ta JH

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Ok, so this is what I'm hoping will be the case for it to potentially work for us if it's a 4 club multi trade and Mahoney to keep his word re: Kennedy being seperate and still allowing us to work with Gold Coast.

Firstly let's say the Treloar deal is Collingwood's Pick 7 & 2016 1st Rounder to GWS for Treloar & Pick 27.

Then the Aish deal is Oxley & Pick 26 to Brisbane for Aish and a late Pick.

Melbourne trade out Howe, Toumpas & Pick 46

Collingwood trade out Seedsman, Pick 27 (from GWS) & Pick 47

Port Adelaide trade out Pick 29 & 50

Adelaide trade out Picks 28 & 52.

Melbourne gain Picks 27, 28 & 29

Collingwood gain Howe, Pick 50 & 52

Port Adelaide gain Toumpas & Pick 47

Adelaide gain Seedsman & Pick 46

Melbourne can then:

Trade Picks 27, 28 & 29 (2033 points) to GWS for Pick 8 & 41-They're likely to get from Carlton (1963)

Trade Picks 6 & 8 (3302) to Gold Coast for Picks 3 & 16 (3301)

Trade Pick 41 to the Filth for Kennedy

Trade Grimes & Pick 64 to GWS for Bugg & Pick 70

Go to the draft with Pick 3 (Parish/Curnow/Francis), Pick 16 (Bonner), 70 (Vandenberg Promotion), 82 (Harmes promotion)

Pick up a couple of De-listed free agents, two rookies and away we go.

Can you please email this to the club?

Many thanks,

Melbourne supporters.

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I'm not saying he isn't worth a late first rounder on his own, it's just that we face a battle to be able to get one.

Surely we should, now that C'Wood are getting him, be looking to prise their pick 7 from them. If we hold 6+7 that can make something big happen. Now, clearly 7 for Howe is fanciful - so in order to make it happen we need to either a) sweeten it for C'Wood with the use of another pick/player (unfortunately we only have pick43 to play with due to the Melksham trade) OR b) it needs to be a trade that involves a 3rd party. That HAS to be our goal at this point. THEN the question is, what do we do with 6+7? Just because it's not on the radar at the moment, doesn't mean it can't just spring out of nowhere like the trades that got us Vince, Tyson and Clark. I refuse to give up just yet that they aren't brewing something special in the caulron.

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You don't go into a trade looking to break even. We're after a profit here. GC have offered a really good deal for him. We need to get at least as good a deal from Collingwood. We have a golden opportunity here to get back some of the credit we lost in the Dawes and Lamumba trades where we paid Collingwood far too much for players they didn't want anyway. This time we have a player we would be happy to keep, who is an automatic selection in our first side, and people are talking about letting him go for LESS than we paid for either Dawes or Lamumba in a very weak draft year. This is the best opportunity we will see this year to get a decent return on a trade. We need to capitalise on it.

Not having a go, but I must point out that any discussion into what happened with Dawes and Lumumba has zero relevance to what is happening now with Howe and Kennedy. Zero relenace is actually overstating it, it is of negative one relevance.

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Ok, so this is what I'm hoping will be the case for it to potentially work for us if it's a 4 club multi trade and Mahoney to keep his word re: Kennedy being seperate and still allowing us to work with Gold Coast.

Firstly let's say the Treloar deal is Collingwood's Pick 7 & 2016 1st Rounder to GWS for Treloar & Pick 27.

Then the Aish deal is Oxley & Pick 26 to Brisbane for Aish and a late Pick.

Melbourne trade out Howe, Toumpas & Pick 46

Collingwood trade out Seedsman, Pick 27 (from GWS) & Pick 47

Port Adelaide trade out Pick 29 & 50

Adelaide trade out Picks 28 & 52.

Melbourne gain Picks 27, 28 & 29

Collingwood gain Howe, Pick 50 & 52

Port Adelaide gain Toumpas & Pick 47

Adelaide gain Seedsman & Pick 46

Melbourne can then:

Trade Picks 27, 28 & 29 (2033 points) to GWS for Pick 8 & 41-They're likely to get from Carlton (1963)

Trade Picks 6 & 8 (3302) to Gold Coast for Picks 3 & 16 (3301)

Trade Pick 41 to the Filth for Kennedy

Trade Grimes & Pick 64 to Richmond who trade Pick 31 to GWS for Bugg & Pick 66 to us

Go to the draft with Pick 3 (Parish/Curnow/Francis), Pick 16 (Bonner), 66 (Vandenberg Promotion), 82 (Harmes promotion)

Pick up a couple of De-listed free agents, two rookies and away we go.

Edit: Added Richmond to Grimes trade as they were linked at the start of the week.

Appreciate the work but wtf. You have listed about 20 outcomes that need to come together. Hundred to 1.

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Not having a go, but I must point out that any discussion into what happened with Dawes and Lumumba has zero relevance to what is happening now with Howe and Kennedy. Zero relenace is actually overstating it, it is of negative one relevance.

Fair comment. I include them basically to point out that we've come out behind the last two times we've traded with the Pies and now have a chance to screw them if we can, but you're quite right that it shouldn't be a consideration for this trade period.

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Appreciate the work but wtf. You have listed about 20 outcomes that need to come together. Hundred to 1.

Haha, I see what you mean,

However take out the Aish & Treloar deals that aren't actually apart of it, I've just refrenced. It;s only actually 5 trades. Still is a bit though.

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Ok, so this is what I'm hoping will be the case for it to potentially work for us if it's a 4 club multi trade and Mahoney to keep his word re: Kennedy being seperate and still allowing us to work with Gold Coast.

Firstly let's say the Treloar deal is Collingwood's Pick 7 & 2016 1st Rounder to GWS for Treloar & Pick 27.

Then the Aish deal is Oxley & Pick 26 to Brisbane for Aish and a late Pick.

Melbourne trade out Howe, Toumpas & Pick 46

Collingwood trade out Seedsman, Pick 27 (from GWS) & Pick 47

Port Adelaide trade out Pick 29 & 50

Adelaide trade out Picks 28 & 52.

Melbourne gain Picks 27, 28 & 29

Collingwood gain Howe, Pick 50 & 52

Port Adelaide gain Toumpas & Pick 47

Adelaide gain Seedsman & Pick 46

Melbourne can then:

Trade Picks 27, 28 & 29 (2033 points) to GWS for Pick 8 & 41-They're likely to get from Carlton (1963)

Trade Picks 6 & 8 (3302) to Gold Coast for Picks 3 & 16 (3301)

Trade Pick 41 to the Filth for Kennedy

Trade Grimes & Pick 64 to Richmond who trade Pick 31 to GWS for Bugg & Pick 66 to us

Go to the draft with Pick 3 (Parish/Curnow/Francis), Pick 16 (Bonner), 66 (Vandenberg Promotion), 82 (Harmes promotion)

Pick up a couple of De-listed free agents, two rookies and away we go.

Edit: Added Richmond to Grimes trade as they were linked at the start of the week.

Absolutely love this!

Only change I'd make would be staying with pick 6 & 8 and drafting Wayne Milera and Sam Weideman (assuming parish curnow and francis go 3,4,5)

Gives us Bugg, Kennedy and Melksham as solid depth (hopefully more if they all improve), a buddy for Hogan in Weideman and a mid/flanker with some polish in Milera

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AngryAtCasey started trade week naming various delisted spuds, but he/she has blossomed in front of our very eyes.

Yes, with intricate draft and trading proposals tha contain multiple points of failure and rely, at every point, for other clubs to be available with the picks we want to simply acquiesce.

This isn't a video game. It's a bunch of reps trying to a multitude of things, but in the main, they are looking out for just one club - it is hard to do a litany of things in trade week.

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Ok, so this is what I'm hoping will be the case for it to potentially work for us if it's a 4 club multi trade and Mahoney to keep his word re: Kennedy being seperate and still allowing us to work with Gold Coast.

.... Edit: Added Richmond to Grimes trade as they were linked at the start of the week.

Send it to the club/Viney/Mahoney.

Who knows ...

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Yes, with intricate draft and trading proposals tha contain multiple points of failure and rely, at every point, for other clubs to be available with the picks we want to simply acquiesce.

This isn't a video game. It's a bunch of reps trying to a multitude of things, but in the main, they are looking out for just one club - it is hard to do a litany of things in trade week.

Let people have some fun for heavens sake. We need it.
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