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The Priority Pick is dead! Long live the financial assistance package!


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For all the ranting & raving on here, does anyone really think 1 priority pick was going to suddenly make us a super team. Sure it would have helped, but the only thing that will drag us off the bottom are guts & determination & intelligent drafting.

Mr Roos it's now up to you, the AFL has put its faith in you & your credibility is now on the line.

Exactly you'd think people would learn from past mistakes. Yes a PP may have given us an opportunity to get better in a slightly quicker timeframe but it doesn't guarantee anything. Who is to say that we wouldn't have used that pick on another Watts or Trengove or Sylvia or Blease? Getting the development, coaching and recruiting right is far more important than one extra draft pick.

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Picks 1 and 2 in 2014 draft. Lock it in. What type of talent is in this draft.

If we are last at the end of next year then we are Fk'd.

People get too caught up in high picks, there is quality kids out there, we just have to find them.

Cut Tapscott and co and go find some country kids.

Draft picks don't mean sh*t, we are a good example of this, we need to create our own culture.

We live in the era of the 'entitlement generation' and the MFC has been a good example of this, we need to change this.

We will be better in the long term without a PP, stop relying on the AFL and stand alone.

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16 votes total in the Brownlow. Is that a record? Less than GWS who have draft assistance, bloated salary caps and exclusive zones, extra player numbers still in operation but that is OK. They apparently need all the help they can get whereas for us it is zip! We have a huge vain of young talent just waiting to be unleashed on the comp next year according to AD's submission today.

By AD's logic all extra assistance to GWS and the Suns should cease now. Both teams have passed us and they do have immense pools of talent ready to show their stuff! But curiously the other 16 teams who are not GWS or the Suns are not livid or violently opposed to yet further assistance. Only according to the Hun if assistance involves us!

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People are allowed to react Pman and BH.

And Jackson's reaction is the exact reaction I would have expected, or that I would have given.

There is nowhere to appeal, nothing sinister to claim, just bad decisions that won't help us get better, quicker.

Of course, we move on, there are coaching appointments to criticize - but it is naive to think that Roos will deliver us from our malaise so quickly. We are going to be terrible again next year.

True. And they can complain for good reason.

My view is that stuffing up continuously shouldn't preclude us from further help. The Commission's decision is arbitrary and nowhere does it say in any rules or past by-laws that those who continue to fail through ineptness shall be hindered in their efforts for support.

On a more practical note I love the philosophy of Ross Lyon. Now I accept this may sound trite, especially considering their enviable position come this Saturday, but when asked whether he was annoyed that he only had one player that made AA his response was "now they know they need to do get better". Was his tongue firmly planted in his cheek ? Of course, but it's the type of attitude I love and this club needs to adopt. I'm sure it will under Roos.

Edited by Ben-Hur
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The situation i want to know now is will the club accept the decision and start working bloody hard or will we hear excuses?

It is one draft pick.

Get over it.

Tanking and high draft picks put this club where it is.

We must walk away and fight with what we have.


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The situation i want to know now is will the club accept the decision and start working bloody hard or will we hear excuses?

It is one draft pick.

Get over it.

Tanking and high draft picks put this club where it is.

We must walk away and fight with what we have.


Unfortunately, some on here are still stuck in Cameron Schwab's mind lock that says you must have pick 1 or 2 or you shouldn't bother picking at all. Haven't we learnt yet?

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Unfortunately, some on here are still stuck in Cameron Schwab's mind lock that says you must have pick 1 or 2 or you shouldn't bother picking at all. Haven't we learnt yet?

Yes it is rather sad isn't it CBF.

I honestly expected better.

We have had massive assistance this year.

The right sort that will build a club.

Fcuk charity i am over it.

Time for hard work and innovation.

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If we had asked for one at the end of 2012 they would have said no because we had a list that was capable of improving quickly; we all know how that turned out don't we.

It didn't turn out very well, is that what you're getting at?

To save you time in replying I think a few have missed the vibe of my post. I think their decision stank and lacked balls. Perhaps this was not evident so I'll spell it out.

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We put too much emphasis on picks... Would the club be better off whinging about picks or scouring the country for a hidden gem.

Accept the decision, move on and channel all our energy into unearthing the next James Hird, etc.

Just because we didn't get gifted pick 1, that does not mean we cannot pick up a player equally as good.

Our chances are less, but they increase if we have the right blokes in place and take the right player.

Whilst people are whinging about us receiving no votes in the brownlow, they need not look past Tom Rockcliffs effort while they are at it.

If I recall, Tom was a rookie pick? And he is near better than anyone in that draft year - at least top 3.

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We put too much emphasis on picks... Would the club be better off whinging about picks or scouring the country for a hidden gem.

Accept the decision, move on and channel all our energy into unearthing the next James Hird, etc.

Just because we didn't get gifted pick 1, that does not mean we cannot pick up a player equally as good.

Our chances are less, but they increase if we have the right blokes in place and take the right player.

Whilst people are whinging about us receiving no votes in the brownlow, they need not look past Tom Rockcliffs effort while they are at it.

If I recall, Tom was a rookie pick? And he is near better than anyone in that draft year - at least top 3.

It's not about that. The pick isn't something I care about one way or the other. The bit where we get [censored] on by everyone that can unzip their fly - no matter how they've gone cap in hand to the AFL. and in some cases won flags because of it - burns me to no end.

I fully expect that the MFC vote no or lobby no on every and each thing that any other club asks for over and above the norm. Fk them. Fk the AFL too. Hopefully I see the day that we are a power and we can [censored] all over every struggling club.

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It is what it is, we now just move on with who we have and who we'll pick up.......

The biggest issue we have always had is developing the great picks we have into the great players we need them to be.

This coach has a well-earned reputation of doing exactly that, so lets hope he brings our kids up properly.

As for the pick, the likelihood was always pretty low, although if our crappiness isn't enough then heaven knows what will be.

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16 votes total in the Brownlow. Is that a record? Less than GWS who have draft assistance, bloated salary caps and exclusive zones, extra player numbers still in operation but that is OK. They apparently need all the help they can get whereas for us it is zip! We have a huge vain of young talent just waiting to be unleashed on the comp next year according to AD's submission today.

By AD's logic all extra assistance to GWS and the Suns should cease now. Both teams have passed us and they do have immense pools of talent ready to show their stuff! But curiously the other 16 teams who are not GWS or the Suns are not livid or violently opposed to yet further assistance. Only according to the Hun if assistance involves us!

16 Browlow votes is the lowest recorded for a club since 1931 *thanks go to supermacado for this fact.

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Yes it is rather sad isn't it CBF.

I honestly expected better.

We have had massive assistance this year.

The right sort that will build a club.

Fcuk charity i am over it.

Time for hard work and innovation.

PJ and Roos aren't going to win the ball.
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It's not about that. The pick isn't something I care about one way or the other. The bit where we get [censored] on by everyone that can unzip their fly - no matter how they've gone cap in hand to the AFL. and in some cases won flags because of it - burns me to no end.

I fully expect that the MFC vote no or lobby no on every and each thing that any other club asks for over and above the norm. Fk them. Fk the AFL too. Hopefully I see the day that we are a power and we can [censored] all over every struggling club.

I agree and the stronger the MFC can get, the more we'll be able to kick down on these clubs that are currently kicking down on us.

The only thing is that free agency will ensure that strong clubs stay strong.

We need to use the pre-season draft this year and pull off a coup, convince a GWS or GC player to do a Luke Ball.

Roos has already shown that he is willing to do what it takes to land top shelf talent, let's hope he can convince more players to leave their own clubs high and dry.

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Everyone who follows this club and are still obsessed with picks are basically gambling addicts. Let's just cut the crap and get a [censored] game plan and build a real team rather than wasting time thinking about the next Cale Morton. Obviously, the bigger issue in this is the culture in the AFL of rewarding teams who've screwed up in the first place as part of "equalisation". If we want to be part of that crap we may as well keep wasting these picks and keep getting money, and if we do then when does it all come good? Even if the AFL weren't convinced we were hopeless enough to deserve it, who gives a crap? I'd rather be moving forward with recruiting/strategy than pleading on both knees that we've screwed up and deserve something extra. People should see further than the conditioned bubble they are stuck in that says that this club will finally pick a decent player in the first round.

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It didn't turn out very well, is that what you're getting at?

To save you time in replying I think a few have missed the vibe of my post. I think their decision stank and lacked balls. Perhaps this was not evident so I'll spell it out.

Perhaps it wasn't evident that I was in agreement with you.

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helps end the openly pathetic image we have

disagree...A decent midfield would go more to dispelling that image and now it'll be harder to build one

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Its all very well for some to adopt the " We didnt deserve a PP, we oughtnt need a PP, Im glad we didnt get a PP" and so on and so on type stances

This all smacks of faux martyrdom and little appreciation of the reality that as some suggest, all well and good to suggest we learn to fish , but where and with what ?

The PP is a mechanism for equalisation. Many things are contributory to how various teams benefit through out the season. we seem to get reamed at just about every occasion.

For all the mouthing that Vlad Inc does about creating a fairer and more equitable league the actual actionings go in the totally opposite direction..

Whilst I agree we move on , for there is no other recourse anyway, I fail to understand all this bravado about time we need to stop leaning on picks and stand on our feet etc. If your leg is broken they splint or cast it. They support it til you CAN stand on your leg and work to rehabilitate it strength. Don't and you'll invariably result in a gummy leg and a person hobbling with a limp. That it who we are, the gimpy limpy club.

The AFL throwing money at us is like plssing into a fire. It doesnt go to the root cause of the problem, that being its a very unequal league.

This is where we need to direct efforts in future, at a club level as a member of this league ( let alone creator of it ) that we must nag, and lobby for anything and everything. We must object to anything anyone else gets and become strong and beligerent to anyone else's requests. The word is RUTHLESS.

The first opportunity to be such is to raid and plunder anything that is or isnt nailed down. We rifle Sydney's young academy talent. we send them (SMFC) a thankyou, your choice as to how many fingers. When Colless or any other buffon gets stroppy, we get gnarly. We go on the front foot and smack them down. We remind anyone who listens as to the benefits these clubs get.

time to stop being nice, time to kick these other clubs in the nuts and then kick them again for good measure and remind them we are but their creation. They want us tough and self reliant, no problem. They need not expect courtesy and kowtowing anymore then.

Next stop Messendon.. Theyre down, lets foster an environment for WADA to [censored] them relentlessly. I really dont care if a player of ours is collateral.We need to be tougher than that. If we always look to the lowest common denominator we will be rewarded with it..

This club is supposedly connected to the big end of town. Time to throw some weight around.

We've be the schoolyard bullies' kicking dog for far to long. Theres only ONE way to deal with Bullies and thats to give them the mightiest whack theyve ever enjoyed ( sic) and then whisper in their ear as they lay on the ground " if you get up....the next will be twice ans painful"

Bugger queensbury rules and gentlemanly etiquette its time to get nasty with a few of these who would gladly see us hit by a truck once a week.

We didnt get a pick, then no one ever does again. Next club to ask, kick them to the kerb with a less than gentle reminder; "remember us, remember how you voted"

We deserved a PP as it was the most efficient path to this supposed new equality but we know thats a myth,an illusion created by the strong to placate the weak.

Time to take this game back, its ours, lets remind all of that

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I said in the thread on the other board that Evans either thinks Roos has Coaching ability level Moses, or the fact that up until this year he was the Footy Ops head at Hawthorn has clouded hi judgment.

I am sorry to say this but this wibe revisited next year.ll, most likely,

We still do not have a midfield, and the magic of Roos will only extend so far.

Terrible recommendation and a cowardly decision.

Next years draft is a lot stronger than this year

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It's one for all and all for one this year

We have talent it's evident

Now we have a quality coach

Whilst a PP would've been nice its stands to reason line to line we still have a nucleus of a good side IMO

Rarely but the games we've been in to 3/4 time we've generally played out

So from that perspective it's btwn the ears

No give us another gun 26-28 yo mid fielder and were done

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Its hard to fathom how low a club now has to go to get a priority pick.

the brownlow is a measure of nothing. What kind of idiotic system rewards 3 players out of 44. Not to mention it is awarded by the cretins. If you lose a game, at best one of your players is getting a 1 or a 2, except under highly exceptional circumstances. So if you don't win matches you don't get votes, simple as that.

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