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Bombers scandal: charged, <redacted> and <infracted>


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i have to admit i'm confused by this whole scenario and agree with WJ that there must be alot more to this story.

I also now agree with Redleg who counselled caution before calling fro scalps and i have to admit i am guilty of going off half cocked in declaring a breakdown in governance and calling for head's to roll (though in my defence in the absence of denials from the club i was assuming AD was being truthful in his assertions the MFC had lied to the AFL about our involvement with Dank - perhaps he was being disingenuous and was referring to us not advising them about AO cream?).

Who knows what is what and i'm not going to make the same mistake twice but if the latest articles are to be believed it appears we were made full admissions to the AFL about Dank (again assuming it to correct we didn't know about the cream, which is plausible).

Again if the article is to be believed we did a thorough review of our supplement program which included information on the connection to Dank. If this is the case there has been no breakdown in governance.

RR you are correct that the club is responsible for the actions of Bates in terms of him not fessing up to the use of a potentially banned substance but this does represent a break down in governance (a company whilst responsible for the actions of its employees can't stop them doing stupid things - only try and minimise the chances of doing them in the fist instance, respond appropriately when they do and mitigate against risks).

But where does this leave the club statement that said we had no direct contact with Dank, never employed him and that at the least implied we had no connection to him whatsoever? Not quite a lie but certainly not transparent and poor form. I noted in another thread a couple of weeks back that i was concerned about our media management (eg putting the DeeTv with Mat Burgan and JW where he bemoans the lack of leadership up on the website) and this is just another example. Who is responsible for media management? The CEO and i suspect this will have been a factor in the boards decsion to axe CS.

I'm still confused though. Why have the club not come out yet with specific rebuttals to ADs comments?

Binman, the whole situations stinks. It is difficult to make head or tail of it when the information we are getting is so compromised.

I think the "poker" idea is fanciful. This from a Board who fired the CEO for "dividing the supporter base" and whose president came out last year bemoaning poor performance and having no idea why it was happening. The poker theory stretches credulity to its breaking point.

I reckon that the media fuss after 7.30 made Andy D look bad and he responded by sounding threatening. He had left the media releases up to us in the first instance and we misled everyone and it made us and him look stupid (again). Now, out of frustration at the AFL not backing us up, the MFC has leaked to the Age to try and "right the ship" in the media without directly taking AD on. This further annoys him but he leaves it - he knows that the board is on a clock and time will take care of his problem.

Which is more credible - that Don is the greatest poker player ever or that both our media strategy and AFL relations are in the toilet?

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What we need from our club leaders is wisdom to be across all the relevant face and timelines and to pick the right battlegrounds rather than shooting from the lip and looking stupid which more than likely will be the result of simply reacting aggressively

While I'm about it , I had wanted to write previously that although I haven't been to many President's lunches, I have been to a few and on every occasion been impressed with Don McLardy ( never net him) and how sharp-minded ( as well as funny) he is.

He worked well evidently with Jim Stynes and for what it's worth I am more inclined to take the view that the Board is, after having been caught with pants down over the doctor's advice issue, going to make sure of its position before going public.

That's what I hope and expect in my more optimistic times when the dark cloud lifts as it does from time to time

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Where did DM issue this "good aggressive statement" PJ? From behind the club secretary or media liaison officer again? There's no confusion in putting the 2 issues into my argument...only your understanding of it! It involves this club's willingness to stand up and refute matters that should be defended and doing so visibly rather than issuing "statements" that skirt around claims of lying and deceipt. If you think such claims from the head of the AFL arent damaging to the perception and off field marketing of the club then you're sadly deluded.

The willingness and ability of anyone to stand up and communicate/represent the club and defend it publicly or even just give it a public face/spokesperson that will be listened and taken note of is non existent.

The fact that you are unsure as to whether we took any action on The Age sponsorship or not is just another indicator of poor communication/weak leadership on offer atm.

If you truly stand for your club you have to get on the front foot go public (live interviews or press conferences) and defend/promote and communicate what the club is about and that the Captain is well and truly in charge. Under the present President and board we appear weak, easily led and rudderless IMO.

Here is the link for Don's statement. You might be pleased to know that it's titled "From the President", written by the president and spoken by the president. It also was broadcasted on the 6'oclock news.


It was in relation to Caroline Wilson's most inflamtory article during the inqusition period:


RE The Age: I was away during the period when The Age stopped being our sponsor and asked someone to confirm it as I didnt want to make incorrect assumptions without having the correct facts behind me.

The key difference between your view and mine is that you think the club looks weak because we are quiet.

I believe you have to pick your battles. Don has stood up and given statements, such as the one above, when he has needed to, and like clubs such as Essendon, maintained a no-comment during issues such as the tanking investigation and now, and has gotten on with more important thing... like running a club, sorting out the Bates/Dank issue, making sure Trengrove gets through this and not getting his knickers in a twist and wanting to sue over a minor, non-defamitory statement by AD.

Otherwise if you want talk for the sake of talk - go ask David Kosh to come and be president for us instead.


EDIT: spelling/grammar

Edited by PJ_12345
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Can anyone explain how this mob have advanced in speed and body shape quicker than any other team in the competition?

But hang on - They just happen to have the best coach in the AFL whose pre-season methods are far superior to any other team!

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Given the Bombshell article in today's Herald Sun on page 3, I'd suggest this onion has many more layers to peel away to reveal a lot more unpleasant information.

And given Shane Charter's house has been burgled, car stolen and received many death threats recently, makes it all the more concerning.

What he has revealed regarding Dank, if true, does not go well for Essendon. At all.

I think this guy Charter, as well as Dank need protection to get to the bottom for all concerned.

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Can anyone explain how this mob have advanced in speed and body shape quicker than any other team in the competition?

But hang on - They just happen to have the best coach in the AFL whose pre-season methods are far superior to any other team!

Mate, Andy D says we have to leave them alone so be nice.

Feel free however to follow Dimwits outrage at anything coming out of Melbourne (substantiated or not).

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None of this mob at Essendon have taken responsibility for anything yet. Actually their arrogance is at record levels.

I have no pity at all for this mob. I just wish those in power at the MFC showed just a glimpse of the same arrogance, but we all know our club are pea hearts on and off field.

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  • 3 weeks later...


And there it is. Jumping off a sinking ship


Next one Please.

Keep 'em coming.

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Pre-emptive resignation.

If the Ziggy Switkowski report, which was paid by Essendon and investigated by an Essendon supporter, said: "The CEO must be accountable for everything that happens within his organisations,"... Imagine what ASADA's report is going to look like

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Pre-emptive resignation.

If the Ziggy Switkowski report, which was paid by Essendon and investigated by an Essendon supporter, said: "The CEO must be accountable for everything that happens within his organisations,"... Imagine what ASADA's report is going to look like

Or is that premature ejectulation?

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Pre-emptive resignation.

If the Ziggy Switkowski report, which was paid by Essendon and investigated by an Essendon supporter, said: "The CEO must be accountable for everything that happens within his organisations,"... Imagine what ASADA's report is going to look like

Well the ASADA report has nothing to do with Essendon's corporate governance and I don't think ASADA actually have any right to ban a CEO who wasn't informed on the alledged undertakings. Certainly WADA/UCI has never been able to sort out all the bad apples in cycling, they've barely caught half of them.

The most dangerous line of the Ziggy report so far was the one that mentioned that AFL football clubs are no place for exotic substances and biochemical research. ASADA now has the job to work out exactly what the substances were and if they were violating the WADA code and who to blame for giving and taking them.

Robson was clearly not across all undertakings of his business. For that he had to go eventually. But in some ways I feel for him because the Ziggy report seemed to say that he knew so little of it. The senior coach (the apparently naive Mr Hird) and head of the footy department (Paul Hamilton who already got the axe) both failed to tell him what they were sanctioning and both failed to oversee the mess they were creating.

I doubt Robson and Jackson are mates but if somehow it went down I would think Robson wouldn't be a bad candidate for our CEO position. Yes he's made a grave mistake here but I always thought mistakes deserve second chances compared to flat out malicious decisions that don't.

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Well the ASADA report has nothing to do with Essendon's corporate governance and I don't think ASADA actually have any right to ban a CEO who wasn't informed on the alledged undertakings. Certainly WADA/UCI has never been able to sort out all the bad apples in cycling, they've barely caught half of them.

The most dangerous line of the Ziggy report so far was the one that mentioned that AFL football clubs are no place for exotic substances and biochemical research. ASADA now has the job to work out exactly what the substances were and if they were violating the WADA code and who to blame for giving and taking them.

Robson was clearly not across all undertakings of his business. For that he had to go eventually. But in some ways I feel for him because the Ziggy report seemed to say that he knew so little of it. The senior coach (the apparently naive Mr Hird) and head of the footy department (Paul Hamilton who already got the axe) both failed to tell him what they were sanctioning and both failed to oversee the mess they were creating.

I doubt Robson and Jackson are mates but if somehow it went down I would think Robson wouldn't be a bad candidate for our CEO position. Yes he's made a grave mistake here but I always thought mistakes deserve second chances compared to flat out malicious decisions that don't.

Nail on the head re Ziggy v. ASADA. I just thought there would be a more concrete and damning line like with WADA and Amstrong - like "we have found evidence of a systematic, illegal drug program..". the media will do the rest.

IBy severing ties with Essendon he leaves himself open to become a scapegoat. I feel for him too. I dont think he would have known alot... Looking at CEO's over the past few years I think more than ever its important to have a direct line of responsibility and corporate governance - lucky we have PJ to restructure our FD.

As for possible CEO with us I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole. Sounds like a good CEO, but this drug issue will be around for a while and think of the field day the media would have if he was with us - just makes us a bigger target.

Hopefully we can find someone with the same credentials but less baggage!

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Nail on the head re Ziggy v. ASADA. I just thought there would be a more concrete and damning line like with WADA and Amstrong - like "we have found evidence of a systematic, illegal drug program..". the media will do the rest.

IBy severing ties with Essendon he leaves himself open to become a scapegoat. I feel for him too. I dont think he would have known alot... Looking at CEO's over the past few years I think more than ever its important to have a direct line of responsibility and corporate governance - lucky we have PJ to restructure our FD.

As for possible CEO with us I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole. Sounds like a good CEO, but this drug issue will be around for a while and think of the field day the media would have if he was with us - just makes us a bigger target.

Hopefully we can find someone with the same credentials but less baggage!

Agree there is now way Robson could be our next CEO...This is just the start for Essendrug...Robson can't work in the AFL for years now.

He was the man in charge...it all happened under him.

Ignorance is no excuse.

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I know it is the nature of the competition that we dislike other teams

but I am surprised by the degree of hate on here for all things Essendon.

I feel sorry for the position that Essendon fans find themselves in at present.

They are just humans like us that love their club.

They are feeling a lot of pain right now just as us Dees are feeling.

My Daughter is an Bombers fan, she is not some sub human species.

She is a kind thoughtful person who is a great daughter and a great mum.

She is feeling a lot of pain for her team right now.

Please can we have just a little empathy for some fellow sports lovers.

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Please can we have just a little empathy for some fellow sports lovers.

Great post OD... but unfortunately I feel it will probably fall on deaf ears (blind eyes?) here... there are many here that feel no empathy for their fellow Dees supporters let alone those of other clubs.

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I know it is the nature of the competition that we dislike other teams

but I am surprised by the degree of hate on here for all things Essendon.

I feel sorry for the position that Essendon fans find themselves in at present.

They are just humans like us that love their club.

They are feeling a lot of pain right now just as us Dees are feeling.

My Daughter is an Bombers fan, she is not some sub human species.

She is a kind thoughtful person who is a great daughter and a great mum.

She is feeling a lot of pain for her team right now.

Please can we have just a little empathy for some fellow sports lovers.

Will never forgive them for what Dean Wallis did to Brad Green and Michael Long to Troy Simmonds. There supporters are just as worse (not including your daughter) I watched in horror in round 2 when they leaned over and abused and spat on our players when they walked off down to the race after the game! typical arrogant bunch of no lifes!

They deserve whatever they got coming for them!

Edited by dazzledavey36
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Robson was finished the day this scandal was announced on 5 February. There are sure to be others. I will let WYL provide all the necessary melodrama.

No need Windy Hill will provide all that...Those who wish sympathy on this club. Sorry

Anyone at the MFC found to be doing the same can leave to...

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Will never forgive them for what Dean Wallis did to Brad Green and Michael Long to Troy Simmonds. There supporters are just as worse (not including your daughter) I watched in horror in round 2 when they leaned over and abused and spat on our players when they walked off down to the race after the game! typical arrogant bunch of no lifes!

They deserve whatever they got coming for them!

Thanks for the empathy!
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