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Dayle Garlett

Guest NoMoreMrNiceGuy

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You do know that cancer spreads yeah?

So we take the risk and draft him, he plays up badly within 6 months and we delist him mid year. Not only are we then wasting a spot on our list but we've also ran the risk of Garlett's attitude, company, outlook rub off and effect a Hogan or Barry, Kent, Toumpas etc... And then we've got problems with other players.

No way is he worth the risk, the fact that 17 other clubs overlooked a top 10 draft talent like him says it all. If we weren't willing to draft him at Pick 48, then he isn't worth a rookie spot.


Edited by tonatopia
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That is just about the most stupid comment I have read. Remember a club did take Darling in their first round, the same club has not gone near Garlett.

Darling had a couple of issues but if you ask recruiters his image was only part the problem, he had a very ordinary final junior on ground year. His previous years had been good but the thinking was he didn't have the advantage his size (man child) had given him earlier on. Guess what, they were wrong.

His off ground issues by comparison to Garlett were minor and could be put down to him being a bit of a lad. If Garlett was just a boy being a boy he would have been drafted already, his issues run far deeper than that. He is a multiple offender and besides as football watches from Perth who are part of this forum have said, he is a down hill skier, he's not Cyril and hasn't done 1% of the work that Cyril has to get where he is.

Give it a break 'tona', it aint going to happen.

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I am with tonatopia here. We should take Garlett. He has exactly what we need on-field.

and it is on-field which matters to me. I couldn't care less how good our off-season was if it isn't reflected on the field.

I pay memberships for on field performances, not so someone makes sure the kids eat their veges, go to bed by 9pm and say please and thank-you.

Get the best players you can and use them to win games. I couldn't care less what they do off-field and I couldn't care less about what the media say about them either.

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I am with tonatopia here. We should take Garlett. He has exactly what we need on-field.

Is he? I follow the Swannies in the WAFL, and whilst he is a skillful player, he is not exactly what we need on-field. He doesnt work hard enough for long enough and doesnt find his own ball. He doesnt 'want it', which is porbably why he was still drinking and smoking rather than giving 100% effort to be drafted.

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Are we really going to resort to this?















It goes both ways, and Darling never had question marks about drug taking. If I remember correctly it ws just about Darling liking the sauce a bit to much.

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Is he? I follow the Swannies in the WAFL, and whilst he is a skillful player, he is not exactly what we need on-field. He doesnt work hard enough for long enough and doesnt find his own ball. He doesnt 'want it', which is porbably why he was still drinking and smoking rather than giving 100% effort to be drafted.

Exactly, and in football terms I trust you would have more of a clue about him than most on here because you see him play week in week out, not just a highlight reel of a few minutes.

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Just rewatched his highlights package and...meh

yes he is quick and clean on the outside, but there was not one chase down tackle in 3+mins of footage

i honestly would rather watch dean kents.

fair enough we need a small forward with x factor and spark, but there are plenty still available who arent such obvious risks.

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The previous FD, the one who took Cook over Darling (nice to be able to turn the clock back - cant remember who were the dozens of players that we and every other club took ahead of Hird by the way) have largely moved on so it is time for us to move on over that error.

The new FD, and Neeld and Viney in particular have no doubt had far greater opportunity than anyone here to asses the very obvious pros and the very obvious cons of this guy.

I know that whatever decision they make there will be hoardes of keyboard freaks here deriding them, but they have been chosen to make their own hard decisions (and they have done a hell of a lot of that this off season) so I wish them well and will support and respect their considered decisions even if they are not those that I would make. I hope others will too.

Seriously, none of us here know whether the kid will become a superstar or a catastrophe - TV & MN are in a far better position than any of us to make that educated guess.

They have far more than this one player to consider.


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I am with tonatopia here. We should take Garlett. He has exactly what we need on-field.

and it is on-field which matters to me. I couldn't care less how good our off-season was if it isn't reflected on the field.

I pay memberships for on field performances, not so someone makes sure the kids eat their veges, go to bed by 9pm and say please and thank-you.

Get the best players you can and use them to win games. I couldn't care less what they do off-field and I couldn't care less about what the media say about them either.

How naive. You do realise "on field" is 3 hours a week for half the year? I wish you Garlett fans would stop trying to oversimplify. This is in fact a minimum 24 month full-time commitment which will cost $250,000(?) over that period. As someone who also pays for memberships I would rather a spot on our list went to someone who has shown the work ethic from day 1 or done their time fixing themselves elsewhere.

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ABC broadcast WAFL so pretty sure if your surf the net or go online you will find some Swan Districts games, please do yourselves a favour and whilst seeing some highlights of Garlett you will see no application or hard work.

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How naive. You do realise "on field" is 3 hours a week for half the year? I wish you Garlett fans would stop trying to oversimplify. This is in fact a minimum 24 month full-time commitment which will cost $250,000(?) over that period. As someone who also pays for memberships I would rather a spot on our list went to someone who has shown the work ethic from day 1 or done their time fixing themselves elsewhere.

theres been plenty of duds in the last 8yrs that have had 24 month commitments, FFS some of them even made it to free agents, your membership cost the same as everybody else, so dont pull that card, everybody deserves a chance, but obviously not here.
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ABC broadcast WAFL so pretty sure if your surf the net or go online you will find some Swan Districts games, please do yourselves a favour and whilst seeing some highlights of Garlett you will see no application or hard work.

Amen brother

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ABC broadcast WAFL so pretty sure if your surf the net or go online you will find some Swan Districts games, please do yourselves a favour and whilst seeing some highlights of Garlett you will see no application or hard work.

from what i saw on video clips PSD he is quite a selfish player who likes going on big runs and taking on the opposition as a first option

He won't get away with that in the big league

And he's not in the Lewis Jetta speedster category

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theres been plenty of duds in the last 8yrs that have had 24 month commitments, FFS some of them even made it to free agents, your membership cost the same as everybody else, so dont pull that card, everybody deserves a chance, but obviously not here.

O'rly! How would you know how much my membership(s) cost? I didn't raise the issue of memberships in any case, the poster I was responding to did. You've heard of irony? Anyway, lets leave that discussion right there because it's not relevant and wasn't the point of my post(s).

The point is (and I'm surprised how slow so many of the posters on this thread are) is that Neeld would not touch this bloke right now and in fact may not even consider him if he HAD a strong, developed culture.

The Neeld FD criteria for selecting players is ability, character, commitment and a projection of that player in a successful side. I can't fairly comment on Garletts football ability though reports are mixed. Lazy, front runner doesn't seem like a recommendation and Garlett is a hands down failure on character and commitment so best just to put a line through his name and get over it.

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everybody deserves a chance

Sure, but we're a professional football club playing at an elite level, not Reach or the Salvos.

I wish him well, but after being passed over in the draft multiple times by every single club, it would appear that he has some way to go to convince the pros in the footy business that he's worthy of being even given a chance. Perhaps another year or two at state level is what he needs to get his head in the right place.

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from what i saw on video clips PSD he is quite a selfish player who likes going on big runs and taking on the opposition as a first option

He won't get away with that in the big league

And he's not in the Lewis Jetta speedster category

Pretty much without trying to be to harsh on the kid he is a poor mans Ashley Sampi

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ABC broadcast WAFL so pretty sure if your surf the net or go online you will find some Swan Districts games, please do yourselves a favour and whilst seeing some highlights of Garlett you will see no application or hard work.

agree ... Gartlett has cyril rioli like skills and smarts BUT none of the hard running, chasing and tackling. AFL demands this.
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Just finished watching Garletts highlight reel again, and interview.

If we dont pick him up, I will neck myself, almost.

He has a beautiful build, solidly built, agile, quick, instinctive, nice skills, footy smarts.

Actually, he is built like cyril, and can dance like cyril.

I emplore the MFC to take 1 small chance and pick the kid up. The upside will be absolutely huge. The kid will develop into a more powerfully skilled midfielder, to complement Viney, Jones, Grimes, Toumpas and Trengove. It is a perfect balance. He can learn his craft as a forward pocket goal-sneak who we desperately need.

FFS, in his interview, he releazies that he must change his behaviour, but in his favour, he is only 18, ONLY 18.

Our FD, if they do not select Dayle, will show a rigid, unflexible mentallity, that rules out the MFC from taking prodigious talent. He may pull his head in and flourish. He has all the attributes.

I know the saying, a rotten apple can ruin the bunch, but Dayle is far from rotten, he is still a kid. If he starts to display a rotten attitude (once on our list), then quickly delist him before the rot sets in.

IMO, it is an absolute no-brainer. Delist Couch, and use a PSD pick to secure a bloke that may end up being one of the most talented midfield/Forwards that the MFC has ever seen.

To rule the kid out, wreaks of dogmatic idealogoy. It is frankly off-putting. It also has undertones of stupidity, arrogance and fear.

Remember, we can delist him in a second, at any second.

Anyone who doubts me, please study his highlights reel, and look at his composure and body shape. A more powerful version of Cyril Rioli.


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Just finished watching Garletts highlight reel again, and interview.

If we dont pick him up, I will neck myself, almost.

He has a beautiful build, solidly built, agile, quick, instinctive, nice skills, footy smarts.

Actually, he is built like cyril, and can dance like cyril.

I emplore the MFC to take 1 small chance and pick the kid up. The upside will be absolutely huge. The kid will develop into a more powerfully skilled midfielder, to complement Viney, Jones, Grimes, Toumpas and Trengove. It is a perfect balance. He can learn his craft as a forward pocket goal-sneak who we desperately need.

FFS, in his interview, he releazies that he must change his behaviour, but in his favour, he is only 18, ONLY 18.

Our FD, if they do not select Dayle, will show a rigid, unflexible mentallity, that rules out the MFC from taking prodigious talent. He may pull his head in and flourish. He has all the attributes.

I know the saying, a rotten apple can ruin the bunch, but Dayle is far from rotten, he is still a kid. If he starts to display a rotten attitude (once on our list), then quickly delist him before the rot sets in.

IMO, it is an absolute no-brainer. Delist Couch, and use a PSD pick to secure a bloke that may end up being one of the most talented midfield/Forwards that the MFC has ever seen.

To rule the kid out, wreaks of dogmatic idealogoy. It is frankly off-putting. It also has undertones of stupidity, arrogance and fear.

Remember, we can delist him in a second, at any second.

Anyone who doubts me, please study his highlights reel, and look at his composure and body shape. A more powerful version of Cyril Rioli.


Without going into why the premise of this post is wrong I will say this: Couch is a rookie, you would have to delist someone on the PL to use a PSD pick.

But you're right - it's a no-brainer...

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Without going into why the premise of this post is wrong I will say this: Couch is a rookie, you would have to delist someone on the PL to use a PSD pick.

But you're right - it's a no-brainer...

Ok, delist Joel McDonald.

Think about it, the upside of;

Joel McDonald - reliable back-up defender who trains hard.

Dayle Garlett - Has the attributes to be on of the most talented players in the AFL.

PS, In the last 30 years, the MFC has not had a rover with the skills of Garlett. The best rovers we have had are, G.Healy, G.Lovett and N.Jones. Dayle's skills would eclipse all of them.

Seriously, if we overlook Garlett, considering we are in the box seat, I will be calling for people's heads. Especially after the Darling fiasco. OMG!

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Just finished watching Garletts highlight reel again, and interview.

If we dont pick him up, I will neck myself, almost.

He has a beautiful build, solidly built, agile, quick, instinctive, nice skills, footy smarts.

Actually, he is built like cyril, and can dance like cyril.


If you had watched more than a highlight reel and maybe watched him over the course of a season or 2 like 'pennant st dee and demonWA' then I might put some credence in what you are saying. They are saying no (as is every club in the land) and I will trust their local knowledge on this.

Love your passion for him as a player but I think you will find it is misplaced.

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If you had watched more than a highlight reel and maybe watched him over the course of a season or 2 like 'pennant st dee and demonWA' then I might put some credence in what you are saying. They are saying no (as is every club in the land) and I will trust their local knowledge on this.

Love your passion for him as a player but I think you will find it is misplaced.

Frankly, I trust my instincts, along with the draft observers who were saying that he will be drafted in the top 20 and many said he will be drafted in the top 10.

Just watch him. How can you not be dazzled. The guy is a prodigy.

As far as being soft, it is usual for skillful rovers to be a bit timid when enetering senior football. His body looks like it will bulk out, and don't expect him to stay timid for long.

Gut running comes with dicipline.

Joel McDonal or Dayle Garlett?

Who would you pick?

Serious no-brainer!

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Ok, delist Joel McDonald.

Think about it, the upside of;

Joel McDonald - reliable back-up defender who trains hard.

Dayle Garlett - Has the attributes to be on of the most talented players in the AFL.

PS, In the last 30 years, the MFC has not had a rover with the skills of Garlett. The best rovers we have had are, G.Healy, G.Lovett and N.Jones. Dayle's skills would eclipse all of them.

Seriously, if we overlook Garlett, considering we are in the box seat, I will be calling for people's heads. Especially after the Darling fiasco. OMG!

Yeah, you should bring it up at the AGM!

Utter disgrace if we overlook this troubled teenager with a history of application issues.

I mean, he was only photographed once under the influence of narcotics.

I am sure that was the only time he took drugs.

And the AFL will straighten him out. No-one takes recreational drugs in the AFL.

And the final thing is we have a Leadership Group that is young and needs all the help they can get - what better experience than to throw this wayward teen at them while they are training hard to make the Dees relevant again.

It's a real no-brainer, you know, when you think about it...

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