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WE SHALL OVERCOME by The Demonland Crew

One hundred and fifty years ago today, the Melbourne Football Club was the only football club in the land. There were no others.

Today, our football code is the strongest in the land but, among the elite clubs (and that includes Gold Coast which hasn’t really seen the light of day yet), our club is being treated with utter contempt by those who sit in charge of the Australian Football League.

The problem is that in 1858, our fledgling game was a sport, based on principles of fairness and sportsmanship. Today, it is a business, based on no principles but rather, a lack of principles and more on the greed that has seen economies around the world reeling in the wake of what looms as the biggest financial crisis since the 1930's. And we have become its poorest franchise.

The issue by the AFL of what it laughingly calls its fixture is a case in point. It highlights what can only be described as a premeditated plan to murder the Melbourne Football Club.

And our own club leadership and officials have been bound and gagged, unable to utter a word in self-defence lest Big Brother at the AFL cuts off one of its vital financial lifelines in the form of the compensation to which its is entitled as a result of the inequities in the AFL's programme (even then, on the basis of the programme set out by the AFL, we believe will get only a third of the compensation to which we should be entitled).

If you think that's a paranoid view, don’t take our word for it – listen to what these respected journalists have to say: -




These are senior writers with three out of the three major newspapers that deal extensively with the sport - all of them unanimous in the view that the AFL has shafted the Melbourne Football Club. Wilson sums up the Kremlin's duplicity well:

But in pretty much every other way, the Demons have been duped. Several weeks ago, the club saw a draft proposal of its draw for next year, and it had 11 Sunday games. Two days ago, it learned that number had suddenly swelled to 13.
And we don't accept the garbage we are being told about the fact that we will get better treatment when our team performs better. Melbourne made it through to the second week of the finals in 2006. It didn't get the exclusive treatment in the following year's draw that one club - a recent basket case that hasn't made the finals (or finished better than 10th for that mater) since 2001 - is getting in 2009.

We also don't accept the official line that fairness is being achieved because Melbourne was handed out a good football draw. That's utter rubbish. A good football draw is what Collingwood was given this year – what it is given every year: the least number of interstate trips, no travel to Skilled Stadium and drawn to play only three teams from last year's top eight twice including single games against the two dominant sides in the competition. Melbourne, on the other hand, finished last but meets four of last year's top eight teams twice.

And for removal of doubt, look at the AFL's stated attitude with respect to giving the Brisbane Lions any perceived home turf advantage next year for games at Carrara. From the mouth of AFL apparatchik Gillon McLachlan in the Gold Coast Bulletin.

With Brisbane having a home state advantage, we felt we wanted visiting teams to feel like they were playing in neutral territory rather than in Brisbane's back yard.

That principle apparently was thrown out with the trash when it came to giving Sydney a home state advantage in its back yard for Melbourne’s "home" game at Manuka in Canberra.

So what to do about it?

We grit our teeth and fight back. We fight back by sticking fat and confirming our identity not only as supporters of the club but by becoming members – now!

We fight back in the spirit of the Demons as we did in the past – both on and off the field. We fight back by getting behind our club which is rebuilding our links with the MCC, working hard on establishing a community base and training facilities and continuing the process of rebuilding our side. In other words, by accepting the challenge as Hawthorn did when it was down just a few years ago.

Last year, the AFL's knives were aimed squarely at the back of the North Melbourne Football Club. The media and the football public pronounced the Kangaroos as being near to death. That club gained the respect and admiration of the football world as it fought back both on and off the field. Its football team produced some magnificent performances during 2008 – including one in which they beat the competition’s ultimate premier. They called it the "shinboner spirit" and while it’s debatable whether an intangible item called “spirit” is ever enough to bring about ultimate success, there is no doubt that we can only survive as a club by taking the fight to the rest of the competition with an attitude that demands victory and not with defeatism.

We have a talented group of young players coming through the ranks and, in a month's time, will have another infusion of top talent. We have several of our better players coming back from injury and their return will strengthen our team and make it far more competitive. It will take time but we will fight back.

We shall overcome!

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Top article, we must respond the only way that's right, by getting behind the boys and signing up. We need a huge membership drive this year, 30 000 is what we've budgeted for so we must get it.

Well done, you guys!

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Very moving....... Although I think about it everyday, it really hits home when you see it in writing! My partner and I are having our first child in December and I will be damned if my first son does not get to spend his life barracking for the Dees!!

The day that our club rises against all odds and takes home the major prize will be a day that shakes the very foundation of this country!

Demon vs Goliath!!!!

Bring it on!!

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I wish we would stop using Hawthorn as a example.....

The Hawks were given Waverly park by their good friends the AFL for virtually nothing, they are financed by the Tasmanian tax payers, they are happily bankrupting pensioners of millions of dollars per year via their gambling machines.... AND they were EXTERMELY lucky with draft.

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Thank christ someone wrote something other than defeatist [censored]. Great stuff.

Now we just need a lot of smart actions, a bloody inspired plan and some luck.

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Guest demonsrule

Very well written! It gave me goose bumps!

I'm glad to be part of the MFC (member 13years & many donations to debt demolition) and as much as we are currently struggling, the day we are a force again at least I can say I was here and part of it and help made this club a power again!

Go Dee's!!!!

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Absolutely Brilliant!

Should definitely be sent to the papers, get the word out! If only we had the email addresses of all MFC members, this would have them signed up in an instant.

Our supporters must understand our club stands on the edge, but with our support and fight we can get it back to where it should be. We must fight hard now while our on-field performances are suffering, because we know the wheel will turn, and within a few years we'll be back at the top of the table knowing full well that it was us who stood up at the Club's time of need and saved it from oblivion.

Fight Dees, Fight

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The issue by the AFL of what it laughingly calls its fixture is a case in point. It highlights what can only be described as a premeditated plan to murder the Melbourne Football Club.

A crucifixture perhaps?

A brilliant piece Demonland. Kudos to all who contributed to it.

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Guest jackas_backa

Quote from Herald Sun - DEMONS DONT LIKE SUNDAYS

"It's been two years running they have clearly been the bottom team," McLachlan said.

Soooooooooooo, did Carlton tank or not tank in 2007?

Is he rewriting history to make it harder for future sponsors?

Thanks you greedy little puppet. Have some respect for the oldest club in the land!!!!!!

If they kill us, the AFL will NEVER be the same, and these wisemen will have to go to their grave knowing that THEY killed off the games Eldest and Grandest grandparents.

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Renewing my membership tomorrow & will also conntribute to the Debt Demolition the money I was going to spend on Friday's IR game v Ireland. No need to tip my money in the direction of those wankers from the AFL.

Good call.

If they are going to keep their boots on our neck, I won't be going to any little money spinners for the AFL either.

I'm gonna keep saying it, 2009 will be the toughest season for the Demons, and then it's upwards from there. Buy memberships, go to games, bring your friends.

BE VISIBLE - wear the scarf and put a frickin poster up at work if you're game.

DON'T watch the interstate games at home alone on the couch. ALWAYS, whenever you can, go to a pub or get some friends together to watch it.

STAY POSITIVE - this coming year is gonna be hard work, but it's gonna be the turning point. CELEBRATE everthing good that happens.

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Quote from Herald Sun - DEMONS DONT LIKE SUNDAYS

The muppets at the AFL get paid big money to do their job. They don't have to tell lies to the media to get their point across. This little worm deserves the sack and the MFC is owed an apology or failing that, at least give us the priority draft pick that should go with being the bottom team for two years running.

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Truely inspirational reading! Demon supporters evertwhere need to get behind our great Club and 'stick it up' Demetriou and his cohorts.

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