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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/10/23 in all areas

  1. Fullerton; been tracking for a while. Feel he got "stuck in the tube" at the Lions (behind Daniher, Hipwood etc) Grundy; Charlie Gardiner at the Swans was great to deal with. MacAdam; feels that a Future R2 is a fair offer. Petty; 100% that he is NOT going anywhere. See him as the forward partner with JVR. Draft Order; feels the points system creates a 2-tier system - clubs that need points and clubs that don't. This year we didn't and Taylor thinks there is a significant jump up in quality as you go higher. Potentially may try to trade up even further if the opportunity presents itself. Pick 1; that's up to WCE. Melksham; definitely with us in 2024, finalise whether that's primary or rookie list over the next few days. Thinks he might be back earlier than most people think. Tomlinson; showed strong form in the back half of this year. He wanted to stay, we wanted him to stay. First time I've listened to AFL Trade Radio. I feel dirty. It's shower time...
    26 points
  2. If Adelaide are going to play hard ball I would just walk away, apologise to McAdam's manager and not answer their calls. No disrespect to McAdam but we simply cannot be seen to blink first here. I'm not suggesting we should be an Essendon or Geelong at trade time but we can't be painted the suckers of the trade period. Stand firm Dees.
    17 points
  3. Repeat after me. We. Do. Not. Have. Forward. Line. Issues. A forward line with Petty, Fritter, JVR, Koz, Nibbla and Chandler is easily as strong as the Pies forward line that netted them a flag: Mihocek, Elliott, Hill, McCreery, Ginivan and Frampton. Even if you swap Frampton for McStay, it is still no better than our lineup And that's not even factoring in that despite being completely written of by most fans both Tmac and BB could still offer something next year and Jefferson is still developing. Which is not to say a gun key forward wouldn't help, but for good reason it clearly isn't a major priority.
    17 points
  4. McAdam, Fullarton and retaining Petty. JVR, Kossie and Chandler are young players who will improve. Petty and Fritsch missed significant parts of the season. Plenty of scope for optimism there. Which forward on the move have we missed out on. Schultz, Gresham, Chol, Burgess? Be still my giddy heart.
    16 points
  5. We can just take him in the PSD for free. Adelaide currently have 36 primary list players and 4 rookies. The maximum number of primary list players they can have is 38, so they currently only have 2 primary list vacancies. They currently have picks 10, 14 and 20. They actually need to lose a player to be able to use them all. There's no way they keep a list spot open for McAdam in the PSD so they can re-draft him. I hope they continue to be stupid and run the clock down on it and we get to keep the F2nd.
    15 points
  6. This drags on too long. They should lock them in a room with no food, water or toilet facilities until deals are done - and issue white smoke from a chimney when the conclave reaches a decision.
    15 points
  7. Lamb specifically said that we want to play Petty and JVR together as our key forwards next year because they worked really well together this year when they played together.
    15 points
  8. I'd keep Petty if only to spite Kane Cornes.
    15 points
  9. Petty 100% staying McAdam: think they’ve made a strong offer Fullarton - think he has upside, strong VFL form Oliver- see previous club statements Melksham staying, just a matter of which list. Thinks he can play sooner than expected Best wishes to Harmes and JJ Will try to move up. Pick 1 obviously up to the Eagles. Happy to take 6 and 11. Trading from 14 to 11 was a big difference in this draft. Not asked about BBB or McDonald. Not asked if they have any other targets
    14 points
  10. True. None of us know the extent of Petty’s injury, other than it being a Lisfranc disruption, which have a spectrum of severity, even for those requiring surgical stabilisation. Clinically, across epidemiological history, outcomes aren’t great. We used to call Lisfranc fracture-dislocations career killers, but things have improved a lot of recent years, and the chances of them being chronically unstable have diminished greatly. The main concern is related irritabilities and compensating behaviours in the biomechanical chain (foot, ankle, related soft tissues), along with variable responses to progressive and repeated weight-bearing - running, jumping, day on day, week after week. Personally, in relation to outcome consistency, I’d rather do my ACL. So in summary, Petty’s foot could be anything from great to not at all. The MFC know this, and are planning for the best outcome. As they should.
    13 points
  11. Future 3rd + signed Harry Petty 2021 (or 2024 future) premiership guernsey with certificate of authenticity.
    11 points
  12. If by ‘in the clear’ you mean back to what he was pre-injury, no. He’s technically still rehabbing. He’s overseas right now, with the ok from the Club, but he has to come back earlier than the others because he’s scheduled for the routine tests and x-rays. The main thing they concentrate on is ensuring the plate and the screws are all still in place etc. They’re very happy with how he’s tracking, though.
    11 points
  13. I would simply not trade what may be our best key forward in 2024
    11 points
  14. Golly I really don't see a forward half issue... biggest issue for me is lack of precision kicks which means that if we try to pick passes inside 50 rather than bomb or kick to flanks we run risk of turn over on the op d50 line. The collingwoods and Brisbanes then sting you on the counter. Collingwood were the ones playing extremely defensive against us in that final and they were able to punch us on the break enough to get over the line despite our territory game being in great form. It's this defensive game that allows them to score goals out the back but they also won't generate as many opportunities. Of course if all of our better forwards are injured then it gets harder to score goals but the king brothers haven't been any more durable than Petty over the years and charlie has only really got his body right the last two years. Our ball wining and territory domination is our greatest strength (along with turnover - particularly fwd half) which has put us in a great position to challenge 3 years in a row. I honestly believe that once you have the system and players good enough to be top 4 (preferably top 2) then the rest is luck with timing of fitness, injuries and where those injuries are on the field - our forwardline was crucified, take daniher and McCarthy out of Brisbane's fwdline and suddenly they don't look nearly as menacing. I still think even with our injuries that if you played the finals series 100 times we would probably win at least 30. Sorry for rambling and getting off track, I think footy is a funny luck based game past a certain point and there's no golden fix for our perceived issues that doesn't hurt our game in other areas and decrease our overall ability to compete for the premiership. Looking forward to rolling those dice again next year with Fulla and hopefully McAdam for some more flair and fun. Wouldn't mind a classier user in the mids, but you don't want to reduce our ability to win territory despite being undermanned at stoppage... go dees
    10 points
  15. We tried to address the forward line issues by drafting JVR, and last year Jefferson. Also retaining Petty could help us up forward. BBB and TMAC will be off the books after this year, so if JVR, Jefferson and Petty don’t work, we can spend up on a forward next trade period. We need to give them a chance this year as it’s what we targeted them for. May is getting older, but we have Turner coming through, and he looks capable. We have nailed some good late picks in previous drafts in River, Bowey, McVee, and now we have pick 6 and 11, which is a good opportunity to replenish our future talent. We are in a good position to contend for a while longer yet.
    10 points
  16. Pick 10 in this draft (which probably blows out to 13 by the pick) where we already have 6, 11. Versus a pretty solid likely worse case for end of first round compo in 2 years time. And we have a CHF/CHB whilst in flag contention. And I don’t have to cry watching Tom McDonald, Ben Brown, Schache or god knows who play CHF? What are we doing here.
    10 points
  17. If WCE received all our picks then why wouldn’t we take pick 1?
    10 points
  18. I don't think it's 'someone', but rather that there are a range of players. Taylor has said that he thinks of the draft in tiers/groups of talented players that he'd be happy to select from. He clearly sees this the cutoff of a talent tier as being between picks 11 and 14, and he'd rather get a chance to select one of the good players rather than one of the other players.
    9 points
  19. Liam Henry just traded to Saints for a F2 and swap of F4's. He is a more valuable and much younger player than McAdam. We have offered our F2 for McAdam. Don't budge Dees, on that Henry trade alone we are overpaying.
    9 points
  20. We currently have Harmes, Grundy, Hibberd, Jordon and Dunstan off the primary list and so far we have Fullarton on and a promise to upgrade D.Turner. We currently have 3 primary list spots available. I predict we move Melksham to the Rookie list to make 4 spots, add McAdam, 2 Draft picks and match a bid on K.Brown.
    9 points
  21. What was also said is that Taylor believes that the difference in quality between 14 and 11 was quite significant, which is indicated by the price paid to move those picks. There's obviously a big difference between the top 15 (including Academy/FS picks) and then there's a big drop off in quality after that. We've got two picks in that top group, which they're really happy with.
    9 points
  22. If WC are just getting our picks, why wouldn’t we get pick 1. Nth are irrelevant in this trade
    9 points
  23. I’m amazed at how well Kate Hore is playing since she took on the role as captain. A couple of her marks were incredible yesterday. So impressed with this team and proud of them. Well done to Aimee Mc for getting her first goal and for some of her goal assists - wow. So glad we have Alyssa Bannan too- how fast and athletic and again was pleasantly surprised at her strong marking yesterday.
    9 points
  24. How noble of them to abandon their pursuit of a contracted player at a rival club. What a stand up club.
    8 points
  25. Yes, if they don’t take it then push him through the PSD. If someone wants to take him then that is the risk. For those that are still confused - I can rest you assured that as a former Forwards Coach that we need more actual forwards. Melksham being the most effective forward for half a dozen games last year is a bug not a feature (and I love him). To think we can get away with only Fritsch as a natural forward in his prime is delusion.
    8 points
  26. Alternate words/thinking. We have cleared 3 players not in our best 23 who require salaries commensurate with players in your best 23. Who has been traded thus far to a club who you think we should have taken for the cost? Matt Flynn is the only one I can think of and if I was Matt Flynn I would choose being clear first ruck now at West Coast over being back up for Gawn for at least the next 2 years (which he would then be 10 years in the system). You can only trade for whats available then need to have them agree based on something you think is fair and reasonable and then in some instances get their club to agree to clear the way.
    8 points
  27. Did anyone from the club state this, or is it a media and Demonland myth? That we have been moving up the draft board indicates we plan to focus our resources on draft night
    8 points
  28. I heard Scott Pendlebury had a basketball background.
    8 points
  29. Agree. I'd add that a key difference between us and the two grand finalists is that both the Lions and Pies have goal kicking mids and utilities/half forward flankers. We don't. More than half the goals in the grand final were kicked by such players. On a perfect day for footy key tall forwards only contributed 4 of the 25 goals kicked (Daniher 3 and Mihocek 1). Hill and Cameron, both small crumbing forwards, kicked 7 between them, meaning the two forward lines (ie specialist forwards) combined only contributed 11 of the 25 goals kicked. Mids and utilities/half forward flankers contributed 14 of the 25 goals kicked: Collingwood: Hill 4, Crisp 2, De Goey 2, N.Daicos, Mihocek, Pendlebury, Sidebottom Brisbane: Cameron 3, Daniher 3, Bailey 2, McCarthy 2, McCluggage 2, Robertson Compare the above to our goals in the semi against the blues (also perfect conditions), where only two of our goals came from non forwards (compared to the Blues 5): Melbourne: Smith 3, Pickett 2, Fritsch 2, Langdon, Petracca Carlton: De Koning 2, Walsh 2, Motlop 2, Acres 2, Kennedy, Curnow, Owies We have a much, much greater need for goal kicking mids and utilities/half forward flankers (eg Bailey, McCarthy, McCluggage, Daicos etc) that can also reliably hit targets than we do for key forwards.
    8 points
  30. As a forward, he's well ahead of ANB, Sparrow, Spargo, Chandler, and Smith. Mcadam has X factor that our forward line needs.
    8 points
  31. Picks 6 isn’t something the Suns would want given their Academy players and bids
    8 points
  32. welcome to Demonland
    8 points
  33. Might be some tough calls at selection this week. Assuming they are fit, Paxy, Harris, Pearce and Gay would be most likely to come back into the side, and possibly Colvin as well to help counter North's tall forwards. Who do you drop? If Pearce is back then at least one of Campbell or Watt goes, and maybe Wilson and/or Chaplin make way for Gay/Colvin, but they all did what was expected of them this week and would be unlucky to miss. And that's not even considering how to fit Harris and Paxy in. It's a good problem to have, but we still need to get the selections right against the Kangas. No good having the depth if you pick the wrong players!
    8 points
  34. Bear with me.. We give: 6, 11, FF, Petty to Adelaide. Adelaide give us: McAdam.
    7 points
  35. I'd prefer the recent tradition of opening our season with a big win against the dogs at the G.
    7 points
  36. Doesnt matter whether anyone can launch a case in favour of Maynard or not. Imagine if May or even Joel Smith crashed into Daicos knocking him unconcious in exactly the same action as Maynard. The TV and radio commentators would be going nuts and demanding it go straight to the tribunal. The media would be screaming for blood right up to Tuesday night . Bang! 4- 6 weeks. Season over. We wouldnt appeal. AFL made no serious attempt to suspend Maynard and no appeal. Afl is a rabble propped up by corporate media. Loath them.
    7 points
  37. It's very fair but they seem very stupid.
    7 points
  38. Fact wc knocked back pick 4 from hawks and there first next year likely to be in the same range. I can’t see how our pick 6 and 11 this year plus our first next year would be enough.
    7 points
  39. He said that JT thinks there's a big difference between 14 and 11 and we are confident we can get a very good player at 11 if that's the way it falls. That's pretty good information.
    6 points
  40. This is why you don’t see me throwing up potential trades too often mate. 😂
    6 points
  41. I wouldn’t bet on it. I say this based only on a conversation about the seriousness of Fritta’s foot injury (different injury, I know) and the long-term treatment and all that goes with that - with a Fritta family member, he ended the conversation with, “… of course, it’s not nearly as serious as Harrison’s injury.”
    6 points
  42. That is a true sacrificial act!
    6 points
  43. Petty has two years to run on his contract and has not said he wants to leave. If we do this trade we are essentially saying we don't think we can win the flag anymore, that is how important Petty is to our team structure. Our key position depth is already weak, moving him on would be disastrous for that.
    6 points
  44. A premiership in the bush is worth two in the outback!
    6 points
  45. That's now next year, apparently 😝
    6 points
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