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  1. There is so much wrong with this post I don't know where to begin. Let's replay it It's not the creep who's sending unsolicited [censored] pics & videos of himself masturbating that is the problem. It's the women who have made it public who are the issue. How would you feel if someone randomly DMd you with a video of themselves having a [censored]? Would you be happy?
    14 points
  2. Not my work, but adding just a little more info from this session that was posted on FB: Just to add to that report the group had a big session on Wednesday. Friday Match Sim was with the rain and was moving at a fast pace and tackling was happening. Williams takes the younger players at times during a match sim and is taking them through other drills. This does vary as they also get match sim practice as well. There are various drills they are doing which entail using the whole perimeter of the ground such as kicking to advantage and so forth. From what I saw, they are moving faster than the training I saw in 2019. Ben Brown was out there the whole time as well. All the coaches were out there including J. Lewis and Burgo was out there most of the time. I believe Jordan is around until his commitments with Fox Footy ramp up as per last year. There are always plenty of the coaches out there and they all have plenty of activity going on and planned. I have noted that Williams takes a lot of the younger guys and carries out various drills with them. That was part of his job description and he always appears enthusiastic and on his toes so to speak.
    10 points
  3. Trekked to Casey this morning. Arrived at 9.15 and players were already working on the field. When the rain came at 10.00 it was my cue to leave. So I was there for about 45 minutes. The view from outside the cyclone fence was very good but it was hard to make out what was happening on the other side of the oval – its quite a flat outer. It was my first ever training session so wasn’t sure what to look for or look at. It was hard to make out some players especially the newer ones or those that hadn’t played many games. So I had to work from their numbers (when they weren’t wearing coloured tops). So missed a lot of the detail of what was happening. Observations: · When I arrived there were some ball movement drills happening on the flanks of the ground with the ball starting fwd of the wing. · It took quite a while to work our who wasn’t there. The only ones I didn’t see were Aaron VandenBerg and Marty Hore (that is not to say they weren’t there). So a fairly fit list especially of our top 30 players. · Rehab group was Brayshaw, Hibberd and Petty. Its great to see it so small. I notice there is an injury report from Burgess on their status. · Oliver seems to have recovered from shoulder surgery. I didn’t notice shoulder strapping but that could be because there was no tackling/contact work. (Not sure if contact training is allowed by the AFL in these covid times). · Ball movement seemed slow and sloppy at times but it is early in the pre-season and there would be a few cobwebs to blow out. · They changed tops often: pink, while, and I think yellow. Couldn’t make out what each meant. · After a huddle there was ball movement training starting in the middle – it looked like transition work but not possible to draw any conclusion on what was happening or how it might look like in 2021. I saw Rosman and Rivers have a go in the middle then fwd and Bowey was fwd (but I wouldn’t take that as indication of when or where they might play). · TMac looked fantastic, moved well and was with the defenders. · I noticed B Brown at the end of my 45 minutes so not sure if he was out there the whole time. Was wearing knee strapping. · At one stage Fritsch did some goal-kicking practice from about 40 m out. · It was good to see Nietschke and Jordan training after missing two years with injuries. · No-one stood out for good or bad reasons as I wasn't there long enough. The person I noticed the most was Rivers. Really like him. · The music was fairly loud so couldn’t tell much from player voices but I didn’t notice a lot of animation which is not to suggest that is a bad thing. · I completely forgot to look specifically for Goodwin, Yze or Williams. But then I didn’t expect the rain to arrive so early. At least two of them were in the middle most of the time directing proceedings. · Overall it felt low key but that could be because I have no idea what to expect from a training session. Well, that’s it folks. Will try to get to training again soon. As an aside training is on Monday, Wednesday and Friday but it seems the club publishes pics only for Monday sessions. Not sure if that is due to cost savings.
    8 points
  4. Yeah, nah. Anyone this clueless about personal data security gets zero sympathy from me in this day and age. Thick as 2 short planks is Patton. As a public figure, its seriously poor judgement on his part sending these sorts of images over the internet. Also, you offering an opinion on whether or not the female has the right to be offended by his behaviour isn't your place. A woman should have the right to deal with unwanted sexual advances in any way she see's fit. He offered to pay her money, as if any women on earth should be willing to prostitute themselves for him. This shows his character to be that of one who does not respect women at all. Trying to fly the flag for him him here only makes you look the same way.
    6 points
  5. At times the club has thought we were close to a solution, only for it to all fall in a heap. The fact that zero progress has been made on what should be our highest off-field priority (save for ruling possibilities out) in the last 5 years is an indictment on the current board. Change is needed, and the only thing that should have held us back is a lack of quality alternative options. Lawrence appears worthy of a chance and we need more.
    6 points
  6. Yep, this is exactly what is wrong with our society. This assumptions that girls are forever 'asking for it', if they choose to wear tight clothes, go out to a bar or heaven forbid, give a guy their number. Women are not allowed to exist without some [censored] assuming they are up for it. FFS unless these women specifically said "hey Jon, can I get some nudes", they were not 'asking' for it and it was an aggressively sexually inappropriate thing to do. It might be shocking to men to find out that women may actually care to get to know a guy and not their [censored] first.
    6 points
  7. I saw an article on BBC News in which women who'd met their partners online were asked what had prompted them to go on a second date. The most popular answer was, "He DIDN'T send me a picture of his d*ck." Boys, wake up....
    5 points
  8. When one has a guts like mine, such a thing is impossible!
    4 points
  9. Completely irrelevant and uncalled for comment which could / maybe should have been Not allowed printing. This is not even necessary as one matter is not relevant to the other!!!
    4 points
  10. Maybe you can go to training and do a report.
    4 points
  11. It was during the 10 minute drill when the ball went from the middle to the fwd line. He made good position, had poise, time and accurate disposal. Not a big sample but I liked what I saw.
    3 points
  12. Thanks. It is good to know what happened after I left. That is a very hardy track watcher to stay when the torrential rain arrived.
    2 points
  13. don't you miss all those wonderful articles written in the 2019 preseason saying how good we were going to be. Best midfield..best this and that and the list went on. I think every pundit had us in the eight and many had us as premiers. Bathwater never tasted so good
    2 points
  14. Too bloody right. I wouldn't have let the [censored] in. How likely is it that someone who has down played the severity of the virus with his view of vaccinations and seemingly very cavalier about transmission risk (by the by all of which is pretty easy when you are a spoiled rich boy) that him and sycophantic entourage will follow the quarantine requirements in Oz?
    2 points
  15. I hope this lad will be as good as his apparent attributes lead many to believe. And I am as bad or hopeful as any poster. And he may indeed become the one that slipped through, hope so anyway. And all this from a highlights package and no one I know having seen him play in a game as yet. The catch might be that the expectations of the long suffering Demonland readers, might push him too far and too hard, too early, and that he shines bright too quickly and burns out in a couple of short seasons. I hope not, but..... So lets not expect too much in his first year. He will have a lot of expectations to carry on his shoulders from us on Demonland. I hope he is strong !! Good Luck, go hard or go home. Reminds me a bit of an early Ox.
    2 points
  16. So he acts like a complete degenerate, treating women with disrespect for who knows how long. Finally gets pulled up, and now he's having a mental health crisis and needs to be in hospital? Yeah, nah. Doesn't sit right at all does it. Zero sympathy for a bloke who treats women like this.
    2 points
  17. There is spin and there is fact. The facts seem to be Petty, Hibberd and Gus are the only players to have missed a main session ignoring Vanders stuck in NSW. Let’s compare these facts to facts on Carlton from the AFL website this week.. Docherty trained away from the main group. Curnow, Betts, Marchbank and Silvagni did not train. Newman, Mackay, Gibbons, Martin, DeKoning, Williamson and Kemp are on modified programs. Who knows if they are running PBs, hitting targets or improved their game plan knowledge but I know which one is the preferred position particularly with a shortened preseason preparation.
    2 points
  18. Never considered Bitter as a point scorer. I always found him quite balanced.
    2 points
  19. So from the clubs email it sounds like we are YEARS away from breaking soil on a home base. I really thought we were much closer than that. According to our plan we are supposed to start construction in 2023. only 2 years, and the feasibility study probably hasn't even started yet. I say there is little hope that we are shovel ready by 2023. The mens team fell over at the very first hurdle of our on-field goal by missing finals last year. We should make it this year, but i thought that the last 2 years as well so who could possibly be sure that it will happen this season. Grow to 75k members by 2023.? Absolutely no flaming hope unless we win a flag by 2022. If we miss finals again this year it might be a struggle to get 40k on board next year. Finals or bust as far as membership numbers go. Have a culture that inspires excellence and attracts new talent... MFC culture is putrid and 2-3 years is a very short time to turn it around to something approaching excellence. Yes we have attracted some talent, but how much of that is down to the coin offered? We COULD do it, but its a huge stretch inside 3 years to say we have completely changed our culture from one of falling over when it matters, to one of"Excellence". How will that be judged btw? Anyone know ? Financials.... even the email doesnt sound remotely positive.. "Combined profits of $4m will be more of a challenge given the impact of COVID-19, however, we are not currently willing to concede that goal" hardly inspires confidence. The whole email sounds upbeat and positive ( lets be honest, nobody including myself would have appreciated anything else), but there seems to be more issues of concern than reasons for strong optimism. On field success means EVERYTHING and is the only way we can possibly reach all of our goals by 2023. Does the team have it in them?
    2 points
  20. Was only a matter of time. Is there no one at the club or in his family that can teach him the value of taking responsibility for your own actions. Weak.
    2 points
  21. Seems pretty decent news. Gus & Petty seem the only ones a bit behind (as expected). Plus, a good sign they'll get into some actual footy work pretty early.
    1 point
  22. It’s not so much the effort in the time trial, but the whole vibe in how he presented himself in a year when there was little or no football, his size, athleticism and the expectations of the supporters versus the way the Ox played in his first couple of seasons (before the knees. Hard to remember Now ) and the expectations of many the same supporters for the years to come for the Ox as he matured as a footballer. Very hard to remember, my memory is going the same way as my hairline. It’s disappearing. Chase your dream indeed. Good luck !
    1 point
  23. Interesting that since we moved to Casey we have had little comment in the Hun. Dogs and Saints seems to getting all the attention. Too far for reporters to travel and no reports on here for them to pinch. Not sure if that is good or bad!
    1 point
  24. Having been to training on Friday I can say that Burgess's report was correct. Only Petty, Brayshaw and Hibberd were in rehab. The only players missing were Vandenberg who we now know is stranded in NSW and I think Hore. Its early pre-season so it wouldn't surprise if injuries happen as training intensifies and match practice starts. And some injuries seem quite innocuous - remember Petracca did his ACL coming down from a (I think uncontested) mark at training); Salem got concussion at a training camp etc etc. Injuries happen.
    1 point
  25. Amazing work @Lucifer's Hero, blimey I’ve been missing training reports!
    1 point
  26. So Burgo is lieing about Our situation with a healthy list now? Only there to give reports so positive fir membership purposes? There is no point in mis truths now So I think we have to trust the Club.
    1 point
  27. Firstly if he turns out like the Ox we will have a champion ( without injuries was Wayne Careyesque) on our hands! Secondly I am not sure but also read that ANB and T Mac finished 1 and 2 in run and Fraser third. Moot point still an outstanding effort from the young man. He is seriously chasing his dream with effort and motivation and who knows how good he will be. One other thing is his physical attributes Skills and Attitude are also playing a big part in his pre season attempt to be there in Round 1 with BBB and the rest of the boys!!
    1 point
  28. I forgot to thank @george_on_the_outerfor prompting me to go yesterday. To figure out which days were training days he offered to go on Thursday and suggested I go Friday. He did go Thursday and there was no training. And as I learnt yesterday, Friday is a training day. I don't know where 'george' lives but I'm pretty sure it would have been quite a trek. To make the trek is quite an effort, especially knowing there may be nothing there. Ah, the lengths DL's go to bring reports... Thank you 'george' for making the trek on Thursday for all of us and for prompting me to go yesterday. As an aside, if anyone is thinking of going to Casey, avoid South Gippsland Hwy - the traffic is pretty bad.
    1 point
  29. Frtsch was by himself. I didn't see specific skills training. The ball movement 'drills' were with coaches (forgot to notice which ones) stopping play when the ball came to ground. The closest I saw to match sim was about 10 minutes with the ball starting in the centre and it going to a designated end of the ground. The players in the 'fwd line' were relatively stationery which looked deliberate with what seemed to be 'designated players' moving towards the ball carrier. I was a bit slow to notice who. Will know better next time. Thanks to you and others for the encouragement.
    1 point
  30. looks pretty positive, Burgo is earning his cash it seems
    1 point
  31. worse still, i believe daily mail is now the #1 'news' site in oztraya goes to show what people value...
    1 point
  32. Worse than the HS, the Daily Mail have been all over this like it's watergate. Unfortunately they love that they can set headlines of bad boy AFL star to images of girls in bikinis.
    1 point
  33. I think it's all a bit of a storm in a tea cup. So the guy is sexting? The girl was still wanting to see him despite his messages anyway so how offended was she? He said, come to Melb and I'll do this and that to you and I'll pay you if I need to, and she said 'im not an escort, but I'll see you when you covid has cleared'. I understand that for a footy club in 2021 its not a good look with it being revealed but I'd say screenshotting someone's private conversations/photos and shaming them publicly for the nation to see is far worse than anything he has done. Sure she's calling it out, but she's calling it out publicly. If she wanted to call it out then the proper way would be to go to the police if she feels harassed or send it to the footy club directly. There's no need to shame him in front of the country over conversations which whilst lewd weren't all that bad.
    1 point
  34. A 'feasibility study' is not progress. lol Where I come from in ICT we literally do similar 'discoveries' to avoid doing something... Ah well, at least we have Casey. Who knows what the future holds. Good to have a fall back.
    1 point
  35. Requirement under Corporations Act when club doesn't have an email address. Members who have not provided one to the club actually cost the club tens of thousands each year. I think there were 9K last year when volunteers posted out notification of the Annual meeting.
    1 point
  36. Lol, that's like arguing that the charges against DeGoey aren't serious because hey, who hasn't brought a girl home after a night out. Sexting isn't the issue - it's the lack of consent.
    1 point
  37. Goodwin has completed the AFL requirements to be an AFL coach and done as much as other coaches have to educate and better himself. imv, it isn't lack of education (formal or otherwise) that is impacting his coaching.
    1 point
  38. I guess this falls under 2021 preseason! A few weeks back I caught a replay of the All-Ireland Ladies Championship, featuring of course our Irish players in Goldrick, McEvoy and Magee for Dublin. The Dubs had an impressive comeback win to clinch their fourth straight title. It was interesting to see Goldrick and McEvoy in their natural element. I only really know the basics of the game, but it was clear that Dublin is a very professional outfit. Goldrick in particular was super impressive. She came to the fore when the game was in the balance, and was awarded the player of the match. The commentary was in Gaelic so I had no idea what they were saying mostly but there was one passage of play where I could understand a few words being repeated: "Magee" and "physical". I get the sense she's going to enjoy the full tackle in AFLW. I believe they were meant to travel straight after Christmas so hopefully all goes smoothly with that and quarantine. Obviously they are match fit, but it's going to be a quick and steep adjustment back to footy. The VFLW's alignment with the AFLW season could be very handy in this regard. Now I'll make my annual promise to try to check out some pre-season training. I saw the girls going round at Gosch's while driving by but will try to get a closer look and report back!
    1 point
  39. @goodoil is spot on with his assessment of these youngsters. Ryan Sparkes was probably the one youngster from the 2019 U18s season (Gippsland Power) who I thought was a late pick or rookie chance but missed out in the 2019 draft. It would have been good to see him develop at Casey as he has good skills and run. I’d be interested to see if Casey can convince Tim Smith to pull on the boots in 2021. He was a heart and soul player like Jimmy Munro at Casey and was unlucky with injuries in his AFL days.
    1 point
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