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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/17 in all areas

  1. Garland, Lange added to coaching panel Congratulations to Col. It must be great to have a meaningful role at the Dees while recovering. Article doesn't say how long for. Not sure what it means for his playing career as he is contracted to end of 2018 and will turn 30 early next year. Whether he plays on or not, I'm delighted the club is helping him build career options for life after football whenever that may be. Another sign we are much more professional in developing our players on and off the field. Well done to the Club and Col. Have always loved Col and his love for the Dees.
    18 points
  2. After articles yesterday outlining a 'low' contract offer to Schache, coupled with constant stories about huge money being thrown at him by Victorian clubs, he's just re-signed for two years with Fitzroy. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2017-06-08/lions-coup-josh-schache-signs-new-deal Whilst this isn't MFC news, I must say I am glad to see that the Lions may have started turning a corner with their list. There's no benefit to competition in having a basket case (previously the Melbourne Football Club) being pillaged every trade week.
    13 points
  3. I choose to believe Spencer is still a chance. I was so sure. Delusion got me through 2008-2013, so why stop now?
    8 points
  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again. That house ought to be heritage listed.
    8 points
  5. Sounds a bit like the footy equivalent of a golden handshake.
    8 points
  6. Balic showed a lot at WAFL level last season and was very important for Peel in their Premiership run. He has plenty of ability and potential. My query on Balic is his desire to succeed. My mail is it is homesickness and family matters. Nothing sinister. I think Freo are resigned to losing him. Change of environment could be good. Wouldn't be more than a 3rd rounder
    6 points
  7. Interestingly Balic lived at the Vineys for a week in 2015. So we have a link with him albeit a tenuous one 2d63a23824990db1e03abd3cffd8890b "But Fremantle draftee Harley Balic’s insight into Viney’s approach to football suggests his commitment to improving his game has not wavered. “It was pretty intense,” Balic remembers of his week living with the Viney’s last year as part of the AFL Academy. “It was an awesome experience. He and his dad are just footy heads. Coming from my family where everyone is mixed, it was just footy, footy, footy 24-7. “It taught me what it means to have a good work ethic. He’d be the last one to leave and after training he’d sit down with coaches and watch his training and slow it down to simple things like just picking up the ball. He’s pretty elite.”
    6 points
  8. McKenzie and Baker: brilliant. The best investigative journalists in the country. Hundreds of stories over the past few years. So much more than anybody else: the Herald Sun, the moron's choice, licking the boots of the bosses. The demise of proper journalism is a threat to us all. The reason for the demise, of course, is the rise of Google, Facebook, et. al and their hoovering up of the advertisers' money. A couple of years ago I met an editor who'd worked at The New Yorker. Told me when she started out, she was employed as a fact-checker. She was one of seventeen. Imagine that: seventeen people at one magazine whose sole task was to confirm the veracity of every bit of information in the magazine. What do we have now? That smarmy little bastard Zuckerberg who is happy to allow his crappy network to publish anything - anything! terrorists' propaganda, violence, paedophilia, - as long as the advertisers keep shovelling him the dough. They're one of the reasons we have a problem with the Jihadis. Won't even hand over the details of terrorists to the security forces because it threatens their income (of course they're happy to sell your most intimate details to marketing companies). The long-term implications are frightful. The death of truth, the rise of scum, growing ignorance, division, hatred and chaos.
    6 points
  9. 47 touches against Coburg. Bugg offers more at AFL level than JKH.
    5 points
  10. Not impressed with the No Spencer call. Bloke is playing for his football life and deserves the chance. He would straighten us up considerabbly instead of risky injury to unrecognised 3rd & 4th string options in McDonald & Watts.
    5 points
  11. Thats what you get for leaving Michael Hibberd out of your Top 10 recruits of 2017.
    5 points
  12. Someone mentioned in another thread the idea of Col Garland being retained on the coaching panel. Dunno if they had inside knowledge, but it's just been announced that Col has been appointed as the Player Development Coach of the women's team. Well done, Col!
    5 points
  13. Massive game. The pies defence is poor especially without Reid. If we break even in the middle then we should get on top. Will Trac love the big stage?? I reckon he might
    5 points
  14. The way things are going tonight we'll be 6th if we win on Monday.
    4 points
  15. Matthew Richardson goes under the radar. Lovely guy, but I doubt I've ever heard an insightful comment on radio or tv. Also, there are so many ordinary teams. The two tonight are ordinary. The top 4 are ordinary. The competition is very close and there is not one fantastic team.
    4 points
  16. I don't get it. Goody said Spencer wont play, so why is he named? JKH is not up to it ..... so why is he named? Salem in for ...... ??
    4 points
  17. Good for Football!
    4 points
  18. Don't know where to source figures that disprove this but I don't agree. I did a journalism degree about 20 years ago, at a time when only one institution - RMIT - offered it. There were 50 graduates a year, and another 12 or so doing it post-grad and that was it. The ABC had about 10 national cadetships a year, and Fairfax / NewsCorp about half of that in each of their metropolitan markets i.e. 5 at The Age, 5 at the SMH etc. Beyond that, you had to go bush to get a gig. Nowadays, every uni and TAFE offers a number of journalism and communications degrees, so you have hundreds, if not thousands, of students graduating every year, and only a handful of cadetships / traineeships. Of course not every graduate wants to be a journalist, but many do, and the jobs just don't exist. As Fifty-5 said, most end up working in PR, comms, spin doctoring etc. There's a plethora of those jobs, but if you want to be the next Richard Baker (Kate McClymont is better), it's nigh on impossible to get a gig in a metropolitan newsroom these days.
    4 points
  19. Will be happy with a 60 point belting in front of 85,000 people, and Dunn and Howe being reported for cheap shots in the final quarter, each of which managed to draw nothing more than laughter from the Demon 'impacted' and his mates near the play. ( ... I like Dunn, for what it's worth.)
    4 points
  20. Ta. That's interesting. I thought for sure they would play him
    4 points
  21. Wonder if he'll be saying that when Max is available ?
    4 points
  22. I don't think you understand the parlous employment prospects of modern journalists who actually want to pursue their craft. Connolly has options only because he works in the burgeoning AFL domain. The only avenue for most is PR. I work in media, I'm not a journalist.
    4 points
  23. 40956 MEMBERS SIGNED UP FOR 2017 44 away!
    4 points
  24. I have a theory that Clementine Ford and Andrew Bolt are actually just different 'brand faces' for the same behind-the-scenes writer.
    4 points
  25. Besides the work they did throughout the EFC doping saga which was the best by far, they also did some work in conjunction with others last year on Unaoil and some articles just this week on the Chinese businessmen with links to the Communist party attempting to infiltrate Aus politics. There's been more over the last couple of years that I can't recall off the top of my head
    4 points
  26. I feel more confident now that Vince has confirmed that "we're expecting their best".
    4 points
  27. Daisy is a champion footballer. Plus she is a champion person. Humble. Well spoken. Professional. Fully knowledgeable about footy. Serious crush from me.
    3 points
  28. Imagine how much more the doggies would have lost by without Cloke!
    3 points
  29. He's the special commentator for when a player has the yips for him to talk about the little man in their head that starts talking
    3 points
  30. You shouldn't be living at home in your early 40's anyway Ethan. Even if your dad is your life partner.
    3 points
  31. I'll ignore it because his afl games have been totally sub standard.
    3 points
  32. Obviously it can't be ignored, but I would much prefer to see him do it on a more regular basis before coming back in. He always seems to come back into the team off the back of only 1 good performance
    3 points
  33. Please don't add White as a significant out, he is terrible
    3 points
  34. Huge news for the Lions. I was sure he'd bail on them like most of their other kids the past few years. It's good they were able to retain a key one. Once one signs, usually others start to buy in. For the Lions sake, hopefully this is the start of their recovery.
    3 points
  35. Not necessarily, Again, the ownership is on Fasolo to recognise his mental health and what he can manage - remember this is what he does for a living - the onset, the precipitating factors may have nought to do with football...and the recommendation from his psych - would be to engage in activities that facilitate a sense of purpose - return to work programs always advocate for this. And guilt if processed correctly is a great motivator and would NOT worsen the condition. I work in this space for a living... so I think its important to gain accurate information - even on a forum such as this.
    3 points
  36. You just hope that he didn't do it out of guilt or feeling he is letting the team down in a time of need. Generally, that would only worsen his condition. I reckon if it was mfc, Mahoney and co would say 'thanks mate, but look after yourself first' (as we have with Hogan and Brayshaw). Hope Collingwood do something similar with Fasolo but it may too hard for them given their and Buckley's predicament.
    3 points
  37. @ChaserJ or @Pennant St Dee are good observers of junior footy and 'Pennant' may know something about the WA side of things. My memory is he looked a pretty smart footballer and was another one from a basketball background...he seemed to have a bit of upside. ...but there must be a reason he slipped back.
    3 points
  38. Throw in a few features like; seeking out multiple sources, finding 'silent' sources and convincing them to share, verifying with records, critically evaluating the credibility and motivates of other's communications, being aware of broader contexts and using them to shape what you produce, writing/producing effectively to make your audience aware of those contexts, identifying the most important information, blah blah blah., y'know. "I put a band-aid on my own booboo mummy, I'm a surgeon!" "I've got a potato, I'm a farmer!"
    3 points
  39. I'd be more confident with Dunn out there for us than Oscar
    3 points
  40. 3 points
  41. I hope we smash brown in his debut like they did to watts
    3 points
  42. So Hogan has officially been ruled out. I thought some on here claimed to have the good oil. Seems not.
    3 points
  43. Print advertising funded good journalism. Broadcast media are also in the content creation business, so advertising there also funds professional content creation - both entertainment and news. Digital has broken that model in 2 ways: specialist free-to-use advertising-only media, like Carsales.com.au and Realestate.com.au Content platforms with advertising where the content is created for free by the public, like Facebook We're richer is many ways but poorer in some important ways - loss of good quality journalism.
    3 points
  44. I would actually prefer the Queen's Birthday to move to Queen's Birthday Eve.
    3 points
  45. And if you prefer tabloid right wing "journalism" the Herald Sun is the go.
    3 points
  46. It's a no from me. Not because he's shithouse but because his name is Kurt.
    3 points
  47. I think they will bring in Spencer. It's not just the improvement in the actual ruck, it's the flow-on effect in the rest of the structure. Pedersen plays forward/second ruck and provides a much needed target (doubly important if Hogan doesn't play), Watts stays as a permanent forward, TMac goes back to full time defence and pushes OMac out of the side. To me, that's four positional upgrades by just adding one player. Plus it'll be nice to win the odd hitout - I know we've been on top of clearances without them, but it will still only help, surely. It doesn't matter if Spencer only plays a game or two until Gawn returns, it's still definitely worthwhile I think.
    3 points
  48. I'm a big Clementine Ford fan. I can't get through the day without being told what an oppressive [censored] I am for being born white and male.
    3 points
  49. That's why you put your hand in your pocket and pay 400+ a year for a reserved seat in the Melbourne Football Club members.
    2 points
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