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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/16 in all areas

  1. I hear that he's going to build a wall around the MCG and make the Collingwood Football Club pay for it.
    15 points
  2. Also I'd like to add, I have seen a fair bit of discussion about he's ability to play at an AFL level comparing to his VFL performance. It seems like a lot of people were forgetting he was working a full time, very physical job, then training at close to an AFL level 3 nights a week for up to 3 hours, which would see him up to 16 hours a day away from home. Despite all this, he was competing on the same level and even sometimes at a higher level then the AFL listed players. In a full time footy environment, and 'touchwood' he doesn't get injured, he will be playing at a very competitive level next season.
    14 points
  3. We are all passionate Demons, and often get caught up in the emotion of wanting the best thing for our club. We all think we know what's best, and often our opinion is quite different to the next person. We all have players we love, players we love to hate, and players we want to hold responsible for us not winning a flag each year. One thing we often forget is that the players that are fortunate enough to play for our club, they are human. They are in a "fortunate" position to have people idolise them, and can really make a difference in the lives of some less fortunate than most of us. While I'm sure all the players are striving to win a premiership at some stage in their careers, I'd have no doubt that being responsible for giving someone an extra bit of hope, especially at this time of year, is just as satisfying. I encourage everyone on here to watch this clip. I'm sure that if it doesn't bring a tear to your eye, that at the very least it will make you appreciate the efforts that our club goes to, to make someone's day. The whole club is doing whatever it can, each year, to make the day of the near 40,000 members, and the however many non-members that barrack for our club, but every now and then it can deliver that warm and fuzzy feeling without feeling the need to lift a premiership cup. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/2016-12-05/coach-for-a-day This stuff makes me bloody proud to be a supporter. Go Dees.
    13 points
  4. Just FYI I have been advised that it is agaisnt MFC policy to talk about specific, insider player information on any publicly available areas. However, I 'think' he is really enjoying it, is settling into the workload nicely and already has been involved in some pretty amazing stuff. To be honest I don't think I've ever seen him so happy. He knows he is involved in something very special.
    11 points
  5. I can't believe we are still indulging this sociopath. As soon as he was cleared to play by our doctors we should have told him to report to the club for training in a suitable condition. Failing to do should have resulted in his contract being terminated immediately. I work bloody hard to earn a small fraction of Lumumba's annual income. I deeply resent that a portion of my membership fees (however small) is paying for him to sit on his lazy arse, whilst his fellow players are busting their guts on the training track. It also makes me sick that we turfed a great club man like Grimes so that this bludger can stay on the list.
    11 points
  6. DeeSpencer, for all his faults as a player, Col Sylvia used to organise regular visits, I mean at least 2 or 3 times a month to the Children's Hospital with players, it went unreported.
    9 points
  7. Gee, funny you should say that WJ (you must be psychic)...
    6 points
  8. This might be a case of bias but I think it's great to see so many players go up and introduce themselves. Gawny hoist him on his shoulders. Others listen intently to what he had to say. A few years ago I wonder if most of the players would've just done the bare minimum as part of their job. Now they seem engaged with the club. I don't think they would've had to be told to get involved, they just did it. Watching this I didn't get the same emotions that a lot of others on here and on twitter etc have seemingly felt for Andrew but I had a great sense of pride in the club and I'm sure that means he would've had an amazing day.
    5 points
  9. Naah...not fun police. Clubs have certain protocols and they must be adhered to - happy to get D167s input without upsetting the applecart. ?
    4 points
  10. I feel with the Impy precedent, Oliver should get 20 pushups or stand in the corner for 10 minutes.
    4 points
  11. I forget to mention, and pretty sure I am echoing the thoughts of the Demonland community... Good luck to Andrew, I hope you get to see a Demon flag sooner rather than later. And I wish you and your family nothing but the best of good times and health for the upcoming festive season, and for many years to come.
    4 points
  12. Worth reading just for the bit I have bolded.
    4 points
  13. I've had the opportunity (blessing) to be on the other side of this from time to time, i.e., seeing/receiving these kids. I remember one time, a kid came in, must have been in November/December, and in chatting to him someone said "so, what's Santa going to bring you for Christmas?" There was silence, and eventually his father lent over and said "he's not going to make it to Christmas". Something you never forget. Great work by the club and the players, though I'm sure this goes on more than we're aware of.
    3 points
  14. Pretty sure that is great news regardless SWYL...... a lot more to life than Football.
    3 points
  15. Finally a policy that jells with me...
    3 points
  16. I would prefer the Pol Pot approach to the afl leadership.
    3 points
  17. I would have thought Oliver has already been dealt with so these latest posts are a bit redundant.
    3 points
  18. Tipping you don't have kids, Spencer? (Not being rude, but if you have kids of your own that are fit and healthy, these sort of stories should make you appreciate the things we often take for granted).
    3 points
  19. I seem to have sprung a leak from my eyes... lovely stuff and really hope that everything works out for Andrew and his family. Footballers have to be much more than just footballers these days, and I can only see that as being a good thing.
    3 points
  20. Wingard would love to play for Melbourne. Means he only has to play against Jetta in an intraclub.
    3 points
  21. I think the difference may be that Rome is the home of classical antiquity and as all Demon fans would know is actually called Roma in Latin. Suspect that Romsey will never be known as the eternal city or be regarded as one of the birthplaces of Western civilisation, let alone attract tourists other than poor unfortunates that find themselves off the beaten track by listening to Siri. God help them if they find a hand painted sign post to Romsey manor. They will find a bed but not one for rest. Having said that I had forgotten that The Vatican City is also located in Roma and currently is the residence of Georgie Porgy Pell. By comparison Uncle and Romsey Manor may be a better place for an overnight stay.
    3 points
  22. Nothing to do with our training, but it was nice to see that Roughead is back training with the Dorks...hopefully that is an indication that he is winning his health battle.
    3 points
  23. One of your influences ,Joseph Conrad,wrote a Novella renamed 'Children of The Sea". The theme was about the effect of a Malingerer on a "crew" in sail.. The term "cast adrift" was used as you guys tend to do.
    2 points
  24. Why is Jarman Whimpey being mentioned in the same column as Clarry Choo Choo?? Mods, needs another thread!! Dont need Clarry being looked at in the same light as Jarman Whimpey!! ????
    2 points
  25. I wish him a rapid descent into obscurity.
    2 points
  26. it's a fair point it. caps would also be better advertising/branding because they are more likely to be worn and therefore seen on more occasions. people wear caps all year round and in many more situations.
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. Jack Viney's dad might be underselling himself. I have the team of the century hanging up in my office.
    2 points
  29. Yes count me as one too. My wife gives me a hard time over my footy obsession and calls me "fndee" when I do something somewhat moronic but watched that video together and we both had tears. This is one of the things footy clubs do very well. A big good luck to Andrew although let's hope Jack Viney can put on some upper body strength
    2 points
  30. All the best Andy, you have a lot of fans on here.
    2 points
  31. Crikey, Sir - did you have to add that first line - the tears in my eyes and heart from watching the video overflowed as I read your post. His illness is quite rare but there could be up to 10 years for the Dees to get him a flag but hopefully it is sooner than later, just in case. At every level it was a precious, moving video. Hoisted high on Max's shoulders going over the bridge is especially poignant. Andrew could have wished for almost anything and Starlight would bend over backwards to make it happen. But in an age where kids have and wish for more and more material things, how refreshing for young Andrew to just want the experience of coaching his beloved Demons - An inspirational young fellow.
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. Col was always in at The RCH Can't fault him on that one
    2 points
  34. Agree Colin was a unrecognised for his good works. I think he was close to Jim Stynes and his loss hit him hard.
    2 points
  35. Spoke to a few of them about the 'lack' of running in the pre season up to now, as you know they are all on GPS, running longer distances at a more consistent pace, very little drop off, reason the ball was out second session, no need as in the past to spend pre Xmas getting them fit.
    2 points
  36. 27,914 We're pretty much on last year's tally for 1st week of Feb. At this rate we should certainly crack 30,000 prior to Christmas. Based on previous years rates of increase we are definitely going to crack 40000 this year and should be looking at somewhere around 43,000 or more.
    2 points
  37. Split in to forwards, mids, backs now. Petracca, Harmes, Ben Ken fwd. Salem, Melk, Lewis in the mids. Vince with the backs. Spencer held his own against Gawn in throw ins. Clarry went over to the physios with what looked like a sore hip flexor. Now jogging laps at various speeds. Must be something preexisting because I'm surprised given his grimacing they didn't just shut him down for the day
    2 points
  38. Yay. Wish that would happen. [censored] the [censored]'s ego. Is there a more repulsive person on television? Heard him somewhere recently (think on radio, talking to Steve Price, so I know, my fault, self-inlicted wound) talking about Barack Obama - and my god, the bile Newman spewed - going on about how Obama was destroying America - and yet if you'd asked him for the slightest detail about which aspect of Obama's policy he was referring to, the pig-ignorant, plasticated fool wouldn't have known - it was just unadulterated racism - and then I remember reading last year that he'd renewed his contract with Channel 9 - for a million bucks a year - jesus - and i thought about my father, who had just died - he was a very humble working man who never had two sticks to rub together but who'd flown in Beaufort bombers against the Japanese in the Second World War and always told us as kids how important it was that we work to establish friendships with our Asian neighbours, and how kind he'd been to my Asian friends in his later years - and i thought the world is a rather upside-down place
    2 points
  39. Should be good for team harmony . Must be modelling his career on Col Sylvia.
    2 points
  40. Every time Hogan smiles we get 10 new members.
    2 points
  41. Vikes D gave it their all while the offense looked like something mark neeld was coaching. That's it for our season. Detroit winning gives them a 2 game buffer and our chances of a wild card are slim. That 2 point conversion should've been a penalty for contact to Bradford's head but the refs missed it.
    1 point
  42. I was hoping I got a reply! Maybe I just saw the wrong bit of it coming out from his shorts. And yes that sounds much dirtier than it should.
    1 point
  43. Brayshaws presence was not the high point of that show. He is the sycophants sycophant. He was only there to laugh at Billy Brownless, roll his eyes after any reference to North Melbourne, say Nicky Dal at any opportunity and rub his hands together at the start of the show. Tasks he managed to master. He's run out of ideas now.
    1 point
  44. Agreed, I decided many years ago that watching the footy show was a poor reflection on me. Life was too short to watch such infantile pathetic drivel. Hopefully, the death rattle has sounded for this show. It is well passed its use by date and should be guillotined as soon as possible. And Sam should be first cab off the rank..
    1 point
  45. Impossible to get a staight answer around here at Demonland comics lounge.
    1 point
  46. It is curious. He was a rare talent of Orwellian proportions. At times, dare I say, he was Brando like. Those expressions, the sincerity, that laugh....he had it all.
    1 point
  47. With Brayshaw out of the picture we'll never again get to see that hilarious clip of Garry Lyon being carried off on a stretcher. My god, what a side splitter. And then we'll never see it repeated. And then we'll never see it repeated a few second after that. And then a few seconds after that. And then a few seconds after that. And then 5 minutes later. And then a few seconds after that. And then a few seconds after that. I'm shaking just thinking about it!!!
    1 point
  48. Now, if they just got rid of Sam...
    1 point
  49. we really need to get ollie wines out of that cess-pit before he's too damaged
    1 point
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