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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/14 in all areas

  1. Last week I asked why I should watch. Thanks for the resounding answer.
    16 points
  2. 15 points
  3. First time I've ever got to sing the song at the footy with my 3yo daughter.... A moment I'll never forget. Thank you Dees!
    13 points
  4. Frawley forward Dunn forward Pedo back Howe back A clear gameplan This is why we are paying Roos 1.5 mil WE JUST BEAT CARLTON!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
    12 points
  5. Just home. Let me say HOW [censored] SWEET WAS THAT?
    11 points
  6. Don't try and enjoy the smell of our win. You go back to Punt road and burn some membership cards.
    11 points
  7. Would love to hear Roos's thoughts on the impact Dawes had on the team. We moved forward with so much more purpose and confidence. Knowing that we posed a scoring threat seemed to give our mids a shot of confidence as well. As FD said it was probably the best 8 possession game you are likely to see.
    11 points
  8. All I wanted this year was to beat Carlton. Thank you Melbourne for restoring my love and faith in you. Go Dees!!!
    11 points
  9. Give the big man Spencer his dues peoples. He was great
    11 points
  10. This is has resulted in a massive increase in the average IQ of today's Carlton team.
    11 points
  11. my highlights Grimes's best game in ages. He was fantastic Dawes, it's amazing what happens when you suddenly have a tall forward to kick to. We went long and his 2 goals were brilliant. Frawley, what a game. His leading up was great and his 2 goals and not to forget his 15 marks and 6 inside 50's. Keep him down there. He is enjoying ti and is another target. McDonald was brilliant down back Spencer was great in the ruck except that one lapse he had in the 3rd quarter where he didnt go up for the ruck. Loved his ragged doll tackle on Yarran. JKH. I wanted him to start and his tackle on Cripps was sensational and he kicked a nice goal to. Viney my god how good it is to have him back and vince was down today but we covered him Jones is just the ultimate warrior. He basically sacrificed himself out of the midfield today to shut down murphy and not only did he do that he got the ball 28 times and was just awesome. Pedersen what a goal in that last quarter. Amazing what a win does. I wonder how many people who were standing up and cheering the goal and when he came off in the end under the blood rule were calling for his head a week ago.
    10 points
  12. Havent seen one post on Grimes'game. He was excellent and deserves respect today after being cained by many on here the past few weeks.
    10 points
  13. I died on the table right? You can tell me.
    10 points
  14. Sorry, as good as the win was, the most pleasing thing was my 8 month old boy twice saying "Go Dee"
    9 points
  15. This is what winning is all about Demons.....Not PP's and Draft picks Hurting the opposition is much more satisfying.
    9 points
  16. Tipped it and won $100 and a carton of coronas from blues supporters. Thanks boys.
    9 points
  17. Who said hope was a dangerous thing? Get in Dees!
    9 points
  18. Sorry, but I don't compute
    8 points
  19. And for Hannibal.. No Jordie, no Melbourne.
    8 points
  20. Amazing feeling. Winning against anyone is great. But beating Carlton, and Malthouse, is just another level. Malthouse clearly dropped Waite and Garlett because he thought this was the week he could get away with it - EAD Mick. And as for us - we weren't great, but we were a lot better, and there is a future there to be seen. JKH has silken hands, his touch is superb. Dawes changes everything for us, thought he was grand. Cross was outstanding too. We took a big step forward today. And we took it right on Carlton's head. Perfect.
    8 points
  21. I think you'd have to call Nathan Jones elite now. Not quite at the Ablett, Pendlebury, Jobe Watson level, but if you widen the field of elite midfielders a bit he's there.
    8 points
  22. Finally a 4am wake up to watch over here in the UK that was worth it, Go Deesrlton forum must be in meltdown.
    8 points
  23. Not even angry they are not talking about us. Happy for us to be out of the media.
    8 points
  24. Never really noticed before but Dawes is an incredibly cerebral and team oriented footballer. His little tap to Bail everyone will remember, but he is so clever at creating space, running angles to block for team-mates and to open pathways for runners to pick up lose footy. Just a very smar footy brain.
    7 points
  25. Thought Cross was BOG, never wasted it, has unbelievable hands in close and his awareness in tight is just something so many of our home grown players simply don't have (yet). What an absolute recruiting master stroke it was signing Crossy.
    7 points
  26. Viney showed some real mongrel out there as well. Loved his game.
    7 points
  27. just a shame he wasn't playing today
    7 points
  28. Don't worry about checking the scores, just watch to see if any of us are walking out into the ocean...
    7 points
  29. If we knock off the Blues today, the mob will start to turn on Malthouse... A slim chance, but a big prize!
    7 points
  30. Don't know why but I am going. I just feel disloyal watching from home. I do not have an excuse not to go. At least I can get a hot chocolate and some jam donuts to ease the pain. I dislike Carlton and their supporters and just pray today is the day. Go Dees.
    7 points
  31. I had a fantastic day at the G. Heaps of Melbourne supporters and I hardly have any voice tonight. Just finished watching the replay and totally stoked by our performance. Best day of the year for me so far. I'm loving that winning feeling. I received many text messages from friends who support other clubs and were rapt we won. I didn't realise Carlton were so universally disliked. Well done boys!
    6 points
  32. Nathan Jones ranked 109 in the AFL player rankings absolutely destroys Marc murphey ranked 28 as well as collecting BOG honours again, shows just how underrated our skipper is
    6 points
  33. Over at Talking Carlton the "Sakc Malthouse!!!" is into page 64. Meanwhile, things are hotting up on the "R4: Carlton v Melbourne (Post Match Rant Rave and Vomit)" thread where they want to burn the place down. Does this sound familiar?
    6 points
  34. Two of my boys work for the Demons. They've done it harder than any supporter. I raise a glass to you guys.
    6 points
  35. My highlights Jkh rundown of cripps Pedo's goal Howes grab Warnocks punch and free kick M jones tackle Singing the song for the first time with my infant son Go dees
    6 points
  36. The fact Nathan Jones went head to head with media love child Marc Murphy and destroyed him brings a tear to my eye. Jake the Snake gave Wanock a bath (surely he is bordering on worst player in the comp). Chris Dawes provided so much structure, direction and assistance. Well done.
    6 points
  37. Roos's message is getting across. Is this the turning of the corner?I [censored] hope so.
    6 points
  38. Anyone who can read lips will know that Roosy messed up the words to the song. Don't worry pal, you'll get 'em right before long.
    6 points
  39. The most pleasing thing is this was an effort based win, very well done lads!
    6 points
  40. Might actually watch some more footy tonight. Usually my interest in the game is totally spent by the time the Melbourne game is over each week.
    6 points
  41. If we only win one game this year,please let be today Carlton is the team I've hated the most in the last 30 years. C'mon Dees,i want to hear SEN go into MELTDOWN,i miss the "sack Brett Ratten" non stop Talkback calls!
    6 points
  42. Ah, game day. My heart is full of optimism and hope, ready to be trampled and smashed into a million pieces, all over again.
    6 points
  43. A big crowd gathered around the bar in the Olympic stand to watch the boys sing the song without any volume! The cheer that went up when they finished was awesome! My faith in footy is restored!!
    5 points
  44. No matter how much pain I suffer. No matter the humiliations. No matter how many $$$'s. No matter how many times I look at the sky and ask why. Days like today make it all worth it.
    5 points
  45. What can one say except We WON , and thats all that matters!! The fact it was over Carlton is just the Icing on the Cake Go DEES
    5 points
  46. Grimes haters stand down.
    5 points
  47. .................| |*| |.......................... GOAL!!!!!
    5 points
  48. Yes they will And its long overdue for our players and club to grow a spine and hit back twice as hard
    5 points
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