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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/02/14 in all areas

  1. Stynes legacy honoured with MCG statue Jim has been announced as the next bronze statue to be erected around the G. A fitting honour for one of the greatest AFL stories ever. Still miss the big guy.
    6 points
  2. 10 Things I think I know from the NAB Challenge so far: 1. Melbourne can't possibly be as bad as last year. 2. Neither can GWS. 3. If Hawthorn are to have a premiership hangover it won't be at the start of the year. 4. Brisbane have very little depth. If they have a long injury list including a number of their better players they will be bottom 4. 5. The phrase "absence makes the heart grow fonder" does not apply to Fox Footy commentators. 6. Games of footy without a whole bunch of new rules are good. 7. So are supergoals, preseason is probably their home but they are fun. 8. I expect a much closer comp and some real battles to get in the 8 this year. 9. 18 games in 18 days with every team getting on TV is a great thing for equality and exposure. 10. A game every day isn't. Mondays and Tuesdays could be days without footy with double headers on the weekends instead. I watched patches of the early ones and all of the Melbourne game but couldn't get through more than 5 minutes here and there of the last few games.
    5 points
  3. Just on this 'Hogan not ready for Rd 1' stuff... We do have over a month to go and practice games against Geelong and Hawthorn... This period we are in now - this period is the 'getting ready for Rd 1 period.' If he is playing in this period, he is going to be a chance for Rd 1.
    5 points
  4. real men don't need arms arms are for wimps
    4 points
  5. Round 1 predictions: 1) About 15 family and freinds coming to this game (all Demons & Saints fans) 2) Smuggle some bourbon in rather than pay $9 for midstrength 3) Dees win by 5 goals 4) Demons fans stomping the bottom level of Etihad creating a wall of sound 5) Belt out a grand old flag after the game a couple times , followed by a "Roooooooooooos" as he walks around the boundary line. 6) Scarf goes out the car 7) Grand Old Flag played most of the way home 8) Switch to Finey for some post match 9) Get home, feet up, night cap and watch the replay with the lovely. 10) Well if the moods right....
    3 points
  6. Premature expectation
    3 points
  7. It may surprise you all to read this, but my arms are bigger than Chris Dawes', and I'm also more articulate. My voice is deeper than his as well.
    3 points
  8. Yeah, but nine of those touches were him checking that his wallet was still in place.
    3 points
  9. Fitzy has improved and I love his work but if both are fit, Dawes is a class ahead. More experience, works smarter, better contested mark, knows where to run and a leader.
    3 points
  10. colin will rip it up in perth dunno about his footy though
    3 points
  11. Just a point on Hogan. Of course he is underdone. He jarred his knee and has had limited training for at least a month. However, round 1 is still a month away. He will get plenty of match fitness in that time and barring any further injuries will be 100% by round 1. Same goes for Viney.
    3 points
  12. What a completely hacked thread. A Poster passes on snippets of a general conversation of how much better his workplace is after the CEO & Senior Coach were removed and replaced with people who actually know how to do the job(s) correctly, and gets a hard time. Personally i am glad that JW now feels better about the place. It was obviously Clown School before and not pleasant to work in.
    3 points
  13. Underestimating Dunn this season I think. Never been a great fan but I think he is now in a space where he has a mature mind, a strong body, has learnt much about the game and his own limitations. I think under Roos he may have his best season ever probably off half back, occasionally going forward for the odd goal. I like him as a run with stopper, with a big body but I don't think he will be used that way this year.
    2 points
  14. This is probably not a ground breaking thread but I thought I'd share an insight of one of the playing group. I had a chat with a Jack Watts (not on the family day) about what Roosy was like. Jack told me that they can finally see how a real coach operates after six years of rubbish. The group kind of felt hard done by as its obvious the last 5-6 years were a waste. Some might read this in a negative light but it's not how Jack portrayed it. It's as though they felt like "where has this been"? Jack said he has never been more optimistic about the year ahead and that PR has had a enormous effect on the group. Its not massive but I thought it was worth a share.
    2 points
  15. Yeah but whatcha gonna do bout it?
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. If Jack Watts is All Australian, we're playing finals.
    2 points
  18. It actually seriously pisses me off hearing that any thug has "kept out of trouble" (or not been caught) after an act of senseless violence causing serious - physical and let's not forget mental - injury so should be dealt with sympathetically. It happens all the time, and sends a message to others who may be considering such acts that the community accepts it, provided that hey keep their noses clean for a while afterwards. No wonder it isn't safe to walk the streets. Do the crime - do the time! Edited per WJ comments
    2 points
  19. That must be how you got the nickname Chook
    2 points
  20. An excellent initiative for a wonderful human being and great MFC footballer.
    2 points
  21. Spencer just played an intra club as first ruck against our beanpole toddler King. Gawn played but was predominantly forward and Jamar hasn't suited up yet. Spencer is winning this race to be first ruck in a canter at the moment - the others haven't left their gate.
    2 points
  22. Hang on - if Hogan isn't played due to lack of preparation, how on earth can you name Jamar (presumably he is still breathing somewhere)????? As far as I have read he hasn't trained intensively at all, for whatever reason.
    2 points
  23. I agree Hogan will in the future but based on yesterday's game I don't think he does at the moment. I thought he looked unfit (which is understandable since he has been in rehab most of the pre season), so I'd ease him in via Casey. I'd also play Gawn as a forward ruck replacement - he was the best of the big men yesterday. An outstanding forward mark - he has displayed this at Casey on a number of occasions but this is the first time he showed it consistently in senior company to my knowledge. Hogan is not ready yet. Spencer is too unreliable, and makes too many basic errors. Roos clearly was still smarting after the game about his goal square error against Richmond ("Stopped our momentum dead"). Still, a pretty good forward line IMO, So my team would be: FB: Georgiou Frawley Dunn HB: Grimes McDonald Terlich C: Watts Tyson Vince HF: Toumpas Dawes Bail FF: JKH Fitzpatrick Howe R/R: Gawn N.Jones Trengove I/C: Michie Cross Blease Sub: Viney
    2 points
  24. There is no problem with Clark's foot. At all. It's his legs becoming accustomed to increased workloads, which has caused some minor soft tissue concerns. He has to very slowly ramp up his work-rate.
    2 points
  25. I want him back too. Perhaps we could start an online viral get bobby back campaign
    2 points
  26. Not much to add but FWIW saw Mich Clark cruising around the Tan when i turned up at a reasonable jog, certainly faster than I'd expect him to be moving if there were still problems with his foot/leg. Certainly not sprinting but cautious build up in condition i'd say. While I think of it and i don't know if it's been asked, but if Riley is on the LTIL, surely it's expected Mitch will be available before him?
    2 points
  27. "Another issues, not really discussed on here today at at any length, was the very substandard performance of Hogsn today. He seemed to me to be unfit, and overweight. I doubt whether he will play round one. He shouldn't. He doesnt deserve it" "On what I saw yesterday Hogan is a long way off in deserving a spot in Round 1. He didn't run enough to create opportunities and thus appeared to be part of a crowded forward line. His body language wasn't great either. He looked frustrated at times with the ball delivery. When he did run into space, they looked for him. As mentioned he isn't fit enough" You two did remember to face the green bit when watching didn't you....laughable.....I actually followed Hogan from end to end and stood behind the goal, his workrate was excellent, a lot of time his running went unrewarded ...
    2 points
  28. Of course it was the recruitment team but we know that Neeld was directly involved in the decisions to get Clark and Dawes and since he seems to cop all of the stick for recruiting errors (like Gillies who cost next to nothing) then he deserves at least to get some of the kudos for what he got right like his role in improving team fitness and discipline levels and our recruiting.
    2 points
  29. It wasn't Neeld. The only good thing that came from the Neeld era was good recruiting (think Toumpas, Viney, Hogan, Dawes, Clark, Kent, Terilch, Clisby etc) and it wasn't him. It was the recruitment team. People always bang on about the mistakes (Gillies, jury out on Pedersen and Byrnes) but I think people do forget just how good our recruiting has been for the last couple of years and how good the decisions have been in respect of letting others go.
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. That's a change Robbie It has been they lose you lose for a long time.
    2 points
  32. how does this system work, are we paying them to win? If i'd know that i would have taken out a big loan from the bank bloody years ago!
    2 points
  33. There are a number of things I might argue with the sides mentioned above. However, in our current situation, there is only only one bloke with the smarts and ability to play CHF. Dawes. Fitzy would run around in circles and, while Hoges will play that position in the future, let's not cruel him just yet.
    2 points
  34. That is fantastic news OD. I have to say Dawes has really impressed in the games I saw him play. We were [censored] but he acted like a true pro and ran, presented and chased. His training has been first rate and he is an example of how to be a professional athlete. I would love to see him play a full season.
    2 points
  35. Oh FFS. You're making stuff up. Dawes appears perfectly fit and has been managed up until this point. Off restricted training today he came out and kicked a couple of goals and probably beat Tom McDonald. Clark was improving and then pulled a hammy. You are right to be speculative in regards to Clark because of his troubled history of late but you can't just guess injuries and then say how smart you were. Hogan was not substandard today. He was not unfit or overweight. He was on the losing side of a completely unrealistic practice match against a decent enough opponent (I think Georgiou was on him for a bit). He kicked a goal didn't he or at least had a shot. Won a lovely ruck tap and followed it up and won the ball at half forward kicking to the north end and did one of the best handballs of the day to release a runner. If round 1 was tomorrow he wouldn't play. But it's not. It's in a months time in which he will be back in ball work training. He should also play 2 practice games that will allow him to highlight his ability. Maybe Fitzy, Dawes or heaven help us Pedersen with his 8 touches and 1 mark games will out play Hogan in to round 1 but you can't make a judgement on Fitzy and Gawn taking a few grabs on undersized young Casey defenders.
    2 points
  36. Dawes is fine. Interview available on MFC for those who'd rather get it from the horses's mouth.
    2 points
  37. God no. You'd be stupid to go near that moron not to mention he can't hit the side of a barn by foot. I'm talking about Jackson Macrae who was drafted after Toumpas but before wines. Left footer, grown to 191cm, predominantly outside but building his inside game and found a heap of the footy against the saints last night. I like Toumpas and I think he's got as much potential as anyone I'm just a big Macrae fan as well.
    2 points
  38. BTW. Forgot to mention in my training report. Met one of our ( new?) board members today - Jeremy Nicholls. Helluva nice fellow. We had a bit of a general chat and what impressed was how he emphasised the cohesive nature of the club. Everyone knows their role and are working hard at it. I know that's the party line in any organisation but this bloke was enthusiastic and keen to talk. Liked him.
    2 points
  39. Lol, sounds like Goldilocks to me. "This coach is too soft" "This coach is too hard" "Ahhh, this coach is just right"
    2 points
  40. I don't know about this, although I understand why you'd think that... Players can still develop at the top level whilst playing particular roles and I reckon Toumpas will play the majority of games for us, providing he contributes and plays his role. His skills and decision making are too good for Casey, Roos would know this. And whilst his body is still maturing, he'll be played as a half forward who uses his running ability to get into open space and then use the footy with deadly precision. Lewis Jetta played the same role early on when he developed his tank even though his speed is more like Blease's. People easily confuse midfielders and what's required of them early on. The Wines and Toumpas argument is a bore and is absolutely pointless. They are two completely different body shapes, have different game styles, and different attributes. You need a mix of types of players through the midfield and if we had drafted Wines, it possibly would have changed the outcome of the mids we recruited this year.. I'm happy we have Toumpas, we have enough ball winners now but we lack players who can tear teams apart with their foot skills. Toumpas, Salem, Vince and Watts over the next couple of years will really help with that side of our game. It's just as important as having ball winners. Get behind the young fella. He has a driven mind, wants to succeed. He'll be a ripper.
    2 points
  41. Drafted by Port 16 months ago, might be time to move on.
    2 points
  42. Hey! We have had three wins already in 2014!!!!!!!!!! Two intra-club matchs and one against the Toiges. We are already ahead of last year.. Woo Hoo....
    1 point
  43. It wasn't all that long ago that Russian had the nickname donuts on here and then he started to clunk a few marks and win a swag of hit outs, even then he was criticised for not directing the ball to the mids. Unfortunately over the last 10 years Russian has had a heap of injuries and even the year before he was in AA form he missed a heap of games and he still is. I'm concerned that he will be injured again this year and if he is number one, how long for? Spencer is able to get to a lot of contests because of his speed and if he can hold a few, he could be an invaluable option in our new game plan. He is pretty raw and does some incredibly stupid things, but he's a real goer, is hard at it and still young so I think that he will probably hold the spot until someone shows they can do better.
    1 point
  44. Sorry Colin. Looks like I started something which grew right out of proportion! I just simply related that you had a very quiet intra club match. As a few have indicated, we wish you good luck at Freo.
    1 point
  45. i Reckon they all have appeal but for different reasons I hope that Roos recognises that different opponents will have game styles that will require a different ruck approach to suit the style of play needed to beat that opponent. Some teams will need a strength in the contested tap out in a close contested game. Other games will benefit with a short burst running option. Some games will need an addition to the defence who can take a mark against smaller opponents and redirect play with a handball to a moving player. Some games will need a ruck player who can be used to bolster the forward line providing an option for a dominant mid field who can then just bomb it high and forward Its the value of having a good squad, you can vary the parts while keeping them all in good condition.
    1 point
  46. Year he was crap against Geelong when he kicked 3 goals in that amazing comeback.He had a good first year for Brisbane and only people with sour grapes would suggest otherwise.
    1 point
  47. ...not particularly.
    1 point
  48. I don't understand the lack of love for Gawny. Ok he's not healthy right now (but not far off) and yes he's building his fitness that last year was a bit short of the required standard. But he's a skilled mark and not a hopeless kick. He provides an option around the ground by getting in the right spot. He follows up his work. He chases and tackles, not that he has the speed of Spencer but he makes an effort. And he's getting more and more competitive in the ruck. And guess what he's just turned 22 so he's 2 years from his peak at least. Do people not remember his game against Sydney last year when he clearly bested Mumford and Pyke as a duo with only some minor back up from Fitzy. All Gawn needs is a second guy who can legitimately take 25% of the ruck and a decent key forward so he can rest on the pine or truly in the goal square not chase around in circles when rested forward. I'm truly excited about a fit Gawn when backed up by Clark and supported forward by one or two of Dawes, Hogan or Fitzy. Depending on the game that also lets us sub out Gawn, play Clark in the ruck (like Hawks do with Hale) and then get a few minutes relief by one of the key forwards just around the ground. Clark is the perfect second ruck. It's best to keep him fresh by minimizing his ruck numbers and letting him be dangerous forward that way he can really impact in the ruck when needed.
    1 point
  49. Sorry, didn't realize players height changed when they are moved to the midfield.
    1 point
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