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  1. Surely this is Colin Sylvia's year...I'm going to put a lazy $100 on him to win the Brownlow. Wait.... nevermind.
    12 points
  2. This is probably not a ground breaking thread but I thought I'd share an insight of one of the playing group. I had a chat with a Jack Watts (not on the family day) about what Roosy was like. Jack told me that they can finally see how a real coach operates after six years of rubbish. The group kind of felt hard done by as its obvious the last 5-6 years were a waste. Some might read this in a negative light but it's not how Jack portrayed it. It's as though they felt like "where has this been"? Jack said he has never been more optimistic about the year ahead and that PR has had a enormous effect on the group. Its not massive but I thought it was worth a share.
    11 points
  3. Sorry to say Wells 11 but that has got to be the strangest conclusion I have seen in some time. It is a bit like saying just as well they bombed Hiroshima because we end up with Mazda cars.
    10 points
  4. Lol, sounds like Goldilocks to me. "This coach is too soft" "This coach is too hard" "Ahhh, this coach is just right"
    6 points
  5. Drafted by Port 16 months ago, might be time to move on.
    6 points
  6. I watched the replay of the first quarter last night and found this pearler from Dwayno - "They've had some opportunities Melbourne. They should be further in front." Score: Richmond 1.1.7 to Melbourne 0.5.5
    5 points
  7. I always rated Vince highly at the Crows. Usually though you do tend to watch a player a lot closer when they play for your team as opposed to the opposition. Watching Vince play on Friday, I struggled to recall a Melbourne midfielder of recent times with that level of class, composure, skill and football smarts. He just continually made the correct decision and executed it. If a quick handball release was required, he gathered cleanly and dished off quickly and effectively. When he was able to find a bit more space, he remained composed, used his time wisely and again made the correct decision and executed it. We have been so panicky in the past that it was really encouraging to see a player who has that innate ability to almost slow the game down around him. Class footballers always seem to have more time than others. Obviously the heat will be greater once the real stuff starts but that was a very, very impressive performance from him.
    5 points
  8. I'd be disappointed if any of our players blamed the previous coaches or board. Nathan Jones didn't seem to have any trouble performing, it comes from within, Jones knows this - as do all the elite. We've had a lot of pea hearts on our list over the years, thankfully most of them are now gone.
    4 points
  9. Dean is pretty ill and I think out of respect we should leave him out of these sort of discussions.
    4 points
  10. The interesting part about improvement is that given good structures and a game plan that can be executed, improvement becomes easier. For example - Jordie McKenzie - limited talent. Undeniably courageous and will always be found at the bottom of the pack. For the last two years we have had zero spread so he would get the ball and see nothing but congestion and our players standing next to him with opponents on them. Watching the likes of Cross and Vince peel off on Friday night - seeing some spread gives the likes of McKenzie more simple options than he hasn't had for the last two years. That may mean that he will become a better player not because of more ability but because of playing in a better team. It is not coincidence that players at Hawthorn and Geelong improve rapidly - some players that I would venture are no better than some on our list. They shine because of disciplined structures.
    4 points
  11. That may come down the line, but I would like to remind 'future rpfc' how dire our current senior midfielder stocks were and how much we needed another strong body in amongst the kids.
    4 points
  12. He wasn't perfect that's for sure OD. However, we had some memorable and inspiring wins under Bailey that will stick in my memory forever. Bailey was not divisive in the same way as Neeld.
    3 points
  13. roosy probably calls him peddsy
    3 points
  14. We need about 25 blokes to improve on last years efforts.
    3 points
  15. Good to see someone in his position saying that.
    3 points
  16. Just had a listen to Captain Jack's 3AW interview, The boys just seem so much happier and more relaxed. It certainly looks that way a training. I agree with Gerard Healy's comments introducing Jack that he played a great game on Friday against the Tiges. His defensive work was first class as was his run out of defence. He seemed to be moving freeer that in the past and had more zip about him than I remember. This may be the year we see what this young man can do, I certainly hope so.
    2 points
  17. Even Jamie Bennell managed 7 ...
    2 points
  18. The club was gifted the most highly decorated junior footballers in the country over the last 7 years , and 2 coaches screwed them its as simple as that, I think people are going to be very shocked this year .
    2 points
  19. Is that you, James? But seriously, simmering anger waiting to be validated is always ugly. That the whole massive issue was first sensationalised by the governing authorities, has then been cast by the spin merchants at Essendon as some kind of conspiracy against them, was given a blunt-trauma 'political solution' by the AFL governing body, and has wallowed in a bog of half-information, leaks and counter-leaks by all parties, and after more than a year of this critical issue which goes to the heart of the AFL's viability and credibility as a sport we seem to be less informed that at the commencement of the whole sordid affair... sheesh, excuse people for being cranky. What we do all know is that the Essendon club leaders have repeatedly affirmed that while they have no actual idea (or records, which is just absurd) of what was injected, they are sure that there was nothing 'inappropriate'. It's an above the law attitude that in itself needs to be ripped down in every way possible. And finally, just to recap on what is known. The Essendon Football Club engaged in a prolonged program of unidentified injections administered by 'consultants'. A program for which there was no mechanism to ensure legality or safety. They established institutional structures, expectations of behaviour, and 'physio' methods which enabled them at any time of their choosing to engage in a systematic doping program without the knowledge of the AFL, other clubs, ASADA, or even the players themselves.
    2 points
  20. Appreciate your compassion RL but disagree with your contention. We are not into character assination but a discussion of the club and its performance in various situations. We all have sympathy for Dean and his family but we cannot expunge his time at the club from our history nor its (possible) impact on our current state.
    2 points
  21. I agree with 'Monoccular' ... "The team" is where we'll hopefully see the greatest improvement (and in particular, our style of play) Nathan Jones might take it up to another level or 2 (he's our best player but you can always get better) For dramatic improvement, it could be any number of players ... Watts, Trengove, Toumpas, Viney, Frawley, Grimes and McDonald could all get a lot better. Hopefully Frawley can recapture his 2010 form. Garland is another one who can take it to another level. There's quite a number in all reality. The upside is that there aren't many of our players who can't improve their own game quite substantially (leaving aside all our new players, where it's difficult to make a judgement) Roos should be able to get the best out of the better players and also, get the most out of the rest. We'll need 6 players to have 'A' grade years if we're going to march up the ladder (or close to 'A' grade years - in other words, 6 players need to have very good season's)... it's entirely possible. The other vital position where we need to get a lot better is our main Ruckman/Follower. Someone has to make that position his own without any fear of his spot being questioned. If all our tall timber are fit it might be Clark (if he's fit) Otherwise, one of our ruckmen has to put his hand up and start having a real influence.
    2 points
  22. Personally I'm a bit suss on Bernie. On Friday night he kicked beautifully on both feet. Not really the Melbourne way is it
    2 points
  23. I will believe Frawley will stay a Demon only after seeing a signature. Been down this road before.
    2 points
  24. The whole list will improve. As will all of us on here.
    2 points
  25. Given the base he is coming from and given the chalk vs cheese performance of last Friday compared to last season, if he gets the opportunities to play AFL and continues to improve, I would say Pedersen is big possibility to grab the crown.
    2 points
  26. Having a decent forward line won't change the gameplan. You only have one gameplan - what you saw on Friday; possession footy with hard running into space and honouring of that running. If we have tall forwards to kick to - great, we might actually kick it in the 50 more. Tactics change, gameplans don't - or shouldn't... Our players were surprised that Roos was teaching them only one way to play because his predecessors evidently had a myriad of instruction for the players:
    2 points
  27. all very interesting. but why didnt he make these comments last year? i was very disappointed that the AFL family all stood deathly quiet and hid under the bedcovers during the early phase of this drama. if somebody came out last year and threw petrol on the fire ,we may have got a different result to what we now have. after all this drama,it would have been over much earlier and with less pain to the AFL and essendon,if somebody stood up. players,coaching staff,administrators,afl,other clubs,anybody.
    2 points
  28. Sorry, didn't realize players height changed when they are moved to the midfield.
    2 points
  29. Toumpas over Wines doesn't bother me, even though Wines is clearly ahead of every other midfielder from his year and was available to us. In short, it wasn't a controversial choice. Watts over NikNat. Scully and Trengove over Martin, Rohan and Sidebottom. All okay IMO. They weren't especially controversial decisions, and the compo we got from Scully defecting has been fantastic for this club. The picks that bug me however are selecting Lucas Cook at pick 12, not selecting Rory Sloane at pick 35 (after we'd apparently committed to him), and not picking Luke Shuey or Zaharakis when they appeared the more obvious choices from those available. In retrospect, Talia over Gysberts would've been nice too. This is where the former recruiters let us down IMO. That said, I have complete confidence in Jason Taylor and Todd Viney, given the way the last draft period panned out for us. So yep - Wines would've been a great pick. Toumpas will be too. Our success or failure going forward won't be based in any way on this particular decision.
    2 points
  30. if anyone bothered to watch the game in a slightly different light with regard to Gadgetman he instigated a few happening with intelligent use of the ball. He knows how to use his body He knows how to negate the oppositions body He knows where the drop of the ball will occur ... ...and has ready made options as to what to do with it Doesnt shirk, doesnt second guess, is cool, calm and collected Hes NOT mag cover material....so who cares He just a fair dinkum footy player.... ffs weve been crying out for them. players who just DO the job. Good teams have them, Premiership teams have them. Not directly comparing but he reminds me in a sense of Doull...just goes about a job...no nonsense
    2 points
  31. The last 150 seconds of the 2nd quarter, were the most pleasing passage of football I have seen in a decade. It outlined the improvements we have made under Roos. Richmond flooded back, and we simply played possession football patiently waiting for the opening. There were no stuff up, and no unnecessary risks. There was no kicking to a contest. Finally an opening was seen and we kicked a goal with the last kick of the quarter. Richmond did not touch the ball in the 150 seconds.
    2 points
  32. I love Vince. We absolutely nailed this draft period. After so many years of trying, I cannot believe we seem to have built a credible midfield in a one month period at the end of last year. Thank you Adelaide. And GWS. And the Bulldogs. And Jason Taylor/Todd Viney.
    2 points
  33. You can park your bicycle right near the fence ...
    2 points
  34. leaving aside the fact you can't have an unfounded prediction.
    1 point
  35. GRAMPS. Not a bad quaffer. But not top shelf like we so rightly deserve WYL & OD
    1 point
  36. If Roos had have worked out our low skill base by the first game of the NAB whatever cup then I'd appoint him God Almighty. GIve it time. We're coming from a low base and the players need to learn to trust each other will be in the spot they should be. If it's still like that in rnd 16 then worry, and I'll join you for a drink on that one.
    1 point
  37. Been saying this for a while now, Hardwick is not a good game day coach. Will be under real pressure if the Tiges don't make the finals this year.
    1 point
  38. He hits more targets on his left than he does on his right. Half his goals have been on the left.
    1 point
  39. Acting** can be pretty time consuming, so I would say it would be very much on the back burner if he wishes to reach and stay at top level AFL, which he appears to do. **(unless you are referring to a certain #18 ex Essendon full forward of course, who combined footy and acting extremely well)
    1 point
  40. I was surprised with bail too. to be honest, i thought he was done last season. looks like he still has some life
    1 point
  41. Jeez, people need to take a few chill pills. Wines is a great crash and bash player with not elite skills who came in with a ready made body who is already at his peak. Toumpas has elite vision and skills but is going to be more of an outside link player delivering the ball to forwards in a way that can't be defended against. With the midfield we are developing I am more than happy with Toumpas over Wines. I'm happy for it to take a bit longer for him to develop. I'm very confident the end product will prove he was the right pick and has a more elite upside.
    1 point
  42. 20,797 - 01 Feb 2009 21,448 - 11 Feb 2010 25,253 - 17 Feb 2011 24,195 - 16 Feb 2012 23,650 - 18 Feb 2013 26,641 - 17 Feb 2014 (ref: Membership tally threads from past years) First two years (2009,2010) aren't really comparisons because of date variances. But you get a better indication 2011-14 - these are as close as dates on tallies I could find. Note: 2011 figure was on the back of 'improvement' in 2010 after poor seasons in '07-'08-'09. You could also mount excitement factors such as Liam Jurrah during that season and Jimmy's influence off-field.
    1 point
  43. Yeah, you're right, it's a much harder skill than winning a contested possession, taking a contested mark, kicking to a teammate under pressure, winning a ruck contest, handballing to a player in space, kicking a goal under pressure, spoiling an opposition, reading the ball off a pack, picking up the ball cleanly off the deck, tackling a player, etc. I am so surprised that, given how complex it is to run away from the ball, junior footballers are taught the easy things like marking, kicking, handballing, tackling, spoiling, but are not taught how to run away from the footy. There were a few players in my junior teams and at school footy that ran away from the ball. I'm really surprised they didn't make it to AFL level given how well they had mastered this complex skill.
    1 point
  44. I think that people are right on the money when they say more long kicks to powerful forward targets. The way we are prepared to give up space and time to get more 'comfortable' ball use will mean that there is a lot of space between the player holding the ball and the goalsquare. We already saw a lot of hard-working and patient efforts to provide short kicks to methodically gain a bit of ground, I think that will be supplemented by smart, long, hard leads from a CHF line (Dawes' speciality) which break up the opponents defensive patterns and mean that a quick burst can get inside 50 before our opponents can push back in good order. Personally, I'm convinced that the 'modern' game calls for having two CHFs and a FF in place so that there are always options to kick to and to provide a way of covering that final 70m as quickly as possible. With the bonus that for us, the ball is moving fast, but for our opponents a dozen midfielders and defenders are all having to run back to try to cover the breach. I also think that having a more potent ruck in place would have the effect of allowing us the occasional direct break forward from a centre bounce, or at least give us that half-second advantage so that our spreading for space wont require giving up quite as much ground initially. I've long been fascinated by the evasiveness and awareness of Sam Mitchell, which I think on it's own saves Hawthorn 10m every second time they spread from a stoppage.
    1 point
  45. Correction: Marvellous what a difference a win maketh!
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. didnt Barassi have a round 5 plan ? or was it a 5 year plan?
    1 point
  48. If you want to be paid up member only in the good times that's up to you, but don't complain when we can't keep up with the rest of the clubs.
    1 point
  49. I would BBP he is on the rookie list and as yet has not been up graded. IMO if he plays 10 -15 games it means we have had big injury problems or a number of guys on the main list are definitely VFL standard.
    1 point
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