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  1. Another anti - Neeld thread? Wow.
    7 points
  2. Are you ******* kidding me Mark. You are absolutely useless . Last Sunday, I left the ground with a reoccuring theme of disappointment. Melbourne had been spanked again.. Gawn ruined my supercoach, Jones tried (both) yet this time we at least had a dip. One player I paid particular attention to was James Strauss. Alot gets written on here about James.. A disappointment at pick 19 I'd have to agree with, but after going to a few Casey games this year and seeing him get 20+ touches at that level I wanted to work out what wasn't happening at AFL level. For 120 minutes I watched James place his left hand on the jumper of Nahas, King and Edwards and not let up. Later in the week we'd find that in a 60 point win, Nahas got given such a bath by him that he got dropped. I would consider that a win in a team full of losses. For anyone who was there, when he gets the ball (and going off on a tangent, he's 'elite' skills get spoken about pre-season and often quoted) but for the first time on Sunday I saw them in full flight. Had around 10-15 touches and they were the best 10-15 touches coming out of our back half since Jack Watts was the only bloke who rocked up against Sydney last year. The guy has the best kick in our team. I'll stand by that comment. I left Sunday with him in my notebook as one of the few pluses, as regularly his teammates regularly pushed forward off their opponents to attack and leaving themselves vulnerable on the counter for countless goals. Beauty, I thought. One of our 'middle-young' brigade pushing through to cement his spot. Well to my shock-(expletive)-horror, Mark has managed to do it again. If not potentially going down as the worst Match day coach Melbourne has ever seen, Neeld has managed to malign the only bloke to beat his opponent on the weekend. I'm sure for his own justification he will cite that he did not do enough offensively, but upon seeing the teams on Friday night I've been lost for words since. Please someone tell me they see James as a better half back flanker than Dan Nicholson.. The guy does not defend, and when he attacks he turns it over... Am I missing some big joke at AAMI Park? But than I thought more about it, and realised he's been dropped this week for Jack Watts. What career comparisons. Jack spends 3 weeks out with a hammy and walks back into the poor bugger's spot, while he's worked his way back from a broken leg, played through Casey deserved his spot, and than been dropped in a team of cones. This is one rant on one player but it shows a much bigger picture, James getting dropped this week displays everything that is wrong with Melbourne. I love JW, but I mean we all see he's a forward now.. and his form as a backman before going out with injury was poor.. What gives him the right to walk back into the team, I'll never know. Mark Neeld you're dead to me.
    6 points
  3. Get the calculator out to see if we're still a mathematical chance of finals.
    6 points
  4. This is the most nonsensical post I've ever seen on this site.
    6 points
  5. Spend a week on Dland without reading "Time to go Mark Neeld" posts
    6 points
  6. That is the problem..Neeld is learning. Let him learn somewhere else. The MFC needs somebody who has already learnt. The job is to big.
    5 points
  7. It is a shame that this young girl had to learn her lesson by public humiliation and shaming. Let's just hope she does actually learn something from it.
    5 points
  8. At my age I'll probably go into cardiac arrest ............ and then (hopefully, to continue the fairytale), be revived in the back of an ambo being given the kiss of life by a voluptuous 23 year old nurse wearing a Demons jumper.
    5 points
  9. 5 points
  10. It's not like that mate. I spent six years in Africa so I've got a fair idea. I'm just wary of what a post like that starts if people begin replying to it.
    5 points
  11. Throughout all my years following the MFC, I've looked forward to the week ahead and our next challenge. Despite the opposition and our relative positions on the ladder, I always headed to a game with a sense of optimism. I'd be optimistic that we'd put in a good showing and excite our supporters. I'd be optimistic that I'd see signs of improvement and the development of our next young star. I'd be optimistic that we'd play with pride and passion. And I'd be optimistic that we could win the game. Yet things have changed in the Neeld era. We've gone so far backwards that the optimism and hope - the things that keep the fire burning for us all - have gone. We've been conditioned to accept 'competitiveness' and not victory as the measure of success. Rather than look forward to the week ahead, I now enter each weekend full of dread - knowing that the result is a given, it's just a matter of how big the losing margin will be. As a long time supporter, I feel robbed that the entity I feel so passionate about has been so badly managed, that it can't even deliver hope. And if I feel that way as a supporter, you can imagine how some of the young players coming through must feel. Things have to change, and fast.
    4 points
  12. Just saw him yelling and pointing. He is leading that stat in the AFL
    4 points
  13. You know it's a crap thread when it's not even worth merging with the existing one.
    4 points
  14. Strauss should be in and Watts should play forward Neeld is a moron
    4 points
  15. Guess what, you can also hate criminals of all other kinds like terrorists, pedophiles and muderers.Oh not to many people will be upset if you hate taxes, today tonight or met pigs either. You have a strange idea of the word prejudice.
    4 points
  16. I will expect those anti-Neeld doomsayers on here to STFU for at lest one week.
    4 points
  17. Yes, and you'd recall that we were ahead of Richmond in terms of development two years ago. We've hit reverse at a million miles an hour. I don't know about you, but given we've been rebuilding since 2007 and seemingly getting worse, I'd have thought the club needs to take a good look at itself and do something!
    3 points
  18. Totally agree with everyone's sentiments here. James has never been given sufficient games to settle in and I think he can make it if given a chance. I am so so disappointed in Mark Neeld.
    3 points
  19. The girl's actions were disgraceful, but let's remember she is a girl. 13 years old, apparently. I'm not condoning what she said, but many people make mistakes in life that go unnoticed. Unfortunately she's made one on a national stage and is almost a national villain right now. Again, she deserves to be punished, to learn a lesson, and to understand that what she said is 100% unacceptable, but it'd be nice if people remembered she's 13. To me, the bigger issue is the pig of a mother/grandmother/friend/relation who was sitting next to her (I'm going to assume they knew one another as she also appeared to open her mouth when Goodes ran past, she seemed to have a smile on her face before the security guards came over, and the girl gave her her jacket as she left). How this person, not a minor at all, could just sit there and let the girl walk out on her own is beyond me. Completely pathetic.
    3 points
  20. What on Earth was the point of that enormous post?
    3 points
  21. I'll stick with the fine tradition of consuming a hat.
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. If we beat Freo I will hug a homeless person
    3 points
  24. I will call all my Freo supporting mates and... Yeah nah I don't know any Freo supporters. I will get a tattoo of Clive Waterhouse ******* Hayden Ballantyne in the ****.
    3 points
  25. There's no such thing as "reverse racism." White vs black, black vs white, green vs blue, it's all the same. The reverse of racism is not being a prejudiced son-of-a-biatch. EDIT: Dumb censor. What if I want to talk about female dogs? Talk about prejudice!
    3 points
  26. I've never believed that. The underbelly of racism n this country is still going strong.
    3 points
  27. I love this kid. Has a lot of work to do on his positioning, skills, and tank, but he is not as skinny as people would have you believe and does not take a backward step. He really is a Michael Long type, the long arms and the way he attacks a contest. He won't play AFL this year IMO, but would guess he'll play 5-6 games next year and then start to really find his feet.
    3 points
  28. Paid up member for longer, but this is not a pissing contest. Agree that recruiting for several years has been deplorable, but that was a previous administration. Neeld is learning, too. I'm more interested in what Howe, Terlich, Dawes, Clark, Hogan, Trengove, Grimes, Viney, Joneses think about Neeld.
    2 points
  29. mate we are going nowhere while Neeld is here Bring in Roos or CHoco and everything changes in an instant. We will have hope and a future. its that simple
    2 points
  30. Know the feeling mate...... Grew up in the 70s felt the same way as a kid that Melb would never play finals or win a flag! The 80s came & there was hope with Norhey & then 90s with Balme & Daniher went into 00s........ This guy now has divided & conquered to the point that all of our senior players have left & now our younger ones want to leave! Thanks Mr Neeld for the hope you give our members & supporters!
    2 points
  31. I'll put $20.00 on Melb - in the hope. I'll watch the game unless (until ?) it turns ugly. But looking forward to it? Can't say I am. In fact my interest in footy ATM is at an all time low.
    2 points
  32. I suggest we all try being GWS supporters instead. There we'll find 'competitiveness' is more than enough - just listen to the commentary on the Fox broadcast where endless excuses are given for the youth of the team. The entire commentary is one long inflating of their tyres and is presumably designed to build or keep support in NSW in the face of constant drubbings. (Sorry to suggest a conspiracy between Fox and the AFL, but living in NSW I hear it every week no other poor team would get that sort of commentary.) Yet we don't hear endless calls to sack their coach. So what is the difference between them and us? The usual one trotted out is that they are 'new' and we are 'old, so expectation is higher. But in this modern era when footy is a business, traditional matters little. And the GWS has been given the red carpet treatment by the AFL, desperate to build a second Sydney team. Alternatively it's said that we have had more time to come good. True. But we didn't. So I can't see how the current FD is to blame if they have to start over - pretty much in the same boat as GWS (but minus the AFL support). If you want to feel better, watch Fox on GWS and imagine they are talking about the MFC.
    2 points
  33. Like your post Swoop - it is obviously from the heart and, I reckon, echoes the thoughts of many here. Has similar been said before? Yes. But so what? The more voices the better IMO. If we are not making a noise we are dead.
    2 points
  34. Someone always has to take it too far
    2 points
  35. Because it's their duty of care, WYL. People do need spoon feeding. Take yourself sometimes for instance.
    2 points
  36. How does a 13 year old girl think what she yelled out was clever, witty, and most importantly acceptable. We have all done stupid things when we were young... but this is just beyond stupid and she has learnt a very important lesson in front of the whole country. The sad thing is that this isn't the first time I have seen a young female Collingwood supporter being ejected from a stadium. The worst was when I saw an underage girl who was drinking get thrown in the back of a divy van quickly followed by mum and dad who were both as drunk as her. Some of the things coming out of her mouth still bewilders me... ironically she clearly learnt it from her parents who were yelling the same things when they were being arrested. I wonder if you get a family discount if you all get arrested together
    2 points
  37. Watch the game over and over till I believe it's true
    2 points
  38. spend sunday night in The Alfred.......
    2 points
  39. Will agree with Satyriconhome on each of his posts for at least a month.
    2 points
  40. You're probably missing the point, Chook. There's a difference between judging someone for what they are (e.g. for their race, ethnicity, colour of their hair) and what they do (murder, rape, umpire football games). There's no 'characteristic' to murderers that can be prejudged.
    2 points
  41. Pick 2 would be fair compensation if he was to leave but in no way would it make GWS want to trade him. They'd say thanks but no thanks. He'd have to want to come back to Melbourne and then somehow we'd have to convince he we are the right club for him. I'd say we focus on players we could work a deal out for rather than try and get someone we can't. You'd put a question to his manager and move on. The one from GWS most linked with going home is Dom Tyson. He's no Shiel but would be a bargain for a second round pick.
    2 points
  42. . . . I will praise Satan's glorious name, for he will have granted all my wishes. Now, has anyone seen my soul? I could have sworn it was right here . . .
    2 points
  43. And it looks like a pies bogan supporter has managed to bring the opening of the indigenous round crashing down... don't know what she said, but it sure had a big impact on Goodes and ruined what should have been a great celebration of the master class he gave. To see him wandering through the rooms alone while the rest were celebrating on the ground, was a bit sad.
    2 points
  44. I don't think so. I didn't mention the vilification or sexist comments. They're irrelevant to my argument about her getting things wrong. She's not what she used to be and she's become a bit of a know it all. The problem is that other know it alls don't recognise this.
    2 points
  45. Only difference is the Pies play like that against the reigning premier we play like that against Gold Coast.
    2 points
  46. i'm glad you saw Sydney's form as an opportunity to slag off your own club there's not enough club-bashing going on here, well done
    2 points
  47. Strauss dropped. Got to be effing kidding me. Im at a lost as to what Neeld is doing.
    2 points
  48. What you are largely referring to (correct me if I'm wrong) as that Ron Evans was the chairman of the AFL who appointed Demetriou and his son David is now Chairman of Essendon. But I think this isn't a conspiracy but Demetriou openly doing his job. As CEO of the AFL his job is to protect the image of the AFL and for that to happen he needs to protect Essendon's image. You won't hear him say anything nice about Dank and I think the AFL will come down with a punishment for the Bombers but right now he is pushing the positive press. Just like he always denied tanking to protect the image of Melbourne and other clubs. Unfortunately Adrian Anderson being a lawyer was more a stickler for the rules and hence pursued the tanking investigation which he Anderson eventually wanted to abandon as there was no clear breach of rules. However he was replaced by Gil who comes from the Demetriou school of deal making. He had no real need to defend Schwab. Melbourne keeps making bad press every weekend on the field that can't be spun as much as he'd like to. Schwab was the initial fall guy for that and so Demetriou let him go on his way.
    2 points
  49. Prove that. The Richmond game was the best four quarter effort of the season, maybe since the Essendon game last year. Other than specious reports about players leaving - what proof is there that Neeld is damaging the club. He will go if he can't replicate the sort of effort we saw on the weekend but if losing is damaging...well, getting rid of Neeld won't suddenly make us win. What damage and what proof?
    2 points
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