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POSTGAME: Rd 15 vs Geelong


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11 minutes ago, The heart beats true said:

Is there a way I can find that footage of our centre square free kick in the last where they refused to give the ball back and then when they did they threw it passed Viney?

That was laughably bad umpiring.

No 50 thrown back on the ground umpires absolutely thieving a living from the AFL.

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42 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

No words for how badly we performed tonight. 
Cats without Dangerfield and Guthrie and lose Cameron in the first few minutes, and we just go on to play some of the dumbest, softest football we’ve dished up all year. 

We absolutely should not have dropped Tomlinson for Petty who was totally underdone. We needed someone to drag Stewart away from the contest, but instead we went too small and nobody was able to stop him intercepting. 

Spargo was a terrible choice of sub, not to mention that subbing him off for Jordon was just idiotic. 

Infuriating garbage. 

This, this, this.

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We were competitive and in the game for three quarters and obviously dropped off big time in the last. It was shocking weather and it was against a very good side at their home ground.

Not a good outcome but it is not the end of the world. Looking forward to how we respond next week.

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Putrid disposal rarely wins games.

In every wet or slippery game, our disposal has been putrid.

Our last few games we have kicked 24-46. That is probably the worst in the AFL.

Poor decision making also doesn't help. Over hand balling in the wet, was a no no when I played under 9's. 

We knew it was going to be wet. What were they coached?

Edited by Redleg
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11 minutes ago, Demon Dynasty said:

Would be up there with the worst teams in the AFL in wet weather or slippery conditions.

The over use of short dinky handballs to players a foot or two away under pressure instead of the quick kick forward in the wet was astonishingly poor football at this level from Goodwin down, with a few player exceptions.  Viney being the main one.

Yes i place a large part of the blame here on the coach as he apparently doesn't appear capable of getting this group to change up the way we usually play vs what is needed in wet or slippery conditions.

Any team watching us vs the Lions & tonight will figure themselves in with a serious chance of an easy kill if playing us in these conditions bar maybe the bottom two or three.

And the bulk of teams would have cleaned the Cats up tonight.  We were woeful.

Im not a big fan of the dual rucks in inclement weather.  I would play one as the sub and just change out if needed at some stage when / if tickets are spent.

It robs us of an extra running player on the outside with some skills that can finish our extraction work coming inside 50 and in general play.

Max played behind the ball a fair amount with much success last week.  Yet this week he plays very small minutes there aside from the last quarter when the game was pretty much gone.  Weird stuff from the coaching group.

Our forward craft and mid / forward connection lack of cohesion is still bog ordinary

After 1.5 seasons of trying to improve, it continues to be a dog's breakfast (at best).

Example... Hunter kicking it to Pickett in a two v one as the FF towards the end there.  Hilarious.

No class or idea as to the last kick  coming inside 50.  It's just constant bombing and/or kicking it to the goal line.

Very few players lowering their vision before they dispose inside 50.  Just tumble tumble or bomb 90% of the time in the hope that getting enough ball inside will overwhelm.

Rarely anyone playing a higher true CHF role for the many dump kicks we put there.

Would love to see the percentage of times our kicks inside 50 drop at true CHF and yet no one is there to contest.

Often the oppo does though and they're off to the races on the slingshot and occasionaly turning this into a 12 point turn around.

Instead we often see one of Kozzy, Chandler or ANB sitting there.  Laughable stuff from the coaching group to think this is a good strategy!

Who's teaching them this rubbish and where's the system / structure up forward?

Now that BBB & Macca appear to be gone we are in serious need of a genuinly dangerous KTF.

Such a frustrating team to watch in the wet.  And an under performing one (paper vs performance/outcome) imv.

The whole coaching crew and the playing group needs to look in the mirror in terms of....

> how poorly we play in wet/slippery conditions

> generaly poor forward structure, particularly at CHF as mentioned above.

> Still unable to hit targets coming inside very often

> All talls playing deep and sitting back when a surge is on, no one leading at the ball carrier.

> The last part (very few leads to higher places) then results in a very crowded forward line from the goal line to 30 odd meters out making it almost imposssible for the medium & small crumbers to work in.

> Giving licence to certain players who arent very accurate kicks to attempt short / medium passes into the corridor resulting in easy turnovers and goals smacks of very poor coaching / disipline imho.

There's no papering over this one.  Too many horribilis downs amongst some decent wins this season.

The difference between our best and our worst, particularly in the wet, means there's a fair gap between us and the top 3 from where i sit.

Oh wait for the, we are the highest scoring team in the comp or the stats are in our favour group to come out....

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Lots of doom and gloom here. Feels like a 40 point loss but in reality it was pretty close. 

If we played them on the wide expanses of the G and/or on a dry night we might have won. 

Important to win next week but was always going to be a tough assignment. We miss clarry

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11 minutes ago, A F said:

There wasn't a decent match up for Tomlinson. Would have been murdered down here. 

And ironically, after Cameron went down, there wasn't a match up for Petty either.

And yet we didn’t move Petty forward until the game was gone. Nor did we put him on Rohan who was having one of his once a year day out. 

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2 minutes ago, Lord Travis said:

He’s having a great year and should be top 5 in our BnF. He’s one of our only players who’s improved this season. Most others have gone backwards. Would love to see him in at more centre bounced but that would require Goodwin to try something different and he won’t.

Yeah I would like to see him play on the wing occasionally. He probably doesn’t have the tank of Langdon but think he would be more dangerous. 

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9 games left, our form for the past 12 months says we split that. unless they fix the forward connection and the Gawn Grundy roles. cant see us winning more than five more games for the year.


We are just so fumbly, the forward line dysfunctional, forward connection from the middle of the field is as bad as has been.

If we continue like this, then we need to look at new coaches on all lines to support Goody, as the club isnt going to move him on. 

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7 minutes ago, BoBo said:

That and the kick along the ground from 40 out that wasn’t given because Toohey was within 20 meters of the ball.

Not blaming the umpires for the loss but [censored] me, obvious free kicks getting let go.

This one made me swear at the TV….


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9 minutes ago, Older demon said:

The evidence is plain to see that forward structure will not win any final. That was a horrible loss laying bare all our flaws


Yep, this sums us up perfectly.


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1 minute ago, Older demon said:

Like everyone here I thought the last quarter was awful. Outreached again, how simple is it on a wet night to kick the ball off the ground to space and run onto the ball or move the ball forward and gain territory. We deliver the ball into the forward line the same slow way every week. Our key marking target is a 19 yo kid in his first season. So many goals came from breaking through our high press and they get us out the back. Not to mention turning it over or kicking to the intercept marking machine Tom Stewart.

Sadly this team isn't good enough and has been beaten 3 times in the wet. The forward line is a mess and lacks some serious class when it comes to x-factor and kicking goals. As our coach puts it, the learnings are that we have too many average players, particularly up forward. The resting ruckman up forward isn't working.

I hate naming players but the last 2 weeks Gus keeps turning it over, Nibbler Fumbles and doesn't kick goals, Chandler is off the boil and does not get enough of the pill for a small forward and Spargo is slow and gave us nothing.

The evidence is plain to see that forward structure will not win any final. That was a horrible loss laying bare all our flaws


Ironically. I'm taking that away as a positive. You can't possibly watch the tape on that game and say, that's the forward line structure that will win 3 games in September.  Half of it is on the midfield to assess and execute the right decision by foot. The other half is for the forwards to actually lead out at the ball.   

Goodwin has to drop his dogma of defence and contests slightly and sacrifice a few of his favourites. Spargo has no right to be playing in the first for starters.   BBB needs to be playing as a leading KPF.  There's simply too much emphasis on creating contests and defensive KPIs. 

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I think there is serious merit in questioning whether Mark Stafford is up to it as a forwards coach, people who defend him point to our excellent percentage which really has only been built off the back of beating rubbish bottom teams by large margins early in the season. 

We look so unbelievably impotent going inside forward 50 and our conversion is just shocking. 

Can't defend stafford in the slightest while our forward line is operating like it is. 

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5 minutes ago, dees189227 said:

Waiting for Goody's presser. Would love to see his answers 

You actually look forward to Goodwins press conferences? I've defended his coaching. But his public utterances are utterly predictable and as dreary as bat [censored]. 

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1 minute ago, Jjrogan said:

Ironically. I'm taking that away as a positive. You can't possibly watch the tape on that game and say, that's the forward line structure that will win 3 games in September.  Half of it is on the midfield to assess and execute the right decision by foot. The other half is for the forwards to actually lead out at the ball.   

Goodwin has to drop his dogma of defence and contests slightly and sacrifice a few of his favourites. Spargo has no right to be playing in the first for starters.   BBB needs to be playing as a leading KPF.  There's simply too much emphasis on creating contests and defensive KPIs. 

While I agree with this I really think they’ll chalk it up to ‘hard ground to get space at, we looked better in The G’ and not much will change.

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2 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

And yet we didn’t move Petty forward until the game was gone. Nor did we put him on Rohan who was having one of his once a year day out. 

Reminiscent of last year's game against Brisbane in the final.

Goody [censored] himself and sticks Petty up forward when the game was just out of reach.

So slow in being reactive to plan B.

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The last quarter was horrendous in almost every respect. Very little to redeem from it. 

But we lost this game in the middle two quarters. We dominated general play and had plenty of inside 50s against a side who has been poor all season at conceding scores from inside 50s. But the story of our season, and for too long under Goodwin, remains - we are too efficient in our forward half. We blew chance after chance and honestly should have been 4 goals up at three quarter time.

Don’t get me wrong, the last quarter was a disaster, but we should have had enough of a lead to hold them off. We also got really unlucky with some crucial frees and their accuracy but it never should have come to that.

Selection was wrong. Spargo was a terrible choice for a sub. Petty wasn’t ready for AFL level football and shouldn’t have played. Smith isn’t a forward and we got burnt by his inability to contest the ball repeatedly. 

McVee was great again, Viney a warrior, Rivers is improving weekly and Salem strong all night. But in wet weather we get far too fumbly and players who struggle in the dry (ANB, Langdon, Gawn) lose all ball handling ability.

We will blow our chances this season if we don’t sort out our goal kicking and general forward half efficiency. 

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2 minutes ago, Jjrogan said:

Ironically. I'm taking that away as a positive. You can't possibly watch the tape on that game and say, that's the forward line structure that will win 3 games in September.  Half of it is on the midfield to assess and execute the right decision by foot. The other half is for the forwards to actually lead out at the ball.   

Goodwin has to drop his dogma of defence and contests slightly and sacrifice a few of his favourites. Spargo has no right to be playing in the first for starters.   BBB needs to be playing as a leading KPF.  There's simply too much emphasis on creating contests and defensive KPIs. 

Over half way into the season and clearly the coaching panel is clueless as to how to proceed...albeit limited by injuries and mediocre personnel. 

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7 minutes ago, Tom Dyson said:

I think there is serious merit in questioning whether Mark Stafford is up to it as a forwards coach, people who defend him point to our excellent percentage which really has only been built off the back of beating rubbish bottom teams by large margins early in the season. 

We look so unbelievably impotent going inside forward 50 and our conversion is just shocking. 

Can't defend stafford in the slightest while our forward line is operating like it is. 

Not sure it is his fault we have kicked 24-46 in our last few games.

I don't think he coaches them to miss from dead in front close to goal.

Kick straight for goal and we could have barely lost a game this year.

He is also not picking the side.

Choco was meant to be the kicking guru.

Well we are the worst kicks in the AFL, for goal and all over the ground.

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43 minutes ago, praha said:

Melbourne has finished 1st, 2nd, and is 3rd 14 rounds into another year.

And yet Goodwin is never recognised for his coaching or as being one of the best coaches in the league.

Tonight is a prime example of why.

Yet last week was a masterclass from Goody and was recognised by many.

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