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Demons Grand Plan for Yarra Park Training HQ


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4 minutes ago, Sorry kids said:

I have never had any satisfactory communication from the Club in any previous correspondence in matters of significance. Frankly I am surprised anyone would be defending the Clubs in  finding a respectable, modern training facility. After the best part of 50 years I am not being unreasonable in being skeptical. In particular what are Perts qualifications to put together and pull off a proposal of such significance.   

You could easily find out Perts achievements on Cwood site or maybe Wikipeadia 

Pert was CEO for Pies for a decade or more and wasn't sitting on his behind as theurcmenbership more than doubled.

aThey upgraded their headquarters at some stage and Pert could have had a say in that.

Dud PJ have the quals  to do the same job ? Not sure but he started the investigation to get us the training and admin centre.

This  is not a normal communication from the Board/CEO with much being done in the background usually to consider locations etc, etc.

Dont feel so underprivileged much has changed in communication in 50 years!!

When the time is right the members will be informed and jumping up and down will not necessarily speed up or facilitate the result.

Concentrate what we are best at and there supporting our Club at a very important gsme on Sunday.

The bigger picture will be revealed to all in the Clubs good time!!

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A few options that intrigue me:

Burnley - https://goo.gl/maps/fnW5movNEZMy3MqB6

Elwood Reserve - https://goo.gl/maps/dkgUZGk6qJZSyRCD9

Dendy Park - https://goo.gl/maps/vf5H2nXPjPVbqT9dA (looks very underutilised!)

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3 minutes ago, 58er said:

You could easily find out Perts achievements on Cwood site or maybe Wikipeadia 

Pert was CEO for Pies for a decade or more and wasn't sitting on his behind as theurcmenbership more than doubled.

aThey upgraded their headquarters at some stage and Pert could have had a say in that.

Dud PJ have the quals  to do the same job ? Not sure but he started the investigation to get us the training and admin centre.

This  is not a normal communication from the Board/CEO with much being done in the background usually to consider locations etc, etc.

Dont feel so underprivileged much has changed in communication in 50 years!!

When the time is right the members will be informed and jumping up and down will not necessarily speed up or facilitate the result.

Concentrate what we are best at and there supporting our Club at a very important gsme on Sunday.

The bigger picture will be revealed to all in the Clubs good time!!

I would have swallowed that last line 30 years ago 58er. Now it does not hold water.

Having said that you are right we have choice but to wait.

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15 minutes ago, Sorry kids said:

I have never had any satisfactory communication from the Club in any previous correspondence in matters of significance. Frankly I am surprised anyone would be defending the Clubs in  finding a respectable, modern training facility. After the best part of 50 years I am not being unreasonable in being skeptical. In particular what are Perts qualifications to put together and pull off a proposal of such significance.   

ok we get it. you don't like pert and you're gunning for him

i don't see how pert who has taken over someone else's pet project (which you think is flawed anyway) gan be expected to resolve it in his first 6 months at the club, especially if it is in fact flawed 

whether pert turns out to be open to criticism will take a lot more water to traverse under the bridge

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1 hour ago, old dee said:

Surprise me soon Mr Pert or for god sake let's move to the surburbs and give our team the best chance of success. 


26 minutes ago, Sorry kids said:

After the best part of 50 years I am not being unreasonable in being skeptical. In particular what are Perts qualifications to put together and pull off a proposal of such significance.   


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4 hours ago, Leoncelli_36 said:

i lived there from 1996-2002, I don't know that it is much different. I accept your point though. Some of the development within the area has not exactly been in keeping with traditions of the North Fitzroy. Have a look at the apartment block arounf Jamieson and Freeman street 

I think a lot if the ground as well as surrounding parkland has heritage overlay on it. Or something of that nature.

Beautiful grandstand btw.

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14 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

ok we get it. you don't like pert and you're gunning for him

i don't see how pert who has taken over someone else's pet project (which you think is flawed anyway) gan be expected to resolve it in his first 6 months at the club, especially if it is in fact flawed 

whether pert turns out to be open to criticism will take a lot more water to traverse under the bridge

Agree dc he is like the boy with the barrow the job is in front of him.

Not an easy one, he is trying to solve a problem that has existed for half a century and one that numerous administrations have failed at achieving.

I think walking on water would be easier than this task.

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4 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

I think a lot if the ground as well as surrounding parkland has heritage overlay on it. Or something of that nature.

Beautiful grandstand btw.

The same as punt rd. You’d have to leave te pavilion as is, but there are sections of land either side that you could use for facilities. AS I said, it’s an unlikely proposition.

I read Bartlett’s (glen) statements from December 2018 on this issue. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Burnlwy location that is talked about in his speech is the Kevin Bartlett oval precinct opposite the scotch college rowing sheds, near St Kevin’s College. It’s an ideal location given That there is little around it

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5 hours ago, W I S E said:

A few options that intrigue me:

Burnley - https://goo.gl/maps/fnW5movNEZMy3MqB6

Elwood Reserve - https://goo.gl/maps/dkgUZGk6qJZSyRCD9

Dendy Park - https://goo.gl/maps/vf5H2nXPjPVbqT9dA (looks very underutilised!)

Yes, all good options to explore. I refuse to believe finding a suitable hoe is as complicated as some here believe. 

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6 hours ago, W I S E said:

A few options that intrigue me:

Burnley - https://goo.gl/maps/fnW5movNEZMy3MqB6

Elwood Reserve - https://goo.gl/maps/dkgUZGk6qJZSyRCD9

Dendy Park - https://goo.gl/maps/vf5H2nXPjPVbqT9dA (looks very underutilised!)

Maybe we could also look at the Edmund Herring Memorial Oval in the south part of the Kings Domain near Melbourne Grammar.

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1 hour ago, Sorry kids said:

Yes, all good options to explore. I refuse to believe finding a suitable hoe is as complicated as some here believe. 

Maybe it's not complicated 'Sorry', but for some reason it's taken us around 50 years and counting along with many different boards & administrations, even some not run by Gary Pert.

 So it would seem a difficult proposition.....

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50 minutes ago, rjay said:

Maybe it's not complicated 'Sorry', but for some reason it's taken us around 50 years and counting along with many different boards & administrations, even some not run by Gary Pert.

 So it would seem a difficult proposition.....

Anyone who things it is not hard is not across all the probems associated with the locations mentioned around the adjoining suburbs to the MCG. 

The two main ones as I understand it are, there is not enough room for a large enough playing area / facilities and or the local councils are against the change in use for these mainly public space areas.

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3 hours ago, old dee said:

Anyone who things it is not hard is not across all the probems associated with the locations mentioned around the adjoining suburbs to the MCG. 

The two main ones as I understand it are, there is not enough room for a large enough playing area / facilities and or the local councils are against the change in use for these mainly public space areas.

Well, we have already seen it reported that Elsternwick Park was ruled out in part to it being only 5 metres short of the MCG. So you can cross off number one on you list as a decent excuse. Number two is obviously valid but have we ever heard of the Club getting to that stage in negotiations with a local council. St Kilda recently returned to Moorabiin despite previous opposition as a result of good consultation and their proposal providing a range of services and facilities to benefit the community..

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16 hours ago, Sorry kids said:

Well, we have already seen it reported that Elsternwick Park was ruled out in part to it being only 5 metres short of the MCG. So you can cross off number one on you list as a decent excuse. Number two is obviously valid but have we ever heard of the Club getting to that stage in negotiations with a local council. St Kilda recently returned to Moorabiin despite previous opposition as a result of good consultation and their proposal providing a range of services and facilities to benefit the community..

Good luck getting the old melburnian bloods out of elsternwick park, rumour has it they've got a couple of Qc's giving the boys rub downs at training.

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I have to say the silence on this issue from the club since last year has been nothing short of disheartening.

I haven't given this issue much thrift previously other than to thinj it would be good for the players to have better facilities. However I am now firmly of the view that the lack of a proper home is THE major issue facing us. Footy clubs are community hubs (not as in local community but for the players, coaches and admin). They provide the sense of history and identity for the players to feel connected and inspired by the past.

I've been listening to the Kick To Kick podcast which is a must listen for anyone who loves the history of the game. The 3 guys are going through each VFL/AFL season since 1897 and currently up to 1927.

The main thing that has stood out for me is the identities of successful clubs, the fact they are actual "clubs" and not just teams of players. This is something Smith fostered for us in the 50s and I assume something he inherited from Checker in the 30s.

Most clubs these days have not just modern training facilities and home bases, but club museums proudly displaying their heritage. Where is ours? In the MCC? How accessible is this to our players (nevermind the supporters)?

It is an indictment this has been allowed to go on for so long, the members need to agitate the board about this to make sure it is their number 1 priority. The longer we stand still the further back we go.


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Scene: council offices. A football club CEO is paying obeisance.

FC CEO: Please. You can't do this to us. All we want is a large oval to train on, a gym, a pool, change rooms, offices, space for functions, a social club, a shop, a museum .... not much really! And only a few trees have to come down.

Council CEO: A football club. The epitome of competition and aggression. Ugh. You probably drive cars, too.

FC CEO: No! Please! We don't have anywhere to go! We'll ride bikes. Promise!

Council CEO: Get out of my site, you loathsome insect. (pulls lever, a trapdoor opens and FC CEO's chair falls into an underground compost pit)

FC CEO: *aaaaaaaargh!*

Council CEO: ... tree hater.



And now scene 2:

FC CEO: ... and so, for community purposes, and nothing to do with us, we want to upgrade our fac--- I mean, the public's facility.

Council CEO: A football club. The epitome of comp--

FC CEO: imagine the number of people who will ride bikes to work when they can use our expanded gym, pool, bar, retail outlets, and club museum.

Council CEO: our?

FC CEO: No, yours. I mean ... yes, ours. The community's. We're part of the community. (When we want free money.) Look, WE couldn't care less about the upgrades! We will force ourselves with great reluctance to use them. We only care about the indigenous youth and single mums without anywhere to exercise!

Council CEO: hmmm ... just how many extra people do you think will ride bikes as a result of this?

FC CEO: we'll do a welcome to country ceremony every day and make it compulsory to give the middle finger to all motorists. Oh, hundreds of cyclists.

Council CEO: only hundreds?

FC CEO: did I say hundreds? I meant the entire population of every suburb in the district.

Council CEO: this calls for soy lattes all round!



We are nomads. We need a toehold to leverage into upgrades. Without toehold, we have nothing. It's an uphill battle (to say the least) to get any toehold in the inner suburbs.

The only toehold we have anywhere is Casey.

If our management can pull off this miracle, I will convert to Zoroastrianism.

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44 minutes ago, Mazer Rackham said:

Scene: council offices. A football club CEO is paying obeisance.

FC CEO: Please. You can't do this to us. All we want is a large oval to train on, a gym, a pool, change rooms, offices, space for functions, a social club, a shop, a museum .... not much really! And only a few trees have to come down.

Council CEO: A football club. The epitome of competition and aggression. Ugh. You probably drive cars, too.

FC CEO: No! Please! We don't have anywhere to go! We'll ride bikes. Promise!

Council CEO: Get out of my site, you loathsome insect. (pulls lever, a trapdoor opens and FC CEO's chair falls into an underground compost pit)

FC CEO: *aaaaaaaargh!*

Council CEO: ... tree hater.



And now scene 2:

FC CEO: ... and so, for community purposes, and nothing to do with us, we want to upgrade our fac--- I mean, the public's facility.

Council CEO: A football club. The epitome of comp--

FC CEO: imagine the number of people who will ride bikes to work when they can use our expanded gym, pool, bar, retail outlets, and club museum.

Council CEO: our?

FC CEO: No, yours. I mean ... yes, ours. The community's. We're part of the community. (When we want free money.) Look, WE couldn't care less about the upgrades! We will force ourselves with great reluctance to use them. We only care about the indigenous youth and single mums without anywhere to exercise!

Council CEO: hmmm ... just how many extra people do you think will ride bikes as a result of this?

FC CEO: we'll do a welcome to country ceremony every day and make it compulsory to give the middle finger to all motorists. Oh, hundreds of cyclists.

Council CEO: only hundreds?

FC CEO: did I say hundreds? I meant the entire population of every suburb in the district.

Council CEO: this calls for soy lattes all round!



We are nomads. We need a toehold to leverage into upgrades. Without toehold, we have nothing. It's an uphill battle (to say the least) to get any toehold in the inner suburbs.

The only toehold we have anywhere is Casey.

If our management can pull off this miracle, I will convert to Zoroastrianism.

Your safe Mazer.

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20 minutes ago, old dee said:

If our management can pull off this miracle, I will convert to Zoroastrianism.

Have you considered Pastafarianism and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I am particularly enamoured with their theory that global warming is due to the reduction in the number of pirates plying our high seas.

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8 minutes ago, Diamond_Jim said:

Have you considered Pastafarianism and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I am particularly enamoured with their theory that global warming is due to the reduction in the number of pirates plying our high seas.

Not sure what happened there DJ but I did not make that comment!

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41 minutes ago, Diamond_Jim said:

Have you considered Pastafarianism and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I am particularly enamoured with their theory that global warming is due to the reduction in the number of pirates plying our high seas.

If it means eating more pasta then I'm on board 'Diamond-Jim'...

Forget the pirates, I'm off to make up a good sauce.

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1 hour ago, Diamond_Jim said:

ah... a glitch of the system... I was quoting Razer but used his quote that was embedded in your post...

I suppose I am now a purveyor of fake news !!


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1 hour ago, rjay said:

If it means eating more pasta then I'm on board 'Diamond-Jim'...

Forget the pirates, I'm off to make up a good sauce.

Have you a good Shiraz to accompany it rjay?

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