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Training - Friday, 6th February, 2015


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I went. C&B has advised players not doing drills. No sign of King, Trengove and AN-B. And I didn't see Brayshaw but he may have been there and White was in rehab. Long session. Started at about 9.45 and was still going when I left at 12.00. Hot but little if any wind so conditions were great.

It was very much ball movement, match simulation at 75% pace, full ground drills. Some of the skills were very good and there were various players who made mistakes from time to time. It will be interesting to see if the intensity lifts in the coming weeks.

Players to impress were Kent who I noticed more than anyone. I had him fringe 22 but on today's performance he'd seem to be well in for me. Clean overhead on the fast lead, very good kick and got it a lot.

Hogan seemed to be everywhere. Lots of the ball and some good marks and good kicking. But remember the intensity is not AFL standard. JKH also came to notice, Petracca did some nice things and looks comfortable, I liked what I saw of Billy Stretch and Dom Tyson just had the ball on a string. Col Garland did the whole session and did well, Grimes was good and I noticed Pedersen a bit. Salem was clean and Vandenberg had a bit of a purple patch and looks a big strong boy.

I was chatting to mates most of the day and not fully concentrating on training so these are general observations only. These match sims are really like dancing with your sister. There certainly didn't seem to be a "get the ball and go" mentality, still "mark, go back, pick an option". Unless a player was clearly in space it looked a bit stop/go to me.

Just to clarify. When I mean 75% that relates to spoiling/tackling/body contact stuff. The pace of play was 100% flat out. I suppose if I had to describe training it was skills work will little if any body contact stuff.

NIce job of multi-skilling, though. I'm still having trouble chewing gum while I'm walking.

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Question for you Saty, following up on your prediction in an earlier training thread that you expect us to win 6 or 7 games this year.

Can you elaborate? Why do you think that improvements to the list and on the training track will only translate to an extra 2 or 3 wins for the season?

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Question for you Saty, following up on your prediction in an earlier training thread that you expect us to win 6 or 7 games this year.

Can you elaborate? Why do you think that improvements to the list and on the training track will only translate to an extra 2 or 3 wins for the season?

Haven't you learnt to lower your expectations?

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In answer to the question about the 6 or 7 wins, Roos has completely revamped the team, I am starting to see a Roos coached team at training, I told him as much at the AGM.

But who is the best 22, can we get a forward line up and running and working cohesively from Rd 1, similar to the midfield, defence I am not particularly worried about, it is a solid unit that has been together for a while now

It will still take time, we have two good x factor players in Lumumba and Garlett, but the rest of the team need to learn to play to that

Are all the offensive drills that Roos has been getting them to do over and over going to translate to game day

There are still too many variables for me to predict/guess/hope for more than 6 or 7 wins, and that is after watching and playing footy for 37 years

But who knows if it suddenly clicks and we have the whole team/squad on the same page and all in form and uninjured.

We are going to improve but I am with PJ maybe a final or two, in 2016, if it clicks I will dancing all over East Melbourne and Collingwood after games this year

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(That's jut silly and derailing what has been an excellent thread for a change)

Pic 6 is Harmes

The snap from Spencer went through

And Toumpas pulled that in one handed

Bloody excellent pics O50, Six was there as well so readers will be spoilt this session

Yes I got one of Hogan doing it!!!!!!

Who the [censored] made you a Mod? Nobody, and let's hope to God that never happens, the way you want to dictate what is said here.

You've had a crack at me before for making a simple joke, so you obviously can't handle anything negative re MFC whether it's a joke or otherwise. When you attack, yes, attack others you claim they can't handle a joke, but you clearly display a thin skin when on the receiving end. You're an attention seeker, nothing more (OK, perhaps a name dropper as well, everyone loves an ND). You just can't wait for these threads to be derailed and descend into a discussion about YOU. You stoke the fire until it ignites, that's only if your training report introductions don't do the job (lemon suckers, hairshirt something or other, no idea WTF that's about), that baiting is completely unnecessary. You are the head-derailer, and in your own words - jut silly!

Here's where we part ways old boy. I had enjoyed reading your training reports until they descended into a self-inflating steaming pile of crap, and in your own words, you have left the real stuff to others. There are some really good training reports coming out now, so thanks to those posters who actually focus on the training, not their own agenda. Best of luck to you.

A last piece of advice if I may. When you're taking your training photos, aim up. I see your photos and I see an alarming number of mens groins. Not the sort of thing I'm interested in. <not that there's anything wrong with that>.

So ignore it is for you. I'm sure you'll get by. There's plenty on here that stand up for you, but they'll learn when their opinion differs. For the record, I couldn't give a [censored] what replies come from this. I simply want to read reports, discuss games, and have a light hearted joke here and there. Any [censored] that wants to try to control the discussion or can't take a joke, feel free to ignore me. I DGAF.

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Who the [censored] made you a Mod? Nobody, and let's hope to God that never happens, the way you want to dictate what is said here.

You've had a crack at me before for making a simple joke, so you obviously can't handle anything negative re MFC whether it's a joke or otherwise. When you attack, yes, attack others you claim they can't handle a joke, but you clearly display a thin skin when on the receiving end. You're an attention seeker, nothing more (OK, perhaps a name dropper as well, everyone loves an ND). You just can't wait for these threads to be derailed and descend into a discussion about YOU. You stoke the fire until it ignites, that's only if your training report introductions don't do the job (lemon suckers, hairshirt something or other, no idea WTF that's about), that baiting is completely unnecessary. You are the head-derailer, and in your own words - jut silly!

Here's where we part ways old boy. I had enjoyed reading your training reports until they descended into a self-inflating steaming pile of crap, and in your own words, you have left the real stuff to others. There are some really good training reports coming out now, so thanks to those posters who actually focus on the training, not their own agenda. Best of luck to you.

A last piece of advice if I may. When you're taking your training photos, aim up. I see your photos and I see an alarming number of mens groins. Not the sort of thing I'm interested in. <not that there's anything wrong with that>.

So ignore it is for you. I'm sure you'll get by. There's plenty on here that stand up for you, but they'll learn when their opinion differs. For the record, I couldn't give a [censored] what replies come from this. I simply want to read reports, discuss games, and have a light hearted joke here and there. Any [censored] that wants to try to control the discussion or can't take a joke, feel free to ignore me. I DGAF.

Someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

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Who the [censored] made you a Mod? Nobody, and let's hope to God that never happens, the way you want to dictate what is said here.

You've had a crack at me before for making a simple joke, so you obviously can't handle anything negative re MFC whether it's a joke or otherwise. When you attack, yes, attack others you claim they can't handle a joke, but you clearly display a thin skin when on the receiving end. You're an attention seeker, nothing more (OK, perhaps a name dropper as well, everyone loves an ND). You just can't wait for these threads to be derailed and descend into a discussion about YOU. You stoke the fire until it ignites, that's only if your training report introductions don't do the job (lemon suckers, hairshirt something or other, no idea WTF that's about), that baiting is completely unnecessary. You are the head-derailer, and in your own words - jut silly!

Here's where we part ways old boy. I had enjoyed reading your training reports until they descended into a self-inflating steaming pile of crap, and in your own words, you have left the real stuff to others. There are some really good training reports coming out now, so thanks to those posters who actually focus on the training, not their own agenda. Best of luck to you.

A last piece of advice if I may. When you're taking your training photos, aim up. I see your photos and I see an alarming number of mens groins. Not the sort of thing I'm interested in. <not that there's anything wrong with that>.

So ignore it is for you. I'm sure you'll get by. There's plenty on here that stand up for you, but they'll learn when their opinion differs. For the record, I couldn't give a [censored] what replies come from this. I simply want to read reports, discuss games, and have a light hearted joke here and there. Any [censored] that wants to try to control the discussion or can't take a joke, feel free to ignore me. I DGAF.

Something tells me you're not joking...

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Apologies for doing something which I criticize below, but I needed to start somewhere. This is my first post here, but I have been reading ology or land since at least 2002, (or maybe 2000), I cant remember which site I found first and the exact year.

I am sickened by the amount of venom and bile which is generated on this fan site. I read extreme black and white, saintsational, bomberblitz and bigfooty, but 'land takes the prize for this. Not only does it derail the thread, but as another poster has mentioned on another thread, it has many of the earmarks of cyber bullying. If this was happening to your children, who would believe it to be acceptable? (and I know we are not, mostly, children). Do the moderators believe this level of abuse is appropriate?

While I'm at it, (hence my apology on the first line), why do the moderators permit the gross derailing of threads. many examples of course, but the most recent one which really shat me off was the potentially very interesting thread on McCartney. Within three posts this had turned into a thread on Burgan.

Does the Code of Conduct have any purpose? Perhaps the moderators could start a thread and explain how the Code is interpreted and applied, - just so the boundaries are clearly understood by simpletons like myself.

I am a rusted on Melbourne supporter and member, I love the thoughts and information of posters who know much more about matters than I do. Maybe I am out of touch with the realities of civil conduct in the modern day and rather than getting upset, I should stop visiting this site.

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Biggest overreaction I've seen in ages. Seriously, just grow a set & stfu, why would that 1 line need such a reaction? We all know Saty can't take those jokes (which I actually laughed at initially re Frawley).

And as for Saty, you don't want a derailed training report thread (like most of us)? Then stop feeling the need to comment on every single bloody throw away line & joke, seriously, undoes any value you add here (and you do add value, just stop making everything about you, else someone will no doubt come visit you at training one day judging from reactions like the above).

Anyway, I read what I wanted out of this thread, thnx to those who contributed photos, reports, q&a's and even the occasional joke ;-)

Everything else should just be deleted including this post I wish I never bothered to write now......

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I'd suggest we do two things.

1. Have a Saty discussion thread where those that want to can [censored] all they like and the rest of us won't have to read it and every thread won't be derailed.

2. Saty can have his own training report thread. Those that don't like his reports can easily avoid them and each training thread wouldn't descend into the childish bickering that goes on now.

Alternatively the mods could just decree that "Saty discussion is over, everyone has had a say" and if anyone [censored] about Saty's training reports and manner in the future they are banned. Simple. Problem solved overnight.

I doubt either of these things will happen and the status quo will continue. But I agree xarronn, it's disappointing that a once great site has been let go to this extent and many of the wonderful posters who used to be regulars are now only rarely seen. Having said that, as a past moderator, it's a thankless and difficult task and with the volume of traffic this site gets it's almost impossible to keep a lid on things.

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All helpful suggestions Bob.

I vote the Mods do something, otherwise why have them at all? Hello mods? Do we need another Saty thread really? I thought that's what the last 20 training reports turned into?!?! People haven't bitched enoughed? Do they have lives? Surely 1 training thread containing all reports & pics is ideal?

Why am I asking so many questions I already have the answers to?!?!!

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Btw, those that have made insinuations about saty's sexuality should've already been banned!!! Well, at least that's what happens on most public forums, I for one could not care, we're all adults here right? Oh no, wait, kids read this also! Well done Dland!!

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So if kids can access demonland I wonder what other kinds of websites they can look at?

Get off the mods backs they don't get paid for their time. At times people get on have a rant then that's the end of it. People step over the line and serve their time. If you think what has been written here is worse than what kids are exposed to through the school yard/advertising/movies/web sites ect I would suggest you get outside a bit more. For every poster having a dig at Saty there are ten thanking him for his efforts. Posters have ability to ignore other posters if they choose. One difference a forum like this has as opposed to FB is that everyone can remain anominous unless you choose to put yourself out there. I as many others do live interstate and am grateful for the services Demonland provides.

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Who the [censored] made you a Mod? Nobody, and let's hope to God that never happens, the way you want to dictate what is said here.

You've had a crack at me before for making a simple joke, so you obviously can't handle anything negative re MFC whether it's a joke or otherwise. When you attack, yes, attack others you claim they can't handle a joke, but you clearly display a thin skin when on the receiving end. You're an attention seeker, nothing more (OK, perhaps a name dropper as well, everyone loves an ND). You just can't wait for these threads to be derailed and descend into a discussion about YOU. You stoke the fire until it ignites, that's only if your training report introductions don't do the job (lemon suckers, hairshirt something or other, no idea WTF that's about), that baiting is completely unnecessary. You are the head-derailer, and in your own words - jut silly!

Here's where we part ways old boy. I had enjoyed reading your training reports until they descended into a self-inflating steaming pile of crap, and in your own words, you have left the real stuff to others. There are some really good training reports coming out now, so thanks to those posters who actually focus on the training, not their own agenda. Best of luck to you.

A last piece of advice if I may. When you're taking your training photos, aim up. I see your photos and I see an alarming number of mens groins. Not the sort of thing I'm interested in. <not that there's anything wrong with that>.

So ignore it is for you. I'm sure you'll get by. There's plenty on here that stand up for you, but they'll learn when their opinion differs. For the record, I couldn't give a [censored] what replies come from this. I simply want to read reports, discuss games, and have a light hearted joke here and there. Any [censored] that wants to try to control the discussion or can't take a joke, feel free to ignore me. I DGAF.

OMG Just leave this forum forever would you.

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I'd suggest we do two things.

1. Have a Saty discussion thread where those that want to can bitch all they like and the rest of us won't have to read it and every thread won't be derailed.

2. Saty can have his own training report thread. Those that don't like his reports can easily avoid them and each training thread wouldn't descend into the childish bickering that goes on now.

Alternatively the mods could just decree that "Saty discussion is over, everyone has had a say" and if anyone bitches about Saty's training reports and manner in the future they are banned. Simple. Problem solved overnight.

I doubt either of these things will happen and the status quo will continue. But I agree xarronn, it's disappointing that a once great site has been let go to this extent and many of the wonderful posters who used to be regulars are now only rarely seen. Having said that, as a past moderator, it's a thankless and difficult task and with the volume of traffic this site gets it's almost impossible to keep a lid on things.

The other possibility is to give posters who respond to others with personal criticism instead of sticking to the subject a holiday from the site.

It's not only under consideration but will be enforced from the next training thread.

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