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Something funny I saw yesterday after the game... there were two fellows, typical Carlton supporters, walking in front of me towards Wellington Parade and they were talking rubbish about why we won and we were lucky and excuse after excuse, blah blah blah. Then they started talking about Melbourne supporters and inevitably a joke came up along the lines of 'Oh, it mustn't be time to go to Mount Buller yet'. I chuckled to myself and continued to walk behind them up to Wellington Pde where they promptly jumped in a cab and said 'Lygon Street mate'.


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Howdy all, I was at the game yesterday, my take on it, and forgive me for being late as I spent last night celebrating Til the wee hours.

I said in the game day thread that if we won the tackle count and clearances the result would look after itself, without having seen the stats yet I'd imagine we won the tackles convincingly and probably just lost the clearances. I haven't seen a Melbourne team tackle like that for a long time. Starting on defence, Pederson worked exceptionally hard. He gets his critics on here for his contract or his skill level, but the guy works hard. McDonald was awesome and I can probably only name a patch in the 3rd quarter where he was shaded but overall he was instrumental in keeping carlton out of it. Georgiou is a great pickup, he isn't a world beater but he is dependable.

The midfield really was where we won the game. Grimes was probably close to best afield in my eyes. Just the team efforts he gives- the pressure, chases and yesterday the intercepts. There was a moment where he tussled with a Carlton player at half back and he just found a way to get the ball out to our advantage, which I think resulted in vince having a shot on goal. Jones was fantastic and absolutely destroyed Murphy. Spencer was probably beaten in the hot outs. But he worked hard around the ground and deserves a lot of credit for how much he has improved. He still has a few moments, he turned it over by foot going short a couple of times. When he did go long he is actually a pretty decent kick. I'd still love to see runners get past him for the quick handball though, something we didn't do. Viney and Tyson were terrific in close, bail looks more and more a footballer with consistent games and cross has already proven his worth. Matt jones, as our 7th or 8th midfielder, was terrific. He gets his criticism, but he showed good signs yesterday.

A few things I did notice, we seemed to set up with watts goal side a lot at stoppages. I'd love to see him try to get back off the pack and use his skills in space. He seemed a little wasted around some contests. I'd also like to see more of jones away from the stoppages like yesterday, giving Tyson viney and those guys to keep learning. Jones was fantastic in that role and if it adds another later to our midfield, we will be better for it.

Up forward Dawes won't have the stats, but his presence was undeniable. When the ball hit the ground he just keeps competing, and a 6'4 guy is going to have some of those defenders worried. JKH was lively, that goal he kicked had a huge degree of difficulty and he is a smart player. He could be a genuine star, similar to Cyril or Jetta. Frawley was terrific, hopefully the other guys can stand up and we can keep him up there with Dawes. Dunn was a little selfish yesterday, which I don't mind, but I felt he could have given a few off instead of his 2 low percentage shots from outside 50.

I think yesterday was a sign we aren't that deplorable, but when we started to get ahead, we got scared and stopped taking those risks. I think it was due to it being foreign that we were in front. Just small skil errors kept Carlton in it. Hopefully now they have a taste of it they want to keep it. I think any other team would have put the foot on the throat and won that by 60-80 points. Carlton were terrible. Unless you saw the game there, you wouldn't have noticed the Melbourne run and working 2 ways, and the Carlton players flat footed. It feels good to say melbourne won that game by out working Carlton.

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Yeah they did and as they show highlights of Jones whooping murphy's ass that thug Brown and the others speak about Murphy and his leadership. It's all good I just wanted to hear about our best player in a little more depth. It's just a bad show made even worse by having a player retire in disgrace on the show. End of rant.

You are just so happy with our win that you can't get enough Jones! :)

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Howdy all, I was at the game yesterday, my take on it, and forgive me for being late as I spent last night celebrating Til the wee hours.

I said in the game day thread that if we won the tackle count and clearances the result would look after itself, without having seen the stats yet I'd imagine we won the tackles convincingly and probably just lost the clearances. I haven't seen a Melbourne team tackle like that for a long time. Starting on defence, Pederson worked exceptionally hard. He gets his critics on here for his contract or his skill level, but the guy works hard. McDonald was awesome and I can probably only name a patch in the 3rd quarter where he was shaded but overall he was instrumental in keeping carlton out of it. Georgiou is a great pickup, he isn't a world beater but he is dependable.

The midfield really was where we won the game. Grimes was probably close to best afield in my eyes. Just the team efforts he gives- the pressure, chases and yesterday the intercepts. There was a moment where he tussled with a Carlton player at half back and he just found a way to get the ball out to our advantage, which I think resulted in vince having a shot on goal. Jones was fantastic and absolutely destroyed Murphy. Spencer was probably beaten in the hot outs. But he worked hard around the ground and deserves a lot of credit for how much he has improved. He still has a few moments, he turned it over by foot going short a couple of times. When he did go long he is actually a pretty decent kick. I'd still love to see runners get past him for the quick handball though, something we didn't do. Viney and Tyson were terrific in close, bail looks more and more a footballer with consistent games and cross has already proven his worth. Matt jones, as our 7th or 8th midfielder, was terrific. He gets his criticism, but he showed good signs yesterday.

A few things I did notice, we seemed to set up with watts goal side a lot at stoppages. I'd love to see him try to get back off the pack and use his skills in space. He seemed a little wasted around some contests. I'd also like to see more of jones away from the stoppages like yesterday, giving Tyson viney and those guys to keep learning. Jones was fantastic in that role and if it adds another later to our midfield, we will be better for it.

Up forward Dawes won't have the stats, but his presence was undeniable. When the ball hit the ground he just keeps competing, and a 6'4 guy is going to have some of those defenders worried. JKH was lively, that goal he kicked had a huge degree of difficulty and he is a smart player. He could be a genuine star, similar to Cyril or Jetta. Frawley was terrific, hopefully the other guys can stand up and we can keep him up there with Dawes. Dunn was a little selfish yesterday, which I don't mind, but I felt he could have given a few off instead of his 2 low percentage shots from outside 50.

I think yesterday was a sign we aren't that deplorable, but when we started to get ahead, we got scared and stopped taking those risks. I think it was due to it being foreign that we were in front. Just small skil errors kept Carlton in it. Hopefully now they have a taste of it they want to keep it. I think any other team would have put the foot on the throat and won that by 60-80 points. Carlton were terrible. Unless you saw the game there, you wouldn't have noticed the Melbourne run and working 2 ways, and the Carlton players flat footed. It feels good to say melbourne won that game by out working Carlton.

Shades of a young Wiz.....

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You are just so happy with our win that you can't get enough Jones! :)

Pretty much mate. I was too young for Robbie Flower but when you hear about him on T.V and radio it always goes something like "Unbelievable player in a ordinary team". I just want reward for effort for Nathan and credit where credit is due from the [censored] media. End of Rant again.

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Ive called Dean kent a future star on this board a few times and have been yelled at for it a couple of times

Just watch, the kid is gonna be special

He has great potential no doubt but whether he can reach his full potential is another thing. I am so sick of expecting potential to turn into results (Morton, Trengove, Gysberts, Watts, etc.) I love how since Roos has come in I have hardly given any thought to the likes of Harmes, Hunt, Salem, King, Toumpas etc. I am going to try and keep reasonable short term expectations on our young players (e.g. I hope Kent can claim a spot in the 22 by the end of the year - whether that's as a fp or wing)

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He has great potential no doubt but whether he can reach his full potential is another thing. I am so sick of expecting potential to turn into results (Morton, Trengove, Gysberts, Watts, etc.) I love how since Roos has come in I have hardly given any thought to the likes of Harmes, Hunt, Salem, King, Toumpas etc. I am going to try and keep reasonable short term expectations on our young players (e.g. I hope Kent can claim a spot in the 22 by the end of the year - whether that's as a fp or wing)

Yeah it's a fair point.

But the thing that excites me about Kent is he's hard, he's fast, he's not perfect but has a solid left foot with the ability to kick long and also short and flat, he can take a mark, he can tackle. Of all the young players we've had in terms of all round game he has so many attributes to like. He's Tapscott but fast, Blease but hard, JKH with 10 extra cm's etc. And I love that he's not a high draft pick so he doesn't get media or fan pressure. He's clearly got areas to work on his game and his body so he might need to go back to Casey at times this year and I agree Roos will take him along slowly.

I also like that Kent, Viney and Tyson are in the team and Salem is hopefully coming along well. That will make 4 left footers. If we can just get one or two good ones for the backline we'll be starting to learn the Hawthorn lesson on the value of having left footers to balance the side.

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Kent was decent but he did just slap it on his boot a couple of times and turn it over, needs composure at times but that should come with a few more games under the belt.

Yep noticed it early in the game. Another thing he needs to do is just work out his leading a bit better to know when to lead up so another player can come in behind and spread an opponent. He's keen to get the ball over the back with his speed which is fine but sometimes you have to take your turn to go at the ball to make space for others.

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Ive called Dean kent a future star on this board a few times and have been yelled at for it a couple of times

Just watch, the kid is gonna be special

Dean played very well. A couple of times he blazed away but he can work on that.

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Bail had a really good second half, but was beyond ordinary in the first half. My worry with him is that he really is the epitomy of a down-hill skier. If it's all going well, he runs forward, but just jogs around otherwise.

The other bloke I think is being heavily overrated, both on here and in the votes today is Grimes. His first half was bordering on poor. However, he came into the game in the second half and showed a little bit more composure. He was even hitting targets with his left foot. Viney and Cross were the guys giving Jones the cut out today.

Apologies for being the fun/realistic police.

It's been said already, but this isn't correct - Bail was fantastic all day, ran hard both ways from start to finish.

Another random thought: Tom McDonald seems to be playing better now that the responsibility for the backline has been dropped squarely on his shoulders. No Frawley or Garland and he's really stepping up and dominating games for us. Really good to see from him.

Thought his duel with Henderson was a classic FF-FB duel. And TMac won it hands down. His one-on-one work is great, he isn't easily beaten on the lead, we know he runs all day, and he's confident with ball in hand (though still can't kick very well).

lol at those saying Grimes lifted.

He does what he did every week, some of you just get 'taken' by his occasional clanger.

It's hard to look good when you are in the middle of everything down at the Dees.

His intercept marking yesterday was superb, and I reckon the confidence helped lift his kicking, which wasn't as bad yesterday as it generally is.

One of his best games in years.

It gives us options, as well. It's not just Hogan coming in, but with Garland to come back, we're going to have at least one too many defenders in the side if we count Dunn, Frawley, Howe and Pedersen all as defenders. Once our injury list is bare (if it ever gets that way), I expect one or both of Georgiou and Pedersen to eventually make way, but for most weeks at least one and possibly two of those defenders will need to play forward; having Frawley as a viable option of one of them increases the range of possibilities. Dunn, Howe and Garland have all demonstrated ability as fowards in the past as well. Fascinating times ahead; can't wait.

Agreed. We now have (kinda) swing men in Dunn, Frawley, Watts, Howe and Garland (I wouldn't include Pedersen as I really don't think he can play forward at all).

I think a backline with McDonald, Garland, and one of Pedersen and Georgiou, with a forward line of Dawes, Hogan, Frawley and Dunn is where we'll end up, but we have flexibility in the case of injuries, depth, and some real structure now.

Interesting reading in this thread and the player votes. Whilst not getting carried away we are starting to see the start of what could be considered depth and flexibility in some of our players. Finally a first year player (Salem) isn't rushed into the side from rd 1 and expected to be a star. Toumpas is back finding some form and Trengove is hopefully discovering why he was picked at 2. Garland to come back soon and he is down back when Hogan plays we could have three talls with Dawes and Chip. JKH must start, small forward is a specialist position, this was his first game playing with a recognised tall. Tackling is improving(effectiveness not numbers). Still some loose checking at times but again we improving each week. Would like to see us rattle the Suns.

I think the point about Salem is really important.

I'm really pleased that Salem is building fitness, form and confidence in the VFL without the pressure of performing immediately (and having to cop the 'we should have taken [insert other player's name]').

The Number 1 thing I took from this match was with about 5 minutes to go in the 3rd quarter when JKH snapped the goal over his shoulder.

What I saw was;

1 - JKH take a shot over his shoulder and kicked an awesome goal,

2 - Dawes, who was clear about 5 metres away, giving him a MASSIVE spray for not hand-balling to him and having a 90% chance of goaling rather than the 5% option that JKH took.

3 - Little, or no, celebration from JKH in kicking a miraculous goal.

JKH knew that he did the wrong thing. There is no doubt 99% of all other players in the competition would have run around like a headless chook celebrating, but he immediately accepted that he did wrong - incredible maturity from the young bloke.

This just showed me the 'culture' and 'rules' that Roos and the team have set - it's all about the team, not individuals. Love it!

Agreed, and whilst I don't mean to be rude, I wonder how it would have been different if it were Blease instead of JKH.

That show is the most painful pile of rubbish I've ever seen.

It perfectly sums up Channel Seven's AFL coverage, more interested in celebrity and social media than presenting a professional sport.

Perfect summary.

That show is putrid.

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I love how after a win a few posters come out and say "I said last season that so and so would be a good player" it's bloody hilarious.

Also who would have thought that we would be talking up Pedo, Spencer and Bail.

Geez winning makes a difference.

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I love how after a win a few posters come out and say "I said last season that so and so would be a good player" it's bloody hilarious.

Also who would have thought that we would be talking up Pedo, Spencer and Bail.

Geez winning makes a difference.

I don't really rate any of them - If Spencer wasn't our only fit ruckman I would be happy to delist all three at years end.

As I have said before - Bail has the ability to turn it on once in a while (last week) and I admire him but he I don't see him as a premiership player.

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I don't really rate any of them - If Spencer wasn't our only fit ruckman I would be happy to delist all three at years end.

As I have said before - Bail has the ability to turn it on once in a while (last week) and I admire him but he I don't see him as a premiership player.

I said "talking them up" YD no negatives this weekend please!!

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