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Bombers scandal: charged, <redacted> and <infracted>


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I don't understand much of that BigFooty post, but why is this coming to light now?

And no big explosive headline on any newspapers?

What the hell is going on??

1 + 1 + 1 = 111

Quite a few quantum leaps in logic, there may be something to it but I would put my gonads on it.

Edited by ManDee
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I don't understand much of that BigFooty post, but why is this coming to light now?

And no big explosive headline on any newspapers?

What the hell is going on??

tried to do a summary of posts from another forum (its a 20 plus page thread), formatting came across very poorly.

was trying to prompt one of the white collar professionals here to summarise for the layman such as myself,

but my interpretation is that if it ever comes out in full, the players will be seen as guinea pigs with the real story being in the masterminding/ cover up.

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tried to do a summary of posts from another forum (its a 20 plus page thread), formatting came across very poorly.

was trying to prompt one of the white collar professionals here to summarise for the layman such as myself,

but my interpretation is that if it ever comes out in full, the players will be seen as guinea pigs with the real story being in the masterminding/ cover up.

It is quite a post piml, i got through about half of it....This may well be the same source that '14 was referring to last week.

Sit back & enjoy the turbulence!

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There is a poster in a thread in the ASADA section of Bigfooty who seems to have some very good info on dodgy dealings connected to the EFC drug saga

It implicates David Evens, Justin Madden, Bomber THompson, Adrian Dodoro and some other bloke (essendon board member i think)

Madden sold off some land cheap to those other 3 in 2010 while he was planning minister and then later made that area a township. They made a killing off it

To say its dodgy is an understatement. Cant wait til all this explodes.

He also talks about Evans and the experiment of using the players as guinea pigs to make $$$$ with Calazada, the drug company

All info in here if you feel like wading through


Posters name is CozzaD

Just read that FMD talk about conspiracy theories, only thing shooting the story down is logic and common sense.

If you believe there is anything remotley close to teh truth in that story (beyond a dislike of the Bombers) then you better get your letter off to Santa soon, only 6 weeks to go

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No it isn't.

For all the handwringing over Hird and Essendon, Thompson is one of the key parties who should be wiped from the game. He should take Dr Reid with him.

Agree big time...

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Why is all this coming out now? A desperate attempt to influence the forthcoming stae election?

Bomber Thompson's "jackpot" after the land rezoning has been public all along. That our useless media didn't join the dots is the issue.

It is has absolutely nothing to do with the state election.

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If you believe there is anything remotley close to teh truth in that story (beyond a dislike of the Bombers) then you better get your letter off to Santa soon, only 6 weeks to go

The land rezoning to the benefit of Thompson is a fact.

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Re: Big Footy. One wouldn't have to be a Rhodes Scholar even 20 years ago to figure out how much the land etc was going to be worth between Torquay and Geelong. That is not really a revelation...

What I do find interesting is the power struggle going on at Essendon between the controlling interest of both Liberal and Labor. What a crazy mixed up shemozzle...

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thanks for the link, I am guessing one of the lawyers on here can summarise this a lot better than me, but for those of you who have the time here are what I thought were CozzaDs best posts (in the out of 50 to date) in the last 48hrs (since they joined).

If this is true, there will definitely be a mini-series at some point.


Hi all,

Here's how it works, as far as I understand it:

David Evans, via his private company Evans and Partners, looks to invest in Phosphagenics/Calzada circa 2011/2012. Remember Mark Thompson has returned to Ess from Geelong by this time.

On the Board of Evans and Partners is Bill Kelty and Eddie McGuire (see here: https://www.evansandpartners.com.au/ourpeople/advisoryboard/ ). As you know Bill Kelty is also an AFL Commissioner.

Scam is that Evans and Partners were trying to make money off pharmaceuticals. Ess players were 'test moles'. Think about it, what financial benefit for 30 players was there to take AOD/Thyamosin? The penalties are too risky. Wining an AFL Premiership is not worth a WADA/ASADA 4 years ban. Nor is the pay packet of most AFL footballers on a global scale like F1 drivers, EPL soccer players and cyclists, there is too much to lose for the players.

Evans had to quit Ess in 2013 as the situation couldn't be managed and he is being groomed as the next Mike Fitzpatrick (i.e. AFL Chairman, like his father Ron). David will go away for 5 years and replace Mike when the time is right.

Bill Kelty is your real tip off from the 'phone call' in Feb 2013 at Hird's house (or wherever it was). Bill Kelty is conflicted as an AFL Commissioner and as a Board Member of Evans and Partners. Andrew Demetriou took the fall for Kelty.

ALSO, to solve ASADA you have to go back to 2010 and Mark Thompson at Geelong, his mate Justin Madden (then Victorian State Planning Minister) re-zones land for them in Geelong (Armstrong Creek, which was bought cheaply by Thompson, Mark Casey the Ess Coterie Club Chief and Adrian Dodoro who is Ess Recruiting Manager). Thompson cleans up financially, moves to Essendon, brings Dank and Robinson with him, they tip off Evans to financial interests of Calzada/Phosphagenics and the rest is history.

Simon Madden is not on the Ess Board out of charity, his brother helped make many Ess officials rich via Armstrong Creek property deal.

I've been reading here for some time to try and help you out somehow, but will now open my mouth, in the interest of the greater good.

Excellent work I think you are missing the ALP political connection between Kelty, Eddie and Vlad and Vlad's political ambitions that may have included at one point in time taking a safe ALP seat in either the Federal or Victorian Parliament upon his retirement. Do some research in that area and you will be astounded at what you may find.

Christmas time!BACKGROUND

In light of Essendon FC losing the Federal Court case some months back, and Justice Middleton having a go at the Gillard Government in it, I feel that this issue of heavy links between key AFL figures (including ex Essendon Chairman David Evans) and the ALP is now an 'open slather' topic. The question is conflict of interest and use of these positions/links for personal financial gain should be covered now, with no fear or favour.

I've drawn below a Summary List of Key AFL Figures with strong and common links to some ALP heavies.

It is borderline journalistic ignorance to not at least look at this. The Trade Union Royal Commission is also showing some AFL links there to slush funds also.Bill Kelty

Ex Aus Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) President, current AFL Commissioner and Board/Committee of AFL Sports Ready (HE ALSO sits on the Board of David Evans Private Company, Evans and Partners). May also have links to “Media Strategy Company” used in defamation case for Dean Robinson.Andrew Demetriou

Employed ex ALP Minister’s Key Man to AFL in 2007 (Phil Martin) and now has Bastion Business interests with him, and Creswick Quartz. Also see Demetriou/ALP Links here http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/...mments/the_l_in_afl_must_mean_labor/desc/P40/ andhttp://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/a...e-a-boring-bloke/story-fni5f22o-1226938528929Mike Fitzpatrick

See here for evidence of ALP sympathies/allegiances http://www.crikey.com.au/2009/06/26/mike-fitzpatricks-tricky-anz-stadium-conflict-of-interest/Eddie McGuire

His brother Frank McGuire is Labor MP for Broadmeadows. Eddie McGuire and David Evans share several Boards (Shane Warne Foundation and “Evans and Partners”) Steve Bracks

Board Member: AFL Sports Ready (Bill Kelty is linked here too) http://www.aflsportsready.com.au/our-story/the-team/patrons-ambassadorsPeter Walsh (ex Chief of Staff for John Brumby)

Current Board Member of Western Bulldogs FC, involved in 2010 Matthew Primus Betting IncidentRedstick Strategic Communication

‘Lobby arm’ for Geelong FC and Armstrong Creek Property Development (see Justin Madden/Mark Thompson/Mark Casey links)David Evans

Check the Board of his private company Evans and Partners, both Bill Kelty and Eddie McGuire sit on it. David Evans also sits on Victoria Police Corporate Advisory Committee.

McGuire sits on the Board of David Evans’ private company Evans and Partners.McGuire and Evans also share a Board spot on The Shane Warne Foundation.

These guys use Boards as meeting places away from the public eye.

If the company (Evans and Partners) was looking at investing in Pharmaceuticals in 2011/12, then McGuire would have knowledge, it’s a safe assumption.

Also check Tim Boreham article in The Australian from February 2010, that’s when AOD-9064 first was discussed.

To answer B&M question. Commercial media have been terrible on this. Too much focus on what the players took, not WHY the players took it.

Hi. For Hird/Charter 2004 ish (i.e. the photo of them working out) I don't know much. I haven't gone back that far to be honest.

Please send me a link of the Danny Weidler article, I'll do my best for you.

Speaking of Cronulla Sharks, they were involved in a dodgy Land Re-Zoning deal with a NSW ALP MP as well. Funny that.

Evidence? Here.http://www.theaustralian.com.au/spo...028353219?nk=d2c67ffd9359a267f7ac2c40e9b40369The $300m development project was passed under the controversial Part 3A amendment to NSW planning laws which cuts local councils out of the loop and allows the minister to directly approve projects.

The Weekend Australian obtained a copy of a letter sent by the NSW Minister for Planning Tony Kelly to Sutherland Shire Mayor Phil Blight last month in which he said the planned development deserved to be considered a Part 3A project.http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/doubts-over-cronullas-proposed-lifeline-20111005-1l9nm.htmlThe local Liberal MP, Mark Speakman, said through a spokesman he would need at least a week to consider all the documents but wanted his concerns about ''public transport, design, density, visual impact and the impact on traffic'' resolved.

The proposal was granted state-significant status by the former planning minister Tony Kelly and will be on public exhibition for 60 days to allow for submissions before independent assessment.http://www.theleader.com.au/news/local/news/business/sharks-plan-approved/2085294.aspx?storypage=0Also late on Tuesday the NSW Government signed off on the consortium’s Part 3A application, accepting the redevelopment proposal for assessment as a major project. ‘‘The Cronulla Sharks is an iconic institution in Sutherland Shire with an important role to play in the local community,’’ said Planning Minister Tony Kelly.

He said the proposal had the potential to contribute significantly to the Metropolitan Plan target of 52,000 extra jobs and 58,000 more homes in Sydney’s south by 2036, ‘‘including 10,100 new dwellings and 8000 new jobs identified for the Sutherland local government area’’.http://www.urbanalyst.com/in-the-ne...rnment-rezones-land-at-kurnell-peninsula.htmlNSW Planning Minister, Tony Kelly, last week approved a State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) which rezones land for housing and public recreation in Sutherland Shire.

The rezoning will allow for a $700 million project, providing nearly 33 hectares of low density housing adjacent to existing residential areas of Cronulla and more than 91 hectares of land for public recreation and conservation purposes.

"Which brings us to Hird and Essendon. Hird has to front up to ASADA on Tuesday. He said from the outset that he was in shock to even be fronting a media conference relating to an inquiry into Essendon's practices.That may well be the case, given that Dank is confident that everything he did, with Essendon's permission and full support, was appropriate. I have been through text message after text message between Dank and Essendon and make no mistake that Hird was more than just aware of what Dank was doing - he was a fan of it and a fan of the results.

At this point, I have been asked to hold fire on the exact details of the contents of the messages but they are detailed in the extreme, with names of players littered throughout the exchanges.

There are also numerous mentions of supplements and processes, which indicates that Hird will have to lay it all bare for ASADA when they meet.

Hird has had suggestions from AFL boss Andrew Demetriou that he should consider standing down. From afar, it appears that he has board support and club support not to follow what Demetriou wants.

Where was that kind of support for Flanagan, who was left to watch from afar as his club floundered? There are some in Melbourne who don't want to believe that these text messages are real. I sat with Dank and went through his phone over a cup of coffee and saw every text message from Hird to him after I had put it to him that the messages could have been falsified.

The next area of interest around Hird will be his statement that he only took injections twice to benefit himself. That is a statement worth remembering and one that may land him in trouble down the track when it comes to his credibility in this matter."http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/...icated-but-hird-was-aware-20130415-2hw5g.html

I’ll help you out, the relevant links below. Also note chronology.http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport...907043696?nk=dd1b5b2d5c203d001a39f2026d5b2e59August 2010

GEELONG coach Mark Thompson has turned a $400,000 property gamble into a potential $10 million windfall.

The golden land deal underscores the magnitude of Geelong's task in persuading Thompson to extend his tenure at Skilled Stadium beyond next year.A parcel of land purchased by Thompson, developer Mark Casey and Essendon recruiting chief Adrian Dodoro is now tipped to earn them more than $40 million.

The trio paid $3.8 million for a 16ha sheep farm at Armstrong Creek, between Geelong and Torquay, four years ago.

They hit the jackpot after a series of State Government zoning changes that will transform the locality into a city the size of Shepparton.http://geelong.starcommunity.com.au/indy/2010-06-18/creek-flop-highlights-city-housing-bargains/June 2010

State Planning Minister Justin Madden has given the green light for the release of 500 allotments at Armstrong Creek’s Warralily estate, in the urban growth area’s east precinct.http://sportsbusinessinsider.com.au...ure/geelong-cats-to-build-new-8-million-base/

Geelong FC to Build New $8 Million Dollar Training BaseNovember 30, 2011

Following confirmation that a unique partnership has been struck between Keystone Business Park & the Geelong Football Club, the Cats have announced it will build a multi-million dollar training base in the new suburb of Armstrong Creek, which is beginning to take shape on the southern edge of the city.

The decision means the Cats are set to spend far less time running around at their home ground, the recently renamed Simonds Stadium.

Construction costs will be funded by Keystone Business Park – one of the developers involved in Armstrong Creek.

As part of the sponsorship deal, the 2011 premiers will own the freehold title to the complex once it is completed.http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013-11-27/delay-on-cats-base

Cats hold fire on new training base

Adam McNicol November 27, 2013 6:18 PMGEELONG'S planned training facility in the new suburb of Armstrong Creek has been delayed indefinitely, knocking almost $2 million off the club's balance sheet.

There was much fanfare when Cats announced plans for an elite training facility back in November, 2011.

Construction was expected to begin in June 2012 and be completed by early 2013.

The club was to be a high-profile tenant in the Keystone Business Park, with the training facility's construction costs to be met by the park's developers as part of a unique sponsorship arrangement.

The Cats were to own the freehold title to the complex – valued at $1.93 million – once it was completed.http://www.afl.com.au/news/2014-09-...for-next-stage-of-simonds-stadium-developmentLabor promises $70 million for next stage of Simonds Stadium development

Adam McNicol September 9, 2014 1:23 PM

The Victorian Labor Party has promised to fund the next stage of the Simonds Stadium redevelopmentVICTORIA'S Labor opposition has pledged $70 million to fund the entire next stage of Geelong's Simonds Stadium redevelopment if it wins November's state election.

The project, known as stage four, will replace the Brownlow and Jennings stands, meaning new change rooms for the Geelong players, a new media centre and a rise in the stadium's capacity from 33,500 to 36,000.

At Tuesday morning's announcement, Cats chief executive Brian Cook thanked Labor leader Daniel Andrews for "such a generous offer".

Hi all,Good morning. Further to yesterdays’ initial email, today’s one focuses on the ”Dean Robinson Defamation” case. The inference and link is that, again, Bill Kelty had more of a hand in this the we are being led to believe.

You may remember from my initial email yesterday that we discussed Bill Kelty is in a ‘Conflict of Interest’ dilemma, being an AFL Commissioner and a Board Member of David Evans Private Company, Evans and Partner. Kelty is also an ex-ACTU President.

I also referred to possible ALP interference in all this. Most of my data presented to date has an “ALP/Union” tone/link to it.

Now read the sequence of events below.

1. Base Story starts by outlining how the AFL/Essendon engaged “Essential Media Communications” to help strategize the response to Essendon/ASADA matter in early February 2013 (see: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/la...egoat-court-told/story-fni0fee2-1227043770111)“A FORMER strength coach with the Bombers has alleged a spin doctor came up with the idea to blame “rogue operators’’ for the supplements scandal and used dumped fitness chief Dean Robinson as a “scapegoat’’, the Supreme Court has heard.

Suki Hobson, who quit the Bombers late last year, allegedly told Robinson she attended a meeting in March last year with club chiefs in which Essential Media Communications director Elizabeth Lukin spoke about a “rogue operator strategy’’.”

2. Base “Essential Media” website, showing offices in Sydney and Melbourne (http://essentialmedia.com.au/contact/)3. ASIC records show “Essential Media” (via ABN 48 074 671 462) to be really based in Brisbane, in the same building as the ALP’s Queensland offices (Building is TLC Building, 16 Peel Street Brisbane. Essential Media is on Level 3, ALP Queensland is on Level 1)

4. Further digging shows Essential Media Communications to be specialists advisors to both the Australian Labor Party and to the ACTU (Trade Union Council)

Example articles that show this are: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-03-19/lewiswoods-values/4581706 and http://www.crikey.com.au/2013/05/29/the-power-index-election-deciders-ad-creatives-at-6/?wpmp_switcher=mobileQuotes from the two links just provided include: “Question design and analysis are carried out by Essential Research, the research arm of Essential Media Communications.” And “Essential Media Communications, the progressive polling and campaigning outfit behind the Australian Council of Trade Unions’2007 Your Rights at Work campaign, is now running the show. Labor sources say the crew is already working hard at EMC’s Sussex Street HQ, with ALP assistant national secretary Nick Martin overseeing efforts.”

5. Current AFL Commissioner Bill Kelty is also ex ACTU President. It’s highly possible that in early Feb 2013, when Essendon/ASADA was about to ‘break’ that Essential Media Communications was called into AFL House, and that’s the meeting Dean Robinson is taking Court action against, as stated in the Media articles of 1 September 2014.

Attachments, showing screenshots and ‘directions’ on how to extract the data I have found, I have also.


I think there should also be included here strong Liberal Party connections on the EFC board. I don't think this is a party political thing. It is much more about endemic corruption. There is a long way to go. I am waiting for the expose from The Age Insight Team.

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Agree big time...

i believe Thompson had a lot less to do with the whole saga than Goodwin, and i sure hope we have checked out our position if this mini series really gets dirty.

Doc Reid is in his own league. How the club doctor isn't up on criminal charges astounds me

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thanks for the link, I am guessing one of the lawyers on here can summarise this a lot better than me, but for those of you who have the time here are what I thought were CozzaDs best posts (in the out of 50 to date) in the last 48hrs (since they joined).

If this is true, there will definitely be a mini-series at some point.


Hi all,

Here's how it works, as far as I understand it:

David Evans, via his private company Evans and Partners, looks to invest in Phosphagenics/Calzada circa 2011/2012. Remember Mark Thompson has returned to Ess from Geelong by this time.

On the Board of Evans and Partners is Bill Kelty and Eddie McGuire (see here: https://www.evansandpartners.com.au/ourpeople/advisoryboard/ ). As you know Bill Kelty is also an AFL Commissioner.

Scam is that Evans and Partners were trying to make money off pharmaceuticals. Ess players were 'test moles'. Think about it, what financial benefit for 30 players was there to take AOD/Thyamosin? The penalties are too risky. Wining an AFL Premiership is not worth a WADA/ASADA 4 years ban. Nor is the pay packet of most AFL footballers on a global scale like F1 drivers, EPL soccer players and cyclists, there is too much to lose for the players.

Evans had to quit Ess in 2013 as the situation couldn't be managed and he is being groomed as the next Mike Fitzpatrick (i.e. AFL Chairman, like his father Ron). David will go away for 5 years and replace Mike when the time is right.

Bill Kelty is your real tip off from the 'phone call' in Feb 2013 at Hird's house (or wherever it was). Bill Kelty is conflicted as an AFL Commissioner and as a Board Member of Evans and Partners. Andrew Demetriou took the fall for Kelty.

ALSO, to solve ASADA you have to go back to 2010 and Mark Thompson at Geelong, his mate Justin Madden (then Victorian State Planning Minister) re-zones land for them in Geelong (Armstrong Creek, which was bought cheaply by Thompson, Mark Casey the Ess Coterie Club Chief and Adrian Dodoro who is Ess Recruiting Manager). Thompson cleans up financially, moves to Essendon, brings Dank and Robinson with him, they tip off Evans to financial interests of Calzada/Phosphagenics and the rest is history.

Simon Madden is not on the Ess Board out of charity, his brother helped make many Ess officials rich via Armstrong Creek property deal.

I've been reading here for some time to try and help you out somehow, but will now open my mouth, in the interest of the greater good.

Excellent work I think you are missing the ALP political connection between Kelty, Eddie and Vlad and Vlad's political ambitions that may have included at one point in time taking a safe ALP seat in either the Federal or Victorian Parliament upon his retirement. Do some research in that area and you will be astounded at what you may find.

Christmas time!BACKGROUND

In light of Essendon FC losing the Federal Court case some months back, and Justice Middleton having a go at the Gillard Government in it, I feel that this issue of heavy links between key AFL figures (including ex Essendon Chairman David Evans) and the ALP is now an 'open slather' topic. The question is conflict of interest and use of these positions/links for personal financial gain should be covered now, with no fear or favour.

I've drawn below a Summary List of Key AFL Figures with strong and common links to some ALP heavies.

It is borderline journalistic ignorance to not at least look at this. The Trade Union Royal Commission is also showing some AFL links there to slush funds also.Bill Kelty

Ex Aus Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) President, current AFL Commissioner and Board/Committee of AFL Sports Ready (HE ALSO sits on the Board of David Evans Private Company, Evans and Partners). May also have links to Media Strategy Company used in defamation case for Dean Robinson.Andrew Demetriou

Employed ex ALP Ministers Key Man to AFL in 2007 (Phil Martin) and now has Bastion Business interests with him, and Creswick Quartz. Also see Demetriou/ALP Links here http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/...mments/the_l_in_afl_must_mean_labor/desc/P40/ andhttp://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/a...e-a-boring-bloke/story-fni5f22o-1226938528929Mike Fitzpatrick

See here for evidence of ALP sympathies/allegiances http://www.crikey.com.au/2009/06/26/mike-fitzpatricks-tricky-anz-stadium-conflict-of-interest/Eddie McGuire

His brother Frank McGuire is Labor MP for Broadmeadows. Eddie McGuire and David Evans share several Boards (Shane Warne Foundation and Evans and Partners) Steve Bracks

Board Member: AFL Sports Ready (Bill Kelty is linked here too) http://www.aflsportsready.com.au/our-story/the-team/patrons-ambassadorsPeter Walsh (ex Chief of Staff for John Brumby)

Current Board Member of Western Bulldogs FC, involved in 2010 Matthew Primus Betting IncidentRedstick Strategic Communication

Lobby arm for Geelong FC and Armstrong Creek Property Development (see Justin Madden/Mark Thompson/Mark Casey links)David Evans

Check the Board of his private company Evans and Partners, both Bill Kelty and Eddie McGuire sit on it. David Evans also sits on Victoria Police Corporate Advisory Committee.

McGuire sits on the Board of David Evans private company Evans and Partners.McGuire and Evans also share a Board spot on The Shane Warne Foundation.

These guys use Boards as meeting places away from the public eye.

If the company (Evans and Partners) was looking at investing in Pharmaceuticals in 2011/12, then McGuire would have knowledge, its a safe assumption.

Also check Tim Boreham article in The Australian from February 2010, thats when AOD-9064 first was discussed.

To answer B&M question. Commercial media have been terrible on this. Too much focus on what the players took, not WHY the players took it.

Hi. For Hird/Charter 2004 ish (i.e. the photo of them working out) I don't know much. I haven't gone back that far to be honest.

Please send me a link of the Danny Weidler article, I'll do my best for you.

Speaking of Cronulla Sharks, they were involved in a dodgy Land Re-Zoning deal with a NSW ALP MP as well. Funny that.

Evidence? Here.http://www.theaustralian.com.au/spo...028353219?nk=d2c67ffd9359a267f7ac2c40e9b40369The $300m development project was passed under the controversial Part 3A amendment to NSW planning laws which cuts local councils out of the loop and allows the minister to directly approve projects.

The Weekend Australian obtained a copy of a letter sent by the NSW Minister for Planning Tony Kelly to Sutherland Shire Mayor Phil Blight last month in which he said the planned development deserved to be considered a Part 3A project.http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/doubts-over-cronullas-proposed-lifeline-20111005-1l9nm.htmlThe local Liberal MP, Mark Speakman, said through a spokesman he would need at least a week to consider all the documents but wanted his concerns about ''public transport, design, density, visual impact and the impact on traffic'' resolved.

The proposal was granted state-significant status by the former planning minister Tony Kelly and will be on public exhibition for 60 days to allow for submissions before independent assessment.http://www.theleader.com.au/news/local/news/business/sharks-plan-approved/2085294.aspx?storypage=0Also late on Tuesday the NSW Government signed off on the consortiums Part 3A application, accepting the redevelopment proposal for assessment as a major project. The Cronulla Sharks is an iconic institution in Sutherland Shire with an important role to play in the local community, said Planning Minister Tony Kelly.

He said the proposal had the potential to contribute significantly to the Metropolitan Plan target of 52,000 extra jobs and 58,000 more homes in Sydneys south by 2036, including 10,100 new dwellings and 8000 new jobs identified for the Sutherland local government area.http://www.urbanalyst.com/in-the-ne...rnment-rezones-land-at-kurnell-peninsula.htmlNSW Planning Minister, Tony Kelly, last week approved a State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) which rezones land for housing and public recreation in Sutherland Shire.

The rezoning will allow for a $700 million project, providing nearly 33 hectares of low density housing adjacent to existing residential areas of Cronulla and more than 91 hectares of land for public recreation and conservation purposes.

"Which brings us to Hird and Essendon. Hird has to front up to ASADA on Tuesday. He said from the outset that he was in shock to even be fronting a media conference relating to an inquiry into Essendon's practices.That may well be the case, given that Dank is confident that everything he did, with Essendon's permission and full support, was appropriate. I have been through text message after text message between Dank and Essendon and make no mistake that Hird was more than just aware of what Dank was doing - he was a fan of it and a fan of the results.

At this point, I have been asked to hold fire on the exact details of the contents of the messages but they are detailed in the extreme, with names of players littered throughout the exchanges.

There are also numerous mentions of supplements and processes, which indicates that Hird will have to lay it all bare for ASADA when they meet.

Hird has had suggestions from AFL boss Andrew Demetriou that he should consider standing down. From afar, it appears that he has board support and club support not to follow what Demetriou wants.

Where was that kind of support for Flanagan, who was left to watch from afar as his club floundered? There are some in Melbourne who don't want to believe that these text messages are real. I sat with Dank and went through his phone over a cup of coffee and saw every text message from Hird to him after I had put it to him that the messages could have been falsified.

The next area of interest around Hird will be his statement that he only took injections twice to benefit himself. That is a statement worth remembering and one that may land him in trouble down the track when it comes to his credibility in this matter."http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/...icated-but-hird-was-aware-20130415-2hw5g.html

Ill help you out, the relevant links below. Also note chronology.http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport...907043696?nk=dd1b5b2d5c203d001a39f2026d5b2e59August 2010

GEELONG coach Mark Thompson has turned a $400,000 property gamble into a potential $10 million windfall.

The golden land deal underscores the magnitude of Geelong's task in persuading Thompson to extend his tenure at Skilled Stadium beyond next year.A parcel of land purchased by Thompson, developer Mark Casey and Essendon recruiting chief Adrian Dodoro is now tipped to earn them more than $40 million.

The trio paid $3.8 million for a 16ha sheep farm at Armstrong Creek, between Geelong and Torquay, four years ago.

They hit the jackpot after a series of State Government zoning changes that will transform the locality into a city the size of Shepparton.http://geelong.starcommunity.com.au/indy/2010-06-18/creek-flop-highlights-city-housing-bargains/June 2010

State Planning Minister Justin Madden has given the green light for the release of 500 allotments at Armstrong Creeks Warralily estate, in the urban growth areas east precinct.http://sportsbusinessinsider.com.au...ure/geelong-cats-to-build-new-8-million-base/

Geelong FC to Build New $8 Million Dollar Training BaseNovember 30, 2011

Following confirmation that a unique partnership has been struck between Keystone Business Park & the Geelong Football Club, the Cats have announced it will build a multi-million dollar training base in the new suburb of Armstrong Creek, which is beginning to take shape on the southern edge of the city.

The decision means the Cats are set to spend far less time running around at their home ground, the recently renamed Simonds Stadium.

Construction costs will be funded by Keystone Business Park one of the developers involved in Armstrong Creek.

As part of the sponsorship deal, the 2011 premiers will own the freehold title to the complex once it is completed.http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013-11-27/delay-on-cats-base

Cats hold fire on new training base

Adam McNicol November 27, 2013 6:18 PMGEELONG'S planned training facility in the new suburb of Armstrong Creek has been delayed indefinitely, knocking almost $2 million off the club's balance sheet.

There was much fanfare when Cats announced plans for an elite training facility back in November, 2011.

Construction was expected to begin in June 2012 and be completed by early 2013.

The club was to be a high-profile tenant in the Keystone Business Park, with the training facility's construction costs to be met by the park's developers as part of a unique sponsorship arrangement.

The Cats were to own the freehold title to the complex valued at $1.93 million once it was completed.http://www.afl.com.au/news/2014-09-...for-next-stage-of-simonds-stadium-developmentLabor promises $70 million for next stage of Simonds Stadium development

Adam McNicol September 9, 2014 1:23 PM

The Victorian Labor Party has promised to fund the next stage of the Simonds Stadium redevelopmentVICTORIA'S Labor opposition has pledged $70 million to fund the entire next stage of Geelong's Simonds Stadium redevelopment if it wins November's state election.

The project, known as stage four, will replace the Brownlow and Jennings stands, meaning new change rooms for the Geelong players, a new media centre and a rise in the stadium's capacity from 33,500 to 36,000.

At Tuesday morning's announcement, Cats chief executive Brian Cook thanked Labor leader Daniel Andrews for "such a generous offer".

Hi all,Good morning. Further to yesterdays initial email, todays one focuses on the Dean Robinson Defamation case. The inference and link is that, again, Bill Kelty had more of a hand in this the we are being led to believe.

You may remember from my initial email yesterday that we discussed Bill Kelty is in a Conflict of Interest dilemma, being an AFL Commissioner and a Board Member of David Evans Private Company, Evans and Partner. Kelty is also an ex-ACTU President.

I also referred to possible ALP interference in all this. Most of my data presented to date has an ALP/Union tone/link to it.

Now read the sequence of events below.

1. Base Story starts by outlining how the AFL/Essendon engaged Essential Media Communications to help strategize the response to Essendon/ASADA matter in early February 2013 (see: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/la...egoat-court-told/story-fni0fee2-1227043770111)A FORMER strength coach with the Bombers has alleged a spin doctor came up with the idea to blame rogue operators for the supplements scandal and used dumped fitness chief Dean Robinson as a scapegoat, the Supreme Court has heard.

Suki Hobson, who quit the Bombers late last year, allegedly told Robinson she attended a meeting in March last year with club chiefs in which Essential Media Communications director Elizabeth Lukin spoke about a rogue operator strategy.

2. Base Essential Media website, showing offices in Sydney and Melbourne (http://essentialmedia.com.au/contact/)3. ASIC records show Essential Media (via ABN 48 074 671 462) to be really based in Brisbane, in the same building as the ALPs Queensland offices (Building is TLC Building, 16 Peel Street Brisbane. Essential Media is on Level 3, ALP Queensland is on Level 1)

4. Further digging shows Essential Media Communications to be specialists advisors to both the Australian Labor Party and to the ACTU (Trade Union Council)

Example articles that show this are: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-03-19/lewiswoods-values/4581706 and http://www.crikey.com.au/2013/05/29/the-power-index-election-deciders-ad-creatives-at-6/?wpmp_switcher=mobileQuotes from the two links just provided include: Question design and analysis are carried out by Essential Research, the research arm of Essential Media Communications. And Essential Media Communications, the progressive polling and campaigning outfit behind the Australian Council of Trade Unions2007 Your Rights at Work campaign, is now running the show. Labor sources say the crew is already working hard at EMCs Sussex Street HQ, with ALP assistant national secretary Nick Martin overseeing efforts.

5. Current AFL Commissioner Bill Kelty is also ex ACTU President. Its highly possible that in early Feb 2013, when Essendon/ASADA was about to break that Essential Media Communications was called into AFL House, and thats the meeting Dean Robinson is taking Court action against, as stated in the Media articles of 1 September 2014.

Attachments, showing screenshots and directions on how to extract the data I have found, I have also.


Can I also add that I believe much of this article is either libellous or is factually incorrect. For this reason I am not endorsing it directly. What I can say is it illustrates very graphically the need for an ICAC in Victoria with teeth. It also shows why neither party wants one because then all this stuff will be exposed, and there will be a plague on both their houses.

To illustrate the distortions and untruths in the article, I can tell you the Essential Media Communications (EMC) are not a Brisbane based company. Whilst they have an office there, they are very strongly Melbourne based and are the preferred PR company of the AFL, especially in crisis management, and have been directly involved in nearly all of the PR crisises the AFL has had to deal with in the last 10 years. A senior member of their team was brought into ESSENDON when the drugs scandal broke, but she was advising to settle and was turfed out when Evans left/was sacked/ resigned whichever you prefer. I can tell you though if they had have continued in this, the scandal would have been over in 2013, and there would have been no infraction notices issued.

By Hird/Little allowing the money hungry legal profession to take over, they have guaranteed this to go for years. They are a gift which just keeps on giving!

Edited by Dees2014
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Interesting. A quick check of the EFC website reveals that there is nothing happening. No mention of any ASADA issues at all. I guess everybody else must have it wrong. According to EFC news archives there is no mention of Hird's appeal or anything else to do with their alleged indiscretions.

As always keeping the supporters in the dark.

I can tell you for a fact that infraction notices will be issued in the next couple of days.

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Infraction notices on the way!

"Current and former Essendon players have been placed on the register of findings by an anti-doping panel, with the AFL expected to take the next step and issue infraction notices against those 34 players."


Edited by Lucifer's Hero
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Can I also add that I believe much of this article is either libellous or is factually incorrect. For this reason I am not endorsing it directly. What I can say is it illustrates very graphically the need for an ICAC in Victoria with teeth. It also shows why neither party wants one because then all this stuff will be exposed, and there will be a plague on both their houses.

To illustrate the distortions and untruths in the article, I can tell you the Essential Media Communications (EMC) are not a Brisbane based company. Whilst they have an office there, they are very strongly Melbourne based and are the preferred PR company of the AFL, especially in crisis management, and have been directly involved in nearly all of the PR crisises the AFL has had to deal with in the last 10 years. A senior member of their team was brought into ESSENDON when the drugs scandal broke, but she was advising to settle and was turfed out when Evans left/was sacked/ resigned whichever you prefer. I can tell you though if they had have continued in this, the scandal would have been over in 2013, and there would have been no infraction notices issued.

By Hird/Little allowing the money hungry legal profession to take over, they have guaranteed this to go for years. They are a gift which just keeps on giving!

You saying EMC were so good that had they been retained that the players would have avoided sanction?

Wow that's a good PR team.

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"Current and former Essendon players have been placed on the register of findings by an anti-doping panel, with the AFL expected to take the next step and issue infraction notices against those 34 players."



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Liked this from the twitter thread linked above:

Joel Gardner ‏@AnotherJR 1h1 hour ago

@TheRunHome well that only took 2 years! It's going to take under a day to clear @essendonfc player names #taxwaste
To that i say #delusional efc fan
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i believe Thompson had a lot less to do with the whole saga than Goodwin, and i sure hope we have checked out our position if this mini series really gets dirty.

Doc Reid is in his own league. How the club doctor isn't up on criminal charges astounds me

Reid should begone was can agree..

Can't agree with the Thompson love though, You would have to connect the dots and say that the weapon was at Ess as a result of Bomba being there. He essentially brought him from Geelong raising the obvious questions about the regime at Geelong.

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Liked this from the twitter thread linked above:

Joel Gardner ‏@AnotherJR 1h1 hour ago

@TheRunHome well that only took 2 years! It's going to take under a day to clear @essendonfc player names #taxwaste
To that i say #delusional efc fan

Hird has to stand down now. Surely.

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