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Col Sylvia in 2013


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I think you can put more than 50 cents on it DA.

I have said it previously

I think he will be elsewhere in 2014

He could well be elsewhere, but one can always hope that he one year, this year, produces consistently his best - if that does happen in 2013 we may well be on a faster rise than many here expect, which in turn hopefully would make him want to stay with the rising tide.
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I have been a member of the MFC for the past 50 years so the school holidays comment is immature and banal. I played this game at the 2nd highest level and even coached my own sides.

My opinion is different to yours....I hate people bagging there own players from the safety of their keyboards...you seem to have no problem with it...so be it.......Some players will make it, some won't but I won't stoop to bagging......Will leave it there...

Well now you have really thrown the toys out of the pram. Happy to criticise me yet you haven't commented on one of my facts. Hard to deny that he has underachieved isn't it?

And then to point out your 'credentials' as a 50 year member and 'player'. Its laughable. You should read them back to yourself before you post.

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He could well be elsewhere, but one can always hope that he one year, this year, produces consistently his best - if that does happen in 2013 we may well be on a faster rise than many here expect, which in turn hopefully would make him want to stay with the rising tide.

I agree with you monoccular A few days back I wrote

"Under the new free agency rules I find it hard to believe that CS will be at the MFC in 2014.

If he has a good year in 2013 the offers will come in from the other clubs who see they can get a good player for free.

If he has his usual year under the new FD they will not want to offer a contract at the same amount as he currently gets.

He will thIen seek another club who again can get him for nothing besides his payments.

IMO the only way CS will be at the Dees in 2014 is if the team improves considerably and he wants to stay and enjoy the possibility of finals in 2014."

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Col leaving is a huge possibility IMO. Talking to someone in the inner sanctum recently, told me Col was shattered Beamer left.

This doesn't surprise me.

If he delivers another year of what he has delievered so far, it might be best for all concerned.

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Colin Sylvia is what is more commonly known as an enigma.

Can Neeldy bring out the best in him as well as having some quality players around him this season :blink:

'Everyone knows Sylvia’s best performances are equal to any of the game’s elite.

He kicked 25 goals for the season in 2011, finished 10th in the best and fairest and polled 10 votes in the Brownlow Medal.

He has pace, strength, clean hands and can break a game open with his ability to do the unexpected.

He also finished second at the club for tackles, led the club in goal assists and was in the top five for possessions playing as a midfielder/forward.

But Sylvia needs to perform at a high standard against the good sides and improve his consistency throughout an entire season.'


Col Sylvia Brownlow this Year

Get on him now according to ozbet he is 251to 1

Make a $10.00 investment and let him know all Melbourne Supporters are backing him for it :)

After all, all you stand to loose is $10.00 and who knows it may just inspire him to know the supporters have that sort of faith in him B)

After all, we all do, dont we ;)

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Well now you have really thrown the toys out of the pram. Happy to criticise me yet you haven't commented on one of my facts. Hard to deny that he has underachieved isn't it?

And then to point out your 'credentials' as a 50 year member and 'player'. Its laughable. You should read them back to yourself before you post.

This seems to be a very strange response to what Bossdog had posted. I re-read his "credentials", and can't see what point you are trying to make. What exactly deserved your derision there?

Besides, it really is a fair point to make, saying that we don't know what the player is contending with. I'd add that mental and emotional difficulties are just as real as physical ones. I imagine that the backing-down some of us went through when we found out what Bartram had been struggling with would be a pretty common backing-down if only we knew all the facts about all our players all the time. Sounds to me like Bossdog has spent enough time close to players to know how ill-informed the "expert" keyboard commentary often is. I like what he said.

Although I do notice that some supporters are more understanding of the legitimacy of some difficulties than others. This is perhaps a bit like someone today denying the reality of depression - it seems to me a type of thinking that has passed its use-by-date. Minds vary just as much as physiques do, and all kinds of physiques have been adapted to make useful contributions in footy; they can't all do everything, but they can play roles where their limitations barely matter and their excellences help win us games. So too with varying mental and emotional types, surely. There must be cut-off points, of course - but how would we know enough to say where the lines should be drawn?

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This seems to be a very strange response to what Bossdog had posted. I re-read his "credentials", and can't see what point you are trying to make. What exactly deserved your derision there?

Besides, it really is a fair point to make, saying that we don't know what the player is contending with. I'd add that mental and emotional difficulties are just as real as physical ones. I imagine that the backing-down some of us went through when we found out what Bartram had been struggling with would be a pretty common backing-down if only we knew all the facts about all our players all the time. Sounds to me like Bossdog has spent enough time close to players to know how ill-informed the "expert" keyboard commentary often is. I like what he said.

Although I do notice that some supporters are more understanding of the legitimacy of some difficulties than others. This is perhaps a bit like someone today denying the reality of depression - it seems to me a type of thinking that has passed its use-by-date. Minds vary just as much as physiques do, and all kinds of physiques have been adapted to make useful contributions in footy; they can't all do everything, but they can play roles where their limitations barely matter and their excellences help win us games. So too with varying mental and emotional types, surely. There must be cut-off points, of course - but how would we know enough to say where the lines should be drawn?

We don't robbiefrom13

What i do know is he has shown ability now for 7 years and some games he is BOG.

However he has teased us for years with a few good games and a lot of very ordinary ones.

If 2013 is not a substantial improvement then the questions have to be asked.

2013 is his eighth year if it has not happened by then it never will at the MFC IMO.

Edited by old dee
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I would just like to see this bloke stay on the park for every game.. getting some continuity in his football would be great to see.. No doubting his ability..

If he must find the hunger for success, and he must bleed for the jumper.. I'm gonna tip him to win the B&F this year.

I hope the fact his mate Beamer leaving doesn't give him any idea's..

I can still hear Beamer now telling us some of why he was leaving "I just wanna, you know, play finals football" And he went to Brisbane???

I hope we beat the Lions twice this year...

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Well for mine its a little like whether a plane can fly, or even take off. Point being i dont need to be a pilot or aeronautical engineer in order to observe and make commentary about how good or bad an airline is

It either takes off or it doesnt. It is either capable of controlled sustained flight or it isnt. . Thrre may be a myriad of reasons the plane experiences problems. It irrelevant as the effect is It just isnt what its supposed to be.

Thats the thing about Col, after a very lengthy stay we are still waiting...STILL !! It borders on a joke really .

It boils down to a very simple question. Can he add to the team in a meaningful way?

He either does or he doesnt.

So far he hasnt.

My opinion for the little its worth in reality was to move him on years ago.

Have no doubt his usual apologists will leap to his defense.

But this...and there was that...and yada yada blah blah.

Have no doubt he was confronted by Beamers going. Well Col, you brother in laziness has gone. Join him for all i care or earn your money (for a change)

Edited by belzebub59
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Well for mine its a little like whether a plane can fly, or even take off. Point being i dont need to be a pilot or aeronautical engineer in order to observe and make commentary about how good or bad an airline is

It either takes off or it doesnt. It is either capable of controlled sustained flight or it isnt. . Thrre may be a myriad of reasons the plane experiences problems. It irrelevant as the effect is It just isnt what its supposed to be.

Thats the thing about Col, after a very lengthy stay we are still waiting...STILL !! It borders on a joke really .

It boils down to a very simple question. Can he add to the team in a meaningful way?

He either does or he doesnt.

So far he hasnt.

My opinion for the little its worth in reality was to move him on years ago.

Have no doubt his usual apologists will leap to his defense.

But this...and there was that...and yada yada blah blah.

Have no doubt he was confronted by Beamers going. Well Col, you brother in laziness has gone. Join him for all i care or earn your money (for a change)

Remember there isn't an i in team - but there is a me. Just ask Garry Ablett in GCS ;)

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I think Colin could seriously become a really good player if he actually gets an opportunity with a half good midfield around him and a good supporting act

This. As has been said by a few others, if Col had a great team around I think he would truely flourish. I see him as a high half forward, and essentially an extra mid that can play the release role. If he walks I have no hesitation in saying that a team vying for a top 8 finish or better would seriously look at him. Col will always be one of those players, you either live him or hate him.

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Would love the penny to drop...

I predict that this will go either way. Col has a big start and finally starts to play consistent four quarter games on a weekly basis or like Moloney ends up in the 2s.

Can't see Neeld allowing players to coast regardless of ability levels.

Edited by dandeeman
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Well for mine its a little like whether a plane can fly, or even take off. Point being i dont need to be a pilot or aeronautical engineer in order to observe and make commentary about how good or bad an airline is

It either takes off or it doesnt. It is either capable of controlled sustained flight or it isnt. . Thrre may be a myriad of reasons the plane experiences problems. It irrelevant as the effect is It just isnt what its supposed to be.

Thats the thing about Col, after a very lengthy stay we are still waiting...STILL !! It borders on a joke really .

It boils down to a very simple question. Can he add to the team in a meaningful way?

He either does or he doesnt.

So far he hasnt.

My opinion for the little its worth in reality was to move him on years ago.

Have no doubt his usual apologists will leap to his defense.

But this...and there was that...and yada yada blah blah.

Have no doubt he was confronted by Beamers going. Well Col, you brother in laziness has gone. Join him for all i care or earn your money (for a change)

Moloney's departure should do one of the following:

(i) drive him to greater heights, realising that half hearted petulant players are no longer acceptable at MFC under the new regime (and no doubt he has been told that already in no uncertain terms) , or

(ii) drive him to despair in which case he will put in another inconsistent year, partly at VFL, and be free, with our blessing, to head off to whoever will take him as a FA, or

(iii) fail to register at all, and not really change anything, in which case refer to point (ii) !

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Remember there isn't an i in team - but there is a me. Just ask Garry Ablett in GCS ;)

Who says??


From the colour scheme of your rather impressive banner, it would seem that there is at Essendon ;-)
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Who says??


clever :) Edited by belzebub59
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Jnrmac may have been forward in his assessment of Col - but he is the most frustrating player on our list because in my opinion he is undoubtedly the most talented yet has only ever given us glimpses.

We cant keep using excuses of "a full preseason" or " a decent midfield around him".

Every year we hear the same thing - this could be Colins year - to date there hasnt been a "Colins year" and I wont put money on this being one coming up either as i have been burned too many times

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Jnrmac may have been forward in his assessment of Col - but he is the most frustrating player on our list because in my opinion he is undoubtedly the most talented yet has only ever given us glimpses.

We cant keep using excuses of "a full preseason" or " a decent midfield around him".

Every year we hear the same thing - this could be Colins year - to date there hasnt been a "Colins year" and I wont put money on this being one coming up either as i have been burned too many times

We all hope that he can do it.

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Moloney's departure should do one of the following:

(i) drive him to greater heights, realising that half hearted petulant players are no longer acceptable at MFC under the new regime (and no doubt he has been told that already in no uncertain terms) , or

(ii) drive him to despair in which case he will put in another inconsistent year, partly at VFL, and be free, with our blessing, to head off to whoever will take him as a FA, or

(iii) fail to register at all, and not really change anything, in which case refer to point (ii) !

I reckon he's a (iii)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have long since given up predicting that 'Col will have a breakout year', but a flicker of hope lingers somewhere in the back of my mind that suggests that Mark Neeld might know which buttons to push to get more out of Col. IMO Col will never have the desire or commitment to deliver on his potential, but if Neeldy can transform him from 'perennial teaser' to 'reliable trooper' he will have succeeded where all his predecessors have failed. Here' hoping!

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