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Its far more simple you have no facts and nothing can be deduduced and yet you are prepared to say Liam is dishonest based on your speculation.

Why not deduce that the parties spoke honestly and frankly to each other which in this situation is the more likely situation.

WHy then isnt he at the club seeking a trade to an Adelaide club ?
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this from the HS made me laugh, jurrah is delusional

"Jurrah's biographer Bruce Hearn McKinnon said yesterday Jurrah did not feel he was turning his back on Melbourne, which had backed him unconditionally and repeatedly allowed him to return home"

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It's tough people turning on Aaron Davey in all this. There are no implications for him at all. This is pure and simple Liam's issues with his extended family or clan.

This episode makes me resent Hawthorn all the more though. Famously reluctant to recruit indigenous players, when they do finally overcome their reluctance they get Cyril and Buddy. Man they can pick em.

And our unfortunate history with indigenous players continues: Bamblett, Charles, Farmer, Wona, Liam...all great talents who were unable to fulfil their potential with us.

That history makes the successes of Matty Whelan and Flash all the greater.

As for Kel Lawrence, he was a homesick kid who couldn't adjust. There's no deeper meaning in his departure.

I do think we might have a dose of the Rendells, albeit unspoken, from here on in. I wish Liam well but I reckon he has blown his career. Come next March 22 (when the jury will be settling in to consider a verdict) I doubt he will be in any shape to resume with Port, so that's next year SANFL at best.

And so far as Flash goes, the flame is out and the body tired, so we may not see much of him in 2013, the last year of his contract, But I hope people respect him for what he has done rather than bag him for what his body will no longer allow him to do.

Its not his body but his heart I question.

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There seems to be a few feelings on this thread that I feel are misguided. One is the "he screwed us so lets screw him" mentality. Whereby if he nominates for the PSD we should pick him up to prevent him from playing next year for anyone but us. The one thing that feel we can say about this whole experience is that we as a club have aquitted ourselves very well, we have given him support that goes above and beyond (something I feel the media isn't recognising enough). If we go down this route that we turn into a disgraceful club that has no regard for Liam's future.

If he wants to go, we let him go. Why waste the pick on someone who doesn't want to be here?

The other common issue in this thread is the hate levelled at Davey. I am sick of him being treated by the supporters with such anger, it was only 2-3 years ago he was our best player and was given all the love and praise for what he was doing with our indigenous players. Liam's decision to leave, and the situation that has brought him to this is of his doing. Nothing to do with Flash. Leave the guy alone. Unlike Liam, he WILL be a Melbourne player next year, support him.

One more point, I am still annoyed by what has happened, more to do with how we have heard nothing from the Jurrah camp. Bruce has talked about why he's chosen to go to Adelaide and pursue playing there, but how about showing some graditude for everything we've done for him. Leave us with something, but the silence is deafening.

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Please enlighten everyone with your knowledge of the inner workings of the discussions between Liam and the club which show he was not honest with the club and disrespectful to it.

Its self evident. He has walked. The club gets nothing.

A bit too obvious for you??

Oh and from the Club website:

“The Club met with Liam Jurrah tonight at which time he advised that he was not in a position to commit to AFL football at any level until after completion of his court case, set down for March 2013.

He advised that it is his priority to be with his family until this time.

“This discussion followed his arraignment earlier today at which time a trial date was confirmed for 12 March 2013.

Sounds like a protracted discussion about Liam's future. Been going on for months.

The club was shocked to be told. And the fact that Port had a press release out about 11 minutes after the story broke is a little suspicious don't you think????

Edited by jnrmac
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Quite simply hes backhanded us. He could have achieved all he wanted in respect to the above by being honest with the club, respectful of our understanding and preparedness to assist him and seek a trade via the conventional and prescribed manner.

He hasnt. He dogged us...Simple as

We were supposed to accomodate his situation, but he couldnt ours !!! Thats what this is really about.

I'm starting to think that the logistics, complex processes and hoops the club has had to jump through since Liam has been here has proved too much. They have cut their losses and by chasing a trade when in all likelihood other clubs will tread very carefully and offer SFA in return.

Review, learn and move on.

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I'm starting to think that the logistics, complex processes and hoops the club has had to jump through since Liam has been here has proved too much. They have cut their losses and by chasing a trade when in all likelihood other clubs will tread very carefully and offer SFA in return.

Review, learn and move on.


there still seems much unsaid( captain obvious I grant )

Move on indeed.

2013's list will indeed be different and for so many reasons ans hopefully lessons learnt as you suggest McQ

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All I was doing Jonesboy is suggesting it was coming from 2 sources now.

There is smoke there believe it or not

Point taken Old. I guess we can chat about it more come trade period and under another thread.

Back to the point of Jurrah, im not sure what to think / feel. Yeah we helped him out and stuck fat with him and he walked out but maybe he had no choice? I guess further details will come.

In reference to Lawrence "walking out" I think he would have been delisted anyway so he just got an earlier flight. As for Wonna, it was stated in another thread that he wasnt emotionally able to play football due to his father and I think his uncle passing away which is probably fair enough. I personally applaud the MFC for how they have conducted themselves off field this year.

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Gee he is a 24 years old trying to do a job that has stumped much older and experienced people.

I lost interest in him some weeks ago and seriously doubted we would see him again in the red and blue.

However give the kid a break.

He is fighting a battle that probably no one on here as every had to face.

Surprise Surprise the MFC comes second.

Please everyone a little humanity would not hurt.

And remember football is only a game.

What he is fighting is the destruction of his family

Well said

Sweeping generalisation I know but I am willing to bet that most people would know 4/5's of FA about Liam, where he has come from and how amazing it was that he even made it to an AFL team let alone be able to show such raw talent and leave the game with a highlight reel that would be the envy of 5 year players.

The guy has come from a totally different world, from a complex, tribal, ancient culture that most people would not understand. Within that world he has responsibilities and as such he is putting his family first. Anyone that is having a sook about him leaving should probably ask themselves that same question. What comes first? Your family (which in his case is breaking apart) or your football?

I for one am proud that the Demons are still offering to support him. I think that demonstrates a wonderful example of our values as a football club and I have no doubt that even if he does not return, Liam, his family and his community would be eternally grateful for it and who knows? Maybe one day he might come back.

I'd rather be associated with a football club that follows those ethics rather than one that demonstrates what some of the supporters are saying out there that are telling him to get effed, good riddance etc... That [censored] is just bloody disgraceful.

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Despie the issues hes going through, he really has showed that he does not give a stuff at all about the MFC. He is not grateful in the slightest for anything the club has done, even though he will pretend otherwise. Leaving for Aelaide without bothering to inform the club said it all to me. Good riddance i say, glad to see the back of him.

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On one side of the coin I hope his personal situation improves dramtically and he can live some semblance of a normal and peaceful life, on the other hand I am spewing that he has appeared to walk out abruptly on the Club. One that has provided emotional, financial and whatever support to him and his family.

Once again you feel bewildered and a bit gutted that once again we have been dudded. Obviously he has alot going on, but wouldn't he think "well this club has given me a chance to play footy, assisted me off the field etc , I might to the right thing by them and at least work out with PA/Adelaide some kind of trade deal?" But alas, nothing. It shits me to tears sometimes. Its borderline selfish I reckon.

That being said, all the best for the future LJ.

Edited, found some nasty grammar errors in post.

Edited by stinga81
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Why is everyone hating on Jurrah? Had an extremely tough year on and off the field. Wants to live with his family where everything is stable and first and foremost, but also wants to play footy, So Port/Crows seem logical. Why all the negativity to a man who brought us many highlights in his short time, I'm just appalled and confused by the language being used from people who can hide behind their screens and abuse the man. I agree the AFL should compensate if we do not get anything in return if he transfers to another AFL club. Failure to see the whole picture, I wish him the best of luck for the future and for he's case outcome..

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I posted elsewhere that I am proud of the support shown by the MFC to Liam Jurrah. As a club, we have conducted ourselves with enormous integrity and sensitivity. FCS there is no manual for how to handle the issues that have confronted the club off-field this year.

If Neeld's setting standards causes anyone to reconsider their commitment to the club, then leave. We certainly need to develop a more ruthless culture but hopefully not at the expense of being the type of club-citizen that we have been throughout this whole drama.

Good bye Liam.

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this from the HS made me laugh, jurrah is delusional

"Jurrah's biographer Bruce Hearn McKinnon said yesterday Jurrah did not feel he was turning his back on Melbourne, which had backed him unconditionally and repeatedly allowed him to return home"

It's easy to apply any context you like to a few words in isolation... how do we know this doesn't mean he will be happy to accommodate the MFC in any trade deal they would like to seek with an Adelaide based club?

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Its hard to fathom isnt it?

Disapointment overwhelming better judgement I guess, but at the end of it all its just his job and we pay for them to entertain us.

The only knock on Liam is that if he's prepared to take the money then he's obliged to conform to some of the standards of whitefella sporting professionalism. It is a two way street

Plenty of players dont though,not just LJ.

Thats why they have managers

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I am sickened by some of the comments on this site. I am a long-time, loyal Dees supporter and I'm very disappointed by the way things have panned out. Liam was my favourite player and one of the most gifted I have seen. I, like many followed his story with interest. I was desperate to see him back in the red and blue on a consistent basis. He has pressures on him that we don't understand. The invective on this site towards him, and then amazingly, towards Davey, is very disturbing and makes me wonder what sort of people post here.

Agree. We are all hurting, but we don't have to spew bile and act like morons.

I just want us to get something for him if possible.

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What a lot of self centred nonsense is being written on this thread.

Any semblence of factual basis for criticising Liam or his "mentors" (why not be a man and say their names) is not even attempted because of course no one here actually knows the facts.

Instead what we get is the bismirching of Liam, his mentors and our own club offficials.

Just because the media got a whiff of the story and immediately published it and then Port stuck their hand up in the air does not mean Liam was not doing the right and decent thing by the club or vice versa. If anyone has a verifiable fact that shows otherwise they can present it and then state their opinion.

Here are some facts. Liam is in a terrible situation that few of us can understand. If you have been to a remote community you can just begin to get an idea.

Rudeboy (Bruce for those who have trouble using names) is a fine man who with his wife have treated Liam like a Son wanting only the best for him including providing encouragement for his career at Melbourne a team they have no affinity with. Rudeboy would be the first to admit he regrets some things that happened along the way but has had Liam's and our club's best interests at heart (not that he needed to).

Liam was no certainty to be recontracted at the club given his situation.

Our club could not pay his legal fees because the salary cap issue and so provided the best support it could and rightly and proudly continues to offer him personal support. I hope they continue to do so.

Hardtack is absolutely right when he says:

It's just a shame that a number of people on these forums cannot see beyond the MFC in this instance and instead turn to abusing him.

Good post.

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I am sickened by some of the comments on this site. I am a long-time, loyal Dees supporter and I'm very disappointed by the way things have panned out. Liam was my favourite player and one of the most gifted I have seen. I, like many followed his story with interest. I was desperate to see him back in the red and blue on a consistent basis. He has pressures on him that we don't understand. The invective on this site towards him, and then amazingly, towards Davey, is very disturbing and makes me wonder what sort of people post here.

The majority of people are generous passionate people, Hurt people, people who have opened the hearts & extended their hand of friendship & don't want to be a doormat.

They feel cheated yet again....

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People need to stop sooking, there are 2 or 3 trolls saying the bad things about Liam but the large percentage who are disappointed in him wish him no ill feelings in the future or any stupid plans to PSD him so he can't play. We're p1ssed off because as a club we rallied around him to be his shoulder in tough times. It's not even than he left that's making me mad it's the manner in which he's doing it. He's being a coward. Liam take an interview and explain yourself and react to when you get asked the tough questions. Don't hide behind Bruce, be a real man and face the music.

This club gave you everything and you have repaid us IMO, nothing and where most people at least have the courtesy to have an interview you stay in Adelaide.

I hope for your sake Liam your court case goes well, but I'm sorry to say you're the worst investment MFC has ever made.

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It is a tough issue, on one hand the club has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into Liam over his time at the club. Including this year when the return on this investment was minimal.

On the other hand he is a person who has had a challenging year, and we want to be compassionate toward him, support his journey etc...

I'd hate for the MFC to lose it's capacity to act humanely toward it's players and people. However, we'd continue to fail as a club if we keep investing in players that don't return our investment.

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He kicked 76 in 2000, which at the time was the most goals ever kicked in a single season by an indigenous player. And yes - his best football by far was in a Melbourne guernsey. Unfortunately we didn't see 12-13 seasons of it. His MFC career highlight reel would make some serious viewing.

Agree. For those who think he disliked the Dees , he has said privately to a few people, his one regret was leaving the Dees and that it was a mistake.

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Please enlighten everyone with your knowledge of the inner workings of the discussions between Liam and the club which show he was not honest with the club and disrespectful to it.

Well someone hasn't been honest with US...

If it's not Liam, and the club is fully knowledgable of all that is happening, they haven't bothered to let us in on it.

This is full of disrespect, & the ones most left out is the supporters.

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I really need more information and time to digest it before I form a firm view on this latest episode in the LJ saga, but right now my feelings could be summarised as follows:

  • In relation to LJ: disappointed, and maybe slightly cheated; and
  • In relation to the way some Demonlanders have sounded-off towards LJ, our Club, some of our players and our coach: totally disgusted.

Edited by Deeoldfart
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