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The worst season of footy in my life, 2012


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Wyl.....Since I have been on this site,I don't think I have ever seen a postive post from you....ever....It's the clubs fault....It's the players fault.......It's the admins fault......It's the coaches fault......and all of this whole situation is Brent Moloney's fault......You don't like it when the club makes decisions to harden up as it takes time......And don't mention the Geelong game from last year......I think I will get my rope and head to the shed....Oh no I wont....I have to have somes drinks with my family.....Thank God for them....

Yes all the areas above are at fault. During the last 5 years i have donated $1,000's to the club.

Don't blame me. I expected far more passion on the grass this year.

For Jimmy if nothing else.

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It is difficult to articulate exactly what I feel about 2012 becasue there has been so little to get passionate about except a feeling of desolation. I feel empty, disenchanted, bored and even the finals aren't bringing a spark. I didn't expect miracles this year, but the loss to Brisbane in round 1 took the wind right out of my sails and I never recovered. My only real joy was booing Scully and seeing Howe become an astronaut every week.

Where will the improvement come from in 2013? I can't tell but the upcoming preseason is going to be very interesting.

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I totally agree. Worst season ever. Not all Mark Neeld's fault. We had the Davey racism thing, Jurrah getting locked up, recent All Australian defender James Frawley's terrrible form, then the things that are Neeld's fault; the previous leadership group shunted, the current LG's non-performance, the reigning B&F's transformation into our worst player, and last but not least, our complete inabitlity to score or defend. We have the scoring potency of the worst team Ross Lyon ever put on the park, and the defensive fortitude of the American Samoa National Soccer Team.

I think James Hird and Mark Thompson's first 2 years at Essendon has put Matthew Knights performance into perspective. I think Mick Malthouse's performances next year, will make Brett Ratten look like the pretty good coach he is. (They have been belting us for while). Likewise, When you look at the results of Melbourne this year, one thing to me, is obvious. Dean Bailey was not the tactically flawed coach that the media and industry knuckle draggers had us believe. The guy who sent his players out and said; "Kick lots of goals, but don't worry about defending."

I know none of this is new, but I'm saying it anyway. We are stuck with Neeld for 2 more seasons, that is a fact. But our players come from the same drafts as everybody elses. We consistantly kicked over 100 points last year, we had Brad Green captaining Australia. Nothing has changed from 2011 to 2012 but the coaching panel, and we are a shadow of the team Dean Bailey was sacked from.

Take away the expansion clubs, we have one win for the year. This rubbish David Misson was saying early in the year about the team being unfit, was him simply protecting his back. The club has been starting pre season in September for 20 years for God sake. Neil Craig is, I'm sorry.. a dud. Look at how Adelaide are going.

As far I'm concerned, 186 was an aberation caused by club politics. I wanted DB's head at the time, but with hindsight, when you look at the facts and stats. When you ignore the spin. Disolving the previous caching panel and appointing Neeld and Co. has proved to be a very, very bad decision.

I think he will be safe for next year, too many people will have too much egg on there face if they don't give him 2 years at least. But on current evidence, he is the worst coach currently in the AFL. (Bulldogs bloke is a close second). Please prove me wrong Mark Neeld.

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Great post, tonatopia.

Sheedy for 2-3 years would have really hardened a lot of these soft, precious kids up. Dare I say it, we probably wouldn't have drafted as many of them as we have.

Look at the terrific job he has done at GWS. I genuinely believe they are closer to a flag than us, particularly when you consider Neeld will turn over 20 players in the next 2 years.

It really is staggering that we bring in a media personality for a few weeks every few years to pick a coach, then let him leave back to his media commitments.

Really?? 20 players? Are you apart of list managment?

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How many Demonlanders will not renew Membership next year?

Have just had enough...drained of passion?

I am right on 50/50 at the moment

2012 was just beyond the realms.

Club is going to have to work real hard & show me results from now on.

Life is too short to be emotionally drained by a football team forever.

I have already cancelled my automatic renewal.

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It is difficult to articulate exactly what I feel about 2012 becasue there has been so little to get passionate about except a feeling of desolation. I feel empty, disenchanted, bored and even the finals aren't bringing a spark. I didn't expect miracles this year, but the loss to Brisbane in round 1 took the wind right out of my sails and I never recovered. My only real joy was booing Scully and seeing Howe become an astronaut every week.

Where will the improvement come from in 2013? I can't tell but the upcoming preseason is going to be very interesting.

MB I have similar feelings

however I am well and truely over the best part of every football year being the pre season.

Can we please have a year were we win half a dozen real games and most weeks have the possibilty of a close game.

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Yes, it was a terrible year. But I'll still be looking forward to 2013 like I look forward to every season. I can't wait to see some new players, or a new way of playing there's still the unknown to look forward to. Passion to attend matches will never be a problem for me because I just enjoy going to the footy

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I went to every game I could get to in 08 and 09. I watched the 'park footy' game that was Round 22, 2007 against Carlton adn cheered off three triers for a win that would land Carlton Judd and cost us two top 2 draft choices.

I have already renewed for 2013.

Some of you talk about the MFC as if it is a product or a TV show you can just ignore.

You can't, so any talk to the opposite is just grandstanding.

Was a tough year but Craig and Misson will get the bodies to do the most they can and lets see what Neeld is all about. I love the revamped LG btw - these boys we lead us out of the fire.

And Jack Viney will be a good player...

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Already renewed. I'm totally over this season, but given the headwinds of the last two years I cannot imagine next year could get worse.

In fact it can only get better.

The wheel turns and we shall rise, it's just that the low part of this cycle is deeper and slower than any of us expected.

Hopefully our rise will be of equal strength.

Go Dees

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I dont even think about it...its direct debit...it just comes out each year. Its not a decision, its a faith.

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On the renewal front, I'm unable to pay for a renewal due to other circumstances until March, so I've actually got an excuse to see if the club can do something exciting this off-season.

Striker our off seasons are always good.

It is the part that starts in late March that are crap

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Normally get my mother a membership for Christmas. For various reasons, she didn't go to a game this year.

This year, she will be getting a coffee machine. It will be up to her to re-sign if the Club calls.

For those that talk about jumping on bandwagons, etc, that's fine, I'll cop that criticism, but I would equal anybody in the passionate stakes, so if I re-sign or not is a choice I make based on a number of life's circumstances. I know this year I've had to try and relax a bit more, as the MFC was making me an angry man. I don't know who to blame for this, perhaps Neeld. When I watch the MFC I want to try and experience every part of the game as if I were playing it myself. Every goal they kick I want to feel that I'm in there giving the high 5's and getting a pat on the back myself. This year, the club has played with no enjoyment whatsoever, and that meant that I stopped enjoying it. When you stop enjoying a sport, you really should give it away. That'll never happen, but I've soon realised that I live a happier life when I find that balance of life and the MFC.

I'm not sure what the future of the MFC will be. I thought $cully was going to be our saviour, so was shattered when he left (still am, even given his current form!). It was more about the fact that we "lost" a player who demanded a certain level of professionalism that we hadn't seen at the MFC for decades (in terms of work ethic and prepartion for a match). I felt that his departure was the beginning of something potentially dire, and as such, gave myself a reality check in regards to concerns I had, such as "what would it do to me if the MFC folded?". 12 months ago I would have said that I'd be hanging from a tree somewhere. Now, I'll be bitterley disappointed, but will get through it and enjoy the next phase of my life with the MFC chunk obviously missing.

That's some deep sh!t, but that's how it is with me after 2012. I now look forward to spending the weekends going fishing, enjoying my new family, and appreicating the things in my life that I have control over. The MFC in 2012 has taught me perspective, and I thank it for that.

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Billy I think how you feel is the way a lot of us feel.

You are correct once the thought of the MFC folding was horrible.

Now it is sort of hovering on the horizon and it would not be the end of the world.

6 years of constant losing has dulled the pain.

Some games are now humorous.

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Billy , fair enough. Quite frankly I really dont see why anyone needs to justify to anyone whether they have a membership or not. Its a choice. Its not a precondition of following a club, its a choice. We are all entitled to weigh things up in the context of all that goes on in our lives, the various priorities and commitments and after this decide whther or not to be a member.

Theres a lot of chest puffing and grandstanding bordering on bullying actually about memberships, attendances and even the critique of players.

Some people need to get a life, a full and balanced one. Football is part of mine if only spectating now. its not all consuming though and Ive many other interests which give me pleasure and do so nearly ALL the time.

Maybe its BECAUSE i follow Melbourne that Im not obsessesd with success as Ive never really known it..lol. I sure hope I see a flag before I go but if not...such is life, or death.

I enjoy our wins and lament our losses. In the end its just a game. Life goes on, the sun shines and bananas ripen.

No point given yourslef a heart attack worryiing over something you cant change is there :)

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I will renew……. Of course I will. Over 42 years of membership, I’ve seen many lean times. Numerous wooden spoons, a then record winning margin kicked against us by Fitzroy of all teams and my heroes like Stan Alves and Greg Wells having to go elsewhere, just to taste some finals success. The moments of moderate success we have had, over more recent times (late ‘80’s to early 2000’s) had the capacity to dull the pain.

I know I will get whacked for this, but I will say it anyway. Despite the obvious drawbacks, such as inadequate training facilities and an inability to draw quality stars to Melbourne, we simply lack a winning culture. For too long, close enough has been good enough, We can debate the woulda’s, the shoulda’s and the coulda’s all we like, but what has been missing at my footy club for far too long is a culture of winning and ‘team’ . An uncompromising, intrinsic and singular focus on busting the gut and getting the job done, regardless of the size of the challenges. That culture was embodied in the coaching tenets of Norm Smith (the Red Fox). Sure, times have changed, but the principles of dedication, commitment to the cause and a shared vision are as enshrined in any endeavour, whether it be business or sport, today as they were back then.

When South Melbourne went to Sydney they were a basket case. Despite the money the VFL/AFL gave them, they had to build a culture. Money doesn’t buy that. Roos finally delivered the flag, with a team, which, in my view, was not the most talented, but simply was the best team. They played for Roos and more importantly each other.

Six years into his tenure, there were vociferous calls for Bomber Thompson’s head, before he delivered the ultimate prize to Geelong. The Cats now have a culture which is the envy of the AFL. North Melbourne have long been considered to be in a perilous position financially, but you sure get your money’s worth if you follow them. Brayshaw is often criticized for not taking the bit between the teeth and simply pulling up stumps, taking the AFL money and going to the Gold Coast. The Kangas lost their CEO, Eugene Arocca earlier this year , but are now playing in finals nevertheless. The Shinboner spirit!!!!!

So what is the common denominator? None of these teams had to bottom out to get back to playing finals. They instilled a culture within their footy club which is almost palpable to the players.

I suspect (hope?) this is precisely what Mark Neeld is intending to build at the MFC. There is no doubt that he is uncompromising, that he intended to and has ruffled the feathers of a number of so-called senior players, who in turn have acted like spoilt children. At last year’s B&F, in his first official capacity at the Club, Neeld said he wanted the Demons to become the hardest team to beat in the AFL. In my view, his emphasis was on the “hard” part of his statement.

This is going to be a long journey, but I have faith that Neeld can and will deliver. I will stick fat, but I just hope the football world in general, the MFC administration and Dees supporters in general can bear the wait (weight).

Go you Demons

Edited by iv'a worn smith
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Understand fully WYL.

I paid my 2013 membership a couple of weeks ago, but it was the closest I have come to not renewing.

Things had better improve from here on.

You crack me up hardnut :) U paid your 2013 membership a couple of wks before the 2012 season finished, there was no way you wouldnt have joined back up!!! I feel respected to be an MFC member, as people ya stick in there in bad times and they will be happy for ya when it finally turns!!!

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Billy , fair enough. Quite frankly I really dont see why anyone needs to justify to anyone whether they have a membership or not. Its a choice. Its not a precondition of following a club, its a choice. We are all entitled to weigh things up in the context of all that goes on in our lives, the various priorities and commitments and after this decide whther or not to be a member.

Theres a lot of chest puffing and grandstanding bordering on bullying actually about memberships, attendances and even the critique of players.

Some people need to get a life, a full and balanced one. Football is part of mine if only spectating now. its not all consuming though and Ive many other interests which give me pleasure and do so nearly ALL the time.

Maybe its BECAUSE i follow Melbourne that Im not obsessesd with success as Ive never really known it..lol. I sure hope I see a flag before I go but if not...such is life, or death.

I enjoy our wins and lament our losses. In the end its just a game. Life goes on, the sun shines and bananas ripen.

No point given yourslef a heart attack worryiing over something you cant change is there :)

Seems the two Demon named posters are the only two with a bit of devil in them, well said, but I think you are wasting your time...........the amount of negativity on here about a footy team continues to baffle/amaze/annoy me

Just wait till the bandwagon starts rolling and watch them jump back on board...saving a few of their 'speical' posts till then so I can bring them back up for a bit of 'amusement'

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I have already renewed - that is not an issue. That said, this is / was the worst year I can recall, ever. the unexpected Essendon win aside, and the wins against the L-Platers, we were not competitive in any game this year. I am flat, glad it's over. Some hard questions need to be addressed in the post season review and actions taken. To state the obvious, we have had a shocker.

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What worries me is there is no passion on the field. Which is why i hated Jack Trengove's statement last week...wake up call my ass.

It's the same every week.

Nobody REALLY CARES deep down.

The MFC is in trouble regardless of what the club spits out.

Exactly....you have a wake up call when you have been traveling really well, and then put in a bad one"that's a wake up call.

Makes you wonder sometimes.............

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