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Anyone at Foundation Heroes Tonight?


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I find it quite extraordinary and I wonder if we are the only supporters, who can turn a massive positive in to a potential negative.

Make no mistake we are in hard times, our sponsors are only temporary and our membership is down; the only way we can keep on track, and believe me I think we are, is to raise funds to keep the ship going. Now if that means some supporters putting their hands in their kick until we are self sustaining then so be it, as long as those that are prepared to do so, do and as long as the rest of the supporters don't feel that it's some sort of conspiracy to keep the executives in desks, then let's just accept it.

Robbief you have my sympathy

I staggers me that so many people do not get it.

The MFC is struggling to stay the course.

We have a poor list and are effectively in last place with 1 genuine win.

We need every dollar we can get.

Pity I cannot give more.

Thank you for your effort and every other Foundation member.

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Guest bluey

Why do you bother? No one finds it amusing, it's purely boring tripe.

Nothings changed, you just happened to mention what a great bloke you are, donating money anon, of course, sure everybody believes it, please continue.

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It's not. I just think we have a little too much potential and not enough proven.

Get Cloke and you don't have to worry about tall forwards for 7 years.

its not just about tall KPFs

there is nothing wrong with having 'some' project players, after all that is what high draft picks and rookies are all about

our problem is and i'm sure you would agree is that we have had too many project players and project players of the wrong type

that's what i meant about balance. ergo it's not completely a black and white issue

hope that's not too nuanced

Edited by daisycutter
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In total agreeance with Old Dee, RobbieF and others. If i could i would happily donate that kind of money to the club. No-one is being forced to donate. No-one is being threatened. The donations are made because people love this club and want to contribute those amounts. If people here for one minute think it does not happen at every AFL club they are exremely mistaken. It happens at just about every football club in the land. I have a Collingwood friend who does exactly this. Melbourne's function receives more press because it stems from the original debt demolition and Jim Stynes' campaign. But it is nothing that other clubs do not engage in. If it is that extra 1% that puts us ahead of the opposition in years to come and delivers us what we all so desperately crave, then go for it.

Whilst everyone who posts on this board has their own opinions, and comes from different walks of life, like it or not we all have the same love. The Melbourne Footy Club. It is what unites us all in happiness and makes us tear each other apart in anger. I have been guilty in the past of losing sight of this when engaged in discussion with fellow posters, and sometimes it pays for everyone to just take a step back and remember this.

Good on the club for holding this function. Good on the Foundation Heroes for their wonderful generosity. And good on every Melbourne member and supporter for the contributions they make, be it through memberships, donations, apparel or simply turning up of a Fri/Sat/Sun and supporting our team.

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Nothings changed, you just happened to mention what a great bloke you are, donating money anon, of course, sure everybody believes it, please continue.

You really are pathetic. The very fact that I'm a member of the Foundation Heroes would confirm I've donated money so I don't quite get the anon comment. In case you hadn't noticed the title of the thread is:

Anyone at Foundation Heroes Tonight?

So if you aren't interested in what happened then don't bother opening the thread, just go back to giving your advice to hard working public servants and politicians, they probably appreciate it more than anyone on here.

Perhaps you and the other sad sack supporter ADC could get a room together and boor the [censored] out of each other.

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Nothings changed, you just happened to mention what a great bloke you are, donating money anon, of course, sure everybody believes it, please continue.

If you don't believe Melbourne to be a cause or entity in which you feel comfortable to donate money then don't do it Bluey. Other people feel do feel comfortable doing it and take great pride in it. Some believe donating to the RSPCA is a waste of money, some believe the same donating to the Salvo's or Make a Wish or whatever other charities are out there. But others find them to be worthy causes. Bottom line, if you don't like it that is fine. Don't denigrate others for it.

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In total agreeance with Old Dee, RobbieF and others. If i could i would happily donate that kind of money to the club. No-one is being forced to donate. No-one is being threatened. The donations are made because people love this club and want to contribute those amounts. If people here for one minute think it does not happen at every AFL club they are exremely mistaken. It happens at just about every football club in the land. I have a Collingwood friend who does exactly this. Melbourne's function receives more press because it stems from the original debt demolition and Jim Stynes' campaign. But it is nothing that other clubs do not engage in. If it is that extra 1% that puts us ahead of the opposition in years to come and delivers us what we all so desperately crave, then go for it.

Whilst everyone who posts on this board has their own opinions, and comes from different walks of life, like it or not we all have the same love. The Melbourne Footy Club. It is what unites us all in happiness and makes us tear each other apart in anger. I have been guilty in the past of losing sight of this when engaged in discussion with fellow posters, and sometimes it pays for everyone to just take a step back and remember this.

Good on the club for holding this function. Good on the Foundation Heroes for their wonderful generosity. And good on every Melbourne member and supporter for the contributions they make, be it through memberships, donations, apparel or simply turning up of a Fri/Sat/Sun and supporting our team.

Amen to that Goag.

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In total agreeance with Old Dee, RobbieF and others. If i could i would happily donate that kind of money to the club. No-one is being forced to donate. No-one is being threatened. The donations are made because people love this club and want to contribute those amounts. If people here for one minute think it does not happen at every AFL club they are exremely mistaken. It happens at just about every football club in the land. I have a Collingwood friend who does exactly this. Melbourne's function receives more press because it stems from the original debt demolition and Jim Stynes' campaign. But it is nothing that other clubs do not engage in. If it is that extra 1% that puts us ahead of the opposition in years to come and delivers us what we all so desperately crave, then go for it.

Whilst everyone who posts on this board has their own opinions, and comes from different walks of life, like it or not we all have the same love. The Melbourne Footy Club. It is what unites us all in happiness and makes us tear each other apart in anger. I have been guilty in the past of losing sight of this when engaged in discussion with fellow posters, and sometimes it pays for everyone to just take a step back and remember this.

Good on the club for holding this function. Good on the Foundation Heroes for their wonderful generosity. And good on every Melbourne member and supporter for the contributions they make, be it through memberships, donations, apparel or simply turning up of a Fri/Sat/Sun and supporting our team.

Definitely happens at other clubs. I know a coterie member at Carlton who "donated" $10k to the club so his 5 year old son could get his life size cardboard cut out of Chris Judd signed, and a changeroom pass with a photo with Judd. $10K!

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Nothings changed, you just happened to mention what a great bloke you are, donating money anon, of course, sure everybody believes it, please continue.

Sorry to take this off topic (and a really interesting one at that!), but who the f' let this moron in?

Anyone who likes their own posts should be banned for life.

Carry on.

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You really are pathetic. The very fact that I'm a member of the Foundation Heroes would confirm I've donated money so I don't quite get the anon comment. In case you hadn't noticed the title of the thread is:

Anyone at Foundation Heroes Tonight?

So if you aren't interested in what happened then don't bother opening the thread, just go back to giving your advice to hard working public servants and politicians, they probably appreciate it more than anyone on here.

Perhaps you and the other sad sack supporter ADC could get a room together and boor the [censored] out of each other.

Excellent post!! :lol:

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Guest Rassilon

I was there last night and I tipped in a bit more than I usually do because I can and because I wanted too. I don't give a flying fig what they use as a reason I know they need the money so I contribute.

I would imagine that the majority who were there last night couldn't give a stuff either, they were asked to chip in and did. What I can't understand is why anyone that didn't put in or wasn't there really cares how they dress it up.

I would just like to say thank-you. Thank-you for your obvious passion & commitment. Thank-you for giving. Thank-you for helping to save our beloved Demons. Thank-you for being a fellow Demon.

I know it is such a simple word but thank-you from the bottom of my heart.

PS A huge thank-you to all other Foundations Heroes.

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You really are pathetic. The very fact that I'm a member of the Foundation Heroes would confirm I've donated money so I don't quite get the anon comment. In case you hadn't noticed the title of the thread is:

Anyone at Foundation Heroes Tonight?

So if you aren't interested in what happened then don't bother opening the thread, just go back to giving your advice to hard working public servants and politicians, they probably appreciate it more than anyone on here.

Perhaps you and the other sad sack supporter ADC could get a room together and boor the [censored] out of each other.

well said robbie!! and well done on your kindness and donations!

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Find it remarkable people think funds from the well to do is in anyway negative. If that was a major source of income you could rightly be worried.

But $750,000 equates to less than 2% of our forecast revenue. Its tops up the coffers and allows some value adds we otherwise wouldn't have.

Every club does similar things. Actually, every professional sporting club on the planet does it. Jesus, even political parties rely on the donations of the well healed. Coteries have been around for a generation now. They aren't there just to pat each other on the back. They raise funds.

The only difference with the Foundation Heroes is they got publicity because 1. Jimmy was the public face, and 2. they retired debt at such an astonishing rate that whole football world sat up and took notice.

Just no pleasing some people.

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To All Foundation Heroes a big thankyou, if I could give what you do I would, but memberships and a bit here and there is all I can at the moment.

My dream is for a premiership, but more important to me is for the club to survive, flourish and be competative year in year out so when my sons have children they have a team to follow like their grandfather.

We all pitched in for debt demolition but what you people are doing make my dream possible

Red and Blue forever

Once again a big thanks

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You really are pathetic. The very fact that I'm a member of the Foundation Heroes would confirm I've donated money so I don't quite get the anon comment.

In case you hadn't noticed the title of the thread is:

Anyone at Foundation Heroes Tonight?


..and of course a big thanx to all that can and do provide extra support.

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Stunned that people do it, by memberships and stuff ok, but really, give my spare to the RSPCA and boat peoples, not to fill Col's pockets, to but flip another BMW.

A strange, strange world, but go on, PLEASE CONTINUE.

Fair go Bluey. I want the MFC to win number 13 whilst i still exist. The only way that is even remotely possible is if the club is financially viable, thus able to buy and sell within the AFL top level. Supporters must contribute for this to happen.

Have a look at Footscray. Now they are in big trouble. We must rise. To do that=$$$$

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Thank's foundation members and anybody who donates extra to help keep this Great Club alive. Thank you very much!

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Find it remarkable people think funds from the well to do is in anyway negative. If that was a major source of income you could rightly be worried.

But $750,000 equates to less than 2% of our forecast revenue. Its tops up the coffers and allows some value adds we otherwise wouldn't have.

Every club does similar things. Actually, every professional sporting club on the planet does it. Jesus, even political parties rely on the donations of the well healed. Coteries have been around for a generation now. They aren't there just to pat each other on the back. They raise funds.

The only difference with the Foundation Heroes is they got publicity because 1. Jimmy was the public face, and 2. they retired debt at such an astonishing rate that whole football world sat up and took notice.

Just no pleasing some people.

This is my last post on this topic because it's obvious the point is being completely lost. I don't think a single person has said the idea of a fund raiser is a poor idea or that other clubs don't do it. It's purely McLardy's statement that we need to raise money in this fashion because we cant pay 100% TPP if we don't. Chook do you think it would be a good thing if paying 100% was completely dependant on the well to do tipping in? Because indirectly, that's what McLardy said.

As I said before, I'm satisfied with the response that it's just dressing to make the idea of appealing to those with the coin. But we can't seriously be surprised or upset with people for taking his word literally.

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Is there even a single post in the four pages that says that donations are bad or that the idea of regular fundraising is wrong?

If people said that taxes were all good and no-one should be concerned about how they were spent we'd have a riot on this site. Raise a similar concern (that donations are all fine but that how they are spent is important to consider) and there is some great flaw in the reasoning.

Sometimes I wonder how anything gets done, ever.

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its not just about tall KPFs

there is nothing wrong with having 'some' project players, after all that is what high draft picks and rookies are all about

our problem is and i'm sure you would agree is that we have had too many project players and project players of the wrong type

that's what i meant about balance. ergo it's not completely a black and white issue

hope that's not too nuanced

I was being flippant, I agree with you.

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Good on all those that contributed. I hope you got to interface with some at the club and remind them of your passion and your pockets.

It's nice that those at the club have a great (but sometimes difficult) job, but they are there to succeed and I hope that those that donate remind them of the supporter bases desire to see competitiveness.

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