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Who should be held accountable?


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Who should it Be?

We are not at AFL standard!

We have invested in extra coaches!

New fitness specialists!

Training facilities!

Members have cleared the debt with 5mill in donations!

So how why is the team playing far worse than last year?

Are players not happy? If so drop them & never play for the MFC again!

Is Neeld out of his depth? If so he should resign year end without paying out his contract!

This is damaging the brand & its a disgrace!

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We were [censored] under Bailey.

We are [censored] under Neeld.

One common denominator. The players. Hold the players accountable. They are just no good. The coaches can't polish a turd.

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Who should it Be?

We are not at AFL standard!

We have invested in extra coaches!

New fitness specialists!

Training facilities!

Members have cleared the debt with 5mill in donations!

So how why is the team playing far worse than last year?

Are players not happy? If so drop them & never play for the MFC again!

Is Neeld out of his depth? If so he should resign year end without paying out his contract!

This is damaging the brand & its a disgrace!

I am usually such a positive person and am one that will say it'll happen, it'll come! But I am now for one over it and have exactly the same view as dees64! Who is going to be held accountable? Who's going to put up their hand and take responsibility for what has turned into a rabble of a football club. You are spot on, members have cleared the debt, we now have the training facilities, we have a new football department so if the players are sulking, not learning and do not want to play for a club that has a small but passionate supporter base then they should be out! It's interesting how Mitch Clark who has come from another team is one of the few playing for the jumper!? How can all the players who have been there for years then not play for the jumper. I just don't know, I'm at a loss as to what's happened, but I have a feeling it's more to do with the group of players who have had it all to easy and now they can't respond to a hard edged coach. I am over this, so much disappointed I want Neeld to get angry, very angry!

Edited by DemonDan83
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This is damaging the brand & its a disgrace!

I agree. Where are the heroics in this team? Where is the drive? What can this signify to potential sponsors? Do they want to suggest their brand is all about innovation and passion, etc., and then say, "PROUD SPONSOR OF THE MELBOURNE FOOTBALL CLUB." I certainly wouldn't put my brand name near the team.

Edited by Piz Palü
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I refuse to take the players side in any argument. You can get beaten. It's going to happen. You can even get flogged by sides with much more talent. That happens too, but to give up EVERY [censored] time the going gets tough for the last god knows how many years... Now they are not even waiting for things to get tough. No more. Play like it's an honour to wear the jumper or [censored] off.

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Neeld solely has to be held responsible for this season.

He was given a clean slate and has pulled every wrong lever ever since.

Mixed messages to players and media.

Wrong to make a 20 y.o a captain

Wrong to sack all former leaders including former Captain - no respect.

Lacks emotional intelligence, continually talked down previous football administration and continually compared to Collingwood to players and media.

He has been given every resource (as opposed to Bailey) and driven the club into the ground.

If we are still playing this way in 5 weeks he should do the honourable thing and step down (but of course he won't).

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Neeld solely has to be held responsible for this season.

He was given a clean slate and has pulled every wrong lever ever since.

Mixed messages to players and media.

Wrong to make a 20 y.o a captain

Wrong to sack all former leaders including former Captain - no respect.

Lacks emotional intelligence, continually talked down previous football administration and continually compared to Collingwood to players and media.

He has been given every resource (as opposed to Bailey) and driven the club into the ground.

If we are still playing this way in 5 weeks he should do the honourable thing and step down (but of course he won't).

The problem with that comment is that Bailey started the trend of sacking leaders - Jnr, Robbo, 1 year contract for Bruce. Got rid of many loyal servants for the club and replaced them with youngsters who were expected to step up too soon without any experience or protection.

Our current predicament started in the last years of Daniher, was worsened considerably by Bailey and compounded by some of the decisions under Neeld. I must admit the moment I heard the captains were Grimes and Trengove I knew there was something VERY wrong with the dynamic of the club. Good way to divide the club and make the older players look meek. But that is obviously an accurate assessment.

Edited by Norm Smith's Curse
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We were [censored] under Bailey.

We are [censored] under Neeld.

One common denominator. The players. Hold the players accountable. They are just no good. The coaches can't polish a turd.

It's where we are at.

Kids not ready/developed/good enough.

Senior players lazy/shell shocked/not good enough.

Neeld is taking what he should be getting - he threw away any desire to get forward of the ball because the players are all frontrunners.

The players have over-corrected and have become a lifeless, inspiration-less bunch of reactionary losers. They have zero faith in their team-mates to do basic things.

Bailey can take some responsibility for nurturing this soft front running, and Neeld can take some responsibility for instilling a ultra-defensive, dour, and misguided mindset on the players, but the players are grown men doing a job they are paid to do. And they are condemning their second coach right now.

The players need to be honest with themselves this week - they should tear strips of each other. Clark, Jones, Magner, Garland, and Frawley owe it to themselves to tell their team mates they look lost and pathetic.

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I have a theory about the accountability.

Last year the players were unhappy about the lack of support given to their then coach by certain elements of the administration.

As a result players play the worst game in the clubs history. Coach is sacked, but administration remains. Said administration looks for new coach and a guy comes in and says 'your players are crap and they have a terrible attitude'. Administration loves what they are hearing as it proves they were right. Coach is employed and implements a style that strips players of confidence as they need to 'rebuild'. Again this proves popular with administration, who the coach answers too. Season begins and club looks really poor. Administration again feel like they were 'right' as club looks terrible, which surely must be the players. Reading between the lines it's obvious the players aren't buying into coach, and also have no confidence in themselves which makes them look a lot worse than they are. Club looks poised to clean out list AGAIN at end of year. And who will be left? The same administration that the players felt weren't good for the club to begin with.

In short everyone is accountable but the club never fixed the problem. Instead they picked a side and hoped it was right. I think we are seeing that this wasn't the wisest idea. Accountability starts and ends at the top.

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It is the coach.

Every afl player can play well, the coaches job is to turn good footballers into a champion team. What I have witnessed this year does not represent what I stand for or believe in.

Neeld is not a spiritual leader.

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It is the coach.

Every afl player can play well, the coaches job is to turn good footballers into a champion team. What I have witnessed this year does not represent what I stand for or believe in.

Neeld is not a spiritual leader.

You're assuming he has good footballers at his disposal.

I don't see too many footy players out there wearing the red and the blue, do you?

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I have a theory about the accountability.

Last year the players were unhappy about the lack of support given to their then coach by certain elements of the administration.

As a result players play the worst game in the clubs history. Coach is sacked, but administration remains. Said administration looks for new coach and a guy comes in and says 'your players are crap and they have a terrible attitude'. Administration loves what they are hearing as it proves they were right. Coach is employed and implements a style that strips players of confidence as they need to 'rebuild'. Again this proves popular with administration, who the coach answers too. Season begins and club looks really poor. Administration again feel like they were 'right' as club looks terrible, which surely must be the players. Reading between the lines it's obvious the players aren't buying into coach, and also have no confidence in themselves which makes them look a lot worse than they are. Club looks poised to clean out list AGAIN at end of year. And who will be left? The same administration that the players felt weren't good for the club to begin with.

In short everyone is accountable but the club never fixed the problem. Instead they picked a side and hoped it was right. I think we are seeing that this wasn't the wisest idea. Accountability starts and ends at the top.

Get real FFS. The one constant in your scenario is failing players. The 22 who go out and can change the direction of a club by their on field actions (as well as the extras who are sititng in the stands grinning and waving to their friends). You're shooting the messenger. The fact you endorse the sulkiness of the players is cringe worthy to put it mildly.

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You're assuming he has good footballers at his disposal.

I don't see too many footy players out there wearing the red and the blue, do you?

They still wear Pink and blue. Even our jumpers look shite

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it is the mindset of the players....inflated pay packets and egos.

I would play all our Casey players next week....the senior players are finished.

All of them...They do not want to play...You cannot force people when the heart & mind are not there..

Jimmy Stynes would be disgusted.

So am i....Not one MFC supporter should attend next weeks game....we have got to make a stand.

Sh!t from 186 still lingers...it has got to be thrown out, whoever it is, or the club will die.

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This is the same team that smashed the swans last year.

There is a big wave surfer called Ross Clarke jones. He said, surfing big waves requires 3 ingredients, if one of these ingredients is lacking, the surfer is in trouble. The big wave surfer must be;

1. Spiritually prepared

2. Physically prepared

3. Mentally prepared

I believe the coach must prepare the players in all 3 areas. Right now the team is physically prepared, but lacks mental discipline and spiritual depth.

This is the coaches job. Moloney for example has done a lot more for this club than Neeld. Neeld seems like a pompous, cold hearted analyst. His face squirms under pressure.

Let viney coach. Now!

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The fact you endorse the sulkiness of the players is cringe worthy to put it mildly.

Did I ever endorse the players attitude? Read my post again.

All I'm saying is that the root cause of a cultural problem at the club persists and needs to be solved for everyone to move on.

I clearly said accountability sits with everyone. I'm simply pointing out that the club has players that are proven to be capable of more that aren't delivering under Neeld. The same team minus Mitch Clark won 8 games last year. We are on track for 1-4 wins this year. Have the same players got half the skill all of a sudden, or is there more going on? Like it or not the results speak for themselves, and they are a lot more cringeworthy than my opinion.

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I have a theory about the accountability.

Last year the players were unhappy about the lack of support given to their then coach by certain elements of the administration.

As a result players play the worst game in the clubs history. Coach is sacked, but administration remains. Said administration looks for new coach and a guy comes in and says 'your players are crap and they have a terrible attitude'. Administration loves what they are hearing as it proves they were right. Coach is employed and implements a style that strips players of confidence as they need to 'rebuild'. Again this proves popular with administration, who the coach answers too. Season begins and club looks really poor. Administration again feel like they were 'right' as club looks terrible, which surely must be the players. Reading between the lines it's obvious the players aren't buying into coach, and also have no confidence in themselves which makes them look a lot worse than they are. Club looks poised to clean out list AGAIN at end of year. And who will be left? The same administration that the players felt weren't good for the club to begin with.

I think this is an accurate reflection of what has happened in the last 9 months.

Taking into account what we know, in the period leading up to 186 there was a serious internal conflict between Bailey and Connolly/Schwab. Schwab had a clause in his contract in regards to whether or not he was to be extended, and the Leaders were asked their opinion and they gave it to McLardy. It's clear from the fall out that the Leader fell on the side of their Coach. The Leaders feelings were taken to the entire Board and the Friday before 186 Schwab was told he would be sacked.

The day 186 happened Garry Lyon was on MMM calling the Bulldogs-Eagles game and made comments that from seeing the score he "would be making some calls about this", despite having not seeing the game. It's no secret that Lyon and Schwab go way back, and perhaps knowing that his mate was in trouble with his job he's intervened and pushed the axe towards the coach instead - and not without justification given the result in that game but also the lack of defensive capability in the team under Bailey's reign.

The fall out after this is that Schwab and Connolly remain, knowing that the Leaders don't rate them, so when Neeld and Craig arrive, they'd be in the new blokes ears telling them how the Leadership is no good and has to change. As a result we have two 20 year olds burdened with the Captaincy when they should be just worried about developing as players. In the period Lyon spent as Football Director he said he personally interviewed all the staff - then not long after people like Flack and Prendegast were suddenly gone - I wonder if they had the same issues with Schwab and Connolly that the Leaders had? In terms of "accountability" I want to know what accountability Lyon has to all this?

The reality is that we are four years into a rebuild with a team that won 8.5 games last year. We were in the mix with North Melbourne and Richmond over the last few years as being developing sides and despite North's last two weeks both teams are massively ahead of us.

I understand that people will say blame the players, but the Coaching sets the tone and the system the team plays with. If you want examples, look at how Essendon's mentality changed from Knights' all attack (similar to Bailey) to how aggressively they defend 15 months later under Hird, or look at the difference Sanderson has made with Adelaide in just 8 months. Both teams have largely the same players too.

There's no doubt there were issues with what was happening on-field last year. Bailey may not have been the long-term answer, but to strip everything back to square one three years into a rebuild is baffling.

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