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Todays was a pathetic performance but the reaction of some on here is almost as embarrassing. It was the first proper game with a completely different gameplan. Players who have not worked hard without the ball for 5 years are suddenly expected that it will come naturally to them. The figurehead of our great club dies one week before the first game and no one thinks that it would be a distraction. These are kids who live by routine and that is dropped on them. I hope the coaching staff have more faith in their plans than some of the knee jerk reactions on here.

Despite the fact it is a new game plan you would expect as a minimum that the players would show a certain level of skill, but today they showed nothing.

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What the [censored] is chippa doing trying to show his arse off behind grimes during the post match interview? Yeah, im sure some of you find it funny and will tell me to lighten up, but FFS, is it a joke to the players.

oh gosh seriously ffs mate get a [censored] grip!! its not like he ment it or anything! [censored] some of you people are easily displeasured!

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For all the hype about the new regime, frankly it has shown nothing. At least under Bailey there were flashes of briiliant play with some brilliant wins. With this lot, there are no flashes, not event evidence thatvthiscteam is going to be in any way competitive. The whipping boy has been Jack Watts but he wasconevof the few who played alright today.

There has to be serious questions asked about so called established (or potentially established) players. The one I think need serious looking at are: Bartrem, Bleese, even mcKenzie. The established players who are seriously under performing are: Maloney, Green, Rivers, Davey, Frawley.

So what if anything can be done about it? Sadly I think very little. The recruiting overvtheclastvfive years has left us with an uncompetitive side, and with an out of date gameplan aping Collingwood of three years ago, we can be expected to be over-run in most weeks.

My prediction for this year has been revised downward from 11 to 3. We will finish 16th.

Unfortunately, that is the way of the world.

I understand your pessimism. Also agree with player reviews but don't judge a season on Round one. Lets see where we stand round 5. Green, Rivers, Bartram need to move on and play out the season with Casey.

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Post Match Discussion starts immediately after the final siren.

I have been harping on the fact that we should wait until the REAL season starts. Well it has and sadly, it's all doom and gloom for yet another year. Didn't anyone tell the players it started in earnest today? Two good things to report. 1. It's been cool over here in Perth and next week is the same with rain forecast. Saturday next week has a predicted high of 25 degrees so that won't be too hot for footy. 2. Melbourne should make it easy for our footy tipping along with GWS and Gold Coast. Gee, I seem to have lost my rose coloured glasses!

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This is demonland at its finest. No, you shouldn't lighten up, you should get a grip. He wasn't showing his ass. He was in his underwear doing a warm-down after the game, are you completely ignoring the fact he was standing right with Dave Misson who was clearly directing him in some way?

my god you are just searching in every corner for a reason to get angry

Don't think I have to search to be angry. Although I'm just upset really. A bit confused.

It just looked like a joke between the boys to me. Glad I can bring D'land to it's finest though.

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Cheer up Boys. Wouldn't be calling for Mc Kenzie's head yet. Every team needs a tagger. Rivers would be a good St. Kilda City player with Bartram right beside him. Jarryd used to push forward and kick the occasional goal but those days have long gone. Give Sellar a go. Ricky Petterd is greatly missed and must be injured? Frawley struggled today and will bounce back. MC will not be a gun full forward. He will end up working with Jamar and may even go into defensive roll. Obviously need LJ back asap. Ditto with Sylvia! Sylvia, Petterd, Jurrah are match winners for the Dees and all 3 were out today. Casey won today so hopefully someone stood out. Once again hoping Leigh Williams will be good for us second half of the year.

Melbourne appeared to be playing with weights and sandbags tied to themselves. Players seemed confused in a similar way to the first couple of games under Bailey.

A comment: Two captain policy is a mistake. One is enough and a vice. Trouble is finding one. A better choice would have been Jamar.

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Just home after trying to use heavy doses of alcohol to numb what I saw today. We were [censored] weak. I could have almost copped this result against Hawthorn or the filth. But Brisbane? Once again Melbourne is all [censored] and wind. We had nothing today. Most of those blokes are getting paid very serious dollars which our memberships contribute to. Accountability? Shameful.

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Todays was a pathetic performance but the reaction of some on here is almost as embarrassing. It was the first proper game with a completely different gameplan. Players who have not worked hard without the ball for 5 years are suddenly expected that it will come naturally to them. The figurehead of our great club dies one week before the first game and no one thinks that it would be a distraction. These are kids who live by routine and that is dropped on them.

I hope the coaching staff have more faith in their plans than some of the knee jerk reactions on here.

Well say what you like but we as members have every right to say the MFC are a joke after what i saw today. Stop thinking its o.k to lose to a team like brisbane who we smashed in 2010 we should be well in front of teams like this bottom line and now they are better then us again. Our club is like a netball team with a WEAK spine and culture i have had it . This club done well to win sponsers and members playing like this. BUT WAIT ITS O.K THERE KIDS AND WE CAN REBUILD AGAIN FFS B.P ran away because he can see what he has done. thanks mate.Will not be long till i get a call to give more money to the club you watch FU melbourne
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Well say what you like but we as members have every right to say the MFC are a joke after what i saw today. Stop thinking its o.k to lose to a team like brisbane who we smashed in 2010 we should be well in front of teams like this bottom line and now they are better then us again. Our club is like a netball team with a WEAK spine and culture i have had it . This club done well to win sponsers and members playing like this. BUT WAIT ITS O.K THERE KIDS AND WE CAN REBUILD AGAIN FFS B.P ran away because he can see what he has done. thanks mate.Will not be long till i get a call to give more money to the club you watch FU melbourne

Where did I say it was ok. Todays effort was pathetic. There has been some excellent measured criticism by 5% in this thread but 95% are just throwing bombs with no attempt at understanding or based on ridiculous expectations. We are a team that lost less than half a season ago by the greatest losing margin of all time. We have a long way to go. People need to get some perspective.

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Todays was a pathetic performance but the reaction of some on here is almost as embarrassing. It was the first proper game with a completely different gameplan. Players who have not worked hard without the ball for 5 years are suddenly expected that it will come naturally to them. The figurehead of our great club dies one week before the first game and no one thinks that it would be a distraction. These are kids who live by routine and that is dropped on them.

I hope the coaching staff have more faith in their plans than some of the knee jerk reactions on here.

See I would usually agree with you. But to hear Trengove and Neeld say that we didn't have enough effort defeats everything you are saying. Yes, new game plan. yes, Stynes could work as a distraction rather than a spur. But effort we CAN control. How dare we show up for the first game under a new coach, of a new season, after Stynes' death, and leave the park 7 goals down and saying we didn't try as hard as we should.

So no, we are not being hysterical. We are in fact a disgrace.

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See I would usually agree with you. But to hear Trengove and Neeld say that we didn't have enough effort defeats everything you are saying. Yes, new game plan. yes, Stynes could work as a distraction rather than a spur. But effort we CAN control. How dare we show up for the first game under a new coach, of a new season, after Stynes' death, and leave the park 7 goals down and saying we didn't try as hard as we should.

So no, we are not being hysterical. We are in fact a disgrace.

Could not say it better what team shows up after jims passing and says we should try harder. Thats our club
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See I would usually agree with you. But to hear Trengove and Neeld say that we didn't have enough effort defeats everything you are saying. Yes, new game plan. yes, Stynes could work as a distraction rather than a spur. But effort we CAN control. How dare we show up for the first game under a new coach, of a new season, after Stynes' death, and leave the park 7 goals down and saying we didn't try as hard as we should.

So no, we are not being hysterical. We are in fact a disgrace.

I could see our effort in the second half was not up to standard just like I could see it for most of last year. You dont change culture and players overnight. There was nothing wrong with Trengove's effort or the team high 8 tackles he laid. I have no doubt that Neeld will weed out quickly those that dont fit this new mantra but its not something that suddenly happens.

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I could see our effort in the second half was not up to standard just like I could see it for most of last year. You dont change culture and players overnight. There was nothing wrong with Trengove's effort or the team high 8 tackles he laid. I have no doubt that Neeld will weed out quickly those that dont fit this new mantra but its not something that suddenly happens.

Effort can suddenly happen.

If you think an unwillingness to show effort is a culture, then you can't be critical of people for being disgusted.

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Todays was a pathetic performance but the reaction of some on here is almost as embarrassing. It was the first proper game with a completely different gameplan. Players who have not worked hard without the ball for 5 years are suddenly expected that it will come naturally to them. The figurehead of our great club dies one week before the first game and no one thinks that it would be a distraction. These are kids who live by routine and that is dropped on them.

I hope the coaching staff have more faith in their plans than some of the knee jerk reactions on here.

Haven't read any of the responses to this view - but it's a good point.

The contarary position is the lack of innovation and excitement in our team's play today.

It is possible that the effect of the death of Jim Stynes has had a significant impact on the Club

One of the problems from the game today was the lack of presentation - which locked us into a stop/start type of footy.

I realise there were other problems : stupid decision-making to play on inappropriately,seemingly inexplicable inability to pick the ball up and handball effectively and the list goes on.

Hopefully we can recover our spirit which was not evident today

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I have been harping on the fact that we should wait until the REAL season starts. Well it has and sadly, it's all doom and gloom for yet another year. Didn't anyone tell the players it started in earnest today? Two good things to report. 1. It's been cool over here in Perth and next week is the same with rain forecast. Saturday next week has a predicted high of 25 degrees so that won't be too hot for footy. 2. Melbourne should make it easy for our footy tipping along with GWS and Gold Coast. Gee, I seem to have lost my rose coloured glasses!

This post is the most depressing part of today. A soul-crushing performance to the extent that it has drawn a pessimistic and frustrated post out of our resident optimist.

All parts of our club need to face the reality that our midfield is disgusting. This is not new information. It needs some serious fixing, and whether that comes from trialling other players like Watts in there, through the draft, trading, differing styles or other means, it needs a complete reboot. I kept muttering "Win a clearance" today like a deranged man, and realised I've been saying the same thing for years, but little has changed. The game plan was utterly predictable, but I need to see it in action when we aren't getting skewered like a pig in the middle of the ground. Our limited and stagnant forward entries certainly didn't help.

I can't believe it's still only March and my post-game attention went straight to the November draft. Depressing.

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My heart breaks for all the melbourne fans.

The start of a new season brings hope and our team sent us a messege.

But we as fans need to see results now not excuses.

Im really worried for the club i love because someone like me who always sticks up for the club no matter what has lost that feeling today at the M.C.G

How can teams like richmond ,port and now brisbane be better then us again.

We are in my eyes after today a bottom 2 or 3 side.

Our senior players have showed this group of kids the worst culture and lack of onfield leadership i have ever seen and its spreading right through the club.

All the old senior players must be shown the door before it's to late and we have to dare i say it rebuild again.

I love my club but this CRAP has to stop right here and NOW.

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Effort can suddenly happen.

If you think an unwillingness to show effort is a culture, then you can't be critical of people for being disgusted.

Effort did happen thats why we laid over 20 tackles in the first quarter but we do not know how to apply it for long periods or consistently. Consistent intensity is not something that suddenly happens. Players consistently pushing when they have nothing left to give is not something that just suddenly happens. You either do it innately (which most of our list dont) or you have to learn it. Laziness takes time to get out people particularly when some have it inbuilt into them for 5+ years (Green, Davey, Moloney). People are acting as if these traits have never existed or miraculously expected that these will disappear over a preseason with a new coach. It is not the disgust that I am critical of it is peoples expectations that a team suddenly changes.

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overheard some people in the Presidents area talking about how much better we would be this season if Viney were able to play. I asked if they were talking about Todd or Jay.

Round 1 and already looking at new talent......

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Well, for all the negativity, I can find a couple of massive positives in the mess.

Obviously Magner. Had a really solid debut and will keep getting games.

Tynan from most reports acquitted himself very well.

Neelds press conference indicates that he was more than happy with Watts' game, so he's clearly improving his form from the pre-season slump.

I might finally be able to go to a game of football and not hear drunk yobbo's yelling out "Just kick the F****** thing"

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So people are saying that Neeld inherrited this side and chose not to make changes because he wanted to see the players' effort and intensity at training, etc, prior to making list decisions. . who will Neeld turn over next year then, in all seriousness?

- I am not sure how many years Davey is contracted for - I think he may have another 2 years

- Green obviously. . would struggle to be picked up elsewhere

- Moloney - apparently he wanted out at the end of 2011 to Essendon, and couldn't get a trade done in the end, though it was almost a done deal - he's still have currency, although I think he's worth pursuing with. . we can't literally chop all our players over 23. .

- Dunn - capable, could go either way

- Morton - talented, but who knows

But it's only Round 1 so we really need to give it a few weeks before we come to any firm conclusions. . remember what happened after Round 1 in 2010. . people were saying the same things, yet we almost (and should have) knocked of the eventual Premiers the week after. . Perth might be a different equation, however. .

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Grasping at figures for signs of hope is a sad part of our post mortems .

There is no effectiveness in our tackles if they dont actually stop a player doing what he wants.

Handballs and kicks to another player are useless if they are spoilt /crap or out of bounds .

To give a player a stat when all our stats are "catch up" means nothing .

When will the players learn to get the stats on the scoreboard ?

Half tackles have cost us everything for the past year.But they get rewarded on the stat sheet .

A tackle has to drive a player out of the action and stop him from wanting to go near the ball .

A kick has got to advantage the next player .

A shepherd has got to stop the next chase .

It's all half-arsed currently .

Just divided ,indecisive ,unspirited ,and false .

This is our wake up call .

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Ok. Just getting to watch it now (had to work). We were in it till half time, then stopped. I unlike nearly everyone else here am not too concerned by it. It has seriously been a massively emotionally draining week. To be brutally honest, my expectations were fire and brimstone for 10 minutes, the we would get poleaxed. I would be very surprised of any boys who had much left in the tank, especially the former skipper - was 97 his first year? ie. Jimmy's last year or was it 98 either way he has a big history with Jim, if it was me out there I know I wouldn't get anywhere near it and would be feeling as flat as a tack. People need to not underestimate how much would have gone from the tank this week - the will be better over the next few weeks

Would love to blame the Jimmy factor and probably will when I reflect.

Sorry to say this- but we knew Jimmy would not be around to inspire us forever .

New leaders must emerge and be vocal on the ground (not go into their shells) .

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