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Mark Neeld in the media


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I still think there a few question marks with MN media comments. I didnt agree with the public naming of some players in the media (Watts) about performance or lifestyle. Some things can be said behind closed doors, but from my training, public naming (humiliation) goes against any management or leadership manual (football clubs are no different).

Im still not sure what the 'touchy feely' reference was all about? Collingwood maybe more direct in its approach, but the CFC IMO is an easy club to operate! The MFC have been kicking many goas of late (football dept excluded) and MN is reaping the benefits with the resources at his disposal.

I also thought in a recent article where McCarthy, Watters and Neeld answered questions McCarthy spoke very well out performing Neeld and Watters.

Before i get labelled a MN hater, i like many other aspects he has displayed and im very hopefull for the football and sports science depts (previously under performing areas)! To be able to get highly respected ppl to follow him (Mission, Craig, Lyon and the MFC) speaks volumes. Many in the industry have high opinions of Mark. The structural and cultural changes in the footy depts make me very hopefull (time will tell), i just hope he is still open, approachable and flexible where appropriate.

At the end of the day i want to see on field performances. When the time comes thats when ill judge MN overall

Mark Neeld is the best appointment this club has made since Norm Smith.

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I can suggest with some authority that Neeld holds strongly to the value that every single player needs to be coached,


Although I agree with much of what you say, I have to ask on what "authority" you are able to suggest anything. In your earlier post you state you have had occasion to speak to MN a COUPLE of times... that hardly qualifies you as an "authority"; or is there more to those occasions than just simple banter?

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Yeah well, I reckon Id rather have a coach that can just give the media the bird, rather than one selling ice creams to who ever wants to listen.....go dees at last, lets give this guy a red hot go and we,ll see where we are 2 years from now.

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Although I agree with much of what you say, I have to ask on what "authority" you are able to suggest anything. In your earlier post you state you have had occasion to speak to MN a COUPLE of times... that hardly qualifies you as an "authority"; or is there more to those occasions than just simple banter?

Footynut may indulge your curiosity and expand on the why's and wherefore's of his contribution and how it came about, but I hope he doesn't. This is an anonymous footy forum and one has to use their own judgment in assessing the veracity of other posters comments. It is a skill sifting through the palaver that one encounters on the net and some do it better than others.

For what it's worth, I enjoyed Nut's contribution and am prepared to take his comments on face value. Others may require more 'hard evidence'.

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Others may require more 'hard evidence'.

That might well be the case but I thought he put his case well and argued it through in a clear and concise manner.

That's what debating and discussion of this nature should be like rather than the nitpicking, ad hominem attacks or misrepresenting other peoples' viewpoints which happens on this and many other forums (please note, I'm not having a go at any individual poster on this thread).

BTW, I read the views of the new AFL coaches for 2012 in Inside Football and didn't consider it a contest between them as to who was the best or the worst media performer. That's something that in the main is in the eye of the beholder anyway (I was more interested in what they had to say about lifting their respective teams and all made some interesting points and observations).

I consider Malthouse and Clarkson as poor media performers but they're premiership coaches and I think Clarkson is a terrific coach in that he is innovative and flexible both during and between games. He's fortunate to have a great list but it's what he does with it that impresses.

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Footynut may indulge your curiosity and expand on the why's and wherefore's of his contribution and how it came about, but I hope he doesn't. This is an anonymous footy forum and one has to use their own judgment in assessing the veracity of other posters comments. It is a skill sifting through the palaver that one encounters on the net and some do it better than others.

For what it's worth, I enjoyed Nut's contribution and am prepared to take his comments on face value. Others may require more 'hard evidence'.

Thanks Ben Hur. Its always a risk posting on here with the real facts as ppl will always demand you to come up with evidence.

Reality is you want to give supporters the benefit of what you know to be true so they can get a better understanding of the club. However it is balanced against the confidence you are taken into by people at the club in the discussions that are had. Therefore its difficult to disclose everything and sometimes you have to leave people to join their own dots. Some here would probably say to me don't post at all if you can't tell us why, who you are and how this all came about so we can believe you. That is understandable given many claim to be an authority.

I am certainly no authority. I just wanted to iron out some misconceptions some here seem to have when they really don't know the true facts. Mind you it's not their fault they don't know the facts either and I just thought I would give my perception based on reasonably extensive interaction.

I don't really want to breach confidence of anyone involved at the club.

But I do deal in my job ongoing with a number of AFL clubs.

Mark is one of a few coaches, club CEO's and support staff I deal with on a consistent basis.

When you know the person and all the facts, it is frustrating to see people on hear make judgements from a distance without all the facts but I can understand why. The things I have disclosed are not ground breaking, but there are certainly views held on here I can say are held without any basis whatsoever.

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Thanks Ben Hur. Its always a risk posting on here with the real facts as ppl will always demand you to come up with evidence.

Reality is you want to give supporters the benefit of what you know to be true so they can get a better understanding of the club. However it is balanced against the confidence you are taken into by people at the club in the discussions that are had. Therefore its difficult to disclose everything and sometimes you have to leave people to join their own dots. Some here would probably say to me don't post at all if you can't tell us why, who you are and how this all came about so we can believe you. That is understandable given many claim to be an authority.

I am certainly no authority. I just wanted to iron out some misconceptions some here seem to have when they really don't know the true facts. Mind you it's not their fault they don't know the facts either and I just thought I would give my perception based on reasonably extensive interaction.

I don't really want to breach confidence of anyone involved at the club.

But I do deal in my job ongoing with a number of AFL clubs.

Mark is one of a few coaches, club CEO's and support staff I deal with on a consistent basis.

When you know the person and all the facts, it is frustrating to see people on hear make judgements from a distance without all the facts but I can understand why. The things I have disclosed are not ground breaking, but there are certainly views held on here I can say are held without any basis whatsoever.

I very much enjoy reading your posts and trust your knowledge within the club but the facts are i follow the club via the media and form an opinion. More traditional authoritarian styles of leadership can be effective, but i cant agree with the public naming of individuals. The authoritarian style does not match with the progression of laws, policies and procedures (discrimination, oh&s, bullying and harassment etc).

No - no accusations of anyone or anything in this post

I agree my opinion is completely subjective and in the scheme of things not very important! At all. I dont believe media performance makes a coach or is an important component to the job description. I thought Neil Daniher to be an excellent coach but his media performance was poor too

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Good healthy posting guys where its ok to have an opinion and make a contribution and have different points of view without some of the nastiness that happens in some threads.

And I like hearing someone say " I agree my opinion is completely subjective and in the scheme of things not very important".

The posts I respect and enjoy most on Demonland are often ones where there are different views but where posters respect others rights as opposed to some where put downs seem to be seen as the way to air differences.

Good work ppls.

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Good healthy posting guys where its ok to have an opinion and make a contribution and have different points of view without some of the nastiness that happens in some threads.

And I like hearing someone say " I agree my opinion is completely subjective and in the scheme of things not very important".

The posts I respect and enjoy most on Demonland are often ones where there are different views but where posters respect others rights as opposed to some where put downs seem to be seen as the way to air differences.

Good work ppls.

Cheers 3031, very much appreciated

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I have enjoyed everyone's contribution but I'm a little confused. Like others, I don't think Neeld is a polished media performer (I find him uninspiring and dull) but whilst recognizing that, I think from all I've seen and heard he's done a sensational job and our footy club is now quite different from what it was under the previous administration.

I also didn't agree with Neeld's naming of Watts and Davey because at face value it was unnecessary IMO. As has been said, it flies in the face of any leadership material I've seen. But there is often more to these things than meets the eye, and in the scheme of things it's a minor issue.

The events of the last 6 months or so hopefully prove to be the watershed of a major period of success aided by a significant increase in resources to the FD. I hope the contribution of those that went before Neelds group are not discounted or worse maligned. We are in the opportune position we are because of much hard work by many over many years. Neeld has an opportunity that no coach at Melbourne has had in years. We have talent and resources like we haven't had since the 60's. I hope he is the right man for the job. I like what I've seen so far but that doesn't mean we can't comment on various aspects of his performance and from what I can see that's all that's happened here.

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I have enjoyed everyone's contribution but I'm a little confused. Like others, I don't think Neeld is a polished media performer (I find him uninspiring and dull) but whilst recognizing that, I think from all I've seen and heard he's done a sensational job and our footy club is now quite different from what it was under the previous administration.

I also didn't agree with Neeld's naming of Watts and Davey because at face value it was unnecessary IMO. As has been said, it flies in the face of any leadership material I've seen. But there is often more to these things than meets the eye, and in the scheme of things it's a minor issue.

The events of the last 6 months or so hopefully prove to be the watershed of a major period of success aided by a significant increase in resources to the FD. I hope the contribution of those that went before Neelds group are not discounted or worse maligned. We are in the opportune position we are because of much hard work by many over many years. Neeld has an opportunity that no coach at Melbourne has had in years. We have talent and resources like we haven't had since the 60's. I hope he is the right man for the job. I like what I've seen so far but that doesn't mean we can't comment on various aspects of his performance and from what I can see that's all that's happened here.

How can we comment on his performace before he has coached a senior game. Unless you are in the football dept, we as supporters and members really have no clue about the inner workings, conversations and demands put to individual players. Sure, we can go to training, read the media pieces, and form our opinons on these, but the inner working of our club are not for the general public consumption (why would you tell other clubs what you are doing/planning) The open training sessions are for supporters/media. I for one am very hopeful for 2012 but I trust the FD to know what it's doing. I hope I'm right

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I still think there a few question marks with MN media comments. I didnt agree with the public naming of some players in the media (Watts) about performance or lifestyle. Some things can be said behind closed doors, but from my training, public naming (humiliation) goes against any management or leadership manual (football clubs are no different).

I don't think Neeld's comment about Watts were "humiliation". They were a challenge and a call to improve ... improving his dedication, his professionalism, his application and his training output are exactly what Watts needs if you ask me. Here's the article: Lift your game.

It's also part of the new coach showing some authority, including in the press.

Elsewhere, I'm a bit confused about what you deem to be a "performance". Your references seem to be to articles in the written media, which to me aren't really 'performances' at all. There's also often not a lot Neeld can do to totally control what the press reports. Also, as a new coach, I'm prepared to accept a few mistakes, and forgive a few utterances that perhaps should have been left unsaid ... not that there's been many by my reckoning.

"Media performance" (not just words in articles) to me is really shown in the television medium, and Neeld has been fine. He's not full of charisma, and he doesn't seem to joke much (perhaps he's wisely following the teacher control maxim of 'never smiling before Easter'), but he's straight down the line, doesn't 'um' and 'ah' much, and generally speaks intelligently, knowledgeably and without hesitation. He answers questions directly, without fuss, 'management speak' or obfuscation.

I think he's much better than Bailey, who began every answer with a long nasally 'aaahhhh ...', and refreshingly he also doesn't have the media distrust, rudeness and suspicion of older, more cynical coaches like Malthouse. At least not yet.

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The thing I can add here is that he is an unbelievably serious person. As soon as you talk to him you think to yourself he won't want me asking lots of qs about the club as he would get it all the time. But he freely brings things up himself about the club and team and talks passionately about getting this right.

My word he is a serious guy who lives for footy. The tonic i think will do the club wonders as I must say previous dealings with the club prior to Neeld had its head in the clouds thinking they were well ahead of where they actually were.

Really enjoying the nature of this thread. Nice to be apart of.

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I don't think Neeld's comment about Watts were "humiliation". They were a challenge and a call to improve ... improving his dedication, his professionalism, his application and his training output are exactly what Watts needs if you ask me. Here's the article: Lift your game.

It's also part of the new coach showing some authority, including in the press.

Elsewhere, I'm a bit confused about what you deem to be a "performance". Your references seem to be to articles in the written media, which to me aren't really 'performances' at all. There's also often not a lot Neeld can do to totally control what the press reports. Also, as a new coach, I'm prepared to accept a few mistakes, and forgive a few utterances that perhaps should have been left unsaid ... not that there's been many by my reckoning.

"Media performance" (not just words in articles) to me is really shown in the television medium, and Neeld has been fine. He's not full of charisma, and he doesn't seem to joke much (perhaps he's wisely following the teacher control maxim of 'never smiling before Easter'), but he's straight down the line, doesn't 'um' and 'ah' much, and generally speaks intelligently, knowledgeably and without hesitation. He answers questions directly, without fuss, 'management speak' or obfuscation.

I think he's much better than Bailey, who began every answer with a long nasally 'aaahhhh ...', and refreshingly he also doesn't have the media distrust, rudeness and suspicion of older, more cynical coaches like Malthouse. At least not yet.

Points well made in my view, I really enjoy Neeld's direct no nonsense approach.

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The guy appears to have clear plans, and right or wrong ( to be judged in the future) he seems prepared to leave no stone unturned to follow those plans. Is that 'inflexible'?

I would hope that, despite his apparent clear plans and goals, on match day when things, as they nevitably will, sometimes not go to plan he will show a degree of flexibility and innovation that we haven't seem in a MFC coach since the days of (Balme and) Northey.

Here's hoping.

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I don't think Neeld's comment about Watts were "humiliation". They were a challenge and a call to improve ... improving his dedication, his professionalism, his application and his training output are exactly what Watts needs if you ask me. Here's the article: Lift your game.

It's also part of the new coach showing some authority, including in the press.

Elsewhere, I'm a bit confused about what you deem to be a "performance". Your references seem to be to articles in the written media, which to me aren't really 'performances' at all. There's also often not a lot Neeld can do to totally control what the press reports. Also, as a new coach, I'm prepared to accept a few mistakes, and forgive a few utterances that perhaps should have been left unsaid ... not that there's been many by my reckoning.

"Media performance" (not just words in articles) to me is really shown in the television medium, and Neeld has been fine. He's not full of charisma, and he doesn't seem to joke much (perhaps he's wisely following the teacher control maxim of 'never smiling before Easter'), but he's straight down the line, doesn't 'um' and 'ah' much, and generally speaks intelligently, knowledgeably and without hesitation. He answers questions directly, without fuss, 'management speak' or obfuscation.

I think he's much better than Bailey, who began every answer with a long nasally 'aaahhhh ...', and refreshingly he also doesn't have the media distrust, rudeness and suspicion of older, more cynical coaches like Malthouse. At least not yet.

Public Humiliation is a term commonly used in the sector i work. It means any statement of negativity of an individual used in the presence of colleagues. Im not sure if it is used in other sectors. I agree its a strong term, its in my vocab and i use it without thinking how its interperted. Oopps. Still its frowned apon in my world.

I havent seen MN talk on camera or live and base my opinion from print. As ive said previously thats how i base my opinion. But hey, overall im excited for the clubs future. The structural changes, new appointments and MN's impressive coaching history, he just needs to transfer his skills to a AFL senior position and thats not a given yet.

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I can understand the concern about Jack being "named", but I don't think either party would have seen it as "public humiliation", or even as "exerting authority".

On the contrary, I expect that Jack would have been highly inspired that such a "no-BS" guy as Neeld considers him capable of reaching elite standard, and highly motivated to do whatever is needed to reach that standard. All indications since then are that this is exactly what's happened. So it's simply a master instructor pushing exactly the right motivation buttons.

And I'm sure Neeld wouldn't have mentioned Jack to the journalist if he thought he'd be fazed by it. Jack has already experienced more than enough "spin" from journalists to let it bother him that the journalist in this case "spun" the interaction between him & Neeld to make it sound like something it's not.

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The thing I can add here is that he is an unbelievably serious person. As soon as you talk to him you think to yourself he won't want me asking lots of qs about the club as he would get it all the time. But he freely brings things up himself about the club and team and talks passionately about getting this right.

My word he is a serious guy who lives for footy. The tonic i think will do the club wonders as I must say previous dealings with the club prior to Neeld had its head in the clouds thinking they were well ahead of where they actually were.

Really enjoying the nature of this thread. Nice to be apart of.

Thanks for the insights FootyNut. Really enjoy what you have to say regarding our new coach.

Regarding Jack Watts being "named" what absolute PC rubbish. Take it on as a challenge Jack to better yourself and become an elite like Brereton. He can be that good. I remember that article on Watts in 2010? When he said losing didn't really bother him too much. Time to hurt a bit Jack to challenge your own space.

I remember reading that article and thinking "oh no...."

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Thanks for the insights FootyNut. Really enjoy what you have to say regarding our new coach.

Regarding Jack Watts being "named" what absolute PC rubbish. Take it on as a challenge Jack to better yourself and become an elite like Brereton. He can be that good. I remember that article on Watts in 2010? When he said losing didn't really bother him too much. Time to hurt a bit Jack to challenge your own space.

I remember reading that article and thing "oh no...."

The worry warts concerned about Neeld naming a couple of players would have suffered nervous breakdowns on a daily basis when Norm Smith was coach! Once, when full back Bernie Massey turned up at training with a moustache, Smith sent him home and told him not to come back until he was clean shaven. Public humiliation?

Didn't worry Bernie, the team or the supporters in those days. Maybe everyone at the club needs to harden up?

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Jack Watts is a number one draft pick of the toughest sport in the world.

Let the action begin Jack. I want to see him weave his magic on GF day.

I am glad Neeld singled he and Davey out. Neeld knows how good both could be and they both needed a rocket up the aisle to make them focus.

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The way I see it, Neeld is merely pushing different players' buttons in the ways he thinks they should be pushed.

I've no problem at all with Neeld's public criticism of Watts, or anyone else.

So far it has all been hard but totally fair.

I'd be more concerned with how the players react, and if they feel they have something to hide.

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