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I love this club


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I love this club.

It's history, it's tradition, it's back against the wall survival. The way you can run into a Melbourne fan in the unlikeliest of places and know you've got someone to have a beer with over the next few hours. I love that our home ground is the best ground in the world. That we have a history to be proud of. We are not a franchise. We are not a flash in the pan. Our supporters' faces show the pain of following a tormented club. But with that comes that knowledge that we have tough spirits. That when we see our club hit the front on the hallowed turf it rings more through to our souls than for any other club. There are not many of us, but we can make the noise of 5 times our opposition. We will cheer our boys through thick and (usually) thin.

This will not change after tonight's game - the crying and grandstanding will subside. Probably after we knock off Adelaide (even if it's a poor win).

I must admit, however, that I'm weary. I'm weary of looking for positives where there are few. I realise that we'll get through this period. But it just gets weary.

I defend the boys wherever possible. Even this year I've tried to spin it so that our one quarter agains the top 6 Swans was good enough for a draw. Our 1 and a half quarters (if that) was good enough for a 5 goal lead on the top 4 Hawks. Our 1 and a half quarters was good enough for a 41 points turnaround on the Lions. Our 9 minutes of footy was good enough for a 53 points lead over the Suns.

But how long can you spin?

I know full-well that in 10 days I'll be in the Red and Blue Jumper cheering the boys onto the ground, after every goal and for every free kick. But I'd like to see the boys give some back consistently with at least effort and intensity.

No one expects a win every week - but it's fair enough to expect 4 quarters of determined, competitive football.

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I love this club.

It's history, it's tradition, it's back against the wall survival. The way you can run into a Melbourne fan in the unlikeliest of places and know you've got someone to have a beer with over the next few hours. I love that our home ground is the best ground in the world. That we have a history to be proud of. We are not a franchise. We are not a flash in the pan. Our supporters' faces show the pain of following a tormented club. But with that comes that knowledge that we have tough spirits. That when we see our club hit the fron on the hallowed turf it rings more through to our souls than for any other club. There are not many of us, but we can make the noise of 5 times our opposition. We will cheer our boys through thick and (usually) thin.

This will not change after tonight's game - the crying and grandstanding will subside. Probably after we knock of Adelaide (even if it's a poor win).

I must admit, however, that I'm weary. I'm weary of looking for positives where there are few. I realise that we'll get through this period. But it just gets weary.

I defend the boys wherever possible. Even this year I've tried to spin it so that our one quarter agains the top 6 Swans was good enough for a draw. Our 1 and a half quarters (if that) was good enough for a 5 goal lead on the top 4 Hawks. Our 1 and a half quarters was good enough for a 41 points turnaround on the Lions. Our 9 minutes of footy was good enough for a 53 points lead over the Suns.

But how long can you spin?

I know full-well that in 10 days I'll be in the Red and Blue Jumper cheering the boys onto the ground, after every goal and for every free kick. But I'd like to see the boys give some back consistently.

No one expects a win every week - but it's fair enough to expect 4 quarters of determined, competitive football.

i am with you 45 all the way, but regardless of further games this year i think we need change in the FD.

This game tonight must not be forgotten.

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I love this club.

It's history, it's tradition, it's back against the wall survival. The way you can run into a Melbourne fan in the unlikeliest of places and know you've got someone to have a beer with over the next few hours. I love that our home ground is the best ground in the world. That we have a history to be proud of. We are not a franchise. We are not a flash in the pan. Our supporters' faces show the pain of following a tormented club. But with that comes that knowledge that we have tough spirits. That when we see our club hit the fron on the hallowed turf it rings more through to our souls than for any other club. There are not many of us, but we can make the noise of 5 times our opposition. We will cheer our boys through thick and (usually) thin.

This will not change after tonight's game - the crying and grandstanding will subside. Probably after we knock of Adelaide (even if it's a poor win).

I must admit, however, that I'm weary.

Mate i reckon the words above just sum me and probably many supporters up at the moment.

It's raw and just articulates what we feel. I love this club, it's traditions but I too am just weary after tonight. We just don't face adversity well interstate or wherever.

nicely said. I feel like passing this onto the club.

Edited by Bay Riffin
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We share your weariness, 45....and this may well be the first and only post from me for 2011.

So listen carefully.

We may or may not win about half our games this year - if we do, it will be a good year. From time to time all our players will 'click' and we'll win unexpectedly and from time to time we'll crush a weak side having a bad day. Mostly, we'll be beaten, and occasionally we'll be thrashed.

This is because we don't have any key position players, and we don't have leadership presence. Don't blame the coach, although it wouldn't upset me to find a new one. Those enthusiasts out there should ask the basic question - if you were a supporter in any of the teams in the top 8, which of our players would you need ?

I can think only of Liam Jurrah, there are others worth considering, depending on the team (Moloney, Jones, Grimes, Scully, Trengove, Wonaeamirri) but they're not so outstanding as to be obvious selections.

I said half-jokingly several years ago that I am looking forward to the rebuilt side of 2012, it's vitally important we don't get sucked in as we did in the Daniher years that the list was good enough. It's not. Every single player we have now is replaceable.

I know it's hard to take, but we rebuild...again...unless we can magically find another ruckman to support Jamar, and four tall, strong key-position players of the ilk of Neitz, Lyon or even Schwarz. It won't happen, nor do we have any potential right now.

Enjoy the wins, expect the losses.

I am now 61, and I doubt if I will ever see the MFC win another flag in my life time, but I'll pass on the torch, our time will come.

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Well said. You echo the sentiment John Harms conveyed so well in the articles he wrote for The Age.

Demetriou asked Stynes 'what do we stand for?' and Stynes accepted that front on statement and took it on the chin. as a club we have done so well but on field I still ask the same question - 'what the hell do we stand for?'. Surely tonight you brace yourself for a grand final when the whole club needed respect?

To lose is one thing but at present only Port adelaide are more embarrassing than us.

Edited by Bay Riffin
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To lose is one thing but at present only Port adelaide are more embarrassing than us.

Honestly I'd say we're more embarassing than Port. If we played like that tonight against a GC side with Ablett leading them, we'd have suffered the same fate as Port. We just got lucky.

Primus was wrong. WE are the laughing stock of the AFL. The more I think about this [censored] the angrier I get so I'm off to bed.

Edited by P_Man
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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

I turned off the game before it was over. I don't do that. Ever. I never leave early or turn the TV off because I might miss something good even on the darkest days.

Not tonight. Tonight I knew I was only going to get hurt more.

I'll rally again but something has to change. This club is too damn good to put in these insipid performances year after year after year.

I don't even know what the point of this post is but I'm angry and hurting and needed to say something.

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We share your weariness, 45....and this may well be the first and only post from me for 2011.

So listen carefully.

We may or may not win about half our games this year - if we do, it will be a good year. From time to time all our players will 'click' and we'll win unexpectedly and from time to time we'll crush a weak side having a bad day. Mostly, we'll be beaten, and occasionally we'll be thrashed.

This is because we don't have any key position players, and we don't have leadership presence. Don't blame the coach, although it wouldn't upset me to find a new one. Those enthusiasts out there should ask the basic question - if you were a supporter in any of the teams in the top 8, which of our players would you need ?

I can think only of Liam Jurrah, there are others worth considering, depending on the team (Moloney, Jones, Grimes, Scully, Trengove, Wonaeamirri) but they're not so outstanding as to be obvious selections.

I said half-jokingly several years ago that I am looking forward to the rebuilt side of 2012, it's vitally important we don't get sucked in as we did in the Daniher years that the list was good enough. It's not. Every single player we have now is replaceable.

I know it's hard to take, but we rebuild...again...unless we can magically find another ruckman to support Jamar, and four tall, strong key-position players of the ilk of Neitz, Lyon or even Schwarz. It won't happen, nor do we have any potential right now.

Enjoy the wins, expect the losses.

I am now 61, and I doubt if I will ever see the MFC win another flag in my life time, but I'll pass on the torch, our time will come.

Mate I have one year on you.

There are days ( like last night ) when I wish my father supported Carlton, Hawthorn, Geelong or even Collingwood.

But alas I am stuck with The MFC come hell or high water.

I now go into "another Melbourne year" mode.

Enjoy the few more wins this year and enjoy the great football played by the other teams into September.

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This club reminds me a bit of that family member. They're drunk again, abusive, yet you somehow still love them and feel obliged to tough it out on the hope that eventually they will turn around. Right now I feel I'm supporting the club out of obligation and hope; I'll still be here tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, but I'm not enjoying the ride very much right now.

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I hate knee jerk reactions like midseason coach sackings, but oh how my knee is twitching right now!!!!!!! Something FUNDAMENTAL has to change, because something is, and sadly has been for most of my 40 year supporting, fundamentally wrong with the playing performance of this club.

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The thing that pisses me off is that you can tell other clubs perceive Melbourne as being soft and an easy kill. It also annoys me that we tend to always concede 5 or so goals in the first quarter while we slowly wake from a coma.

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Eh, I won't "love" this club until they win a flag. 60s success means nothing to me, and I cringe whenever someone points to our "amazing history".

In the big picture, we are an irrelevant club that has been highly unsuccessful over the years. I have passion for the club, no doubt, and it hurts to see them like this, but the ideals and direction of the club have always conflicted with my own opinions and mentality. I don't think there is enough energy, urgency, or passion within the club, but this defines us. The players can go on Twitter and say how much they're hurting all they like, but that equates to an excuse, which is insulting considering my dad has been at the club and been a member longer than anyone else currently there.

Now, I look at our club and I see that all of our best players last night had under 50 games. That to me is awesome.

But on the flip side, we were smashed by a team that is BEHIND us in terms of development, albeit AHEAD of us in terms of progression. This is another thing that defines this club. The Eagles know exactly how to win in this league. They know how to bounce back, and they do it often.

Us? We look for excuses and "go back to basics".

Basics? Why is an AFL club going back to "basics" when teams supposedly below it are dominating it everywhere on the field? The "basics" are what you teach little league.

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Unfortunately my optmisism is slipping into hope. That's not good. I honestly thought we were on the up, as did most of us, and maybe we still are. But when you play like that, against a side that won just 4 games last year, and shouldn't be that much better than us, you have to question things. Another game where we did not put in the required intensity or effort. Another game where our skills weren't good enough. Another game where our gameplan failed us.

We're five games into the year and we haven't played one yet for four quarters. We haven't looked like it, either. That's not good enough, by anyone's standards.

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I love this club.

45, I totally agree with all you have said.

I too will be back to the G next week. But my passion is broken right now.

That game last night really hurt. I am still trying to come to terms with what I witnessed, and i am lost as to what to think. The only expreesion I can use to describe it is not allowed on this board.

At this point in time , I hate this club.

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Do you know what is really sad? I have almost become used to feeling like this.

Prelim final 1987

Grand final 1988

Final series 1992 - 1994 (still the best Melbourne side I have seen)

Final series 1998

Grand final 2000

Semi-final 2002 or 2004 when we killed Adelaide in the first half, and then they killed us in the 2nd and won.

round 16 2005 - top of the ladder. Did we win another game after that?

Aren't we all just a bit sick, tired and fed up of this?

I was born 6 months after our last premiership. For some reason this loss to WCE has cut deep and I am not sure how much longer I can have my hope and excitement dashed to pieces. I love red and blue. I bleed red and blue. And my 4 kids are learning to do the same. 2011, far from ever going to be a great year, was going to be one where we stood up and "Fought". Now it is, as Old Dee has said with such precision, just another "Melbourne year".

This sense of malaise has got so deep, I am actually enjoying the footbal played by Collingwood!! Enjoying watching Collingwood play!!!!!



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Do you know what is really sad? I have almost become used to feeling like this.

Prelim final 1987

Grand final 1988

Final series 1992 - 1994 (still the best Melbourne side I have seen)

Final series 1998

Grand final 2000

Semi-final 2002 or 2004 when we killed Adelaide in the first half, and then they killed us in the 2nd and won.

round 16 2005 - top of the ladder. Did we win another game after that?

Aren't we all just a bit sick, tired and fed up of this?

I was born 6 months after our last premiership. For some reason this loss to WCE has cut deep and I am not sure how much longer I can have my hope and excitement dashed to pieces. I love red and blue. I bleed red and blue. And my 4 kids are learning to do the same. 2011, far from ever going to be a great year, was going to be one where we stood up and "Fought". Now it is, as Old Dee has said with such precision, just another "Melbourne year".

This sense of malaise has got so deep, I am actually enjoying the footbal played by Collingwood!! Enjoying watching Collingwood play!!!!!


Now this is why i believe a Malthouse would prefer to coach a team like Melbourne. If it is pitched the right way.

The coach that breaks our drought will be revered infinitum.

If Carlscum win a Flag....Yawn.

The Demon coaching job maybe harder in the beginning, but the rewards are Huge.

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Guest milpod

Do you know what is really sad? I have almost become used to feeling like this.

Prelim final 1987

Grand final 1988

Final series 1992 - 1994 (still the best Melbourne side I have seen)

Final series 1998

Grand final 2000

Semi-final 2002 or 2004 when we killed Adelaide in the first half, and then they killed us in the 2nd and won.

round 16 2005 - top of the ladder. Did we win another game after that?

Aren't we all just a bit sick, tired and fed up of this?

I was born 6 months after our last premiership. For some reason this loss to WCE has cut deep and I am not sure how much longer I can have my hope and excitement dashed to pieces. I love red and blue. I bleed red and blue. And my 4 kids are learning to do the same. 2011, far from ever going to be a great year, was going to be one where we stood up and "Fought". Now it is, as Old Dee has said with such precision, just another "Melbourne year".

This sense of malaise has got so deep, I am actually enjoying the footbal played by Collingwood!! Enjoying watching Collingwood play!!!!!



Great post.I am a similar age and have witnessed all you have.This particular loss has hurt as much as the 87 preliminary final.I woke up this morning with a feeling similar to grief,hoping it was a bad dream.

It's just soul destroying following this club.I am just about emotionally drained.I am fast approaching just not giving a rats,much like some of what I have seen over the past 45 years.

Very hard to maintain passion,when the players serve up crap.

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Honestly I'd say we're more embarassing than Port. If we played like that tonight against a GC side with Ablett leading them, we'd have suffered the same fate as Port. We just got lucky.

Primus was wrong. WE are the laughing stock of the AFL. The more I think about this [censored] the angrier I get so I'm off to bed.

I disagree - I am sick of the anti Melbourne bias in the media. We copped more flak by beating GC by 90 points than Port did by losing to them?

WTF? :wacko:

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Great post.I am a similar age and have witnessed all you have.This particular loss has hurt as much as the 87 preliminary final.I woke up this morning with a feeling similar to grief,hoping it was a bad dream.

It's just soul destroying following this club.I am just about emotionally drained.I am fast approaching just not giving a rats,much like some of what I have seen over the past 45 years.

Very hard to maintain passion,when the players serve up crap.

I was lucky enough to actually be there and watch this club win 4 flags. Those were the days of a basically amateur competition where the privileges offered by the club attracted many a good footballer to it. Norm Smith's hardness and uncompromising attitude made them into a great TEAM. His uncompromising attitude and honesty did not please the milksops that then ran the club.

Professionalism came along and we refused to embrace it.

Ineptitude has basically reigned since. I was delighted when John Northey took the team by the scruff of its neck, building on a foundation of tough good kids(many from the under 19's and coached as kids by Slug Jordan)and desperate hacks, and teaching them what he learned at tigerland. That was the last time we saw a genuinely TOUGH, UNCOMPROMISING and RELENTLESS team play in red and blue-most of the time ('88 GF notwithstanding).

In all the 55 years I have watched this club play, week in and week out, I have rarely seen such an insipid, lazy and (yes) almost cowardly effort by a Melbournefc team. The performance against the WCE was soulless and soul destroying. For this I blame the coaches whose job it is to make these kids at least play with SOME passion and PRIDE. They -the players and the coach- produced a performace that totally lacked any pride-in themselves as professional athletes, or in the club they profess to play FOR.

I was there all through the 60's,70's and 80's - watched ineptitude, skilless players, poor game plans etc, but I always saw some heart.

Last night I saw none.

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When I was 5, I asked my Dad who I should barrack for? My Dad was a Carlton fan, and surprisingly he said to me...Follow Melbourne, they won't let you down, and so my passion started :wub: . That passion has been passed onto my son and my grand-daughter.

BUT, unfortunately that passion is becoming disillusioned, especially after insepid performances like last night night....I was truly gutted.

I thought that we must've have had a new game plan and our 'sub' was sitting in the outer on the wing......cause the bloody ball ended up there.......

Something has to change, I'm getting horribly sick of this crap......why does every other club always look bigger than us...is it my tv set or what?????? :(

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I hate knee jerk reactions like midseason coach sackings, but oh how my knee is twitching right now!!!!!!! Something FUNDAMENTAL has to change, because something is, and sadly has been for most of my 40 year supporting, fundamentally wrong with the playing performance of this club.

Webber, you know what happened out there tonight to those kids? They lost faith, not in the Coach, but the little they have for one another. They didn't have much firstly, but they are yet to discover what it is in this New team. When they start to stand up for one another, then they will discover a brotherly love for one another, (loyalty) and then they'll hurt for one another, and then they will Be F&*#k!n Awesome...

Until these boys tread that pathway to team manhood, they'll remain Boys.

No Coach can instill that Bonding into them, it's a brotherly love. With Junior leaving, and the way he did, I think that would have retarded this passing the batten. It'll happen but slowly.

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