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Rohan Bail is a Mentone boy who moved to Qld. Bail described the difference between training twice a week up there compared to 5 sessions in the pre season including weights. You get the impression that this kid will play some footy at the elite level this year.

CC introduced the rookie list players and then went on to discuss what the club was looking for when drafting footballers to consolidate the club's future.

CC said that in recruiting we looked at players with mental toughness who could produce the goods when it counts. The recruits led the singing of the club song and that was followed by a brief and stirring talk from Ron Barassi about football not just being a business. It's also about success and he asked whether people preferred a profit or a premiership flag.

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Breaking news: In answer to a question from the floor Cameron Schwab said that he looked forward to seeing the Melbourne Football Club again being a section of the MCC.

Good news there.

Thanks WJ. Comprehensive report that would put the best around the grounds men to shame.

Any discussion about Casey, Bubbledome etc. developments?

Also any comment on the AFL's attitude toward the progress of the current administration?

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Good news there.

Thanks WJ. Comprehensive report that would put the best around the grounds men to shame.

Any discussion about Casey, Bubbledome etc. developments?

Also any comment on the AFL's attitude toward the progress of the current administration?

The club is very happy with the connection with Casey. The sign off with council is taking time because the arrangements are complex and involve a long term commitment. It will however happen and CC pointed to the fact that the Casey CEO (a Saints supporter) was in attendance tonight). The club has its first practice match (intraclub) there on Friday afternoon.

Bubbledome - we will utilise facilities there and at the G. The split between the two may not perhaps be the ideal and we'll have to see how it works but in the end we will have far superior facilities to what we have at the junction (which is an embarrasment) and this is far more appropriate to a club in the elite level of the competition.

In answer to a question - clash jumper not yet finalized but will be a massive improvement on the bland number we had last year. Another questioner asked about the Demon as an emblem of the club and it's on the way back.

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Breaking news: In answer to a question from the floor Cameron Schwab said that he looked forward to seeong the Melbourne Football Club again being a section of the MCC.

That would be a big step for the club. Is he looking forward because it is a done deal or is he looking forward to it possibly happening??

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Guest hangon007

Just got back from the AGM ... I pumped it was superb.

Sorry cant give more details at present but ... will give more details some time tomorrow.

Except to say very very positive news on many fronts.

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I hope Demonlanders know how lucky they are to have Whispering Jack writing for them. He sat next to me tonight and was on the phone posting for most of the evening.

I don't know how he was able to relay the info so well as more was being said as he was posting the last bit.

He is a talented correspondent.

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I just got back was a great night and very well attended

I won't post evrything that went on too much to remember and write at the moment but .....................

Jimmy was a bit nervous at times you can tell he relies heavily on those around him , but has a deep love and passion for the job and is the perfect front man. I was impressed with all of the board members, Jimmy made a point of getting each one of them up to answer questions so we got to know them.

Peter spargo has done a lot of work getting the MCC onside his brother is on the MCC board, mentioned there will be more than one kick on the g for fans this year.

chris connolley is a classic best speaker of the night had Jack Watts describe the other recruits. CC pointed out we recruited quick skillful players and this ties in with Baileys plan, directly addressing those who had a whinge about not enough KPP or ruckmen.

CC mentioned Jetta's family are packing up the car and moving to melbourne and pitching a tent on his fron lawn (got alot of laughs) - great news I think will prevent homesickness for Bennell and Jetta.

CC said he expected Bail to play senoirs this year but none of the other draftees til the end of year (I think he used this to motivate the others personally)

DB spoke well , spoke about how all the players have put on muscle even Jmac has put on 3 Kgs of muscle and isn't afraid to waer a singlet around training anymore ;-) . DB had passion in his voice when speaking about Jmac being captain you can tell he loves him

DB spoke highly of how the players have trained since Oct13 and how he has worked them very hard and they have responded

Finacially we are in the poop but the accountant guy got a few laughs , they know exactly where we are at financially and being transperant which is refreshing

No further news on the clash jumper which is really disappointing , Jimmy mentioned it will be red and blue . Cameron Scwab wanted white but that wend down like a lead balloon

Great to see club legends Ron Barassi and Brian Dixon there.

Ron Barassi got up and was given a standing Ovation was spine tingling stuff. Barassi took issue with everyone referring to the club as a business and thanked everyone for there well wishes after bashing. (was hoping for a bit more inspirational TBH )

about all I can think of right now great night glad I went, really felt like part of the club which is what Jimmy is trying to achieve

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just got home from my first AGM and here is some updates.

Firstly, it was encouraging as I arrived right on 7 pm and they had to get a few hundred extra chairs to cater for the bigger than anticipated audience.

Jimmy began by saying it was surprising the show of support tonight and ran through the following:

-Stated a meeting last year with Demetriou was BRUTAL in his words - we were poor financially and we stood for nothing. He accepted that.

-one member asked given we have (I think) 12-13 Sunday games and just one Friday night game, can we ask the AFL for compensation. His reply was 'yeah nice try' but that won't happen. He went onto say the $1 mill exceeded the $250,000 original promise and probably included some of that thinking.

-New sponsor - we have a list and my impression is we are negotiating over dollars with a few companies but we won't reduce our offer like some would like. With less 'other sponsors' on board he feels the primary sponsor is getting a bloody good deal. I have no doubt we could bow and get a major sponsor at a reduced rate, but they are standing firm. I have faith we will get someone.

-Cameron Schwab - IMO not the most dynamic speaker but seems to be very savvy on how to lead us out of the mire

- said on the ladder we are last in financials, in facilities (up to now), supporter base but first in Heritage and Hope.

- The Heritage and Hope made a strong impression as people seemed to respond to that. He seemed to hit the mark even though it can not be calculated.

- Red and Blue Print looked impressive but god only knows what a presentation means in those circumstances.

- said Bailey, the trainers and the board were working in sub-standard circumstances (am para-phrasing there) compared to the rest of the league. That was surprising as well as depressing.

Dean Bailey

-started by saying at the end of round 22 he said to the players we must now create a new direction for the club

-he said everyone had improved from the skipped down in terms of fitness and building up. Joked that Junior had put on 2.5 kilo of muscle and was now able to train in a singlet. good laughs

-mentioned all teams would say they are 'improving' and training the house down, but given our low base, we had to improve and were since October 13th (start of the pre-season)

Chris Connolly - very entertaining, funny and held court very well.

-interviewed the players - Jack Watts spoke like a leader, very confident and spoke of the 'young players coming though' who were below the podium. You could think for a minute he was 25 years old introducing the new recruits. Someone should remind him he is still in school. Well maybe they shouldn't really.

-Jamie Bennel was just selected for the seniors all stars team to play Saturday night but our manager up in Darwin (I think it was) has said we shouldn't as he is not ready. A nice reflection that he is deemed already good enough to play up there. Nothing was said whether he will play.

- Neville Jetta's mum rang him and said they will move to Melbourne to stay so he (Connolly) better prepare his front lawn for their family to camp down. This got one of the big laughs of the night. I hope I got that right and it wasn't Jamie Bennels mum.

-very entertaining interviews and summed up by saying Bail and James Strauss were impressing to perhaps put on Dees jumper this year. Most new recruits would spend time during 2009 at casey.

Ron Barrassi - last but not least got up in question time.

- Stood up in his chair whilst waiting for a roaming mike to be delivered, but while he waited an impromptu standing ovation developed, clapping him before he spoke. You had to be there to experience it.

- firstly thanked all the supporters for the well wishes since the new years eve incident so well documented in the papers.

- also asked Jimmy to govern the board not like a business, but like a football club. He was very emphatic on that.

- Jimmy got up on the podium and said he would try his best but if all else failed he would also have to accept the blame, as Barrassi brought him over in 1984 and told his mum it would be 2 years, and he is still here!!. Barrassi laughed and sat down content with that.

Anyway, overall an interesting night, the first one I have been to. It was a sobering presentation of our reality, but also inspiring to give us real hope.

The board and key personnel are definitely passionate and confident we can move forward with this great club.

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thanks for the updates guys!

Not sure i agree that we should be run like a football club instead of a business.

Also, has there been an official announcement on Casey, that i have simply missed or has it been one of those relationships when neither party asks the other one out, they just end up dating without fanfare

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I hope Demonlanders know how lucky they are to have Whispering Jack writing for them.

This one certainly does!! Being a Canberra resident it's pretty much impossible for me to get to these types of events, and it's great to know I will get comprehensive, reliable and timely advice from WJ about the Club that means so much to me. Thanks WJ.

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45HG, in relation to Casey, Cameron Schwab began to state that the deal is official, only to be politely stopped by Stynes and words whispered to him, he then continued by saying the deal has not been officially signed off yet, as the due diligence (love the overuse of that term nowadays) is still being done one the finer points of the agreeement. One such point being pored over is the 30 year commitment it would entail, and the 500K worth of community service that is also an integral part of that. It was mentioned about the current population in Casey, and what its expected to be in 10 years time, as well as the fact there will be some 50 schools in the area by that time. Schwab said he didnt even know what he was doing 30 years ago, as a somewhat veiled (IMO) criticism of that section of the agreement.

A compilation video was introduced at the start of the night, it started with graphics (not accurate as my memory aint that good) 1249 players have played for the club, 12 Premierships, followed by a montage of pics of all 12 premiership teams (v.impressive), 6 Brownlow Medallists and then showed some of the greats to have played for us, followed by a fast paced montage of all the current day players. It was very impressive, and then it was revealed that the leadership group actually produced the video to show to our new recruits, which made it even more impressive.

Speaking of the leadership group, another innovation introduced recently is that all of the leadership group sat in on a board meeting to see what that involved. I liked the way Stynes got as many different members of the board to answer questions from the floor as they could. Leoncelli’s answer was stirring as he spoke of the passion of being an ex-player and still involved. Stynes also asked all members of the crowd, before the meeting started, to turn around and introduce themselves to the people sitting behind them and in front of them, to show that Melbourne is one big family.

Further mention was made of the ‘Qantas Club’ style Presidents Lunches. And has been mentioned on here a plea for the kids to be able to have a kick on the ground given the sheer number of Sunday games we have this year and thus the ground is not needed the next day. The pledge from Paul Spargo was that they’re working hard to secure at least one occasion where this could occur.

One answer relating to our major sponsor search, answered by Schwab, was quite illuminating. He said that Melbourne did all the hard yards in wooing Mission Foods as our major sponsor, the Bulldogs comparatively did much less of the hard yards, but ultimately the Dogs could point to the Community Programs they had in place and their growth in recent times as to them making a differences, whereas all we could offer was promises and future plans. This was the swaying decision for Mission to go with the Dogs.

Cameron Schwab has some very good things to say, but compared to Bailey, Connolly and Stynes, he tends to mumble, which sometimes means his words seem to have less resonance. He said that he went out and bought one of those replica premiership cups you can buy, he bought the 1940 one as that was the year his father was born, but then decided to buy all 12 and put them up on the mantelpiece in his office. He then decided to give one of them, the 1900 one, to Jack Watts, to remind him of the history of the club. Schwab also showed some of his dry wit when he mentioned that a board directors or financial auditors name was often mixed up with Paul Lekakis. The 80s tragics around me (myself included) got a chuckle out of this one.

Chris Connolly, as has been mentioned, is a very humorous individual. He got Watts up onstage, and mentioned that Watts was fearful of what type of questions Connolly was going to ask him. So his first question to Watts was ‘Who was drafted at #2?” which he correctly answered, followed by “And who was Melbourne’s Second Pick?” When Watts answered Blease, he was made to come up and Watts was then asked what things Blease bought to the club, the same was repeated for Strauss.

Connolly also regaled a story of Blease and Strauss coming into his office one day with a problem. They were asked to describe what the problem was, and it transpired that both wanted to wear the number 17 guernsey, but they’d solved the problem as Strauss would just take the number 9 and they’d both be happy. After some laughter, it was explained that new recruits henceforth would all wear high numbers and be made to earn a lower number. He then quipped this rule was bought in too late to stop Watts getting the number 4.

Brian Dixon, seated next to Barassi, wasn’t a speaker per-se, but asked a question about the China experiment, and also mentioned South Africa as a breeding ground. Schwab mentioned the China exercise was on hold due to the economic circumstances, but did say that South Africa has a huge number of kids playing AFL (some 6000 turned up to a clinic he held over there while at Freo), and also mentioned India as another potential audience, stating a Melbourne vs Sydney game in India sometime in the future would be a real marketing coup.

On the subject of the bubble-dome, Schwab stated that in its present configuration, Melbourne’s ‘space’ would accommodate about 46 people (correct me if these figures are out), whereas we currently have more than that amount of full-time staff, let alone allowing for future expansion. It thus cannot be used going forward to house our administration, rather we will probably base our sports science type of people in the new stadium. This will mean we are in the situation were, in Schwabs words (he used them several times to make sure people got the catchphrase) in a ‘Hybrid’ model. If effect what this means is we’ll train down at Casey, have some admin at the MCG, our sports science at the bubble dome and possibly even still a gym at the Junction Oval. So in the 15 years I’ve been going to these info nights, its always talked about one day how we’ll have a ‘home’ where our players train and the clubs admin are in the same location. This scenario seems more a pipe dream than ever, the word ‘hybrid’ simply a term to make this situation more sellable to the masses.

From the financial side of things, the auditors made a few jokes about the finances being the fun part of the night. They also quipped that all of those jumpers in the demon shop with Primus on them are hardly flying out the door due to the out-of-date sponsors logo, and that books celebrating our 150th would make good paper weights. The Leigh-Oak earnings have been well down, and in fact the asset was written down by some 800K, and the budget forecast from the club for this venue for this year is break even at best. Evaluations are being done by a 3rd party on the ongoing viability of this establishment, don’t be surprised to see the club move away from the venue is the way I read this.

All in all an equal parts entertaining and depressing night out, our future in terms of personnel looks bright, however off field we are as perilous as we’ve ever been, and in Schwabs words due to our plight our coach is compromised, our staff are compromised and our players are compromised just because of the fact we’re so far behind the pack in terms of the health an wealth of our great club.


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Also, has there been an official announcement on Casey, that i have simply missed or has it been one of those relationships when neither party asks the other one out, they just end up dating without fanfare

Haha, I love the analogy.

Seems like we'll be announcing something soon though :)

One such point being pored over is the 30 year commitment it would entail, and the 500K worth of community service that is also an integral part of that. It was mentioned about the current population in Casey, and what its expected to be in 10 years time, as well as the fact there will be some 50 schools in the area by that time. Schwab said he didnt even know what he was doing 30 years ago, as a somewhat veiled (IMO) criticism of that section of the agreement.

Two points -

First, wasn't it CC who made the comment re: not knowing what he was doing 30 years ago?

I may be wrong but I know Connoly has used that line before.

Second, the speaker wasn't criticising the length of the contact IMO - simply stating that it's very difficult to make a 30-year contract.

We're the ones who want a long contract with Casey...

On the subject of the bubble-dome, Schwab stated that in its present configuration, Melbourne’s ‘space’ would accommodate about 46 people (correct me if these figures are out), whereas we currently have more than that amount of full-time staff, let alone allowing for future expansion. It thus cannot be used going forward to house our administration, rather we will probably base our sports science type of people in the new stadium. This will mean we are in the situation were, in Schwabs words (he used them several times to make sure people got the catchphrase) in a ‘Hybrid’ model. If effect what this means is we’ll train down at Casey, have some admin at the MCG, our sports science at the bubble dome and possibly even still a gym at the Junction Oval.

I think the term 'hybrid model' was been used to describe our half-half presence at the 'G and 'bubbledome' - I'm not sure Casey is part of that.

I didn't hear anything about having a gym at Junction Oval - did Schwab state that we would be using facilities there after we move in at Bubbledome?

I do remember him emphasising how good the facilities will be at 'bubbledome', albeit shared.

So in the 15 years I’ve been going to these info nights, its always talked about one day how we’ll have a ‘home’ where our players train and the clubs admin are in the same location. This scenario seems more a pipe dream than ever, the word ‘hybrid’ simply a term to make this situation more sellable to the masses.

It's definitely disappointing.

Previously, the new administration has talked about getting everyone under the one roof.

Even Schwab admitted that he wasn't sure this was the best fit for us in the long-term, but he explained that other alternatives (like moving everyone into the 'G) would be too expensive - around triple the rent of the 'hybrid model' iirc.

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Guest petjud

I totally agree with the first class reporting we receive from Whispering Jack, when I was looking at the boards I could be in, it ended up as a toss up between here and Demonology of course..Whispering Jack being one of the selling points that made me pick here, apart from the fact that Demology posters seem a lot more self-serving and complaining

But I can still be famous on Demonology...this is from there this morning...

"Firstly - thanks to all for the heads up.

Nicky - Tried to get a word with DB after the meeting, impossible - some bearded muppet was hogging him to no end :), so gave up.

Classic - but i bet you buddy that your bearded burbler who was tree hugging the coach - is a poster here!!!

C'mon Own up? Who are ya you anti Gillete Razor Groupie sucking DB's brains like that????

Cmon - tell us?

Any ideas guys - who was the culprit??


I was thinking of changing my username to "Bearded Muppet', surprisingly I was asking DB a couple of football related questions, one being on how he was going to approach the NAB cup as myself and my partner are flying over for the game in Launcestion, he gave some good honest answers..also told him I would be joining in his nightly prayers re the fitness of McLean and Moloney.

Myself and my partner thoroughly enjoyed our first AGM, and we are now even more optimistic about the future of MFC

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