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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/12/17 in all areas

  1. ...and may Santa bring us a premiership in 2018. Cheers to all and many thanks to the crew that bring us Demonland.
    13 points
  2. Merry festivus, mate, and to all Demonlanders. Hope everyone has a safe and happy time with family and friends, and that 2018 brings us finals and potentially more.
    6 points
  3. Merry Christmas ? to all Demons Eat Well, Drink ? well and get ready for 2018 SWYL
    6 points
  4. Cheers ladies and gents. Hope everyone is enjoying their christmas day with a few (or several) refreshments. Drive safe, as you dont want to miss a second of a cracker season for the dees in 2018!
    5 points
  5. Merry Christmas everyone and here's hoping we all have a very happy New Year ?????????????
    5 points
  6. Merry Christmas everyone. Thank you all for another great year of news and discussion. Stay safe over the holidays, particularly if you're one of the many that does a long road trip on Boxing Day. Cheers
    5 points
  7. Merry Christmas to all on Demonland. Hope you have a great day and stay safe.
    5 points
  8. Season Greetings and Happy New Year to all on Demonland. May 2018 be the year we make the finals. CARN THE DEMONS.
    5 points
  9. Blessings to all from The Reverend. May we all have a wonderful Christmas and a flagtastic new year. Go Dees!
    5 points
  10. Happy, healthy and safe holidays everyone.
    5 points
  11. Hear hear, happy xmas and greetings to everyone. Thanks to Tim and the team for their hard work, hopefully 2018 will bring us more joy.
    5 points
  12. First, I want to join the chorus of all those wishing fellow Demonlanders a safe and enjoyable festive season, and a prosperous 2018 for our beloved football team. Like many around here, I find it hard to resist the feeling that we are headed for good places in 2018, but I know only too well the bitter disappointments that this team can deliver, year, upon year, upon year. I'm doing my best to temper my excitement with a dash of realism, but it ain't easy! Second, I want to thank the owners and 'managers' of Demonland for taking this wonderful site to new levels in 2017. Outstanding work folks! And a special thanks for the hard yakka and vigillence that has been involved in keeping some of the more difficult recent threads on the straight and narrow. Greatly appreciated! Go Dees!
    4 points
  13. Merry Christmas to all my fellow dees supporters. Hope 2018 is filled with positives of which one of those is finals or a premiership for us. Stay safe.
    4 points
  14. Merry Christmas everyone. If you are out and about, make sure you get home to your families in one piece.
    4 points
  15. and a happy saturnalia to you, and everyone on 'land
    4 points
  16. A Christmas cheer, To all on here, May the Red and Blue, Make a dream come true!
    4 points
  17. Wonderfully coherent, reasonable and relevant as always, ENYAW.
    3 points
  18. Yeah, Merry Christmas to everyone (Especially those I regularly argue with, we are Demons after all) *raises glass.
    3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. Amazing 10 pages about something we know next to nothing about. Amazing!
    2 points
  21. You're a couple of days late. Festivus is a secular holiday celebrated on December 23 as an alternative to the pressures and commercialism of the Christmas season. From me I wish all a Merry Christmas and a great new year, its a time for celebration and hopefully that will extend for us until at least the end of SEPTEMBER NEXT YEAR.
    1 point
  22. You could possibly add a few more pages if the train stayed on the tracks.
    1 point
  23. In a country that carries the death sentence for drug trafficking this has to rate as a way out means of marriage proposal: IPOH: This Christmas Eve would be unforgettable for 20-year-old administrator Yew Kar Yee after she saw the love of her life hauled away by auxiliary police personnel for the possession of an illegal substance at the Sultan Azlan Shah airport. But that is not the reason why it is particularly memorable. She was overwhelmed with relief and happiness when she learned that it was all just a staged act, planned by her sweetheart Cheung Chan Choon, 30, who popped the big question to her. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/12/24/boyfriend-arrested-for-drugs-turns-out-to-be-an-act-for-proposal/ Merry Christmas guys from the Equator
    1 point
  24. Minneapolis StPaul has a population of around 3.3 million according to Wikipedia and the stadium capacity is 67k for the 8 or so games of NFL. Many years ago I lived in Washington DC. Even then tickets to a Redskins game were impossible to obtain. People literally left their entitlements by will to family members. I managed to get to a practice game two rounds before the start of the regular season. The stadium was full even for that. In the year before I went to live in DC, Congress passed a law requiring the NFL to broadcast matches into cities where they were played if no tickets were available. This was almost 15 years or so before the AFL allowed live broadcasts of the Grand Final when they were sell outs. We are very lucky with our ability to attend games and the price while not insubstantial is low by comparison to followers overseas. I often wonder how traditional supporters of the likes of Manchester United and Liverpool ever afford to follow their teams.
    1 point
  25. agree with the stop start. but they do fill the stadiums. which is not surprising for cities the size of melbourne with only 1 team and 8 home games. most fans i met try to get to 1 game a season and they make a big day of it, otherwise the sports bars do well
    1 point
  26. Valid point Ethan but I consider being encouraged to marry one's sister an unfair advantage.
    1 point
  27. Tigers supporters probably outbreed us 10-1.
    1 point
  28. It's always struck me as strange that BMW or Mercedes have never been major kit sponsors. Fantastic to hear we've got a major sponsor lined up though. Thanks for the info. I hope it's Lexus. And I'm with @Dr. Gonzo - I reckon we play into the stereotypes. I've always found it peculiar that people actually bag us for having money. Shouldn't we be mocking them?
    1 point
  29. My wife works in the same area but with children. I often hear some of the appalling stories.
    1 point
  30. still listed on club web site, whereas ahg aren't, but that may depend on contract start date. iirc iselect were a late signing
    1 point
  31. His heart string will come good as well.
    1 point
  32. We should play off the stereotype, get Range Rover and Mt Buller or Auski as sponsors. May as well, at least we have an opportunity, not like Collingwood will get Centrelink as a sponsor or Richmond the Australian Dental Association.
    1 point
  33. Pity is that we have to play them in Round 1. By half way through the season Ablett won't be there with some sort of excuse, and Selwood played the latter half of last season like he had lead boots.
    1 point
  34. ‘Better own up to protect his team mates.’ What exactly is he owning up to? For about the tenth time, the woman hasn’t provided a statement or assisted police since her first contact. He doesn’t have to ‘clear’ himself at all. Why does he have to suck up the distaste of the allegation? One of the poorer posts I’ve read on here.
    1 point
  35. Send them into a Myer or David Jones Boxing Day sale... that’ll sort them out!
    1 point
  36. It may or may not. And if it does, who knows if the leaks will have any truth to them anyway. The only time I’ll pay proper attention is if someone is charged, which appears unlikely to happen.
    1 point
  37. It does so regularly during the season on footy matters, so why not now (devil's advocate). So, even unsubstantiated charges, ie no conviction, should result in sacking?? Dangerous grounds there in terms of unfair / illegal dismissal, besmirching character etc.
    1 point
  38. [censored] me Ethan. The prisons must be full of tradies!
    1 point
  39. The tragedy for me here, and I suspect many others, is that we were looking at a very positive off-season, all getting excited for what is shaping up to be a cracker of a Rd 1... I've held off commenting on this issue until now, but despite the absence of information, let's hope that the investigation is handled and managed as quickly and painlessly as possible for all concerned. Sadly the club, players, fans and the alleged victim and their family are all in a difficult position. No one wants to see this takeaway from what looks to be a promising year for us, further, no one wants the worst of the accusations to be true. But if so, we'll have to stand by the principals that we accept in our society and trust that the if any alleged incident did occur, that it is met with a swift and a balanced response, and that the club provides the best support possible for the young woman. I noted Goodys call for 'humble' players attitudes this season. I can only reiterate that respectful is also something the team and club will - no matter what the outcome - now, unfortunately take time this season to uphold in the eyes of the AFL community. The team and club now has some work to do, so let's get on with it.
    1 point
  40. We did improve last season but that last round would have taken a lot of gloss of the season. This maybe a contributing factor to the membership numbers. I know it taking me a long time to get over it and I’m still in the process of it.
    1 point
  41. Whoo boy nice heated discussion going on here Before I start telling the whole story let me say that some of you are severely underestimating just how harsh and grueling the camp from last year was I'm not going to use names or specific numbers for privacy reasons Now, last Monday Goody told the playing group that the camp would be happening again this year from 18th-20th before breaking for Christmas. Immediately quite a number of players where very much against this for a variety of reasons (including players from the Leadership group), so a group approached the AFLPA to ask how to handle the situation. The MFC staff caught wind of this, so Goodwin gave a presentation last Thursday explaining what they wanted to get from the camp, and explaining that this time they will be bringing a larger amount of medical staff and ensure players were well fed (apparently the food/nutrition last year wasn't the best) Even after this talk, still quite a high number of players were very unhappy about having to do the course again. So over the weekend the Leadership group and AFLPA met with MFC Coaches/high level staff to discuss the situation, reportedly getting quite feisty at times. The club did have the official final say on the matter, and chose to call the camp off. Monday morning Goodwin gathered all the players and told them the camp was being called off due to the high number of players who raised concerns with it, and he said he wasn't angry but very disappointed because he felt they had given enough information to the players that their health and safety concerns were going to be handled appropriately. However throughout the day the players could tell Goodwin and some other coaches were indeed pretty unhappy with the playing group (when you work with people for long enough you can tell pretty clearly when they are not in the best mood) I've got no confirmation of this, but I would assume the three days of training next week before the Christmas break are probably going to make up for the lack of physical and mental work lost from having cancelled the camp. I do agree with a number of you that it is a bad look, especially when the club is in the finals drought we find ourselves in. But I also see where the players are coming from, there is a higher chance of injuries and I sure as s*** wouldn't want to do the camp, and I was in the Army for 5 years. Take from that what you will, its a pretty crappy situation overall.
    1 point
  42. The way-back machine in operation again - a couple of classics from Eric Burdon as the front man of 'War' & 'The Animals'
    1 point
  43. A couple of randoms that sort of mesh together ... good tunes, all the same ...
    1 point
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