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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/16 in all areas

  1. Confirmed: Hogan has informed our club he intends to re-sign. Contract negotiations have begun and will probably be completed this year but could take up to 6 months.
    33 points
  2. You are all more than welcome to convince yourselves that this is BS....... be my guest. My advice...... don't bother, take a deep breath a relax. There is no need to stress about this one any more. Obviously I can't say anything more.
    24 points
  3. Grand New Flag is a reliable source. Great news
    17 points
  4. as GNF said, you're entitled to your belief, he has made some calls a long way out that have proven 100% correct and for me that gives him credibility. but as i said, each person is entitled to read or not, i don't see anything productive coming from you getting on here writing how his sources are rubbish, if you don't rate them, simply don't read it. i am 100% certain there will still be many posters who appreciate what he says regardless of what you post.
    16 points
  5. Walking without $1 million would affect my health a lot more.
    14 points
  6. Richmond board facing 'bloodless' coup by prominent Tigers backers Popcorn and a comfy chair ...
    13 points
  7. 13 points
  8. I reckon Roos will go down as one of the most important people in this club's history. He not only saved the club, he transformed it.
    11 points
  9. I want Hibberd to walk to us for nothing.
    10 points
  10. I'm not sure posters appreciate how much Goody is doing this year, 1. Roosy spoke to Goody about him taking the box and Roosy on the bench, goody declined. 2. Goodwin takes 90% of trainings and meetings now, he is doing all the recruiting and list management stuff he's effectively the senior coach. Roosy is really just the match day coach and a senior assistant at the minute and that's why i am really comfy with where we're at with Goody
    10 points
  11. Its up to each of us to feel comfortable with certain posters "sources". Seen enough of GNF's work to feel comfortable.
    9 points
  12. Someone forgot to tell Presia that GNF guaranteed he'll be at the Demons next season.
    9 points
  13. It is so nice that it isn't us anymore!
    8 points
  14. I can't believe how everything on here is analysed to death. Based on previous bits of news, including Roos coming to us, it is possible that GNF knows someone within the club, who has heard a bit of news, that is not earth shattering or confidential. He has shared what he can with us, leave it at that. If he is proved wrong then everyone can take him to task.
    7 points
  15. I speak for all when I say - God I hope you're right GNF!
    7 points
  16. I can confirm after speaking to Jesse at a junior clinic that he is a left hander who kicks with his right foot. He was shooting hoops and his ball handling is outstanding on his left side and rarely missed a hoop. Observe as he runs in to kick that he leads with his left shoulder while his brain thinks I have to drop the ball with my non dominant hand on to my right foo, I believe he will get better as he matures. As a left footer myself who is right handed I get his problem as it caused me some problems in my playing days. My ball drop left handed was inconsistent but I learnt to kick right footed because my right hand could control the ball drop. I would like to see how Jesse kicks on his left foot. Back onto Roos, I hope grateful members remember to email Paul and thank him for his contribution to Melbourne and all the processes he has put in place. He leaves the club in a much better position than when he started.
    7 points
  17. No more four year deals for Joe Average rejects. Two is plenty for Dasher Hibbert.
    7 points
  18. The Tiges could end up being the first club to have it's very own witness protection program.
    6 points
  19. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/richmond-board-aspirant-joe-russo-linked-to-underworld-associate-20160803-gqkar2.html The news gets better.
    6 points
  20. It sorta is your fault - you go on the attack every time. I'm in your camp and I reckon LH has nailed it; GNF just plays the odds, but I think we should just drop it. If people want to back him and pin their hopes on him, let them. It's all just in good fun I reckon.
    6 points
  21. Malcolm Speed is one tip to be the President of the new board at Tigger town. I can only endorse Malcolm Speed as he was universally despised when he ran the ACB and in my opinion,helped bring Australian cricket from World Domination to humiliating defeat. It was said about him by somebody, though I can't recall who that he was "Lawyerly in every aspect" In other words ,a detestable [censored]. Bring it on.
    6 points
  22. Personally, I think we should drop the discussion about cancer, stress and Dean Bailey. The discussion is unedifying, unhelpful and irrelevant to the topic.
    6 points
  23. Love your work GNF. The haters will post in due course
    6 points
  24. Funny reading through this thread that as soon as Prestia is strongly linked to another club, nobody wants him and said club would be throwing away their future. He is a gun and worth what Richmond are quoted to be offering. If we're not in the race it's probably because we don't want to be but it doesn't make Prestia a bad target for Richmond.
    6 points
  25. It will be interesting as to why Richmond think they can offer GC anything for Presia. They have already traded away their 2nd rounder in this draft. Prestia would command a first rounder. So their first pick in the draft would be around no 40. Hardly a way to re-build.
    6 points
  26. I know that those in glass house shouldn't throw stones, and we have been a basket case forever, but there is nothing funnier than the 5 yearly Richmond coup. Twice a decade, without fail they tear the place down and start over. While we might be the tragedy of the AFL, the Tigers are the comedy act.
    6 points
  27. Not from the Melbourne Officials of today, that would be insanity.
    6 points
  28. I hope we can crack in hard and injure the Hawks. I would love to see a few hobbling off for surgery/ early retirement. I know this is quite negative but it would make me feel really good if we had some part in hastening their slow demise .
    6 points
  29. I don't understand all the hate for posters who drip feed us rumours from their 'sources'. Right or wrong, they're like the best aspect of reading demonland so long may they continue
    5 points
  30. I think that any Demonlander who posts anything but drunken ramblings or the theme song should be banned under these circumstances. I expect to be passed out under the grand stand telling picket fence how he was right all along.
    5 points
  31. When we finally win one i reckon the afterparty will extend through til the third quarter of our back to back flag
    5 points
  32. Have no opinion of GNF or anyone. Simply saying someone is playing the probabilities and applying some logic ie: All involved have consistently said JH will stay and JH wants to wait for CBA. CBA now known to Clubs so reasonable to conclude JH willing to re- sign. JH wants to avoid last years Jan/Feb fiasco around his contract Therefore, reasonable to conclude JH will re-sign within 6 months. It 'makes sense', right? Most of us on here have believed the club and that Jesse will resign when the CBA is known. Tbh I think Jesse will sign before trade period starts (2 months). Do I have a source? No. Logically, it just 'makes sense' as the club needs to know what it can offer incoming trade players and current OOC players, to manage its salary cap. Anyone can make educated guesses!
    5 points
  33. I mean he's also gotten some things very right but it doesn't suit your point to mention that.
    5 points
  34. GNF has gotten is wrong too many times for me to get excited over a 6 month prediction....
    5 points
  35. Amazing...post a rumour as fact and give it 6 months. Not about haters, positive or negative it's about flying a kite...
    5 points
  36. 5 points
  37. I know Tom Harley well. I'd be beyond shocked to find out he's running around telling people information like this that ends up on websites like this. I'd take all of that with a big grain of salt. Not offering an opinion on whether he's staying or going but this source sounds highly unlikely. Roosy almost never goes out on a limb on anything but he came out emphatically saying he's staying. Good enough for me until I hear it confirmed from the Club one way or the other.
    5 points
  38. Goodwin is a seasoned leader with experience over 20 years at footy clubs as player, captain, assistant coach, senior assistant coach to ... I suspect he's got how to lead and coach sussed... The fact he put himself through this apprenticeship with Roo's indicates to me he knows where he's at and will come to his coaching role as better prepared and more likely to succeed then any novice coach of recent times. Only Longmire has gone a similar path, the apprentice taking over from the willingly standing down head coach and it doesn't seem to have been a negative at the Swans. (I don't include Buckley's take over as Mick was never on board for it). Given Roos will measure his success in part by Goodwin's first couple of years I've no doubt he's been well set up (list, facilities, assistant coaches, etc...) to succeed.
    5 points
  39. I suspect we've gone cold, which has reduced Prestia's options.
    5 points
  40. That in itself would be enough to make me jump.
    5 points
  41. The Hawks players love Clarko and the Doggies love Beveridge - I think it's all a bit of hand-wringing and a massive beat up if you ask me.
    5 points
  42. I just responded as such in another thread. They are dreaming. I'd be calling for Mahoney's head on a plate if they made that trade.
    5 points
  43. A number of Essundone supports I know keep bleating about how various players will cost us and how we won't be able to afford them because the AFL won't allow players to walk for nothing. I believe the D's and Dogs are in a good position when responding to any AFL rebuff because we can say; we have been disadvantaged as the players we picked up, in good faith, have been unable to play due to the indefensible (cheating) actions of the EFC
    4 points
  44. 4 points
  45. We already have quite a rivalry with the Druggies and this would only increase it. Good for the game, IMO. Imagine our game against them next year. Three of their former players; their only win for 2016 coming against us; they'd be aiming for the 8; we'd be aiming for the 8. If these two trades eventuate, this has Friday night blockbuster written all over it.
    4 points
  46. Should have just stopped at "Bombers high"
    4 points
  47. Don't kid yourself 'Abe', Roos is the boss. He might hand off a lot of the day to day duties to Goody but Roos still has the final say and the players know it. We won't know how good or bad Goody is until he takes over.
    4 points
  48. Max Gawn said on Thursday night at the Bentleigh Club that he understood we were looking at two Essendon players. I wonder who they could be?
    4 points
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