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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/14 in all areas

  1. Amazing amount of bile here for someone who wanted to take a moral stance about material that was clearly anti-gay. Just because you complain about such discrimination doesn't make you a 'nutter', 'screwball', 'self-righteous', 'easily offended' or a 'tool'. I'd imagine Brock McLean would complain too. Lumumba either can't get on at Collingwood because it's full of players like Dane Swan, or he can't get on at any 'blokey' football club. If it's the former, I don't have a problem, if it's the latter then I will have some doubts. To suggest he wouldn't improve our list is naive. He'd be a definite improvement off half-back over Grimes, Terlich or the de-listed Nicholson, and provides plenty of metres gained even if his kicking is not 100%. As usual, it depends on the cost. For me: a high draft pick, no; second-round or PSD, yes.
    15 points
  2. It was a great night. Loved listening to PR speak. All the boys were very approachable. Dunne's speech was very emotional. Nice to see Chip at the night and might tell us more about him than all the pundits here seem to know. Dom Tyson has had some minor work on his finger not his shoulder. He is a really very nice person and was absolutely thrilled to win the awards. (D.Barrett you are a [censored].) He got a great reception from the crowd. Jack W got a great ovation from the crowd when he accepted his award. Obviously not many Demonlanders there tonight. Interesting to listen to the praise from the coaches for the work ethic, the ability to listen and the want to learn and succeed of Neville Jetta. He was very humble when he spoke. Jessie Hogan was gobsmacked that so many fans wanted to speak to him. He thought we may have forgotten about him. As if. Bernie loves Melbourne and Chris Dawes. All of the Award winners emphasised to the playing group to enjoy the break but to come back fit and ready for an even harder preseason. There is still a great buy in from the players to Roosy. No mention of any possible assistant coach. Club should break even or just in the black - a huge plus on 3.5 million in the red. Food was good.
    12 points
  3. Third consequetive Bluey. Only the great Jim Stynes has done that. Played every game this year .. again Ambassador for MFC on and off field Does not demand credibility, but earns it Easily in MFC team of the decade and arguably player of the decade Thank you Nathan Jones You are now my favourite MFC player. Cant wait to see you in 2015
    9 points
  4. Syd Anderson Memorial Trophy Club Champion Second ~ Dom Tyson
    8 points
  5. The #11 should be retired forever.
    7 points
  6. The guy wants to play finals and earn as much as he can. This is the system the AFL has created. The anger needs to stop. We should just appreciate his efforts and hope that he has 4 boys who are all good footballers and then when they are draft age we are a strong club to which they can come as father sons.
    7 points
  7. Was a drunk Satyriconcarne there feeling anyone up?
    7 points
  8. I don't think I agree with any of these. Jetta didn't play the whole season and faded toward the end. I think he did a great job to finish as high as he did. Frawley spent much of the season as our most effective forward and as they said took the most marks for the year. I know he wasn't great the last couple of weeks and copped a lot of flack, but he had a pretty solid year for us. Viney at 11th is a great result for him. He wasn't that great this year, he was tough but often ineffective and seems to cause a stalemate as often as a clearance. He showed a bit late in the year, but he's got work to do. Watts comes in for a huge amount of justified criticism for his inability to stand up to contact, but he played every game, averaged 17.5 disposals, 5 marks and 2.6 tackles a game. Given that he was once again tossed around to wherever we had a hole that needed filling, that's a solid result. Kent showed us plenty in the last two games, and had a few flashes early on, but he was wildly inconsistent and often had no impact in games at all. I love the kid, but he wasn't great this year. If he can do what he did in the last two matches consistently he will leap up the rankings.
    7 points
  9. Lol. I'd walk away from the game if we recruit this tool. Deadset douch
    7 points
  10. I would confidently say that I've played team sports for longer and to a higher level, and therefore been exposed to the things Lumumba rightfully feels uncomfortable and frustrated about. And I'd also say that like Lumumba, there are things that frustrate and disappoint me hugely in a stereotypical 'blokey' environment... It's a deeply rooted issue and I'd go on to say that I highly doubt the throway line about the mardi gras in isolation would have been the reason he has an issue. It would be a series of repetitive remarks over his career that has culminated in his frustration to such an issue.
    6 points
  11. This is the most stupid and dumbest thing I have ever read. What comraderie are we talking about exactly? Have you been inside the locker room with the players have you? There is a reason why gay AFL players are too scared to come out into the public because its stuff like bantering about gays that makes it real sensitive issue for them. Harry O stands up for something he trully believes in and he gets the absolute [censored] canned out of him! Ben Cousins smokes meth and is hailed a hero and a bloody legend!? He is still only 27 so he has alot of good footy ahead of him. Paul Roos recruited Bernie Vince at 28 and arguably had his best season since his BnF year 2009. If he was to come to us lets absolutely have faith in Roosy to get him back to his All Australian form. Cannot believe G A Y is cencored....
    6 points
  12. You know him personally do you? Thought not. Didn't realise the mood in in our locker room was so high. Must've been great after the loss to GWS. Fool.
    6 points
  13. Nathan Jones is a bonafide A grade player. Anyone who doesn't think so is clouded by their overall disappointment with the MFC. He is an absolute credit to himself, has been amazingly resilient, consistent, and has improved every single season. Jonesy is one of the few players who keeps me coming back each week & each season. He deserves success so badly, and I hope that before his career is over he gets to play in a successful finals campaign. Jimmy would be very proud to share the honour of 3 B&Fs with him.
    6 points
  14. Can't believe some of the tripe written in the other thread in regards to this great man. Nathan Jones. A player who's 'talent' levels or 'natural ability' is being questioned and compared to other players within the AFL. This is a guy who has consistently improved every part of his game since being drafted. This is a guy who has stood tall and who hasn't been affected by the failings of the MFC over the past 8+ years when nearly all of his fellow teammates have crumbled and fallen. Nathan Jones is our very own superstar. I rate him just as highly as any other midfielder in the competition because of the unique situation he finds himself in. How many other star mids in the AFL would be the players they are now had they been drafted and developed under the same toxic culture that Jones has been subject to? He hasn't had anywhere near the support some of the other stars of the comp have had. He is a self driven, smart, hungry and desperate work horse who has done everything he can to get the absolute best out of himself for our club. Nobody who has been drafted to the MFC at that time or since even comes close. Viney may be the next breed. Congratulations Nathan, you're a legend of the club already in my eyes and someone who has the capacity to help turn this ship around.
    6 points
  15. Some of the speeches were great. Max Gawn making note of his 'World Record 80 hitouts', Watts saying he was humbled by his charity work, Dunn very emotional - had his grandmother in tears in the audience. Roos and PJ talking tough as you'd expect, Bernie Vince spoke of his bromance with Dawesy and Jones apologising for boring everyone with his speech for the third year in a row. An enjoyable night!
    6 points
  16. It might be easier to just support Adelaide. It seems half the side is set to play for the Dees next year
    6 points
  17. Keith "Bluey" Truscott Memorial Trophy Club Champion ~ Nathan Jones
    6 points
  18. No. No he didn't. He took the award for being the player making the most effort to promote the club in the community, and is keeping it safe, ready for a suitable occasion to shove it up your [censored]. Some people, it's all about them, and their little princess vendettas, all day long.
    6 points
  19. Radar? Paul Roos and Lumumba were seen at a cafe together this morning. I'm fairly positive it wasn't about the teachings of the Dali Lama. But I could be wrong.
    5 points
  20. I think carrying the number 11 on his back was a really heavy burden for Clark and made his inability to get on the field that much harder for him to deal with. He was very effected by Jim's passing, and obviously felt a huge sense of responsibility to represent that jumper. It wouldn't surprise me, on the slim chance that he returns, that he chooses a different jumper number. It's a small thing, but it might ease a lot of unnecessary anxiety. He can have any number he wants FFS. JUST COME BACK MITCH!!
    5 points
  21. I don't get what peoples issues with him really are? A footballer with an opinion? Oh no! As long as he can play that's what matters, some of the comments on here really do reinforce the stereotype of MFC as the conservative club of the top end of Collins St. If you don't think he'd be a good get because of his footy abilities fair enough but I fail to see how he wouldn't make a better half back option than Terlich or Grimes. He can keep his feet, is strong in the contest, can break lines, is a long kick and can kick a goal every now and then. Better than any other option on our list. Yeah I'd prefer Hodge but we have to deal with what's available.
    5 points
  22. Everyone needs to calm down with Garland. He had no pre season and from memory 1 game at Casey before returning to senior footy. Defensively he was as good as always but offensively he lacked a lot. I just hate judging players who's season was ruined by injury. He definitely needs a full pre season before we declare he sucks.
    5 points
  23. Heretia Lumumba is a pathogen acquired by swimming in the Lamumba river, a tributary of the Zambesi. Those afflicted suffer from Grandiosity, Hypersensitivity and Proctalgia fugax. There is no cure. Quoted from the Chookopedia.
    5 points
  24. His repeat efforts, ks ran and high intensity efforts on his GPS data are allegedly in the top 3 at the club. His disposal is the most damaging on our team, only competitor bernie. He was incredibly consistent in games and rarely had a poor game, he may have one or two efforts where he is beaten too easily or doesn't go as hard as he should, but ultimately this year he was much improved and deserved the top 10 finish.
    5 points
  25. I can just see Lamumba walking down Bourke Street yelling "I WANT TO BE ALONE!!!!" into a megaphone.
    5 points
  26. He's not walking out on the club. He just can't go 12 months without drawing attention to himself.
    5 points
  27. oh come on, have we regressed to numerology now?
    4 points
  28. Try to imagine that I haven't archived every one of your witty, incisive gems and humour me.
    4 points
  29. I caught up with Max at the Bluey Night and he's upbeat about things even though it's only days since his surgery. Naturally, he's on crutches and while I was concerned about him going up on stage to collect his award, the reality is that with two ACL's and now this damage to his meniscus, he's used to getting around that way. The good news is that he won't be on crutches long and expects to be able to start running in four weeks' time. And if all goes well with his rehab, he will only miss one or two weeks of full on pre season training but hopefully will be able to keep his fitness levels during the period of recuperation from the injury. Apart from that, in keeping with the Paul Roos philosophy of not looking back and moving forward, the beard's gone and he's clean shaven. The speech he gave also showed a mixture of good humour and signs of growing responsibility. Let's hope that he can step up and become a top notch ruckman in the near future because we need one or two of them as the Russian moves into the last stages of his career.
    4 points
  30. Dom certainly came home with a wet sail and made a contest of the Bluey. An outstanding year for a youngster with no decent pre season. Nathan now in elite company with the great Jimmy Stynes. Well deserved Jonesy.
    4 points
  31. Still a great result from Dunny, his best year by a big margin.
    4 points
  32. Walk up start. Honestly, I don't give a stuff how high maintenance he is. Let me ask, would you prefer him to Terlich? As for you lot saying you wouldn't renew your memberships - get your hand off it.
    4 points
  33. What a ridiculous comment! Happy winning 10 games in 3 years with the current crew? Robinson and Harry O would be starting 18 players and might come very, very cheap. We're hardly in a position to say no to a player like Robinson that averages 20 possessions and a goal a game, and Harry O who provides a lot of what we don't have - run, rebound and a desire to bounce and take the game on out of the back line. I'll be disappointed if we don't interview both.
    4 points
  34. Anyone got any football reasons for passing, or is it all just personal?
    4 points
  35. I know this Dank guy who can speed things up a bit.
    3 points
  36. The only place where Clark and Jurrah are "seemingly in our grasp" is within the fiction section of Demonland. As Spirit of 26 said, we need to be able to do the basics well, over and over and over each game. And get our fitness up to AFL level. A bang on year with recruiting would also do wonders, either trading or drafting.
    3 points
  37. Red... I doubt Chip is going to Kittyland for any more than we offered. Its just to play finals and fair enough. He might have saved much grief though by shutting up and not offering up the bullshlt he did. This in my estimation lowered his credentials to many a Dee supporter, myself included. Im quite happy for him to go and to go wherever. Its a job.
    3 points
  38. In a team game, where one individual annoys people, is precious, creates attention and derives dirty satisfaction from drama, I do not care a hoot what their footy skills are like. They create a management headache from day dot. We have neither the skill, team strength or culture to tolerate him. Goodness, we cannot even tolerate the solid under-performers we have, much less a big stage drama like Heretier. No.
    3 points
  39. Yes.. that's exactly what Roos would tell him - we don't want you. Happy to listen to the debates about his efforts over the year and what his actual worth is. But Roos telling him that we don't want him - now we are getting into the realms of fairy tales. I suspect if Frawley was unhappy about his exit interview, Roos the professional would have discussed his gulf this year between being effective and being half hearted in his approach especially at the tail end of the year. I amused by posters suggesting that club will be glad to have him gone because of his weak efforts. This is the same club that voted him 8th in the best and fairest putting him ahead Jetta, Viney, Watts, Grimes, Dawes and Pederson. I too saw him plod for the last third of season - was he alone in doing this ? Was he the sole contributor to losing the last 10 ? He will go and we will pick up a first band draft pick ( hopefully) and we move on. We will move on to next years free agent who delays talks (bookmark it) and becomes the biggest spud to ever play for our club and we are better off seeing the back of him.
    3 points
  40. Still may do another year to match Roos.
    3 points
  41. I wouldn't think you'd negatively judge a coach for being sold some anti aging or weight loss wonder drug when you've already been conned in by a guy who's apparently doing miracles with your players. I mean we've all drank the Paul Roos media savvy and hair without too much trouble. Maybe give Goodwin a chance. Think about it if you were an assistant coach and Hirdy has brought Dank in to fine tune the players with 'evidence based' and 'cutting edge' science. Would you toss him out or would you take a few free supplement injections? He was a fantastic player. He's had a valuable apprenticeship in what not to do under Hird in regards to off field stuff but also seen a pretty decent bomber side under Hird, he's then had a year under one of the recent great coaches. The assistant coach pool is pretty low at the moment. I wouldn't write Goodwin off.
    3 points
  42. You can be starting 18 or you can be players that really take this club forward....now which do you think these 2 are? I would rather invest in players that are the future of this club or players like Cross who can lead to the future. Neither of these players can do this.
    3 points
  43. I think he's placed about right. Didn't have a great year. Disposal is patchy sometimes, averaged fewer clearances this year than last and doesn't really hit the scoreboard. Never stops going and is Tonka tough but his efforts don't always impact on the game. Placing 11th in his second year is no slight, and he's only going to improve with more games.
    3 points
  44. 3 points
  45. Well done Jonesy. Thoroughly deserved. What a champ. Jetta a bit unlucky to miss out but can't really argue with that top five.
    3 points
  46. Special award to honour consistent, highly respected players who were cut before their time by a club that they had given more than a decade of sterling service to. A.k.a the 'never forget, never again' award.
    3 points
  47. Norm Smith Memorial Trophy coaches award ~ Neville Jetta
    3 points
  48. No, Nathan. 54% vs 68%. And 100% more wins. I'm not throwing my hat in the air, but don't just bulltish us.
    2 points
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