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Showing content with the highest reputation on 31/05/14 in all areas

  1. Screw the negativity around here. Port are the best team in the comp. We nearly beat them. Minus Dawes. Minus any help from the [censored] maggots yet again. 8 weeks ago most on here thought we wouldn't win a single game this year. Proud of the boys. Tyson is an absolute star, a few tired kicks at the end doesn't change that. Salem has it. Roos is a genius. The future is bright.
    19 points
  2. Has anybody else noticed how often we get crucified by the maggots for what I call "random" HTB's? The one against Matt Jones in the last was an absolute stinker. Yet it happened on MANY occasions today. And last week. And against the Crows. And in most games this season. What's even more amazing is that we NEVER get them paid our way.
    11 points
  3. First and last 15 minutes = 51-0. Middle of the game = 44-75. Geez we're an immensely improved team. They tried their guts out, skill errors and lapses of concentration cost us. I have a feeling it won't be long before lapses will be a thing of the past and poor skill errors will be a nuisance rather than a match-defining element. Well done Demons. Hopefully the loss pushes us even further!
    11 points
  4. Well, take heart lads and ladies,we are now officially supporting an actual football team!!!!!!
    9 points
  5. Amazing effort to nearly knock off the top team. Better team on the day, just little mistakes here and there cost us. The negativity that was in the match day thread towards the end though was pissing me off! WE nearly knocked off TOP SPOT! If someone had've even suggested that we could do that this time last year, they would've been admitted into a mental ward! Just be grateful for how far we've come in such little time.
    9 points
  6. I just hope he gets rehabilitated in time to avoid destroying himself and his family any more than he has already done.
    8 points
  7. This is garbage. He is not going to be dropped from the side. The only changes that get made are ones that genuinely improve the side; there is not a player better than Jack Grimes kicking around in the VFL, full stop.
    7 points
  8. Not disappointed at all. I was disappointed against the Bulldogs. Anyone that has watched Port all year knows that whole game was not how they want to play. They had to play the game on our terms and they're clearly skilful enough to still win. But they had to fight bloody hard to put us away, and they had some tremendous luck that helped them get the 4 points. We were shell shocked early and got off to the mentally hopeless starts the last seven years have given us. But we regrouped, fought back and stuck to our game plan. Put in Chris Dawes and his regular 5 tackles and pressure and we probably could have won. We were let down by Grimes who is just an embarrassment to Jones being co captain. Gawn was ineffective and maybe a bad selection given that we needed run and spread against Port. And Toumpas shouldn't be sub. A sub should be a line breaker or someone that demands the ball in space. Jetta was excellent. So was Pedo. Could not care less about Tyson's mistakes. He does 20 great things for 1 mistake, when we are a winning team you won't even notice his mistakes. Thought he was huge again. Viney is every bit as good as Wines, and miles better than him today. We're building nicely.
    7 points
  9. Disappointing, but so proud. Best game we've played all year, and we are a genuine chance next week.
    7 points
  10. Props to Hinkley as well. Was full of praise for the opposition in his post match presser. Class act.
    6 points
  11. disagree completely.. what is pathetic about it? You finish 17th and ten games of footy later you nearly beat a side this top of the table on 9 wins 1 loss. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you are happy and proud of that massive improvement and you are excited about what it means for the future
    6 points
  12. Go Lions! I always enjoy a Carlton defeat!
    6 points
  13. Can't believe the difference this season Passes land on chests and don't bounce off, hand passing is crisp in close, and those midfield trades are beginning to look like recruiting master strokes. It is not all that long ago someone was quoted as saying that our efforts were not acceptable as being to AFL standards, as I seem to recall. And what is quite remarkable is that these are the same players. We have a team that can play! And better yet is that our youth is developing and next year could see further honing of our stocks through delistings and trade/drafting It seems to make a difference having top people on the case
    6 points
  14. Persevere. He makes poor decisions at times, but he tackles well, runs hard and is a good reader of the play. I think supporters are needlessly harsh on him. I'm confident the one or two poor mistakes a game can be eradicated from his game.
    6 points
  15. I take it back - great effort by the team today could have won with a bit more luck and composure. Reality check for me.
    6 points
  16. 6 points
  17. Judging by some recent imagery posted here... They will actually only be serving water. Roos will do the rest.
    6 points
    5 points
  19. I actually get joy out of seeing Richmond fail, a bit rich coming from a Melbourne supporter but they really do get caught up in their own hype.
    5 points
  20. Christian Salem has an elite footy brain and the skills to match What a gem
    5 points
  21. You could argue that it was our best performance of the season. We would have beaten at least 8 other sides today and in many ways we've already caught up to the middle tier sides. It's no disgrace to lose like that to a top 4 side ... we've come a long way and the future looks exceedingly bright. It was a gutsy performance and we almost got the chocolates. We just lack a bit of polish and we badly missed Dawes. If he'd have played, we may have won. It's quite remarkable that we nearly won the game against a top side whilst having Gawn and Frawley as our key forwards ... and, we've still got Hogan* and Trengove to add to our forward line next year (we may also draft or trade in another KPF for depth) Watts becomes a far more dangerous high half forward in that scenario. We got a taste of things to come with that Toumpas/Salem combo in the last quarter - so composed and I especially liked the way Salem took out one of their players before running on to take the mark - heady stuff. All our young players are showing us something. Bring on the Pies! *Hopefully Hogan can get on the park at some stage this season.
    5 points
  22. Melbourne Statistic Port Adelaide 127 Contested Possessions 112 291 Uncontested Possessions 245 342 Effective Disposals 279 81.2% Effective Disposals % 76.6% 43 Clangers 44 9 Contested Marks 7 8 Marks Inside 50 8 34 Clearances 37 39 Rebound 50s 26 39 One Percenters 43 5 Bounces 30 9 Goal Assists 11 81.8% % Goals Assisted 78.6% Sorry for the messy layout - cut and paste from footy wire - but who would seriously have contemplated that we could be so "competitive" in all these stats against the top team so soon. Beyond my wildest dreams. A tad more composure at the start and finish, which should come with time - another preseason together and a stable lineup - and we should be the goods. Well done Mr Roos and all the team.
    5 points
  23. 5 points
  24. Two minutes to go but it's over. Amazing effort but just lacked a little in the last quarter. I went from hoping for not to be disgraced to thinking we'd win to just absolutely shattered.
    5 points
  25. Can't believe people are so negative we are seriously challenging the ladder leaders win or lose this is massive
    5 points
  26. You'd think we are losing by 15 goals to GWS. Stop your whinging. We are seriously playing amazing footy against the top of the ladder team. Of course we all want to win, but we should be extremely proud of our boys for this performance.
    5 points
  27. Played for Geelong, yeah?
    5 points
  28. Whatever else happens today, the club should strongly consider playing all our NT matches in Alice, rather than Darwin. It's a normal Autumn day here - there's no oppressive heat or humidity, and there'll be no problems with recovering from the energy-sapping conditions the players have to endure in Darwin.
    5 points
  29. "I'm better away from the grog" has to be the understatement of the century. Also Jake Niall Get your fat overfed head out of your ass. The club has bigger fish to fry and I doubt they want to stir up old wounds but what a load of trash this is. I'm really worried about what possesses someone to write such a crappy paragraph as that. It would be really nice to have a successful team again so when scum like Niall try to blame the tragic downfall of a man from a divided community on our football club we can tell them to go choke on their dim sims.
    5 points
  30. We support him. We encourage him and we don't hold his faults against him. Grimes will come good. If Roos did not believe that then he would not be playing right now.
    4 points
  31. Richmond are a rabble, we've passed the torch by the looks of it. We helped by giving them Miller, A.Maric and Petterd to go with their spud farm of recruits; Hampson, Chaplain, A.Edwards, Grigg and softy Houli. Meanwhile Schulz, White and Derickx are killing it at their new clubs, even Nahas has had a small impact at north. Most of my family and a lot of mates are Tigers supporters so I take a lot of interest, and an immense amount of joy watching the [censored] hit the fan and the microwaves melt the cards. Cotch can't kick over a jam tin, Riewoldt is a downhill skiing sook. Imagine how bad they'd be had Martin left.
    4 points
  32. I couldn't see the game but just watched a Salem highlights clip from the club website -- OMG what a find. Cool, calm, collected, skilled and smart. The shepherd when Toump had the ball, then his second effort to take the mark was outstanding especially for one so young.
    4 points
  33. "One talent spotter said overlooking Kelly, 19, could prove worse than the well-documented Watts-Naitanui decision." Phil Scully? Is that you?
    4 points
  34. One of SEN or 774 gave Kane Cornes 3 votes for his job keeping Nathan Jones to 30 touches.
    4 points
  35. We ran out of legs against the fittest team in the comp who also happen to be the top team. Pretty good effort by the boys today, I thought we'd win and I'm disappointed we didn't but I saw enough today to show we have a future and no team will be able to take us lightly. What pi55ed me off the most was they lack of acknowledgement by the turkeys calling the game, they just can't understand that we are a good side and this is not 2012 or 2013. Bring on Collingwood.
    4 points
  36. Suprisingly, this was much less of a bitter pill to swallow than the Bulldogs loss. I suppose when you go into a game thinking you're no chance and spend most of the first quarter suspecting you'll end up losing by a hundred points, a relatively narrow loss is quite a steal. On the other hand, spending all game thinking you're going to win and then still losing it to a nothing team like the Dogs is very frustrating.
    4 points
  37. 4 points
  38. I'm happy with where we're at. Some mistakes at the end, went away from the game plan a few brain fades. All things that will be fixed. Roos and his crew are doing a great job in my opinion. Master stroke playing Cross on Polec.
    4 points
  39. Put up your hand if you don't have a membership. Those with their hands up are the reason we are playing in Alice.
    4 points
  40. Have to be proud of the effort but lacked composure at the start and end. Learn from it and move on.
    4 points
  41. Well done Neville Jetta.
    4 points
  42. We are a quarter or another pre season away from being a really good side.
    4 points
  43. See Viney just brush Wines off like he wasn't there?? This is some awesome football we are currently playing.
    4 points
  44. Pedo is red hot today....don't you love it?
    4 points
  45. SALEM and TYSON Enjoy that Barrett ya [censored]
    4 points
  46. 5 days rest? We get 9 days
    4 points
  47. Stopped listening 2 3AW sport's show when he replaced David Hookes. I can't stand Russell, a real waste of space.
    4 points
  48. For Niall to suggest that MFC was in any way responsible for the downfall of LJ is disgraceful, after all we have done for Liam during and post his time here, nothing could be further from the truth. The club should ask for a retraction. Niall has learnt how to besmirch MFC from Smith and Wilson ?
    4 points
  49. Get an Apple TV that you can stream your phone through over wi fi. It will cost you $100 but I love mine
    3 points
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