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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/05/14 in all areas

  1. Just in Alice Was booked on flight via Adelaide and qantas check in said would you like to fly direct Ended up on flight with all the players and coaches All looking relaxed Most looked larger in life but jkh small As we landed the captain wished Melbourne good luck and the roar was almost as good as the g
    16 points
  2. Many around Mitch and the club hold genuine hopes of a return. Mitch retired to ensure the media scrutiny on himself and the club would be dissolved for a considerable time period to enable Mitch the best possible hope of a full recovery, as if he did not retire the spotlight would have only grown weekly - a brave and brilliant move orchestrated by the club. All going well, There is absolutely no donut that should Mitch feel his body is right and his mind is in a better place - that Mitch Clark will be wearing number 11 in the red & blue in 2015 - and likelihood of this has only grown by the day with the positive beginning to Mitch's recovery.. I'm expecting to see Mitch return to spearhead the Attack next year, but the fragility of this horrible affliction means that no one, including Mitch - can be resoundingly certain! So let's just wish Mitch the best as many of you have, and hope that his position is strong enough come September to enable him to return! September being the true deadline - to enable the Dees to ensure Mitch returns to the active list in 2015. If you contact the club - I'm sure they will happily explain that if such a circumstance "somehow" came to fruition, the Club could re-instate Mitch on the list with no risk of him falling elsewhere what so ever! But don't expect them to even admit its a remote chance, as they absolutely would not compromise Mitch's recovery by adding unnecessary media scrutiny.
    13 points
  3. After last night I couldn't help myself
    11 points
  4. Judging by some recent imagery posted here... They will actually only be serving water. Roos will do the rest.
    9 points
  5. Rivers must be feeling a tad nostalgic this morning.
    9 points
  6. This scenario is very much in play, feet and head permitting.
    8 points
  7. I am happy he seems to be happier. I am not going to hold out for anything more.
    8 points
  8. I've missed you. (I wish there were a "genuine" emoticon because sincerity sounds like sarcasm too easily damnit!). Don't leave us.
    8 points
  9. It would be ironic if Riv watches us rise up the ladder as Geelong slips down.
    5 points
  10. Old Dee, you are correct... So the boy has made it through major heart surgery, and about a month. Had drinks with the parents to celebrate yesterday, was a bit grim, for baby photos they have pictures of thier son lying with his chest left open for follow up surgeries, drank a bottle of red on the spot listening to all the dramas they have had this last month, my tears constantly close). Anyway as lame and perhaps strange/inappropriate as it may seem to some, the only other conversation we had was about the Dees. And the father stated as black as the day was when they found out how bad his heart defect is, (basically half a heart, they build/replumb the rest gradually) he had felt the Dees beating Adelaide made him think his son could survive the day (he wasn't meant to). Now this is a serious guy, with a tough job and has allot more going on in his life than following the footy. But for him at the moment, the teams effort has really meant something to him at a terrible time, everything may still end in tears, but I'd love the team to know how much they can touch people lives in a inspirational way. Even Mum, (who is appalled by the name Demons) is totally on board with his membership, and I gave them my 2014 scarf to put over the ICU bed he is in at NYU Medical Centre. (My wife is happy because it's one less scarf cluttering up our tiny apartment).
    4 points
  11. Can we beat Port, yes. Will we, probably not. Is it great that we can consider the possibility after the last 7 years, absolutely.
    4 points
  12. For the last 5 years I have gone into games with hope. This season I go into games with optimism. Now THATS progress.
    4 points
  13. How would Viney on Wines work? Probably both get stretchered off.
    3 points
  14. I love mixed metaphors. You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to work that out!
    3 points
  15. Malthouse has endorsed him and we know what that means!
    3 points
  16. And it gives one a great sense of satisfaction to have stuck fat during the lean years attending games even in the knowledge that a thumping was probably inevitable. Now I go genuinely optimistic, nervous and excited.
    3 points
  17. Beautifully put GV's. I'm taking longer to recover than you and go to every match thinking it's us that is due for a downer! But it's fun again. Bar a GF I don't think there is a better or more exciting time to support a team than when it's genuinely on the improve where every win is glorious.
    3 points
  18. The interesting thing about Toumpas is I feel he has been very serviceable this year, averaging 17 touches, high efficiency, getting more physical and a few tackles, kicking almost a goal a game when he plays, and showing signs of class, the pass to Watts against Richmond was just beautiful to watch. but I think that gets missed because of the Wines comparisons, I am happy Wines is playing as well as he is but I don't have an issue with Toumps output and training habbits for a second year player.
    3 points
  19. I had a family get together this week. The in laws come from up Shepp way and found myself talking footy with Tom Rotcliff's uncle. It seems MFC threw every thing they had at Tom at the end of last season. He talked about Tom meeting Roos and PJ at the Gee and Tom being blown away by Roos knowledge of football in general but was astounded by Roosey's knowledge of the Lions game plan and that he kept asking why they failed to follow their own plan. It seems Vossey under pressure would ditch his own game plan and the assistant coaches didn't like it one bit. And it seems Roosey had a fair idea that was the problem. Tommy agreed. The uncle said if Voss had been retained as coach Tommy would have come to Melbourne. But in the end they doubled his contract offer after five young kids left o he took up the offer. With out that he might be a Demon. The other MFC issue he brought up was Chris Connolly who played for Shepparton United. He said they brought him up especially one night to look at A young Micheal Barlow at training when he was still playing for SHepp United at 19 and had won the B&F for the comp. apparently Connelly had a look,and said there was nothing there to work with. And moved on to pick the young kids in the National Draft, who we know went not so well. Of course Barlow was over looked by many and went pick 80 to Freemantle but then played phenomenol footy in his first year before he was injured. But if only we took some of our inside knowledge and used that for picks.
    2 points
  20. I s'pose we should all just stay in bed all day then.
    2 points
  21. I have no doubt that Mitch, his management and the club have given thought to the future. If Mitch's retirement was to remove him from the limelight and all associated pressures then conspiracy stories posted by Demonlanders don't help that, regardless of the level of accuracy they may possess. Let it be.
    2 points
  22. This is a night of celebration thus far. Sidebottom and Maxwell gone for Queen's Birthday. A genuine chance to get our percentage back up to 100 next week.
    2 points
  23. And more to the point Wines was not rated as the best number 4 as evidenced by the fact he was taken at number 7!
    2 points
  24. I have no problem with you not rating him. What does irks me is making up blatant nonsense. Toumpas may not have been the obvious choice for YOU at the time but was rated top 3 by all the TAC watchers. Go back and do some homework.
    2 points
  25. Great fund raiser. 3 loaves 2 fishes and a carafe of water
    2 points
  26. I believe this is why Roos will remain at the club in some capacity, he will not leave the dees in bad shape.
    2 points
  27. Mate are you just giving us your gut feeling as a supporter or do you have an authentic source for this information? Thanks
    2 points
  28. I'd hate to know what ignorant self-involved complaints you have that will detract from a great week.
    2 points
  29. I see no reason why we can't beat Port. So on that, I give us a chance. Port are nothing special, they get there on hard work and gut running. If our fitness holds out, we'll give it a shake.
    2 points
  30. But it wasn't just the losses that got to me. It was nauseating watching the club go from disaster to disaster off the field as well. How good is it to see the difference there?
    2 points
  31. A positive post and one I am sure we all hope proves correct.
    2 points
  32. Yes I agree I thought Salem needed a run in the magoos with only 8 possessions last match. Jimmy is a bit stiff I think.
    2 points
  33. Mentioned it on another thread, but I'll mention it here as well..if Dees win this, I'm in for a donation to Demonland. $30 if they win plus $3 per goal regardless of the game's outcome.
    2 points
  34. It's funny, I know Port have been very good but I still look at that team and think there are a lot of no name players. I don't mean to be disrespectful, I just think Melbourne should be competitive.
    2 points
  35. Thought Salem may have been due for a run at Casey, but not displeased. Happy with selection, as I have been all year really.
    2 points
  36. Gee, Monfries, Hartlett and Cassisi are good outs for us...
    2 points
  37. Like when you said Watts and Howe would be dropped? (couldn't find your original post... strange) Or how about when we would trade pick 2 for Lewis Jetta and Garry Rohan last trade period? I have no issue with your optimism, but your constant false affirmation like "100%", "Nothing is surer", "You heard it here first", is frustrating and misleading.
    2 points
  38. My understanding is that he would be a delisted free agent and able to go to the club of his choice. He would not be required to go through the draft. It is also my understanding that he retired knowing that this was an option. I understand he has never completely given up on playing AFL again for Melbourne if his mental health improved as such. I was told all this the week before he retired.
    2 points
  39. That's what I see 'Roost it' never quite got the excitement about him that some on here seem to have He wasn't the obvious choice at the time and he is very slow when I have watched him live
    1 point
  40. If we win I too will donate $30 to Demonland. :D
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Whilst the Swans forwards are imposing the game was won up the ground where they were able to run at will from half back and through the middle. As we know your defence is defenceless if the ball comes in like it was tonight. The Cats put no real pressure on the runners where the Swans did the reverse.
    1 point
  43. I've virtually written the last 2 years off in terms of development for many of our players. I see Toumpas as a first year player in many ways and I thought he was poorly handled last season. I also see him going down to Casey as a development thing rather than being dropped for poor form. It's way too early to rule a line through him yet (in my opinion) but it's ok to agree to disagree. I definitely don't see him as timid at all.
    1 point
  44. He's also incredibly slow, quite timid and another very poor high pick.who belongs in the seconds
    1 point
  45. A little surprised with Toumpas going out but I guess the "last in, first out" rule of thumb was applied. Jetta was in good form before he was replaced at the last minute so if he was always going to come back in, someone had to make way. Previously those players who have been dropped have normally had shockers. In a way it's pleasing that we've dropped a player who's form wasn't that bad. I thought Jimmy showed a bit 2 weeks ago but it looks like players are really going to have to earn their spot to get in the side. More games at Casey won't do Toumpas any harm regardless. He's still very young and has lots of time.
    1 point
  46. Being dropped may have done Toump a favour by sparing him more of the inevitable comparisons with Wines.
    1 point
  47. I think we should target the players we actually really want and go after them hard. If it's undermining another club, then so be it.
    1 point
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