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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/05/14 in all areas

  1. No. we shouldn't. It's not what we are about these days. 18 blokes with a role. 3 blokes to fill any gaps. One bloke looking [censored] off he is wearing the green. No tem million dollar men no matter how good they are.
    10 points
  2. This topic usually gets swept under the carpet, good to see someone get a handle on it.
    9 points
  3. Tom Scully middle of the road player is a 'leader' for an absolute rabble, a pawn of a club built on nothing but the AFL's never-ending greed.. could be out on the G, being part of a real club's resurgence under the hand of a legendary figure of the game, and in his hometown with his family etc what did he do.. took the extra bucks. God it is a sick society we live in. Anything for a buck. It is nice to know that the almighty dollar, sometimes, is not the be-all-and-end-all of life. You ouldnt trade any amount of money to be siting where, say, dom tyson is as opposed to Scully.Honestly if he was at the dees now he would be our 6th/7th/8th most valuable midfielder and about 15th in the BnF take a second to think about this, it makes me very angry: think about everything that has been said in the media about Jack Watts, what this kid has had to endure - this is a bloke who not only has done way more on a footy field than scully but is on about half the cash, and he didnt go through a dodgy process of lying to his club to slink away like a dog scully is 10 times more deserving of all the crap that watts has copped, you don't hear 'boo'.. makes me furious
    9 points
  4. How long has he been gone now? Give it a rest FFS!
    8 points
  5. To be fair to him, I may well have taken the money in his situation as well, as would many I suspect. It's more than he should probably earn in his entire career for one contract that will see him through to the latter half of his career. He will have the opportunity to seek another club should he wish after that. My objection is more the manner in which he left rather than the fact of his departure. If he had stood up before the club and said "They're offering me an entire career's worth of salary to play until my mid-20's. It will set me up for life. I simply can't turn that down." Well, I'd have been annoyed, but he would have at least some respect for having the courage and integrity to be open about it. Lying to the entire club, including our cancer-struck president when he and his father had already agreed to terms and then carrying on that farce of being convinced by a weekend visit and blown away by their facilities and making a snap decision when he'd been going on for a year about taking his time. That is why so many of us despise the little [censored]. Dishonest and lacking in courage and integrity.
    7 points
  6. Sooooo...GWS...pretty crappy aren't they...
    6 points
  7. Bring jetta in for Wingard.
    5 points
  8. I wanted them to. We were on the same number of points as them and I thibk it'd be good to finish ahead of them on the ladder.
    5 points
  9. Dawes is a massive out. Melbourne have struggled to score goals as is, not sure where they will come from on the weekend.
    5 points
  10. Short answer, No. Long answer, No.
    5 points
  11. Give the kid a rest. He played and he tried. It is debateable whether or not he got the best out of himself but that is something that is his concern more then ours.
    4 points
  12. You have a hide derailing this thread by staying on topic. I can only hope this is not a sign of things to come from you Ethan.
    4 points
  13. Whilst I'm not a fan of the idea, I do like the fact that media simpletons like Crawford are starting to say "Melbourne should take a run at..." instead of "Melbourne would have no chance of ever getting..."
    4 points
  14. 4 points
  15. Excluding all the names Sandy Roberts got wrong, as a whole it was great to hear him calling games again. Why? Because he was just calling the game and not getting caught up in all the other rubbish that other commentators get involved in.
    4 points
  16. Did anyone realise Kelly had zip touches at all? came on towards end of the 3rd and had no touches. Lol at Barrett.
    4 points
  17. Absolutely it would have been good! Cannot stand Carlton.
    3 points
  18. If we play in Darwin, we have no hope because Port will be playing in Alice Springs. We will need to be on the same ground if we're going to beat them.
    3 points
  19. There goes my tips for the week
    3 points
  20. Nah, it is all Stuie's fault.
    3 points
  21. 3 points
  22. Don't think of it as a lynch mob Stu-it's more a posse of Village elders gathering to dunk the Village idiot in the river.
    3 points
  23. Agree, the lack of good public transport (train) and parking makes it a no go. It's just in a difficult place.
    3 points
  24. The articles talks of his re-signing in 2013 as a big win for GCS and that it runs deeper than merely his signature. A number of others signed on afterwards. Yeah, okay, but it doesn't mean he'll stay past this contract. The article reads like he'd be open to offers if the club offering was challenging or finals bound. The MFC was a train wreck last season and he re-signed before Roos was announced as the new coach. If he was coming out of contract this year, we'd be in with a great shot. He's not out of reach, IMO. I thought he was, but having read that article, his attitude comes across as almost 'I may as well stay here', rather than 'I love playing with this group' or what have you. I'd get in his ear at the end of this year and aim to try and lure him at the end of 2015. We can dream.
    3 points
  25. I think going down the buddy model, would be the worst thing we could do. (Tilbrook revisited) the way we traded last year was perfect, & the year before, with trading our pick for Hogan, excellent. no M$10,000,000.00 man for us.
    3 points
  26. And Ablett has earned every cent he has been paid. There can't have been that many people who believed he would actually get better without having the likes of Ling, Bartell, Kelly playing second fiddle for him. You could make a reasonable argument that he has been underpaid. As for Scully it must be difficult for him to walk around the club with head held high
    3 points
  27. I desperately hope Frawley stays. I'm bemused that others seem so blasé. Frawley and McDonald as dazzledavey36 suggests is a solid core down back as is Dawes and Hogan. I like the flexibility Dunn, Howe, Watts and now Pedersen offer us. With a developing midfield and an emerging ruck in Gawn we're looking in good shape structurally.
    3 points
  28. Take it with a grain of salt... Stevo reports Frawley is in discussions with the club to extend his contract.
    3 points
  29. The last five minutes of the Footscray game are on youtube. The 4.40 mark is when Hawthorn hit the front. Even now it's electrifying.
    3 points
  30. Wine is made from grapes, I class this as a fruit drink. Fruit is good for you.
    3 points
  31. I prefer to see us us develop the raw material we have rather than looking for a saviour . Trengove will come back better than ever and rag doll Dangerfield one day.
    3 points
  32. I'd throw the dough at Jaegar O'Meara. He's doing an apprenticeship with the best midfielder in the game, is hard at it, and has sublime skills. He'll be the next top line midfielder IMO. In fact, is it not the case that we could've got him as an under age pick and chose not to?
    3 points
  33. I'd take Danger in a heart beat, but for no more than 800k a year which is pretty much Mitch's money.
    3 points
  34. i dont think toumpas as the sub is workable at this stage. he seems to take a bit of time to settle into games and barring injuries subs dont have that luxury
    3 points
  35. Geez we are going to need to be at our best or this mob will destroy us
    3 points
  36. It's built on success. Stuff social clubs. Hawthorn were rubbish for years and then became a power side during the 80s. That's where their supporters have come from. They were never traditionally a 'big' club, but they've made some great moves since '96. The lucky factor for them was that they'd had great success in the recent past and thus had supporters to tap into when memberships became an integral part of the AFL business.
    3 points
  37. Why do we have to " grow " the sport? Why cant we enjoy the sport and game? TV destroyed the NRL attendances, look at what they get thru the gates in Sydney. So what if soccer does well in outer western Sydney, who cares! There is no national sport in Australia, not one sporting competition has a home team in Tasmania, a state of Australia, so by definition no national sport. Answer me this , do you follow the AFL or the MFC? I know I follow the mighty Demons not the AFL and if because of less money from TV deals is available for the sport I will still follow the mighty DEES. If they played in the outer eastern league not the super must continually expand AFL I would still be there. Is GWS good for FOOTBALL not TV or AFL. Football, There is a difference, Vlad wouldn't think so but there is. To continually get the crowds they are getting isn't growing the sport, I have seen bigger pie lines at the G than they get thru the gate. As for whats his face I have no problem him going to GWS but he lied to a dying man, so as a person he is a SKUMBAG! And thank you Sheedy we nearly got landed with him.
    2 points
  38. The last 2 months of '87 were incredible ... I too was at the the Western Oval for that last H&A game of 1987 and the day was memorable, joyous and unforgettable. In the same round, we needed the Hawks to defeat the Cats at Geelong for us to have a chance to play finals. From memory, Hawthorn were 3 goals down against Geelong entering the time on period. They got up and won and in doing so, they made sure we were going to be playing finals again for the first time since 1964. I'll bet Hawthorn weren't thinking they'd be playing the Demons 3 weeks later in a PF. We were underdogs against North and Sydney in the EF and SF but obliterated both teams playing a fantastic brand of footy. Also went to all the finals but I remember the PF most for all the missed shots and that we had a strong wind behind our backs for the first 3 quarters. We had our chances that day but didn't take them. The other lasting memory was how much support we had in the finals - both from our own supporters and also from those who supported other teams. Suddenly, we were the team to watch. It was a great 2 months. At some stage in the next few years, I'm confident we'll get on a roll just like we did in '87.
    2 points
  39. Adam Treloar ... 4 year contract and $500,000 a year. Forget the GWS wasteland. Join Dom Tyson at the Dees
    2 points
  40. We will beat Port next week on neutral ground Theyve struggled at home vs the Hawks who have basically their 5 best players out Time for the MFC to expose some more South Australian pretenders
    2 points
  41. It's going to be really interesting to see how or if we can block their run and carry. We've done pretty well at stopping teams play the game on their terms. Can we do it against Port? I guess we will find out. Cross to Boak, Jones? Bail will probably track Broadbent who is their distributor out of the back half, Pittard is no 2 distributor but he does come unstuck more under pressure.
    2 points
  42. Watching PA tonight we r really going to find out how far behind we r against a top side. Geez they play well as a team and their pressure is immense.
    2 points
  43. Bummers are obviously more concerned about controlling the fallout than the welfare of their players. Its lamentable and scandalous really that there trying to avoid a class action. Surprising ? no
    2 points
  44. I have said it before but next to Roos I think George Stone is the most important to tie up tightly. Much of our midfield turnaround is due to him. As long as he stays in place and we pick a coach that has the players respect we'll be OK.
    2 points
  45. Can't believe we lost to this mob they are terrible, the sook will kick 10 before half time
    2 points
  46. The legendary Norman May at the opening ceremony for the 1972 Munich Olympics: " And here comes Sri Lanka----which is West German for Ceylon".
    2 points
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