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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/14 in all areas

  1. Good afternoon, just got back Correct, Jack Watts reckons the pain he experienced was like being hit with a Taser (must have had some wild weekends in Brighton to know what a Taser feels like), said disc had played up, but he is fine for the weekend Asked Chris Dawes to emit a small growl when he goes and stands next to Dale Morris on Saturday night, thankfully he laughed and didn't kill me The last drill mentioned by Pates was entertaining to watch, apart from Nate Jones copping it, Tom McDonald slipped when it was his go and got absolutely hammered, the comments when it was Jack Viney's turn were great to hear On Jack Viney, spoke to him, he is cool, whatever will be will be, more [censored] off they have a fine system in the playing group for every time you appear in the newspaper, reckon its cost him a fortune And asked Daniel Cross his opinion on both young sets of midfielders, said the Bulldogs were ahead in development as of today, but in the long run the best of the lot will be Jack Viney Can't see Frawley playing, I was told no train no play and he has missed both sessions, Col Garland was 'really' non committal when I asked him if he was in On to the Toump, told him I was asking on behalf of supporters on this board, told me he was fine putting everything he said, paraphrasing His head is in a good space, he is a second year midfielder with a long career ahead of him hopefully Disappointed he is not in AFL side but aiming to deliver consistently, matter of waiting for somebody to get injured or lose form, have to earn place now, if you want to force the issue you need to be exceptional for 2 o 3 games at Casey rather than just consistently good Got exactly the same response from both Tapscott and Clisby, coaches are pleased with their output but they have to bide their time or be exceptional, Tappy looking forward to the weekend because he is now fully match fit again Jordie McKenzie was sent back to Casey, he is expected to become more 'rounded', midfielders are expected now to be able to kick goals, create, inside and outside, run both ways etc etc.......he also explained that when players are given a role they sit down with the coaches and are given five or six dot points of what is expected from them in that role As for the ruck division question, Pedersen trained for only the second time I have seen with the other rucks (Jamar, Fitzpatrick, Gawn) and Greg Stafford, so think the ruck combo for Saturday will be the same Dean Kent absolutely [censored] he got suspended, he was ready to try and force his way back in Didn't get a a chance to speak with Strauss he zoomed away Think that is about it Any questions feel free
    27 points
  2. 26 points
  3. So I went to training, first time for a long time, so I'll give you a little rundown of what I observed. They did a few different sort of match simulation drills; running the ball out of defense, passing to leads etc. Not really too much to tell, some were cleaner than others, a couple of times the usual suspects butchered the ball but players like Salem were a standout at hitting targets. Watts and Dawes came off a little early but neither were concerned, just management it looks like. Watts will play. Frawley was nowhere to be seen but it wasn't unexpected, he'll be selected to play but whether or not he does is another story. If he doesn't I'd like to see Garlo given a crack up forward or bring in Gawn for a tall target. The only downer for me was Fitzy didn't seem into it, I don't know if he's carrying an injury of some kind but he was probably the only one a felt dissapointed by. I kept forgetting who no. 27 was but once I realised it was Reilly I was excited. If Viney ends up being sent to the gallows I reckon he should be given a crack, he looks good. The last drill I saw was where a player had to pick up the ball and then bounce off 4 teammates with the collision bags. Naturally Nate Jones loved this, and he copped a good whack from someone so he demanded the bag for himself, he was the last impact player so needless to say he put his full body in it. The boys were laughing it up, when Viney went in there comments like "good spin" and "two weeks" were being thrown around. The highlight though was when Tyson stepped up and bounced off everyone and then evaded Jonesy with him ending up falling flat on his face. Ended up in a "brawl" with everyone sort of piling on top of Jones. Atmosphere was really good, chatter was up and everyone was in good spirits. A pies fan walked up to Dawes and suggested we should get NikNat, Dawes said, "nah we don't need him". I didn't stay till the end but there wasn't much media presence which surprised me a little. Maybe they turn up afterwards though so I'm not sure.
    21 points
  4. Tribunal Rhapsody by PowerForGood on BF Bay13. Is this real football? Or is this just fantasy Caught on a replay No escape from the MRP Open your eyes Look at the slow-mo and see <Viney statement> I'm just a young boy, I need no sympathy Because I sometimes bump, sometimes no A little high, little low Anywhere the ball goes, doesn't really matter to me, to me MRP, I just bumped a man Tucked my elbow in for sure Hip and shoulder, broke his jaw Mama, my season has just begun But now you want to throw it all away <MRP> Viney, ooo Didn't know what else to do You’ll need to come back again this time tomorrow Come along, come along, on tribunal matters <Lynch testimony> Too late, my jaw is broke Sends shivers down my spine Body's aching all the time Goodbye everybody - I've got to go Gotta leave you all behind to debate the truth <Viney> Mama, ooo - (anyway the ball goes) I don't want a ban I sometimes wish I'd never bumped Lynch at all <AFL prosecutor> I see a little silhouetto of a man Scaramouch**, scaramouch why’d you do the big-bumpo Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening indeed <high> Think of the children, <low> Think of the children, <high> Think of the children, <low> Think of the children, Won’t somebody think of the children – You Have To Go-o-o—o-o <Viney> But I'm just a Viney and everybody loves me <Defence lawyer> He's just a young boy from a footy family Spare him his season from this monstrosity Easy bump, easy no - will you let me go Tribunal! No - we will not let you go - <Bay 13> Let Him Go! Tribunal! We will not let you go - <Bay 13> Let Him Go! Tribunal! We will not let you go - <Bay 13> Let Him Go! Will not let you go - <Viney> let me go (never) Never let you go - <Viney> let me go Never let me go – ooo No, no, no, no, no, no, no <Viney> Oh Roosy dear, Roosy dear, why won’t they let me go What appeal process have the Demons put aside for me for me for me <turns towards tribunal> So you think you can suspend me, look me in the eye So you think you can judge me, it’s all just a lie Oh Gillon - can't do this to me Gillon Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here <Viney storms out> <Gerard Whateley ending> Ooh yeah, ooh yeah Nothing really matters Anyone can see Nothing really matters – The game of Aussie Rules is lost…… to me Anyway the ball goes...
    19 points
  5. How loud is the roar going to be when Jack gets his first touch of the ball on Saturday night
    15 points
  6. And so on a cold autumn day the club that invented the game of Australian Rules Football was chosen by fate to defend the game. Todd Viney, hard nut and former Melbourne captain joined the Demons in 1987. This was incidentally a year that the Demons made the finals after spending over a decade in the football wilderness, directionless, weakened and starved. There was something poetic about Jack Viney being the figurehead in this controversy, and the eras that both father and son entered the club bore striking similarities. Jack Viney is not what the AFL community expect in a Melbourne footballer, he is brash, hard confident and expectant of success. In a week where the club has started to claw back some respect it was thrown into the limelight, all eyes were on Viney and the Melbourne Football Club had to stand up and fight. The fight wasn't just about a player missing out on 2 weeks of footy unjustly, it was about protecting the integrity of the game. This week Melbourne Football Club was noticed, and for the right reasons. It wasn't being laughed at as a pisspoor opponent, or pitied as a weakling. It was the aggressor. It had the courage to stand before it's benefactor the AFL and demand justice for it's player, the club and the game in general. For those who opposed the appeal, "up yours". Your attitude is old Melbourne. New Melbourne is hard, brash and uncompromising and Jack Viney is it's face. Here endeth the curse.
    13 points
  7. Would just like to make a post in appreciation to the club, and a friend who works in Membership, Brooklyn. I took a friend from Germany who has never seen AFL to watch Melbourne defeat the Crows. We both got to help raise the banner which was also great experience for her on the night. My friend is currently backpacking in Melbourne before starting University in Australia. The Club has organised two free tickets and something signed by a player for the game Saturday night. This is greatly appreciated, and they have now secured a life long supporter and member form here on in. Thanks MFC and Brooklyn.
    13 points
  8. Il be the first to put my hand up and say I have been critical in Saty in alot ways but very respectful for the mountain of work he does going to training and providing valued inside info. Especially for someone like me that lives 3 hours into the country. A job well done Saty. This place would be alot more dull without you.
    13 points
  9. Yep Looking at that Alexis G definitely still suffering from concussion.
    11 points
  10. Nom, nom, nom. Needs more salt. I'll get it from Damian Barrett's tears.
    10 points
  11. Great news for the game. Great news for our young gun. Lets hope Lynch heals up real sweet and we see him back on the park in full flight ASAP. The Derminator, Ricciutio, Hawkins, the Ox and many other media scribes (Purple headed donk an exception) need to be thanked for their amazing push on this one. Without these big names weighing in heavily i very much doubt the AFL (Vlad) would have even allowed an appeal by a small player like us. Dermie can now head to his AFL Legends night knowing he contributed to a protecting the integrity of the game on this one.
    10 points
  12. What a great week for this club. The re-branding of it is well and truly underway. 1. We beat the Crows against the odds in Adelaide. It was a bloody sensational win. 2. Our young gun, Jack Viney, is then the victim of a truly disgraceful tribunal decision. The entire football community gets behind him. Footage is shown throughout the week that depicts our young bull playing the very opposite of 'bruise free' football. Everyone in the continent watches it. 3. The new regime at the MFC stands behind our young bull and makes a statement to the AFL world - it appeals the decision. 4. Given the history of unsuccessful appeals, quite unbelievably, against the odds, our appeal is upheld. For the first time in a while, it feels really good to be a Demons supporter. Thank you Paul Roos. Thank you Peter Jackson. Thank you Josh Mahoney. And thank you Jack Viney. Special mention to the 22 players who took the field last weekend, the assistant coaches and Mr Grace QC.
    9 points
  13. "Jack was a bit caught up in all the legal speak, didn't realise he actually got off until his representative told him he was "free", to which he replied; "yeah sweet."" Paraphrasing as reported from SEN with a reporter at the hearing. Love this kid.
    9 points
  14. Jack has broken bones, hearts, AND now tribunals. The kid is just BEAASSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTT.
    9 points
  15. Now, the previous panel should never ever again be allowed to sit on a panel.
    9 points
  16. I think it'll be more helpful receiving annual payments so I bought a yearly and donated an extra $70. Thanks to everyone that contributes to the site, it's my 2nd favourite thing on the Internet, besides porn.
    9 points
  17. I can't believe that people are now saying the bump is "alive" or "back". It's as dead as it ever has been, this incident had nothing to do with the bump.
    8 points
  18. I'd listen to Gerard Whateley over just about anyone else.
    8 points
  19. Can georgeou get cited for this?
    7 points
  20. Thrilled but also poignant to wish Lynch the best in his recovery and hopefully no hard feelings.
    7 points
  21. Mr Viney is how Jack should be referred to by everyone in the football community lest their jaw be broken in 2 places.
    7 points
  22. I agree, they should be winning for a good Victorian beer, not any of that Queensland rubbish.
    7 points
  23. Jack should get 4 weeks for leaving Barrett's jaw intact.
    6 points
  24. Mitch Clark ✔ @MitchClark11 Follow Great result. I love the way @jackviney7 attacks the footy. Now bring on the doggies. Clark bleeds red and blue ... not Maroon, blue, and gold. If Clark ever returns to football I think it will be for the MFC
    6 points
  25. Buy this man a drink. David Grace QC
    6 points
  26. Teams are in. In: Garland Out: Georgiou (Omitted) - another Viney victim. Too soon?
    6 points
  27. And you still have money to donate!!!!!
    6 points
  28. And for some light relief: Titus O'Reily ‏@TitusOReily 3m As everyone entered the Tribunal room, Jack Viney accidentally brushed passed someone and now faces an extra eight weeks
    6 points
  29. I was miffed that Kent got rubbed out too. Best 22 player for mine and I want him back on in.
    6 points
  30. Probably has already been posted somewhere in here but:
    6 points
  31. Excuse me guys but is this not the 'Training " thread? There are about four threads on the Viney bump
    6 points
  32. Great result and great support from the majority of the football community, I doubt we would have had success without them. There always those that will call black if most call white, but they are generally attention seeing try hards who don't care about the issue only the resultant publicity. Good on Dermie and Roo it was great to see them put it in simple terms and stand up for the integrity of the game. There has to be some changes made to the tribunal to get some new and younger blood on the panel; it would help if they played AFL Football this century.
    5 points
  33. Happy with the result, but a little bemused that the appeal went our way. I thought we were really unlucky with the initial hearing, but overturning that is a different matter.
    5 points
  34. Great result. Good to see presedent and CEO at hearing. Also noticed Dermie with a Melbourne tie on foxtel league teams.
    5 points
  35. Oh yeah, and go suck it Barrett you [censored]!
    5 points
  36. I believe you have to eat your hat...... and don't try deleting all related posts
    5 points
  37. Hahaha Damien barrett will sook this right up
    5 points
  38. Panel obviously took a look at this face and thought better of it.
    5 points
  39. I'm an ex MFC/MCC member and am in Italy. Just purchased my new wife, myself and our 2 dogs (yes MFC has pet memberships) new memberships, she's a Carlton supporter but bad luck! I'd be dead over here without the constant footy updates and bickering! Happy to help out.
    5 points
  40. Just payed membership, but I will miss all those gorgeous women wanting to meet and marry me. Made me feel like I was special (oh hang on, I am special, I'm an MFC tragic!).
    5 points
  41. 1. Rough Conduct (High Bumps) The Player Rules provide that a player will be guilty of rough conduct where in the bumping of an opponent (whether reasonably or unreasonably) he causes forceful contact to be made with any part of his body to an opponent’s head or neck unless a. he player was contesting the ball and did not have a realistic alternative way to contest the ball; or b. the forceful contact to the head or neck was caused by circumstances outside the control of the player which could not reasonably be foreseen. This is from the rule book. He is allowed to contest the ball - he hit it. Lynch was tackled as he began his 'bump' (or 'brace' or whatever semantics we wish to use) and it brought his jaw into play and Jack could not have 'foreseen' a 192cm persons jaw to be in line with his shoulder on his 175cm frame. If the Tribunal applied the 'laws' as they stand - Jack would be playing these next two weeks. Don't blame the law. *put the above in the training thread for some stupid reason...
    5 points
  42. Maybe you could come to an agreement with the club and advertise the MFC sponsors (New Balance/AHG etc.) on the site and in return the club gives say $50/100 a month. Love your work Demonland, Nasher and all the others
    5 points
  43. Does anyone else feel like Jack Viney was destined to be involved in a landmark case involving attack on the footy? He could be "the man that saved football."
    5 points
  44. if it was a pre determined decision, it was obviously made because they thought it was the direction the public wanted the game to go, clearly they were wrong when 92% of people voted they thought he should get off, and the other 8% was Damien barrett with fake names.
    5 points
  45. This thread is his intention. He deliberately takes the controversial side of every topic to stir up debate and make himself the centre of it... and you're all lapping it up! Stop feeding the troll.
    5 points
  46. an unmade bed that can sing. I still stand by the time Liam Pickering told Hutchy to his face live on SEN that he always looked like an "unmade bed", as being the funniest thing i have ever heard on radio. I laughed so hard the Coco Pops cereal i was eating came out of my nose.
    5 points
  47. There is a lot of rubbish being thrown around regarding this saga. First, we get morons like Damian Barrett who spurt the 'we have to protect the head' line. Of course we do, no one is debating that. It's not the policy of the AFL's that we're concerned with here, it's the implementation of that policy, and in particular, it's implementation in Viney's circumstances. For that reason Barrett's entire article is, like the rest of his pathetic existence, irrelevant. Second, we get those who say 'it's not Viney's fault, it's the rule'. Actually, I think the rule is relatively decent. It provides that if you elect to bump and you had a realistic alternative to bumping, then the onus is on you to avoid the head. That's fair, I think - if you are on the field, you have the option of bumping and the option of, for example, tackling, then if you make that decision to bump, and you hit a player in the head, then you should be penalised. Again, the issue is in the application of that rule to this situation - Viney did not 'elect' to bump. He 'elected' to brace himself for impact. The rule also provides that if you don't have a realistic alternative to bumping, then you can't be held liable for the consequences. The word 'realistic' gets lost in this debate. It's one thing to say he had alternatives - yes, theoretically he could have jumped, or he could have dropped to the ground to let Lynch run over him, or he could have leaped forward, or he could have pivoted, or whatever. But is any one of those options 'realistic'? Of course not. Realistically, he had no alternative course of action but to brace himself for impact given he and Lynch were running towards each other and the ball had bounced away from him. So I'm not upset at the wording of the rule, or the AFL's general policy to attempt to reduce head injuries. I'm upset at the way that rule has been implemented by the Tribunal, which IMO has got it unquestionably and unjustifiably wrong. The appeal ground, that the decision was so unreasonable that no reasonable Tribunal could have come to it given the evidence, is a high bar to clear. Very high. But it's designed to avoid decision-makers coming to conclusions that are pre-conceived or irrational. Here, the evidence before the Tribunal simply does not, in any manner, lend itself to the conclusion that Viney had a realistic alternative to contesting the ball. To me, that's sufficient to clear the bar, and that's without acknowledging that Viney didn't even bump, or elect to bump, in the first place. Except for, you know, the Trengove appeal. All of two years ago. Agreed - Hodge got off last year through a correct implementation of this rule. He had no realistic alternative. Unfortunately, the Tribunal (and, I suppose, the Appeals Board) do not operate on a model of precedent. It's a disgrace, it's something the AFLPA under Matt Finnis wanted changed, but it's how things are.
    4 points
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