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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/04/14 in Posts

  1. 27 points
  2. Saty, you know me and know I am not the hysterical type. I also don't have beer and pies at the footy or hurl abuse at our players. However I was disgusted with Jack's attitude on sunday. It is not the first time this year that I have felt that. Personally I like Jack and have spoken to him several times and have found him to be a very nice guy. BUT, when you are an AFL player and get a lot of money, from a club that we all raise funds for and invest our passion in, certain minimum standards must be displayed. One of those is trying your best. Jack clearly did not. I know Jack is not a ferocious player and I make allowances for that, but when the ball is there you go for it, when your opponent has it you tackle and chase, you don't stand there pointing, which is basically all he did all game. On one occasion right in front of me, he was in front of Prestia, who comes up to his navel, when a pass was coming and he was so worried about getting hurt by Prestia, who was behind him, he put out one hand and dropped a simple mark. It was nothing short of pathetic. Lastly, I won't be going up to Jack to tell him this personally, as it is not my place to do so, but I am sure the Coaches will. I would not be shocked if he is dropped this week.
    12 points
  3. This is me, I was at training, would not be surprised at all if Salem debuts, had a chat to him afterwards about the Premier League and other things haha All I could get about Spencer from anybody was he was inside training, would be surprised if he is hamed Spoke to a couple of the 'wounded' Kent is still a week away, Michie 2 weeks (has a plate in his jaw, and lost a wisdom tooth Riley is now on unrestricted game time, would not like to be playing against him this week, wants to get his name in the frame for the Adelaide game, asked him if he really lkes hurting opponents legally, you can guess the answer Nev Jetta's feedback was he had played the role he was instructed to play Bumped into Jesse Hogan on Swan St before training, getting frustrated, can't seem to shake it off when ramping up the training, Club is looking at all avenues to find the exact problem, told him to keep his chin up and he gave me a thumbs up For all the Watts fans out there, he did extra tackling drills and got knocked around quite a bit Luke Tapscott is finally ready to play, had a laugh about how normally he can't get through pre season, was overjoyed when he did nearly the whole of it and thinks he jinxed himself, thinks he might carry a lucky stone in his sock. And if he is picked for all the other haters it will be Roh Bail's 50th game
    11 points
  4. Alcohol not a factor apparently (he was breath tested). Weird though because he seemingly hit 3 cars head on totaling his car and the other 3. Police are continuing to investigate the collision but say it is too early to determine whether speed was a factor. Do they mean how fast the car was travelling?
    11 points
  5. I'm sorry but your saying how bad it must be for the fans by not putting 'indefinite' next to his name on the injury list... That it is a setback for you, that they are getting your hopes up and your being let down? That because you pay a membership every year your entitled to know everythign that goes on in his life and everythign he does requires your approval. As fans are you really that conceited? Imagine being him in this situation.. He was physically fit to play last year but ages restrictions didn't allow it, and now he is of age he isn't physically fit. Consider the state of mind that puts him, having to sit on the sidelines when his been itching to finally run onto the G since the beginning of the 2013 season and fulfil a childhood dream. You have to realise that he has been dealt a hefty blow and as if there isn't enough pressure on him, that he needs so called 'fans' such as yourselves having a dig at every chance, at him, at the club, at the medical staff.. running your mouths saying 'lets trade him' 3 months into his first eligible season, blaming him for his own injury and trying to put Mitch Clarkes own personal demons at the hands of the medical & support staff. Please. 1) you're obviously ignorant to mental illnesses and 2) you're not the loyal fans you depict yourself as... So much for #myheartbeattrue hey?! Yes he does have stress fracutures, yes his injury is a symptomatic one. He COULD train without issues over the next 2-3 weeks, get half a game in the reserves, and a full game the following consecutive week, build that match fitness up and WHAM BAM you'll having the saving grace you all desire so badly.... OR... he could be out for a little longer, overcome his injury and other set backs, get the right state of mind. They havent said it is indefinite yet, there is still an estimated amount of weeks, but put yourself in his shoes- at least giving a timeframe gives him something to work towards, to see progress with his body and see himself on the right track. a silver lining at the end of the tunnel. Do you really want the kid out there so bad that your willing to risk his longterm playing career? Sure he could play through the pain, but he's 19, he shouldn't have to and how long will he have to? Do you want him to be a 2 year player or a 12 year player? An extended break or rest may just be on the cards, better to do it right the first time round and wrap him in bubble wrap. As for the PS matches, he had earnt his spot to play as much as any other player out there and his first goal showed a glimpse of how great he will be and believe me he will be one of the best players Melbourne has produced because he has strength and character and the drive. It'd be wise to bite your tongue and quit with the criticism until you're given a reason to criticise. As said above he is a 'once in a generation player'. You need to realise this is his livelihood, not yours. As much as your support would be appreciated by him and fellow players, your negativy and pressure is not. He is a 19 year old kid waiting for the chance to play his first senior game and having to watch other players get to play his position week in and week out- not from earning it, but because there isn't anyone else. So stiff luck if you have to see 4-5 weeks when you check the paper. He will be worth the wait.
    8 points
  6. Firstly, his West Coast (18 touches, 9 marks), GWS (18 touches, 2 goals) and Carlton (14 touches, 4 tackles and 2 goals) games were all pretty decent, while nothing special, definitely appeared to be making inroads. Last week was a step back, but he needs to be in the team. It was a soft match but Roos will not lose faith after 1 really poor match.
    7 points
  7. I wish him all the best. The only player that gave me and my daughter the time of day a couple of years ago at the family day.
    6 points
  8. If it makes you feel better, in a conversation I had with PJ he said, "don't panic Paul isn't going anywhere". That was in response to my question of whether he would be with us for at least 3 years.
    6 points
  9. Just got back, had to leave a bit early unfortunately. Like last weeks main training session, Spencil was a no show. Hogan did some walking, went over to the rooms and then came back over after and watched the end of the session. Kent had a light session, obviously still restricted with the calf soreness. After warm up stretches Georgiou, Toumpas, Tappscott and Mitchie did some laps. God I hope Tappscott can get himself right and have a big second half of the season, he's a big unit and unlike others I think he has what it takes to make it. Early on the boys did a drill moving the ball on quickly while a lot who have been at Casey did a close contested drill moving the ball by hand quickly, surprisingly for me Judy was in this group. After this they did a wrestling/tackling drill, with them on the ground with one trying to dislodge the ball from the others, real show of strength stuff so not surprised Barry made the comment overheard. Next up was a stoppage drill, rucks contesting and from the stoppage moving the ball the length of the field at speed. Also at some stage the rucks did some drills, Jamar, Gawn, King, Fitzpatrick and Pedersen all involved. Next, they had a triangulated drill, using the ball by hand and then foot. More match simulation type work followed. Overall they looked pretty good, though wasn't watching as close as often do, but skill level was pretty good and considering it was a bit blowy at times was happy with it. Have said it before, but will say it again, am impressed with how much more hands on Roos is compared to MN and between each drill he would call the squad in and address them, if only we could hear what was said it would be great but can't...
    6 points
  10. Anyone meditating the house down?
    6 points
  11. Hopefully it's HD footage of Trengove applying said foot to Barrett's behind at high speed.
    5 points
  12. I wonder if Neeld might be tempted to tweet some encouraging words.
    5 points
  13. I thought the 9 he kicked against the Pies H&A in a half of footy was better IMO. But yeah 8 goals in a Prelim is damn awesome. Lets face it he was awe inspiring! Was the next big thing from the Allen Jakovich & Schwarta Glory days at that point... None of us will forget Wiz...shame he went to play for those tacky coloured morons in the west..He wasn't the same....Grew a big mane...and knocked us off after the siren one time.. That was hard to watch..
    5 points
  14. sigh.......this is such tokenism won't be long before we have a different jumper for some cause every week
    5 points
  15. The "lack of skills" thing is a cop out. IMO it has more to do with confidence. The Cats and Hawks, more so the Cats, trust each other in ways befitting of a battlefield. They trust each other to win a contest, or at least put the team in a position to win the ball. The lower teams don't do this. I understand that it is in theory a "skill", but saying the lower teams "lack skill" sounds more like an excuse, like as if to say "We're not up to it skill which is why we can't compete". But you ARE up to it, otherwise you wouldn't be playing AFL. Confidence is an amazing thing. You'd be amazed how much more skilful a player becomes when they have confidence. They hit targets, back up their efforts. I believe myself that without a robust faith and confidence in your own skills, you can't be successful. The team lost on Sunday, not because it lacked skill. It was because it lacked the confidence to take the game on when it was there for the taking. The Suns also struggled with this. No one is denying the Suns' class.
    5 points
  16. I am somewhat gobsmacked by the criticism of the medical and fitness staff on here. I will state categorically that the criticism may be well justified but that is if and only if you have insight into the management of injured players and no one here does. We can criticise our coach for not making a move or not playing a player because we have enough insight to give an opinion. We can criticise a player for the way he plays ( even though we don't the coaches instructions) because we have a fair understanding of the game and how we perceive it should be played. But to criticise the medical and fitness with no knowledge of how injuries were actually sustained, identified, input from the players themselves ( how many times do you hear players admit after the event that there were less than honest about the extent of soreness or an injury) and management of the injuries is an opinion without any foundation whatsoever.
    5 points
  17. Math tests were not available at this time but I'm tipping he would not have passed those...
    5 points
  18. Roos is a man after my own heart: http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2014-04-24/systems-first-then-personnel-roos There are some who would say you should coach for the list you have but Roos is saying that the players we have are going to learn the game plan he wants to implement. And I sense the implicit point that those that play the system will be preferred to more talented players that don't play the system.
    4 points
  19. It is amusing that if Beamer and Sylvia were not previously Melbourne players, I would say get them cheap at the end of the year.
    4 points
  20. Absolutely no way we let Hogan go, seen this kid in the Development squads, Colts, his NAB 2013 & 14 and live last year vs the Northern Blues. He has shown all the traits as a once in a generation player. A must keep
    4 points
  21. I really dislike these empty statements. We will never know unless he leaves. If that happens you will blame him for leaving then forget your grandiose statement. I have one for you. Every other club would love to have him.
    4 points
  22. I think we are about par for the improvement I had hoped for. I was realistic and thought we would finish bottom three this year, but I think some posters forget just how far back we are coming from. Melbourne of 2013 were one of worst sides in AFL/VFL history.
    4 points
  23. Personally think thats a crock OD. 6 years yes, but I don't think that his time under Neeld and possibly Bailey was well managed, I think Roos needs more than one pre season to get Watts into the shape that he needs to be. I have no doubt you will come back that I am just making excuses, but other than Jones none of our list has shown much... if any significant development in the last 3-4 years. Goddard was slagged off for the first 5-6 years for being soft and a wasted talent, he did eventually come good, Watts is similar to Goddard to me in this sense, and I think Watts still has several years of improvement in him. He is still a better player than those like NicNat, Kruezer and co..., that and the fact that he has shown the club loyalty and re-signed when he was being heavily courted last year means something to me also.
    4 points
  24. Just on that Jeff Farmers missus got on the MFC facebook page and made a comment at how much the Wiz regretted moving to Freo and that he will always be a Demon first. Apparently Freo gave him the heave ho and cut all ties with him even club at functions, where to this day our great club always welcomes him into the rooms and past players over in Perth whenever we play there. In fact last year Wiz was at the training day before the Freo game over there. Players were in absolute awe of him. One of my all time favourite MFC players. Loved him as a kid straight away and still love him to this day. If he had stayed in Melbourne we would have won a grand Final he was seriously so electrifying for us.
    4 points
  25. Agree with Cudi. Outside of a couple wilfully blind rah-rah merchants Landers can see the light at the end of the tunnel. To the bandwagoners that will make up the 36k-45k members we want over the next few years - all they see is more darkness that we are travelling through. We need a big statement to get half of them onboard this season. Otherwise we will have to continue the small improvements and get them next year or the year after. They want to rock up to a QB game and have their friends and the voices on the radio tell them we are a chance. Until that mindset happens - our support and membership will stay where it is.
    4 points
  26. Why should we "genuinely have won"? Let's call a spade a spade, shall we? Reality is that unsigned members are unsigned because the club isn't winning games. Improvement will not be enough short term to attract people to games apart from the faithful that have sat through 100-point losses. The diehards will judge this team after 5 rounds and say they have improved. The bandwagoners that signed up after 2010 that dropped off after 2011, 2012, are not going to sign up again until they aren't embarrassed to have a Melbourne sticker on their car. Let's face reality here: the club needs to start winning games if it wants to achieve its off-field goals. That's not to invalidate the team's growth and improvement, but what we've seen so far will really only satisfy those with a strong knowledge of the game. Otherwise, it's just another 4 losses, one of which was a 100-point loss, and two against teams that have three wooden spoons between them in 3 seasons. That is not going to having people rushing back to buy memberships. It's imperative the club wins at least 6 games this season. Otherwise, growing membership next year will be very, very tough. Is the club still optimistic about breaking even this year? Its two home games so far have been against the Eagles and Suns, both would have been substantial losses. The first two rounds are the most important for attracting members: one was at Etihad, which Melbourne fans hate, the other was at the MCG where we lost by 100-points and played Neeld-era football. Yeah, there's improvement...comparatively. But so far as growing as a CLUB, it needs to win more games. What happens if it goes into Round 10 bye 1-8? That would be no more an improvement than in 2013. Statistically, maybe there's an improvement, but for those that dropped off and didn't resign as members, it'll be the same old. It's a lot more complex than "improving". You need to win games. I was filthy after Sunday. My girlfriend fed me the typical "at least they only lost by 8 points". I am sick of that rhetoric.
    4 points
  27. My theory is that Buddy drives in a similar fashion to the way he kicks for goal i.e he does a dramatic veer to the left as he unwinds to kick the footy. Hence, he did the same thing last night and wrote off four cars.
    4 points
  28. I am comfortable with the direction of the club and have faith the guys in charge know what needs to be done. My only concern is how long they are sticking around for. The performance of the team has been light years ahead of last season with the exception of round 2. However I'm a rusted on tragic who renews each October so I'm not one of the target audience.
    4 points
  29. Guys, I just thought I'd let you know. If you work or live in the CBD. I and a few old mates will be selling Anzac badges in the foyer or outside the Optus Building 357 Collins Street. Tomorrow (Thurs) You could come in after you have taken the morning off from work to watch training Come in make yourself known and part with some hard earned $$ I am the only Melbourne supporter and will be wearing a Red & Blue tie.
    4 points
  30. Hey, if you really think that way, then why not turn up yourself and tell him straight to his face?
    4 points
  31. Well done on the achievement. I'm a fan of him at his best; he offers run and intent that others in our side could learn from. If he can develop some consistency and gain a little polish, his next 50 may come a little quicker. It does feel like he's been around a long time.
    3 points
  32. congrats to Christian Salem and its well deserved after great form at Casey
    3 points
  33. Love it guys. "Get stuck in" and "Red hot go". I just need another half dozen of those cliches and my preview will write itself.
    3 points
  34. This year we needed to build a solid foundation to work from, get our culture right, get the players heads right and get a workable game plan/structures in place. I have faith that this is occurring and believe we will show on-field improvement in the second half of the season which will give uis a solid foundation to build from heading into next season. It's not ideal, we should be aiming for finals and premierships every single season, but the reality is this is where we are at. We need to get the foundations right so that in the future that is where we can be, where the likes of Hawhtorn, Geelong, Sydney, Collingwood, West Coast etc are now
    3 points
  35. We get the point Lamashtu (insert joking emoticon here)
    3 points
  36. His playing days are over in my eyes... I'm all for bringing him over for a coaching/development role, I just doubt he'd want to continue playing beyond this year.
    3 points
  37. He obviously feels his development would be harmed if he plays...
    3 points
  38. I think this is basic sense - first unknown is whether anyone on your current list can play to your plan ? Who would have said 2 years ago that Dunn would have stepped up ? You have to give the current list the opportunity to play to your plan rather than assume that they are duds ( which some are) and won't make the transition. As RPFC said - some with talent will go for not being to play as required and some lesser lights will stay because they will play the role Roos expects of them.
    3 points
  39. no, just rounding a bend using 'his natural arc' as the maggots describe it when he alone is allowed to run off his line when kicking from a set shot.
    3 points
  40. Salary cap means you can only afford so much, if players choose to leave for success and less money fair enough, but if it's more about money then were still in with a chance. The Hawks can't afford every one. I don't think anyone we've lost so far has affected the club that much, plus through trade we've acquired good players. Securing current talent is a priority. The club should have plenty of cap space next year, are they already shopping themselves?
    3 points
  41. I'm looking forward to seeing JKH's career progress, but jeez, he's overrated on here.
    3 points
  42. . One less than he needs to get suspended.
    2 points
  43. Easily: "Hogan damaged his back in a recent NAB Challenge match when a knee from an opponent forced him from the field. "
    2 points
  44. Lynden Dunn for sure....seems to have cut out the regular brain fades he used to have. Jack Viney -.given limited pre-season, surprised at immediate impact (if only JW attacked the pill with similar ferocity) James Frawley - surprised at forward nous
    2 points
  45. Let's ease him in and let him make his debut against the Dees Oh Crap,we are the Dees
    2 points
  46. We're improving, definitely, but not even close yet.
    2 points
  47. Of course it's a defensible argument you just choose to ignore it. Player has history of foot injuries. Player has pain in foot. Scan fails to identify injury. Player continues playing despite pain. Subsequent scan finds significant injury to player which was likely exacerbated through the poor management by the club. It's a fairly logical sequence of events that most reasonable people would accept but we're just supposed to dismiss the possibility because it's not a defensible argument on the say so of who? You? Please, some of us still have the capacity for critical thought.
    2 points
  48. you're under no such restriction
    2 points
  49. Who wouldn't have a sore back with 50 years worth of hopes and dreams on their shoulders
    2 points
  50. 2 points
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