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  1. I'm sorry but your saying how bad it must be for the fans by not putting 'indefinite' next to his name on the injury list... That it is a setback for you, that they are getting your hopes up and your being let down? That because you pay a membership every year your entitled to know everythign that goes on in his life and everythign he does requires your approval. As fans are you really that conceited? Imagine being him in this situation.. He was physically fit to play last year but ages restrictions didn't allow it, and now he is of age he isn't physically fit. Consider the state of mind that puts him, having to sit on the sidelines when his been itching to finally run onto the G since the beginning of the 2013 season and fulfil a childhood dream. You have to realise that he has been dealt a hefty blow and as if there isn't enough pressure on him, that he needs so called 'fans' such as yourselves having a dig at every chance, at him, at the club, at the medical staff.. running your mouths saying 'lets trade him' 3 months into his first eligible season, blaming him for his own injury and trying to put Mitch Clarkes own personal demons at the hands of the medical & support staff. Please. 1) you're obviously ignorant to mental illnesses and 2) you're not the loyal fans you depict yourself as... So much for #myheartbeattrue hey?! Yes he does have stress fracutures, yes his injury is a symptomatic one. He COULD train without issues over the next 2-3 weeks, get half a game in the reserves, and a full game the following consecutive week, build that match fitness up and WHAM BAM you'll having the saving grace you all desire so badly.... OR... he could be out for a little longer, overcome his injury and other set backs, get the right state of mind. They havent said it is indefinite yet, there is still an estimated amount of weeks, but put yourself in his shoes- at least giving a timeframe gives him something to work towards, to see progress with his body and see himself on the right track. a silver lining at the end of the tunnel. Do you really want the kid out there so bad that your willing to risk his longterm playing career? Sure he could play through the pain, but he's 19, he shouldn't have to and how long will he have to? Do you want him to be a 2 year player or a 12 year player? An extended break or rest may just be on the cards, better to do it right the first time round and wrap him in bubble wrap. As for the PS matches, he had earnt his spot to play as much as any other player out there and his first goal showed a glimpse of how great he will be and believe me he will be one of the best players Melbourne has produced because he has strength and character and the drive. It'd be wise to bite your tongue and quit with the criticism until you're given a reason to criticise. As said above he is a 'once in a generation player'. You need to realise this is his livelihood, not yours. As much as your support would be appreciated by him and fellow players, your negativy and pressure is not. He is a 19 year old kid waiting for the chance to play his first senior game and having to watch other players get to play his position week in and week out- not from earning it, but because there isn't anyone else. So stiff luck if you have to see 4-5 weeks when you check the paper. He will be worth the wait.
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