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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/03/14 in all areas

  1. Nineteen asked me to post this Volunteer telemarketing has been going for a couple of weeks Tonight "drum roll" we beat the all time record of 65 signups Intrepid diallers were Geoff x 2, Steve, Sarah, Patricia, Perrin, Peter x2, Julian, Tim,Judith, Catherine x 2, John and Heather, I think, you should see the piece of paper Nineteen gave me, so apologies if wrong I also checked every cupboard in the offices, couldn't find a spare tall forward anywhere, although did get to shake Rod Grinter's hand
    15 points
  2. ok lets put some ill informed posts and rumours to bed. My sister happens to work for the media and has alittle (not all) knowledge of whats going on. ok. firstly mitch is in Melbourne. he and jones even posted the other day pics of a photo session they did together that day. Mitch daughter lives mostly with her mother in Brisbane. comes down every now and then and stays with Mitch and his now gf. Mitch has depression from a lot of different areas that he is dealing with. ie: not seeing his daughter everyday. not playing the sport he loves for 2 years. getting over a injury and then getting a new one over and over. Mitch is away from the club but still in contact with some players and the medical staff. he is doing his own training so we when mitch decides its time to come back (hopefully at the end of his 8 weeks off) he will be still fit and injury free. He will prob have to do acouple of weeks AFL training to get that fitness back and then a couple of games at casey to get match fitness. So in my understand and beliefs he will return to the club and he will play this year but not until the second half of the season.
    12 points
  3. stuie could be the frank burns of demonland?
    7 points
  4. The clash jumper worked on Sat night. It clashed.
    7 points
  5. Be careful about thinking you know who you're talking to. Clearly science is not your forte. Amino acids are the constituents of protein, of which the plant kingdom has the full array. And 'to be clear', muscle bulk is as achievable through a veg diet as it is for meat. Practical scientific truth. If you want to make assertions that can be either justified or shot down by science, then it's better not to be ignorant of that science. Do some reading.
    7 points
  6. For the love of god Mandee please do not go there. Delete thread now I see from your number of posts that you are relatively new - assuming you are not an old poster with a new name. As such i can only warn that such a thread is an invitation for the most mind numbing, soul sapping pap you will see for many a year. You have been warned.
    6 points
  7. First time I'd opened this thread for a few days. Seriously guys. FMD.
    6 points
  8. As disappointing as it was to lose on Saturday, it is a seven year relief to see the WAY they played, and hear Roos justifications for it. It's a relief to have a coach who sees the big picture, i.e. that change is a month by month rather than week by week project. For me, the future of our playing style is for once grounded in logic. Possession control, and hunting possession when it's lost. The stats also bore it out against the Saints. Lack of forwards and uncertainty cruelled us, but the practice is rock solid......and it's been a long time coming.
    5 points
  9. Well, pardon me if somebody else beat me to this. But I for one am not surprised that we already have a... a... ah, hell, I can barely bring myself to say it. Salem witch hunt.
    5 points
  10. I know that many think this topic has been flogged to death..but this clash Jumper situation needs to be fixed. On Saturday we wore a predominantly white jumper. A jumper that looked more like st kilda ..we incorporated a colour that clashed more. I then sit down Sunday to watch the Eagles v Dogs and see that they are wearing all red. The same all red the AFL supposedly banned us from wearing as they deemed it a dark colour. I realise nothing can be done about it this season but we need to get firm on this issue. We are the team of the red and blue..i dont care if its red with blue yoke or blue with red..we are not white and never had been..well apparently once in 1858 according to schwabb ..i want the footy club for once to stand up. A red jumper would eliminate all clashes. Richmond, Footscray, Collingwood, Essendon have all held firm..we should not compromise our brand. Fix it please !
    4 points
  11. I'm with you... Maybe not on that particular quote but the lack of transparency between the club and it's supporter base is pretty disgusting.I mean, what the hell is the point of the 'injury update' hosted by Burgen when Misson gives us absolutely nothing. Misson's response, especially when it comes to Dawes' injury is absolutely pathetic. They should either tell us what is really going on, or not give injury updates at all. Dawes clearly has some ongoing injuries with his 'leg', why do we continue to read 2-3 weeks.. Why is everything kept so quiet. Shits me to tears and expect more as a paid up MFC member.
    4 points
  12. definately im not. suffer myself and having a" better" day. sorry for the bad humour,i was reworking an old joke of biffs.{he told me it would get laughs}
    4 points
  13. i renew like a chump every bloody year. My head and wallet says no, but my stupid heart keeps saying yes.
    4 points
  14. he sells used cars too?
    3 points
  15. No key forwards for the next 3 weeks, losses to GWS, Carlton and Gold Coast are certain. 0-5, great way to start the year.
    3 points
  16. Always happens when you get a bunch of old f@rts in the same (virtual) place. They talk about bowel movements. Appropriate, given the amount of sht that's written on this thread.
    3 points
  17. Well it's clear BBO could actually be Klinger...
    3 points
  18. For what it's worth, I'd charaterise depression as being more like diabetes than cancer. Needs continuous monitoring. Everything you do has to take it into account. Generally, you've got it for life, at least to some extent. There's no established 'cultural practice' for family and friends to provide appropriate sympathy and support. But Managed well and with good information, the harm can be really effectively contained in most cases, and people can continue to live life in full. - - - - - Anyway, whatever the actual trouble for Mitch is, he is a lucky, lucky man in terms of his contract and working conditions. That doesn't mean he is doing even the slightest thing wrong by the club or the supporters. If anyone wants to be upset about it, try to keep perspective as far as recognising that ithis is a general 'AFL/sports elite distorted pay' issue, not a Mitch Clark issue.
    3 points
  19. Kilda players And that is the colour code selected to -reduce- the visual clash. That's why people get worked up about it - it is completely idiotic and fails even in it's intended purpose. Combine that with the club colours being traditional symbols of group identification and pride, it becomes insulting. For many supporters, every time they see those dopey clash strips it is like a sign hung on the players saying "Your club's symbols and traditions are less important to the AFL than our petty errors in spurious pursuit of a TV compatibility that was never an issue to begin with"
    3 points
  20. Our Clash jumper V St.Kilda Remove Jones (St.Kilda) from the foreground and we can see why the clash jumper had to be worn. (NOT!) In an instant a decision needs to be made, they all look the same. Wearing our real jumpers, the orginal, the one we are well known as the Melbourne Demons. Perhaps someone has a problem defining the 2 teams, I know I havent. Its chalk and cheese to the above. But the clash jumper isnt really about a clash, its about some snotty nosed marketing guru with an agenda. God forbid, reverting back to everyone wearing their club jumpers. The Umpires could revert back to wearing ALL white. (white maggots,anyone?) Home Team = black shorts Away Team = White shorts All that was way too simple. As the OP states, its a farce.
    3 points
  21. 10 weeks waisted???
    3 points
  22. Thanks for bringing this worthwhile subject up. That mostly white Clash jumper is an abomination & belongs with the horrid Grey one we produced. The Bin. It really.... Really Irks me.. Are we Sydney or are we Melbourne?????? Looks alot like a some other team. Get rid of it ASAP Melbourne Footy Club!!! I cant believe its still used. The training top would be much more ideal...states MFC on the front and has red & blue....NOT WHITE! We are not the dogs....we are not Sydney....clean it up MFC for Demons sake! Peter Jackson...Glenn Bartlett...If your reading please look into this and replace it!
    3 points
  23. olisik's been around a few years now and I *still* can't decide whether he's a troll or just stupid. If he's a troll, he's an excellent one.
    3 points
  24. Having a contrary opinion is one thing. Expressing it in an abusive or disrespectful way is something entirely different.
    3 points
  25. Mitch Clark is obviously facing significant mental health issues and is doing the right thing and getting the help he requires to help him deal with those issues. As his employer the Melbourne Football Club is doing the right thing and standing by him and supporting him as he seeks to get well. That makes me proud of my football club. You don't,
    3 points
  26. I'm able to nominate a child under the age of 15 to receive a free Melbourne Football Club junior membership as part of my MFC/MCC package. Alas, I don't have any relatives or friends with kids that age, so if anyone would like a free junior membership which entitles access to all our games in Melbourne during 2014 please send me a PM. Apologies if this thread has been opened up in the wrong forum.
    2 points
  27. for me CaB it was when in the deepest darkness,close friends and family think you may need to be not "alone". as for his other injury,ive no idea.
    2 points
  28. Just took the following fro PR story on Gawn playing this weekend “My communication with Mitch is through text and just really a support base, and just to say ‘that I’m here for you, give me a call when you can’,” he said. “We’re here and we’re supporting and certainly doctors are monitoring it a bit more closely. But his latest text was ‘thanks very much, the club’s been terrific’, so that’s been the extent of it at the moment. That sounds like a long term problem to me and the eight weeks off is the start only
    2 points
  29. That's very funny Stu - your best work!
    2 points
  30. Depression can be as life threatening as cancer. I wonder if some of the shallow thinkers on here would be as flippant if Mitch had a potentially terminal disease. Many posts here are shameful and a sad reflection of ignorance in a broader social sense.
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. Yeah I've always the thought the white clash jumper was the key reason why we're so crap....
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. I know....Was just trying to be funny......Obviously failed...
    2 points
  35. Last time I looked.....Roos wasn't playing.....
    2 points
  36. The team we saw on the weekend is completely different to what we've seen over the last three years and even though I'm not happy that we didn't win I'm actually pretty satisfied with what I saw.
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. It shouldn't be too difficult to just reverse our jumper so it is red with navy blue yoke. Would eliminate clashes and preserves our jumper to the greatest extent possible considering a change must be made. The thing that gets me is it's all well and good to not care during the H&A season but if we ever make another GF I want it to be in our traditional navy blue and red yoke not whatever white design they come up with that year.
    2 points
  39. That was quick Check your oxford I was going to object to the gramps bit but then it occurred to me I am one. Funny how quickly the years slip by
    2 points
  40. geez, we desperately need a win.
    2 points
  41. Why is everyone comparing a kid who has played ONE game of football to a kid who hasn't had a run yet and screaming that we made the wrong choice? How the hell would anyone know anything yet? Surely this is a conversation that can wait till both kids have 70-80 games under their belt
    2 points
  42. Don't tell anyone at the Herald Sun. If they find out, lead story tomorrow will be "Rod Grinter comes out of the closet". Not that there's anything wrong with that
    2 points
  43. That's what I like to see. Equal mix of loyalty, bias and paranoia. What would footy be without it?
    2 points
  44. And just when I thought you couldn't get any more mind bogglingly repetitive. It is Frawley's job to take on the biggest forward. Yes, we agree on that. It is Dunn's job to pick up the second, third or fourth forward but to also provide a bIt of spring from defence. We agree on that. Here's the bit where you get confused. He is not a better player than Frawley but Dunn is currently playing his role significantly better than Frawley. Therefore, Dunn has received plaudits of late and there are some of us that are concerned with Frawley's form.
    2 points
  45. There are so many sideshows around the scandal but don't worry about Tania fronting the Essendon board. She's not employed by the club and the story's a distraction from the main game which is about what substances did the Essendon players have injected or otherwise introduced into their bodies.
    2 points
  46. Hopefully we'll start getting back the quality we are missing. Unfortunately I feel like the time is coming for Dean Terlich to be dropped. He deserved to be high in our b&f last year, but there's a reason he didn't cut it at Sydney. Observable on-field attitude is top-notch, however he isn't an AFL level player, and doesn't appear to have much of a ceiling. We need smart decision makers, and safe hands. He lacks vision, times his forward attacks poorly, and gets caught in tight situations looking to break lines when he should be finding a teammate by hand. This kind of stuff turns into goals down the other end. Terlich's game really isn't too far off a guy like Heath Shaw. Shaw is constantly attacking efficiently and in doing so he forces the opposition to attempt to negate him and therefore play more defensively from the forward line. Terlich's opponents pay scant regard for his attacks confident of a rebound falling in their lap.
    2 points
  47. YOU PEOPLE HAVE GIVEN DUNN [censored] FOR THIS SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL! NOW YOU'RE SAYING WE DON'T DO IT ENOUGH!? I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS! PS: Check my post history. I've been Lynden Dunn's biggest fan since day dot.
    2 points
  48. I agree. I think the posters on this site really over amped their expectations. No real forward line and then injuries. Mid field group that have not played together. New game plan, I think that within a month, forget the results the team will be showing significant improvement. These guys need support, that means no wholesale changes. Roos is just now talking about the fragile confidence of the players. Sack a few for a poor first up effort, that by all accounts was better than most efforts last year would be a mistake. I reckon it would have been better to have played a middle ladder team first up. Brought a membership today just to support. Hope to see a couple of games live during the season.
    2 points
  49. So did Gysberts, twice and he's developing out at Norwood. Who would have guessed?
    2 points
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