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  1. he will go down in history as one of the best CEOs the game has had. it might get real interesting for us smaller clubs if the replacement is not gil, given that he's essentially in charge of the next broadcast rights agreement and the early purchase of etihad to help ease equalisation measures into place.
    17 points
  2. For all Demetriou's faults I thought he was pretty fair and was on the right path for most things. I'm more nervous about Gillon McLaughlan.
    10 points
  3. Interest comment when I think CW asked him did he feel any guilt about the EFC drugs problem. He said something to the effect of " no I did not inject anyone" I thought that it was quite pointed.
    7 points
  4. What we are seeing is the continuation by segments of the media to manipulate the narrative away from the primary story of an alleged sophisticated programme involving the injecting of AFL footballers with prohibited substances to one of the integrity of the organisation that has been invested with the carrying out of that investigation. This has been the Murdoch agenda for quite some time and its insidiousness is palpable. We got a preview of things to come from Gerard Whateley who chaired yesterday's edition of the Offsiders on ABC1 but who will also co-chair AFL360 with Robertson commencing tonight on Fox Footy. Whateley keeps parroting the line used by the Bombers that ASADA told them (presumably through their agent Dank) that AOD9604 was not prohibited (a claim that has never been verified and sits in the face of what the WADA Code states) and that the thymosin used in the programme was legal although it is said that "the AFL and ASADA investigation could find no source of legal thymosin being sourced by Essendon" (Players union hits naming of Dons over drug use). Whateley has been plain wrong on this from the very get go and he was also wrong on the Offsiders when he made the outrageous claim that nothing new had come to light since the interim report. I would have thought that the revelation by Patrick Smith last week (in the Oz) that ASADA had access to ACC material including two comprehensive interviews with Dank would be game chargers. Yet we can expect Whateley and Robinson to repeat the same old stuff tonight and scratch their heads wondering why Dank hasn't been called up to give evidence. What a pity there will be no opportunity for a dissenting view on that programme or that Roy Masters didn't appear in the Offsiders yesterday.
    7 points
  5. He is still a kid in his second year coming off injury. Has not yet proven he is up for round 1 selection. In the longer term we should remember we have had numerous players who looked the goods in there first year and are now no longer around. Do I think this the case with Viney. NO . However lets not play him before he is ready.
    6 points
  6. Why the Cessna? Couldn't you take Thunderbird 1?
    6 points
  7. There will literally not be a perfect storm like this again. We are being handed a first round victory on a silver platter here and I won't be the only devastated supporter if we don't win. They're a rabble, they're missing their best players, they've had awful form thus far, and their coach has never coached a game of AFL before.
    5 points
  8. Terrible, terrible post. Just... Wow. Terrible.
    5 points
  9. michie is a seasoned mid. He may not have a lot of afl under his belt, but was a very very good vfl player for the thunder. He is bigger, stronger and he has a few more years under his belt. This is why i think he is ahead of viney. I think watts maybe selected ahead of viney mostly because they're such different players, and we have a few guys that can do vineys role. Watts is an experiment atm. Don't get me wrong, i love viney, but he is still a second year kid.
    4 points
  10. That unknown and unnamed sponsor needs to sign up soon if they want weekly national exposure on Fox Footy.
    4 points
  11. Is just me or does Georgiou already look more at home in defence than Strauss ever has.
    4 points
  12. Honestly that sounds brilliant. Congratulations to the organizers. Unfortunately I just miss the age cut off by 18 years
    4 points
  13. 4 points
  14. MFC article on Alexis: We shouldve defeated Cats: Georgiou He is not happy that we didn't beat the Cats. Says he has fitted in well with the rest of the defenders, sounds like he feels at home. Taking nothing for granted as a rookie who needs to prove himself I appreciate Georgiou has only played 2 practice games and other teams will start doing their research on him now, but he does seem to be blessed with buckets of football nous. He says, Its been reassuring that theyre happy with the role that Ive been playing. Im never going to be a player with flair, but its all about playing my role as part of the six defenders. My role is to be the lockdown defender and then offer a little bit of attack. Last night, I was a bit disappointed with the way I defended but its been good to get the reassurance [from Roos and Rawlings]. I love his attitude and if he keeps putting his body on the line and producing 80%+ efficiency he will very quickly become a Roos favourite At effectively pick 125 in last years draft he is already in the top 25 players at the club and it would not surprise to see him line up round one.
    4 points
  15. Is that where they got Ahmad Saad?
    4 points
  16. After 8 years, and with the urging of my family and staff, it is time for me to hang up the boots (or I should say the clipboard). There are any number of talented people on here who could take up the job. I am happy to hand over all relevant files and records, and I will be happy to assist the new organiser with advice and information for as long as needed. Thanks for 8 years of great memories. And special thanks to Whispering Jack and Demonland, whose support has been unflagging. Anyone who is interested in the job is welcome to post on this thread or contact me direct by pm or email ([email protected]) or on my mobile (0408 698 328). Regards to all. rollo
    3 points
  17. Will help the coaching staff determine how much progress has been made, and who is fit enough to play AFL footy each week. This match will separate the players from the pretenders. The loss or victory will be meaningless, what they'll be looking at is the players that perform under pressure. Don't see anything wrong with it. We'll learn far less playing against and beating a middle tier team.
    3 points
  18. I used to hate listening to Roosy, he was just to bais towards the swans, it's amazing how things change when he is on side.
    3 points
  19. But he's tall and black and sleek looking, like a PANTHER!!!
    3 points
  20. I'm happy that the Saints won't be full strength but I do want Riewoldt to play. McDonald is one of the few blokes in the AFL who can match him stride for stride. Tom has frustrated Nick in the past and I want the pleasure of seeing both a Melbourne win and for that sookie, dropped shoulders, I've been hard done by umpire Riewoldt gene to be on full display Who knows, perhaps after the last 7 years of layered misfortune, recurring disasters and constant darkness the sun will appear. I can't jinx us anymore that we are already so I predict we will be top of the ladder after round 1.
    3 points
  21. All of us who have enjoyed playing over the years owe Rollo a huge debt of gratitude for his efforts and commitment to forum footy, going way back to the inaugural game versus Saintastional at Glenferrie Oval. Thank you mate. Hope you'll still come down for a watch every so often. As an aside, I'd love a look at the match records and would be happy to take on the statistician/historian aspect of the gig.
    3 points
  22. We reached that point 10 minutes into the Richmond game.
    3 points
  23. If it wasn't for people like AD we would be lucky to be going to the footy this year, he cleaned up Schwabs and Dons mess people have short memory's , my family and I would like to thank AD for his support to the MFC in last few years and we are thankful for the season that's about to start, I wish him well for the future.
    3 points
  24. I don't believe that any (or many) are suggesting that he will spend more time "developing at Casey", but he may possibly need to spend time at Casey regaining match fitness.
    3 points
  25. To clarify for some There is fit...ie you are not on injury list or rehab group And there is match fit. That will get you in the mix to be selected.
    3 points
  26. Good post WJ. I'd also add that Essendon and its media allies have also looked to manipulate the narrative in such a way that the focus is on the legality or otherwise of the drugs used. Indeed Whateley has been adamant on this point since the beginning and i heard him on Offsiders repeat the assertion that this is really the only issue. The narrative is if ASADA do not charge any players then EFC are vindicated. This infuriates me. It is the very definition of a furphy. For a start it is possible that EFC did in fact used banned drugs but ASADA don't have sufficient proof (or desire?) to lay charges. This scenario is no vindication in my eyes. Bu in any case, for me to an extent the charges are secondary. The real issue is the failure of the club to protect their players from harm. For god's sake they can not even equivocally say what drugs the players received and what is completely missed by Yobbo and the EFC apologists in discussion about AOD and the potential wrong advice from ASADA is that it is a drug that has not been properly tested and was not being used for its intended purpose. And this is just a couple of examples of how they let down their players. Hundreds of off site injections, a lack of proper proper medical oversight, ignoring their own doctors warning and in in the words of their own expert brought in to review what happened - 'a pharmacological experimental environment'. Finnis made this very point ie the issue of the legality of the drugs is secondary to the health and welfare of the players. EFC and journos like Yobbo and Whateley refuse to address this. And like you WJ i have lost a lot of respect for Whateley.
    3 points
  27. Would have said the same last year... However with Tyson and Cross now in the midfield, Viney is not an auto lock for round 1 based on fitness. His form will dictate whether or not he plays round 1. Michie has impressed me enough already to earn a spot in round 1. Great pickup.
    3 points
  28. I think there are two points about Byrnes. First for me, he performs far too many clangers in crucial situations e.g. chipping over the mark from the half forward line to Hogan alone in the square but kicked into the man on the mark at a crucial part of the game when we had a run on. That is unforgivable for an experienced player. Two, I compare him to JKH all the time. JKH is far more exciting, has much greater speed, and covers more territory, takes the game on far more, is a better shot for goal and is 19. Byrnes is 29. Enough said I think.
    3 points
  29. Mckenzie and clisby ahead of Trengove?? Dreamin.
    3 points
  30. Hes not ahead of Watts and Michie just yet. Not even a certainty to play round one, where as the other two are a lock in.
    3 points
  31. Well done Lynden, you proved me wrong Friday night as I thought you did a good job and made me eat my words. Hoping you keep doing this and make me look like a complete fool. Good lad
    3 points
  32. just for a laugh - real pizzer
    2 points
  33. Early days, and running the AFL a big leap away from running a club. I suspect the AFL would be wise to find a CEO from outside the Club gene pool, so conflicts of interest (or perceptions of) are not possible.
    2 points
  34. Didnt say he did...what I am saying saying is no one will play unless they are the best at that moment to choose form. I fully expect young Jack to forge an illustrious carer eating others in the mid field. I dont think he automatically walk up as soon as declared fit as other will be match fit ahead of him.. Viney will play as and when deemed fit and ready by Roos
    2 points
  35. Perhaps monsieur would like a wafer?
    2 points
  36. Viney WILL be a major part of the midfield..... when this actually cements itself is the only thing really up for query
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. might be...before the shlt tank overflows
    2 points
  39. This thread is about the stkilda game ....round one. Michie is ahead of viney at this stage. Nothing to do with where the players are rated.
    2 points
  40. Me too. I've always really liked Watts. I still think he'll prove to be a much better pick for us than Nik Nat. Over the entire journey, that is.
    2 points
  41. I must have been watching different games over the last couple of weeks. How anybody could seriously suggest leaving out Watts in round one I can't imagine. He is already in our half dozen most important players, now he has a defined role and knows he has full confidence of the coach and his team-mates. He is critical to the implementation of our gameplan. And he will get better every game as he gets used to the new environment. He is a potential A-grader just waiting to burst out into a stellar year, and this is the year it will happen. I will re- run this post in September just after our first final in seven years where one J Watts was BOG.
    2 points
  42. Well said. Someone has finally tried to rid him of his false bravado and brain fades. Wonder who that was... Good role player for the next few years. Moving on...
    2 points
  43. I'll lend you the HK Panno, CFH. Throw the boys in the back, a coupla fan belts, extra coolant, and extra water and several slabs. Sit on 70mph, the 202 will love it! Be careful you don't have your own version of Wolfcreek!
    2 points
  44. I haven't been up that way for years, I would like to go but it is a long way to drive from Fitzroy and my driving skills are a bit dodgy these days. But can I still land my Cessna at Casey Airfield? Anyone know? If I can that would be great, I could do a circuit of the ground before play if you like. Happy to hang a few Demon flags out off the wings. Over and out.
    2 points
  45. lets not rag on the saints too much, we are still a basket case ourselves, although that is looking like it is finally starting to change.
    2 points
  46. What about the bizzare nude photos of each other & who could ever forget lighting dwarfs on fire.
    2 points
  47. Big victory for the Dees 19.16.130 to Bombers 5.7.37 and that result catapults us to top of the ladder on percentage after round 1.
    2 points
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