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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/07/12 in all areas

  1. Sometimes this place is pathetic. Cam Bruce is one of our best players for the last 10-15 years. He gave MFC many years of good service and deserves the respect of each and every one of us supporters. If you're going to write something negative in here, don't bother. It only shows what a disrespectful fool you are. Thank you Cam for many great memories. You were one of our best mids for years, kicked a few bags, did some great shutdown jobs on legends like Hird, and won us many games. Enjoy retirement and hopefully you return to the club in some capacity in the years to come.
    9 points
  2. Thanks for your contribution to MFC Cam, 224, in the main, excellent games. Shame you wasted two years at the Hawks when a little less greed may have seen you reach 250 with our great club.
    6 points
  3. You do realise that quoting a British Philosopher and a US General does not add credence to your arguments. The Status Quo or the way things are presently in regards to the team will remain the same until they change then that will be the status quo, defending the coach and the club is something I do as a supporter because in all honesty they have not defrauded anyone, or killed anyone or even attempted to restrict my freedoms so I don't feel the need to attack the Status Quo just because we haven't been winning a lot of football games. Tyranny of the majority is a terrible thing although a lot of posters disagreeing with you is not necessarily tyranny, none of the posters have unlawfully seized your power, or taken advantage of you or used extreme or cruel tactics when refuting your opinion. BTW Minorities can kick a$$, in fact, minorities often assert their interests over the majority especially if the they are well organised.(or funded) Yes being a minority can mean you are downtrodden and overlooked which is terrible if you have a legitimate cause but sometimes being in a minority can also mean that you are wrong. For example please refer to the Flat Earth Society. I agree that everyone has to take responsibility if they want to instill a winning culture at the Club, what I disagree with is your assertion that the Coach is not taking responsibility for the losses, in all his press conferences he refers to the team as "we" and when he is asked question relating to him personally he uses "I". I think Mark Neeld is driving the reality bus he certainly is not driving behind it in a car honking his horn at it. Oh and I know this may seem like I am making non-sensical comments in reply to your post, but you started it by bringing Patton and John Stuart Mill into it.
    6 points
  4. You are one of the perennial whingers on this site about MFC performance. Now you want to complain that we did not gift 2 years to a player who was not up it. Talk about sucking both ends of the straw! How stupid were MFC to offer Bruce over the odds money?? He shot through because he could not get the 2 years he wanted. He left for less money at HFC. Makes a lie of your fantasy. If there is anything worse than MFC's on field performances its the mean small minded attitude of its supporters to former players who are life members (10+ years), Bluey winner and 15th most games at the Club. If he cant be welcomed back at the Club then Demetriou is right. I cant wait for the snide comments that occur when Green finally retires in 8 weeks. FWIW, Bruce had a stellar career at MFC for bloke who came off the 1999 draft at pick 64. Deserves greater regard for his efforts.
    5 points
  5. Green was far and away our best forward on Saturday. He won't limp to 250 games just on sympathy with that sort of contribution. He'll earn it.
    5 points
  6. Taken from dreamteamtalk.com Sums it up nicely. The Clown (any Chris Judd fan should look away now) There can only really be one clown this week and he played on Friday night. Chris Judd (147) could have scored 200 points for all I care, but that one dog like act was all that I saw and confirmed what many have suspected about him…. He’s not a very nice type of guy. While all Bruce, Dennis and the rest of the Channel 7 circle jerk could do was sing Judd’s praises the rest of the football community was dumbfounded at how they couldn’t be mentioning the elephant in the room… Bruce… CHRIS JUDD JUST CHICKEN WINGED PATCH ADAMS AND DISLOCATED HIS SHOULDER!!! Not to mention the fact that Carlton were being smashed… didn’t matter to Bruce, it was champion Judd this, Legend Judd that. In fact I counted more camera shots on Twigley and co in the crowd than I counted replays of the incident. So while Perfect Twigley goes home with perfect Judd to their perfect home lets analyse Mr Perfect a little bit. He shot through on his parent club and sold himself off mercenary style to the highest bidder… who turned out to be the biggest crook in Australian business history…The new full walleted Visy ambassador then went on to show his true colours, His first job as captain was to oversee his new 18 year old rookies being chained to a chair and force fed alcohol til they passed out… welcome to Carlton! Then in no particular order he has been found eye gouging, using pressure point tactics and now chicken winging… with a repertoire like that he should be going for a job at Crown Casino security! What next Juddy? Hair pulling? Squirrel gripping? Anus poking? The AFL has a decision to make… their golden boy has priors and needs to be made an example off, if he gets any less than Wellingham this week it’s a farce, At least Wellingham sought out Simpson after the match and apologised! It’s your move AFL…this guy needs to be remembered for his dastardly dog like acts, not his champion like football skills. End rant.
    5 points
  7. Treated us poorly IMO. Swanned around on inflated $$ for years due to a poor list and when it came time to take a pay cut, shot through.
    4 points
  8. I will say there is a lot of interesting, strange​, god awful verbal diarrhoea being thrown around on this thread, haters be hating big time. I would like to say that we lost again but it was on the cards after losing two players through injury, our fitness is not at the level yet where we can cover losing 2 players via injury and still run out a game strongly. It is a shame about Bennell and will be interesting to see what happens end of season with him. If Jamar is out next week then I am looking forward to seeing Spencil in the ruck had a good game at Casey on Sunday from all reports (45 Hitouts) Then Martin can spend more time forward. Loved Strauss long range kick into the forward line it was a thing of beauty, also Blease and Bail's Goals were wonderful and Bails tackle on Ballintine. Loved the way that when we had a full compliment, we answered when we were challenged. Earlier this year did not see it, I reckon if we had Jamar and Benell we would have been singing the club song. Oh well Sh!t Happens!
    4 points
  9. How good did green look when we had clearance's and he was playing deep forward? Man I wish we had a good midfield it would make green look better and he would get the respect he deserves. Also would give Petterd a chance to show his stuff too.
    4 points
  10. Here's an idea: keep our best players.
    4 points
  11. this guy came to us at pick 64, and in 11 seasons he finished in the top9 of the B+F 10 times (all except his first year). That includes finishes at 1st, 2nd twice and 3rd. If anyone currently on the list finishes their career having given us us service like that I will be happy.
    3 points
  12. He couldn't play out the second year of the two year deal he wanted... And there was a spot left vacant on our RL for him this year if he earned a 2012 in 2011 so I don't agree.
    3 points
  13. Are you serious? The man has a contract based on the club's understanding that there needed to be a reversal of culture in order to move forward. Sometimes this means taking some steps backward. I guess it's like kickiing the ball backward to create space sometimes. The point is, Neeld was not appointed to continue the work of Dean Bailey. He was appointed to create a new culture among the players and football dept. That's what he's doing. I don't care if we don't win another game this year because I know the foundations are being laid for a strong, successful future. If you're happy with eight wins a year against mediocre opposition then perhaps you should swap to supporting Richmond. I've been waiting nearly fifty years for some long term success. If I have to wait another couple of years, so be it.
    3 points
  14. Mate honestly, even if we went for Malthouse there is no way in hell that he will come to us as senior coach. He would see us as a basket case getting rid of a coach that he recommended and is a mentor too after his first year in the job. A club he has openly said would probably take at least 5 years hard work to get on track. Let Neeld do his job and stop the fanciful rubbish.
    3 points
  15. What? Find him a better girlfriend? LOL
    3 points
  16. The thing is, you and Tonatopia are not a legitimate minority. Just pests with a bullsh1t agenda to get rid of a coach 15 games into his immensely challenging tenure. And no quoting of historical figures to make yourself appear more intelligent than you actually are will change that fact.
    3 points
  17. As is so often the case many 'threaders' seem only capable of viewing a player in isolation totally neglecting the impact of team dynamics.. It wasnt just that Jamar left it was, as at least some intelligent observers here noticed, that our rucking then had to change, that our forward setuo had to change and as important .FREOS setup COULD change. They were having to cover our game up to that point and werent doing to well. Noticably they improved from there on in.. Bennels unfortunate demise added fuel to their fire. Again, it altered our setup. and conversely gave Freo even better ability tobolster their game. For every action theres an equal and oposite one. So it is often in footy.. Its not just that we lost ...its that they gained.. Theres a compounding effect often ignored by many. This also goes to the hardships involved covering rotations and why were were dead walking late in the game. Any game of footywhere you play 20 versus 22 is going to be uphill.
    3 points
  18. No way should pick 4 be on the table at all.
    3 points
  19. Basically in the Freo game, Martin was playing Clark's role, and started really well kicking 2 goals in the first quarter, but once Jamar went down it all went pear shaped. So we play Spencer (who was great last week) as Jamar, and Martin as Clark. Don't think we wouldn't play Jamar and Clark if available so it's no different height and setup wise. We can't afford to have any of Dunn, Sylvia, Rivers (who tried to ruck on Saturday) etc backing up the ruck cos we'll get smashed and won't be able to win the ball.
    2 points
  20. All the best. Best thing he did in years was decide to leave, saved us all a lot of frustration, some coin, and saved a few of our players from a visit to Epworth. I'm thankful for his service in the earlier years, not so much the latter years.
    2 points
  21. Good luck and all the best, Cameron The Bruce.
    2 points
  22. I don't blame him for his stance, and I don't blame the club for its stance either. Both parties looked after their own interests, they didn't align, Cam went. Best of luck Cam and thanks. It's a shame that you and the MFC parted ways in the manner you did, but I guess not all relationships break smoothly. I hope you look back at your time at the MFC positively; and I reckon you deserve much more respect than you get from some around here. It would've been good to see Greeny and co chair you off the field after one last game rather than decaying at Box Hill, but such is life.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. Melb...v.......Freo Q1 6-4 -40 / 3-2-20 Q2 8-6-54 / 6-5-41 Q3 12-7-79 / 11-6-72 Q4 12-11-83 / 18-9-117 You know I reckon Freo might have played more than one...as they WON three of them yep they won quite convincing in the end purely onteh basis really that they had TWO more running men to pick from and Rucking options. But dont let minor facts interfere with your view.
    2 points
  25. Like your unbiased crusade to rid Melbourne of Neeld. The real world awaits.
    2 points
  26. We'll just bump it back up when that happens...... Went out to Homebush yesterday with a friend who won tickets (that is how they get people to the games up here) and was bored. Adelaide were fine, professional and at time quite fun to watch. GWS were at times pretty good, but so tiny by comparison. The issue with Scully is that after all the lying and conning he did to us, watching him fail (and he was stunningly ineffectual) is a bit of a sick thrill. It's not making the world turn, but theres really no point denying it !!!
    2 points
  27. I'm completely over the Scully thing now. We are the big winners out of all this. The best we can do now is not to mention him,as he is just another opposition player. Just like Brock the pain has now gone away.
    2 points
  28. The only reason you feel 'stifled' is because I keep exposing how embarrassingly narrow minded your viewpoint is. Our new coach deserves a fair go. You have not afforded him one. Simple as that.
    2 points
  29. He's shot but he's got trade value, OK. You must have been to tonatopia's school of logic.
    2 points
  30. I think the last thing Dunn would want as he is salvaging his career is be back up ruck. Spencer played well - bring him in.
    2 points
  31. Gen. Patton was a ego driven maniac who wasted so many lives trying to beat the Poms to Berlin....Sorry for the history lesson but I couldn't resist.....He also belted a wounder soldier in a hospital and called him a coward because he had wounds in his back....Some hero to be Quoted....
    2 points
  32. Only we can pay him as a vet though. So that value of being able to effectively pay Jamar $100k less than he would normally comman of the cap - is all ours.
    2 points
  33. I haven't checked my facts here as it's difficult to do on my phone, but as I stand it Davey and Jamar are t he only players eligible for the veterans list for the duration of Jamar's three year deal, and Davey will be gone by the end of the first one. Therefore with Jamar being a veteran, it means that all he's really costing us is one spot on the rookie list and half his pay in the salary cap. It's only as other players start becoming eligible for the veterans list that it may become an issue, but until then there's no downside to him being around. I don't know how the abolishment of the rookie list affects this though.
    2 points
  34. Ok, Ok, you guys win the right to room together next week in Darwin.......enjoy
    2 points
  35. Hey BigJim, I actually thought Trenners looked the best he has all year against Freo. Had a bit more leg, was moving more freely, played really well, reckon he might be playing himself into some form so can't agree with resting him this week.
    2 points
  36. This reminds me of a typical conversation I have with my mother when we're cooking dinner.MUM: "Can you get the thing from over there and stir it into the stuff, love?" ME: ???
    2 points
  37. This is seriously lacking in context. What the Deuce are you talking about? Denham didn't have a say in what, and was Smith having a joke or what?
    2 points
  38. Port probably told him we'll trade you to MFC.
    2 points
  39. Yep, it is the result of insightless tyranny that leads to posters disagreeing with you. You lone voice, you. You have an agenda you will not admit to. You refuse to argue the point, no matter how many times Bob calls you on it. You make statements in sentences, as if the form of your response implies meaning. It doesn't.
    2 points
  40. Jamar was a huge loss. We were smashing them forward with Stef as a target, our spread was actually good for once and we were killing Freo at uncontested ball which we never win.
    2 points
  41. Given his current form, and had we managed to keep him, imagine the ribbing he would be getting. Another drafting blunder by the Demons!!
    2 points
  42. Honestly, we are hardly top 4 material so let's stop puffing our chest out to denigrate a young man who will, in all likelyhood, prove to be a very good player, whatever he is paid. Sure, he's not staring ATM, but there's a reason he was pick 1 and is on good coin. FFS, we are 1 game + % off last place! I find it interesting to read threads about who'd we like (or not) to get with FA and RFA coming in at the end of the year. We won't hear any players saying before the season is finished that they'll be leaving for greener pastures. Yet many of us hope like hell that one or two come across to us, and you can be sure that MFC will currently be in the ear of managers for Cloke, Chapman, Sewel, et al. They'd be stupid not to be. Is that why we are so p!ssed with Scully, that he wasn't honest with us? Or is it that he's left to earn more $ than we could pay him, money that will set him and his family up for life? It is not that I particularly like the guy or follow his career, it's just that I can't see the point in wasting time and energy carrying on like a child about it. It makes us look like a bunch of sooks. Surely we have greater issues to discuss, considering where WE are at now.
    2 points
  43. Yes footy is a funny game sometimes.I am a very passionate fan and sometimes the heat of battle gets the better of me. When i really sit back and look at things with a clear head it's easy to see the future of this club going forward. We were always going to struggle with such a great shift in change. The bad luck with injuries and form has not helped our cause in 2012. But if you look at the year of players like Clark(wow),Jones,Mcdonald,Howe,Rivers,Watts it's easy to see these guy's have really grown under Neeld. Also with the draft this year we are in a position to really build on the foundation Neeld has put together. Names like Toumpas,Viney,Stringer,Grundy,Whitfield,Simpson,Wines we could throw 3 or 4 of these names into our list in 2013 and all of a sudden our midfield looks strong. Trengove and Grimes have a full season under there belt as Captain and just keep growing. Lets also say that our boy Jack watts is starting to really belong at AFL level and is growing into a great prospect. Then there is Jurruh who has had a really hard year that can come in and just inject some real fire into our forward line again. Every fan has been tested through 2012 but i really believe this club has finally started to build a bright future.
    2 points
  44. lol I think I have your rhetoric and style pegged... Say something that is only designed to raise ire and say it in the starkest of terms so that no-one can ignore their own raised ire. Loses its punch if you do it too often though. You wear out peoples ires and they just get tired and bored...
    2 points
  45. No way would I want to use 4 and 12 on Boak. Total over-payment.
    2 points
  46. Skills , ability or character-I'll take JT over TS anytime.
    2 points
  47. Surprised he isn't copping more scrutiny. Combine being a #1 draft pick with being the highest paid player in the league and then look at his performances. Amazed he isn't copping more heat. Watts is miles ahead as a #1 pick, and as a person!! We don't have to pay him 50k a kick too (and unlike Scully, Jack's kicks actually go where he intends them to)
    2 points
  48. Really cant understand the hubris We've amassed 2 wins this year hell of a lot to make scully jealous for sure.
    2 points
  49. So what you're saying is we stuffed up in not getting Sheedy in 2007 but stuffed up again by canning Bailey last year because we won 8 games? Bailey was obviously a brilliant coach as evidenced by the fact that all of the other clubs (Freo, Saints, Adel, Dogs) who were looking for new coaches last year threw millions at him to get him at their clubs. Bailey was a dud breeding a generation of frontrunners at the club continuing on from Daniher before him. We now have a coach trying to implement some accountability, defensiveness and 21st century tactics and you are crying because he hasn't done it in his first few months at the club who has been a cellar dweller for 5 seasons? Your continual sniping at Neeld and the club is tiresome and pathetic. By all means hold them to account, they are not infallible, but don't be a fundamentalist about it.
    2 points
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