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POSTGAME: PF vs Geelong


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Ok, if what I'm feeling today is a Prelim hangover, look out. 

Silly story, I went to NZ in 1998, 26 at the time, purchased a bottle of Wild Turkey Rare Breed Duty Free. Seemed top shelf at the time, maybe not so much today..symbolic never the less. Made a promise to myself to only open it when we win a Grand Final. Came out the cupboard in 2000, only to put it away by 3/4 time. It's time for a second showing and opening. 

Fingers crossed. I feel we are in a better position this time round. Can't wait.

Watched second half again this morning. That 10 minutes from Gawn in the 3rd quarter was just outstanding. The whole team was relentless for the whole game.

Super proud, super excited. Go Dees.


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Wow, what a ride so far!

I have been a Demons supporter for 55 years, and a member for somewhat less than that period. Like other Demon oldies, it has been more heartbreak than elation. The 2 GFs I have seen were absolute slaughters … we were never going to win either of those matches, and sadly were not even competitive.

So, random thoughts about the PF.

Firstly …. Jee-long. I hate them so much.

Hawkins – thug, Selwood – thug & cheat, Rohan, lol, Smith – Mr Smirky, Cameron – lol, Dangerfield – total jerk. And Scott. His press conference was abysmal. He started off giving credit to the Demons … but it soon drifted into making cryptic excuses for Geelong’s failure.

As for our boys, it’s all been said about Gawn, Oliver, Petracca, May, Lever, Salem, Jacko et al.

The football department are amazing. They obviously saw things that we didn’t. I totally didn’t rate Spargo – too small, can’t kick far enough, can’t tackle, not fast, no tricks … etc. As did plenty of others. Well, we all got that wrong!

Nibbler. I didn’t rate him either. In my defence, neither did the club. They tried to offload him in the off season. Integral part of the side.

Viney. I was critical of him too. But it has to be said that he is built to play finals. Having said that he has obviously (at long last) listened to directions not to continually try to break through tackles. Great match.

Oliver plays a different style of football to past seasons. Instead of rapid fire handballs to teammates under pressure (often backwards) his first instinct now seems to be to move the ball forward. Often by bursting out of the pack, running forward then a kick to advantage. I love his interactions with Trac … and so they!

I previously thought that we lost out of the deal with GWS where we traded a high draft pick for 2 picks. They ended up with Kelly, and we got Salem and Tyson. Although it didn’t work out with Tyson, Salem has proved to be just the type of player we needed. That’s not to say that Kelly isn’t a great player … he clearly is. Although MFC would have taken Billings with that draft pick, not Kelly.

Bowey … thought he was too small. Wrong again. He’s great.

Harmes. All good.

Kozzy .... now more poised. Last year he missed a lot of gettable kicks for goal. Now he's nailing them.

Sparrow. I queried his place in the side. But the football dept held their ground. He’s obviously cemented his place in the side. At the expense of Jordon, probably because he’s physically bigger and stronger.

Rivers. Probably a little lucky to hang on to his spot in the side. But the football dept have held their nerve, and would drop him. His overall body of work this season justifies his spot in the side for the GF.

Ben Brown. Couldn’t understand why he wasn’t in the side earlier in the season. At the expense of Weiderman. Poor Weids. But it has to be said that he was given every chance to cement his spot in the side.

Hunt. Poor Hunty … got injured at the wrong time. Once you’re out of the side, very hard to get back in.

Smith. Lucky to get the gig a few weeks ago. But unlucky to get injured. Had he not been injured, I’m sure he would still be in the side. His loss is Hibbert’s gain.

Edited by bingers
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Still buzzing from last night's game, even though I'm tired as [censored] and mildly hung over.

Could see from early in the game that we were sharp and switched on and for once we were able to get that dominance on the score board, put the foot to the throat and just keep ramming it home so hard untill it came out the cats [censored].

That third quarter was something to behold.

Was happy enough pretty much totally cruising and turning the whole last quarter into a stress free, self preservation mode junk time.  I've only really witnessed other great teams that have gone on to win premierships play in this way in big finals and not the MFC.  Never seen our team play with such consistency and dominance over the whole competition.  It's a great feeling and I just hope like heck it continues for at least another week this season and then who knows, maybe even the next couple of years.

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3 hours ago, Brownie said:

It was really good not having BT or Brayshaw on the TV commentary last night. I forget the bloke's name that did it last night, but gee I hope he gets the gig for the Granny.

Heresy says I. 

Where would the GF be without calls like ‘GEE. GOD. BOY. WOW’ and ‘CAN’T BELIEVE IT. CAN’T BELIEVE IT. CANNOT BELIEVE IT!’ ?

That stuff iconic on the level of  Bruce McAvaney’s call of Kieren Perkin’s gold in Atlanta or Teddy Whitten urging St. Kilda to hit the boundary line or Stephen Quartermain calling Leo Barry a star in ‘05.😉

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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16 minutes ago, Mickey said:

What is happening?! Even Luke Skywalker is on board!


That has dead-set put the icing on the cake for me. 

A shout out too to that mob painting their front fence. That is dedication. I love it!  Contemplated doing the same when mowing the lawn this morning, but really can't afford the divorce. 

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What i loved was the team work. Even before the game, our team all had their arms around each other shoulders in solidarity while Geelong players all just stood by themselves.That same team work was there all game for the Melbourne players, diving on the ball, smothering, tackling, chasing. Best game of football i can recall seeing in my 55+ years of watching and barracking for the Dees. Though being 64+ ones memory is not what it was. Gawn, brought tears of joy to my eyes watching the replay and his 3rd quarter. Do it again in a fortnight, please.

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51 minutes ago, ProperDee said:

They should give us the Premiership Cup now. On the form we showed last night I seriously think we are unbeatable. Punters load up!

We will be deserved favourites, but still got to get the job done on the day.

Nothing is given, not a this stage of the year. We’re gonna have to want it and take it, like we did last night.


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43 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

I think Grinspoon summed it up quite well:



Just sent this to my little brother in Melbourne (I’m in Sydney) he’s a mad cats fan… 

…long story short, I don’t expect any Chrissy presents this year 😂😂😂


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I've only re-watched 'that 3rd quarter' again so far as I was totally shagged and with a belly of red and cideres I ended up falling asleep on the couch (for a change), but highlights that stuck out to me:

MAXY GAWN - did what he's always threatened to do and kick a huge bag.  In my view, he's always had the potential to do this, last night it all just clicked.

Trac - what a bull.  With Geelong sacrificing Selwood in an attempt to quell Clarry, they couldn't contain the Trac as well and he had such a huge presence and driving force early;

Kossie - was super sharp and Geeeelong just didn't have anyone capable of containing him.  If he keeps playing like that, perhaps he'll be the measuring players off him and not Ciryl;

BBB - did BBB things and has justified his selection and place in the side;

T Mac - although he didn't set the  looked like he has got his mojo back and could be poised to tear our opponent next week apart.  Above all, I'm just so happy that a bloke like T Mac who was there when we were getting smashed every week got to be a part of last night and unless something goes pear shaped will be there next week;

Joel Selwood - loved seeing him spit the dummy over that 50m penalty to Fritta.  I don't know why the comentators are so in love with Selwood and act like he's an ornament to the game, when regular acts like last night show he's an absolute peanut.

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6 hours ago, Webber said:



Scanning will tell the story. Not to get too complicated, but the way it happened, by landing on his straightened leg, thus compressive force transferring up to his Lumbar facet joints, which can absolutely refer pain to the posterior thigh thus tightening the hamstring as a reaction, it’s entirely possible his back is the cause. This would be fantastic, because 2 weeks is ample to rest, loosen, stretch and away he goes. The ‘typical’ hammy is a running injury, accelerating or decelerating, resultant from a wicked conspiracy of length and tension, thus a tear. If May’s is a tear, it’s ‘grade one’, scan will reveal it and he’s a no go, because 3 weeks minimum. The cruel thing is he‘ll likely feel fine by the GF, even be up to full sprint. The problem is that the risk of re-tear under 3 weeks is very high, particularly in a game situation - fatigue combined with ballistic, accelerating take-offs and speed contrasts. The scan will tell all. All Demonland fingers crossed please. 


Just noticed that as soon as May was subbed off the trainers immediately began working his lower back area. Perhaps this bodes well. 

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33 minutes ago, old dee said:

Don't worry about me WCW I don't matter in the scheme of things enjoy it for yourself I am not important.

Well like it or not you’re important to me! And to many people, clearly. It’s not often I let a grumpy old curmudgeon grow on me as you’ve done, so now come the consequences. You will enjoy this season until it ends! You will revel in the joy that only a premiership can bring. Or you’ll have me to deal with. I may be small, but what I lack in size I more than make up for in determination. (I once broke up a knife fight on a street in Warsaw. Long (but true) story)

Anyways, end of lecture. I still Loveya! ❤️💙

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21 minutes ago, gs77 said:

A shout out too to that mob painting their front fence. That is dedication. I love it!  Contemplated doing the same when mowing the lawn this morning, but really can't afford the divorce. 

Same mate, same. Also I don’t have a fence to paint. 
I haven’t had time today to watch anything more than the Kayo mini highlights. But tomorrow I will watch the replay (gotta watch the Port Dogs prelim tonight) and hang insane amounts of red and blue crap in my front yard. 

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1 hour ago, Winter Dan said:

Watching the replay and seeing Toby Green jumping up pumping the fists shouting ' Maxy' was just awesome!  Just love all the support getting behind the dees ! 2018 was a wave but 2021 is swelling a tsunami! The atmosphere at the ground must have been amazing - it was in my living room! 

At first I thought the same, but on viewing the replay, unless Toby has had a few tatts added to his right arm, I think you’ll find that’s not him.

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1 hour ago, rufus said:

Has anyone seen that 'Pressure Rating' stat they sometimes show on the broadcast for last night's game? Would be interested to see what those numbers were and how they stack up with other games this year. Would guess Geeling might have had a pretty low rating.

I saw it pop up somewhere - can’t recall where but it was 228. Maybe it was in the 3rd quarter.

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5 things that would have made this game perfect.

Brown kicking the 1st instead of hitting the post.
Petracca nailing his on the run from 50 when on a roll in the 2nd.
Harmes kicking the goal after his speccy.
May not getting hurt.
And it wasn't the grand final.

Other than that ..... I've been buzzing all day.
That game was one for the ages.
Go the Demons

Edited by Fork 'em
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3 hours ago, Neil Crompton said:

Its been over a month since you posted OD. At first I thought because we were playing so well, you had nothing to complain about. Then i thought back and remembered that your later posts were somewhat positive in nature - and i thought, he has now become a believer at last. So i was concerned. Glad you are OK.

And for your benefit, we are in the GF saturday week in Perth, starting at 7.15pm our time. Don't miss it! 

I too was getting worried by @old deeabsence.   Can't have him missing out on the DL fun.  Had to prod him a little via pm to come out of his slumber.  Good to see him back posting.  

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7 hours ago, Webber said:



Scanning will tell the story. Not to get too complicated, but the way it happened, by landing on his straightened leg, thus compressive force transferring up to his Lumbar facet joints, which can absolutely refer pain to the posterior thigh thus tightening the hamstring as a reaction, it’s entirely possible his back is the cause. This would be fantastic, because 2 weeks is ample to rest, loosen, stretch and away he goes. The ‘typical’ hammy is a running injury, accelerating or decelerating, resultant from a wicked conspiracy of length and tension, thus a tear. If May’s is a tear, it’s ‘grade one’, scan will reveal it and he’s a no go, because 3 weeks minimum. The cruel thing is he‘ll likely feel fine by the GF, even be up to full sprint. The problem is that the risk of re-tear under 3 weeks is very high, particularly in a game situation - fatigue combined with ballistic, accelerating take-offs and speed contrasts. The scan will tell all. All Demonland fingers crossed please. 


It looked to me like an injury when your pelvis/ hip rolls forward when you accidentally step off a curve or in a pothole. It just creates a tightness and discomfort. Disappointed that it was not paid a free for a deliberate push in the back. Hoping it was just a twinge for Maysies sake.

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Sent a drunken text to Richo at midnight last night to thank him and declare my love for him and all things MFC.

To my surprise he replied this morning, thanking me for the support and said he hopes the club continue to make me proud.

He also said “The boys are so ready”.

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7 hours ago, Webber said:



Scanning will tell the story. Not to get too complicated, but the way it happened, by landing on his straightened leg, thus compressive force transferring up to his Lumbar facet joints, which can absolutely refer pain to the posterior thigh thus tightening the hamstring as a reaction, it’s entirely possible his back is the cause. This would be fantastic, because 2 weeks is ample to rest, loosen, stretch and away he goes. The ‘typical’ hammy is a running injury, accelerating or decelerating, resultant from a wicked conspiracy of length and tension, thus a tear. If May’s is a tear, it’s ‘grade one’, scan will reveal it and he’s a no go, because 3 weeks minimum. The cruel thing is he‘ll likely feel fine by the GF, even be up to full sprint. The problem is that the risk of re-tear under 3 weeks is very high, particularly in a game situation - fatigue combined with ballistic, accelerating take-offs and speed contrasts. The scan will tell all. All Demonland fingers crossed please. 


Does that change with the new sub rule? If you take 14 days you are likely to re-injure it but it might be considered a risk worth taking in a GF. 

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