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GAMEDAY - Round 6


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They've been saying it's a mad, mad world for a long time but I wonder sometimes about what goes on in the mind of the person who prepares the AFL draw.

Take today for instance. 

Melbourne fans are being implored to turn up for what is their team's home game against St Kilda at Etihad Stadium in the Docklands which is the home ground of the Saints.

Go figure?

The main thing is that the Demons have shrugged off the old hoodoo which this ground once presented and they even beat the Saints there last month, albeit in a NAB Challenge match. 

So we're now aiming for a "threepeat" (I know some of you don't like the word but it's no more mister nice guy - remember) and may that trend continue so that we can acquaint ourselves with the idea of winning multiple games on end and not pray for just two in a row.

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Spewing I can't make it today, hopefully a big contingent of Demons supporters shows up to support the team though. We really should win but I'm not confident enough yet to go into a game expecting the 4 points. Saints always seem to show up against us as well against and will be disappointed with their last quarter fade out against the Giants last week. Hopefully Riewoldt and Montagna are both underdone.

Riewoldt has been playing on the wing so will be interesting to see who goes with him. Would expect TMac to go with Bruce. If we can win the ruck/clearances we should go a long way towards winning here but need to watch out for their pace. I reckon Hogan and Garlett will have good games and Viney and Gawn to roll on with their MVP form. 

Demons under 39.5

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Pumped expect win but. Talk of finals from players worry me. We have not beaten the saints since 2006 and Etihad has been a graveyard for us for some time. If the coaches get this though their skull we win and win easy, if not I see you on the post match page.

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I wonder if Joey and Roo will actually play, neither of them trained this week, Joey literally stood on the sidelines and watched but they've been named.

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Probably seems pointless posting here but if there are any fence sitters about going to the game today here's food for thought. I can't get to the game today because I'm working but I would love to be there. Even if you hate the stadium, go and support the boys, and if you're a member well also consider that you've paid for today as well so you're only doing yourself over. Also be there so you can say "I was there when Petracca debuted!"

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Can't wait. It's great going to go to games now knowing we can win rather than past years going because it's a day out and if we didn't get beaten by 70 points it was a good day. 

But now it's great to see the likes of Maxy dominate, Viney just going in hard, hopefully Hogan can kick goals and now today seeing Christian debut. 3 wins in a row will be fantastic. 

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8 minutes ago, hemingway said:

Not feeling good about this one. To much past damage in going to this venue. The scars run deep. Hope the best but expecting the worst. Wait another few weeks before I stop my ECT treatment. 

If you go through Eastern Health you can get your ECT funded with no gap through Medicare.

Nick Riewoldt is a fine footballer and I hope he has a really really bad day today.

At least Stephen Milne won't be on the field so that's a plus

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1 hour ago, Moneider96 said:

Preparing for the worst. Everything will go wrong today.

I get it. We win and you're happy. We lose and its like meh....wasn't expecting to win anyway. 

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Confidence is everything in footy these days.  I'M CONFIDENT!!

Besides, the Tack told that kid from Adelaide during the week that he'll be singing the song after the game today.  Who am I to doubt??


Edited by Vagg
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2 minutes ago, sue said:

But are you playing?

Now, THAT would be something, Sue!  Lamentably, time has passed the great Vagg by.  But, plenty of exciting, new talent on the park today!  Gotta be pumped!

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1 hour ago, Pates said:

Probably seems pointless posting here but if there are any fence sitters about going to the game today here's food for thought. I can't get to the game today because I'm working but I would love to be there. Even if you hate the stadium, go and support the boys, and if you're a member well also consider that you've paid for today as well so you're only doing yourself over. Also be there so you can say "I was there when Petracca debuted!"

I had booked tickets, was taking a Kiwi and a Pom who both are converting to the Dees (from Rich, such chit Tigs!). My little buddy took a bit of a turn Thurs night so I will be watching from his hospital room instead damn it!! 

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After going to see the boys train on Thursday you can clearly see they are up and about... The confidence is sky high and with Jeffy and CP5 roaming the forward line I am extremely confident about this one.  

The excitement between Petracca, Watts and Hogan was enough to suggest a huge win is not out of the question!

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