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MFC board meeting - 12 PM


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Not sure this post adds anything to the discussion about the board meeting.

Like quite a few other posts on this topic...Many just ill - informed guesswork ... Just thought I would throw one in from left field and maybe someone on the Board may care to remember these comments when they are deciding MN's fate... But as is usually the case this Board neither replies to DL or even considers most times what their members think...irrelevant to this topic ?? Maybe maybe not ?, but it's about as pointless . B)

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If Neeld is meeting current requirements, you'd be happy to keep him only if the requirements are changed to something that you can personally measure (ie number of wins) rather than left as the goals/requirements set by the board?

Yep. Needs to have winning as part of his key measurements, as should every single person involved in a professional sport. Hiding behind development and training standards is a joke. There is no reason you can't win games, or play in a way that facilitates some kind of opportunity to win games, whilst 're-building'. In fact, it would be the best way to lay the foundations of a 're-build' IMO.

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Okay, significant structural changes are just a weekly occurrence. They'll also be discussing what unseasonal weather we're having lately.

Are you suggesting that they only discuss important issues like football department structure or performance at some meetings? Or that they had one big meeting in 2011, made all the decisions and since then have just been listening to reports regarding kpis?

Every board meeting would consider issues like structure and performance and decisions and changes would be made whenever they are felt they are needed. PJ is reporting so more decisions may be made than usual, but it is all standard at a board meeting. The don't sit around and discuss how to make more money from the weekly cheersquad raffle.

Edited by deanox
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Not as much as I get to laugh at some of the fair dinkum Shyte you have posted and I can re quote many if you like.. Not worth the effort to me... :)

You are a class act really aren't you, some real insights into the topic in your posts, and you wonder why the Board doesn't pay much attention to DL......er not sure really........I have been a bit quiet, living my life, but this topic has the Orcs making a bit of noise, so thought I better joiin RM and a couple of others, just to show some posters are actually capable of rational thought

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Seems to be mixed opinions of this board meeting:

7am: Here we are at a decisive Monday for the Melbourne Football Club. Coach Mark Neeld is set to face his board at 2pm Melbourne time after yesterday's 95-point shellacking at the hands of Hawthorn. After the loss, Neeld again said his job was not in jeopardy but the external pressure continues to build. Demons president Don McLardy yesterday said that significant change was coming to the club but did not go into specifics. Neeld has just a 15.62 winning percentage as coach since taking over at the start of last year, but the coach is adamant the club is on the right path under his tutelage and the results were to be expected. While not good reading for Neeld, here's some further stats which may be brought up at today's board meeting:

- 32 games coached for 5 wins, 27 losses

- Only teams beaten are GWS (three times), Gold Coast and Essendon (six points)

- Lost 13 games by more than 60 points (and 16 by more than 50)

- Lost three games by more than 100 (and six by more than 90)

Average losing margin in 2012: 50.7

Average losing margin in 2013: 76.6

Average losing margin under Neeld: 63.65 points

7.30am: AFL.com.au's Peter Ryan has identified the five key questions the Melbourne board must consider:
1) Have Neeld's changes been good for the club?
2) Is the Demons' recruiting in good hands?
3) Does the board share Neeld's belief that the club's long-term goals are on track?
4) Is Neeld the man for the job?
5) Can the club weather the fallout if Neeld is retained?

8am: AFL great Robert Walls has weighed into the Neeld debate on SEN Radio

"If the board feel … (it) is falling away and disenchanted, they (will) probably feel compelled to make a move on Mark Neeld. But if they feel that the sponsors will stick fat, (and) the members say, 'We'll support you to the end of the year,' and the players aren’t dead-set against the coach, they might just say, 'Well, we just battle on for the remaining 12 games.'

"If they sack Mark Neeld, a prospective coach would look at them and say, 'Well, they've sacked Dean Bailey, they've sacked Mark Neeld, they've sacked (former CEO) Cameron Schwab, they've sacked this one (and) that one; I don’t know if I'd want to go into that environment.

"I think if they did go for another coach, why wouldn’t you look at Rodney Eade or (Mark) 'Choco' Williams? Because I think they need to have someone who’s got some credits, who's been there and done it … and are still in the game, still at the workface, and Eade and Williams tick that off."

8.15am: AFL.com.au's Matt Thompson is at Demons headquarters and says a media contingent has been covering multiple entrances to AAMI Park since before sunrise.

8.30am: Football manager Josh Mahoney has arrived at AAMI Park, when asked by reporters whether Neeld would survive he said it was a case of 'wait and see'.

9am: Mark Neeld has arrived in club gear at Melbourne's AAMI Park headquarters. He drove through a boom gate and entered via a back door. Venue security prevented media from getting close enough for him to answer questions.

10am: Demons president Don McLardy has arrived at AAMI Park, but has declined to comment on whether the coach's fate would be decided at today's board meeting.

"It's a board meeting, mate; it's been scheduled all year," he told AFL.com.au reporter Matt Thompson.

"No other expectations."

11am: Potential caretaker coach Neil Craig has just arrived at AAMI Park and was swamped by news crews, reports AFL.com.au's Matt Thompson. He politely declined questions, referring reporters to the club's media manager.

A young Demon just confirmed that the players have no Idea if Mark Neeld will still be coaching at the end of the day.

Midday: The board meeting is due to start now at the MCG. Neeld scheduled to front the meeting at 2pm.

If the Dogs had lost their past two games Brendan McCartney's coaching record would be identical to Neeld's (5-26) #AFL
The weak decision today would be to sack coach Mark Neeld. Would be a choice to placate a few members. Nothing more. #melbfc #afl
Footy starts and ends in the middle. Melbourne have no midfielders. No coach can win games worth no midfielders. What is Neeld to do?
Edited by Young Dee
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Neeld and Jackson start taking during the meeting

Jackson " Thanks for coming today Mark. Hasn't been the best on performances so far this year. What could you put it down to?"

Neeld "it is what it is"

Jackson "Is that all it is?"

Neeld "that's all there is"

Jackson : "So what is "it" exactly?"

Neeld: "We know from out internal KPI's what "it" is but in the context of the performaces this year we aren't tracking at elite "it" levels."

Jackson: "What the hell is an elite "it"?"

Neeld:" It's part of our high performace with high integrity plan. As part of the rebuild of a rebuild we have had to strip back and re-assess every aspect of out KPI's which include factors which "it" is part of"

Jackson" You've lost me"

Neeld "And that part of the issue is that what we have been producing on the training track hasn't been re-produced on the weekend."

Jackson "i give up"

Neeld "Ok, thanks for having me. Is that it?"

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Then why do you watch?

Then why do you watch?

Because our team is performing badly and it pains me to see where we are heading at this time, i doesn't stop me from watching and why should it ?? I have been watching MFC play for over fifty years through some good and mostly bad times and I do not intend deserting them now. Come up with something constructive and I may give it more time but "why do you watch" doesn't deserve any more attention..

Edited by [email protected]
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Because our team is performing badly and it pains me to see where we are heading at this time, i doesn't stop me from watching and why should it ?? I have been watching MFC play for over fifty years through some good and mostly bad times and I do not intend deserting them now. Come up with something constructive and I may give it more time but "why do you watch" doesn't deserve a :wacko: ny more attention..

Didn't deserve any attention really Soxy. But I understand the compulsion to point out when tripe is tripe

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Neeld looked flushed when he sat in his chair before the start of the final term.

He sucked in a few big breaths and it was captured on camera.

This can only be two things:

1. Gorn

2. Safe

I hope it's the latter.

Nope. #3 he'd just run up to the box from ground level.

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The above few posts from media are an indictment on the football media.

If Melbourne call a press conference there will be news. But waiting outside all entrances since before sunrise outside a regular board meeting based on nothing but speculation he could be sacked, speculation made by a member of the football media, is a joke.

Seriously, nothing will be said until a press conference is called. Why harass people?

This is only a story because they media want it to be a story.

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After sitting on the fence for the past 18 months, I think I have finally decided to take the plunge and join a "side", however, my support is conditional.

I want Neeld to coach out his contract, and for an announcement to be made at the conclusion of today's board meeting, on the condition that they also announce (in the not too distant future) that Frawley, Sylvia and Watts have re-signed (Frawls getting an extension).

It will [censored] the media off, but it will also show a sign of unity between coach and players. An announcement like that will satisfy a majority of supporters (except Hogans Heroes), and could be that bit of "hope" that we all need.

I would be concerned what would happen to the playing group if Neeld were to be sacked. Dawes is adamant that the work ethic is a player thing and shouldn't be blamed on the coach. How would he (and the other players that feel the same) be if Neeld was sacked due to some players not putting in?

Well said, billy.

I also think that Neeld is telling porky pies when asked if he had his time again would've he changed anything to which he's answered an emphatic, "no." My train of thought is that he's aware of some of the mistakes he's made have been considerable and most likely avoidable if he had have read the situation better. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and most of us are better for the mistakes we've made but Neeld has not had the margin for error he first envisaged. Does he deserve the rest of the year to right those wrongs? More than anything, I want an answer on his tenure ASAP.

The pressure on McLardy is mounting and after listening to him on Perth last week I would be happy to see him replaced. It was a friendly supporters function we were at but his jocularity was un impressive given the situation the club is in. Time to act and speak like a President with mojo and meaning or move on.

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This is only a story because they media want it to be a story.

Yep. The external pressure is pretty much all coming from the media. I suppose they will be outside Neeld's home if he does get the khyber. What would they know about coaching, or anything?

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9am: Mark Neeld has arrived in club gear at Melbourne's AAMI Park headquarters. He drove through a boom gate and entered via a back door. Venue security prevented media from getting close enough for him to answer questions.

He drove through the boomgates - he meant to go around but he missed the target by 10 metres. He went through the back door favoring his boundary line approach even though the quickest way home was straight through the front door. Jack Watts was hovering around the boomgate deciding whether or not to open it or just hover about hoping the boomgate would come to him. Neeld was 96 minutes late to the meeting but was overall pleased with his effort even though he did go through the boom gate instead of around it. When quizzed about the the boomgate he quipped "with a bit more experience Ill be able to go around it and with a bit more bulk on the gate I wont be able to go through it so easily but at the moment it is what it is"

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The above few posts from media are an indictment on the football media.

If Melbourne call a press conference there will be news. But waiting outside all entrances since before sunrise outside a regular board meeting based on nothing but speculation he could be sacked, speculation made by a member of the football media, is a joke.

Seriously, nothing will be said until a press conference is called. Why harass people?

This is only a story because they media want it to be a story.

Umm, it is the media. Nothing new with that sort of behaviour. Just have to suck it up and get on with it. Maybe some in the media know something we don't. Ever heard of "leaking"?

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Are you suggesting that they only discuss important issues like football department structure or performance at some meetings? Or that they had one big meeting in 2011, made all the decisions and since then have just been listening to reports regarding kpis?

Every board meeting would consider issues like structure and performance and decisions and changes would be made whenever they are felt they are needed. PJ is reporting so more decisions may be made than usual, but it is all standard at a board meeting. The don't sit around and discuss how to make more money from the weekly cheersquad raffle.

Of course not, but by your own admission, "more decisions may be made than usual". I think to suggest that the perception this meeting has greater significance is purely media driven is pretty far fetched. Anyhow, if by tomorrow it was revealed to be just another day at the office, I'll concede that I was just another media lapdog.

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Actually a great balanced article. It didn't offer solutions, it only offers questions, but it provides context to those questions. It is not pro or anti Neeld. Everyone should read it.


Didn't mention Gillies, which is truly horrible recruiting. Decent article though.

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You are a class act really aren't you, some real insights into the topic in your posts, and you wonder why the Board doesn't pay much attention to DL......er not sure really........I have been a bit quiet, living my life, but this topic has the Orcs making a bit of noise, so thought I better joiin RM and a couple of others, just to show some posters are actually capable of rational thought

"Some posters are actually capable of rational thought" and in MY opinion you are OBVIOUSLY not one of them... Thanks for the "Class act" label I agree with that.. It seems to me when you do not agree with any particular post you have to go on and on and on with counter replies and insults until you either have the last word or satisfy/convince yourself you are right or completely bore the poster you are "attacking" at the time.. Well I am completely bored and will not be replying to any subsequent replies from you to me at this time or in the future. Direct your attention to someone else.. You may choose to disagree (as is your right) to any future posts from me if you wish. You just won't get a reaction from me..

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I'm just waiting for the response from McLardy. The board is 100% behind Mark Neeld.

Neeld will then know his days are numbered.

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