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Swans making Pies look like the Demons


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How's that coaching handover working out for you, Eddie?

Its a disaster,

hat a disgrace that Malthouse won a flag and was then effectively shown the door.

Its great for all us though cos the Pies will suck in a year or two

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McQueen Are you there ?Her membership has has been rescinded by Eddie on prime time TV Hows that ?

She does not have a tv show to answer to or make a statement

The whole game is run by by frauds and you are one of them According to my lovely wife in the background

By the way Do you happen know what the young lady from Collingwood said? I dont so please tell me what up set you about her comments

It seems to me it was a media event

Thnak you Eddie for your prompt action.You are such a man of the people I wish you were in politics so I could vote for you WOWWWWWWWWWWWW

This is the most nonsensical post I've ever seen on this site.

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McQueen Are you there ?Her membership has has been rescinded by Eddie on prime time TV Hows that ?

She does not have a tv show to answer to or make a statement

The whole game is run by by frauds and you are one of them According to my lovely wife in the background

By the way Do you happen know what the young lady from Collingwood said? I dont so please tell me what up set you about her comments

It seems to me it was a media event

Thnak you Eddie for your prompt action.You are such a man of the people I wish you were in politics so I could vote for you WOWWWWWWWWWWWW

Yes, she was obviously complimenting Adam Goodes on his game, judging by the way he reacted. I get the feeling you were just out for an argument.

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McQueen Are you there ?Her membership has has been rescinded by Eddie on prime time TV Hows that ?

She does not have a tv show to answer to or make a statement

The whole game is run by by frauds and you are one of them According to my lovely wife in the background

By the way Do you happen know what the young lady from Collingwood said? I dont so please tell me what up set you about her comments

It seems to me it was a media event

Thnak you Eddie for your prompt action.You are such a man of the people I wish you were in politics so I could vote for you WOWWWWWWWWWWWW

Making yourself look like the biggest fool this comment now

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Isn't it weird that it's okay to hate racist people? I guess prejudice is accepted, but you just have to pick the right kind.

Guess what, you can also hate criminals of all other kinds like terrorists, pedophiles and muderers.

Oh not to many people will be upset if you hate taxes, today tonight or met pigs either.

You have a strange idea of the word prejudice.

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Guess what, you can also hate criminals of all other kinds like terrorists, pedophiles and muderers.

Oh not to many people will be upset if you hate taxes, today tonight or met pigs either.

You have a strange idea of the word prejudice.

Don't like muderers myself - water and dirt defilers

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Guess what, you can also hate criminals of all other kinds like terrorists, pedophiles and muderers.

Oh not to many people will be upset if you hate taxes, today tonight or met pigs either.

You have a strange idea of the word prejudice.

Actually I think it's you who doesn't know what prejudice means. To be prejudiced is to form a negative opinion of someone or something based on some characteristic he, she or it possesses. You can even see that by the word itself (pre-judge).

You don't have to hate anyone (not even "met-pigs," whatever they are). In fact, a person incapable of hating anyone for any reason would be completely without prejudice. We've all got things we don't like; it's just that most of us have picked things lots of other people don't like too, so everyone seems to think it's okay.

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Actually I think it's you who doesn't know what prejudice means. To be prejudiced is to form a negative opinion of someone or something based on some characteristic he, she or it possesses. You can even see that by the word itself (pre-judge).

You don't have to hate anyone (not even "met-pigs," whatever they are). In fact, a person incapable of hating anyone for any reason would be completely without prejudice. We've all got things we don't like; it's just that most of us have picked things lots of other people don't like too, so everyone seems to think it's okay.

You're probably missing the point, Chook. There's a difference between judging someone for what they are (e.g. for their race, ethnicity, colour of their hair) and what they do (murder, rape, umpire football games). There's no 'characteristic' to murderers that can be prejudged.

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There's no 'characteristic' to murderers that can be prejudged.

Sure there is. My point is not that racism is good, but that hate is bad. Perhaps prejudice against the content of a person's character is less objectionable than prejudice against the colour of a person's skin, but there's no denying that they're both cut from the same emotional cloth; they both come from the same place and are born of the same primitive "us vs them" mindset that an earlier poster alluded to.

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The sad thing is I get more joy out of watching the likes of the Swans and the Cats play footy than my Dees. They play a fierce brand of footy and you know what kind of effort will be out in 9 out of 10 weeks by them.

Ps it is amazing to see supporters from winning clubs leave so early during a game when they are losing badly. Can only imagine how few people would turn up to games if they were in our position.

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how is it possible that Goodes and O'Keefe continue to put in best afield performances regularly, at age 33 and 32?

at Melbourne our players are good as finished at about 28

That's because we give them the arse before they get to that age

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Isn't it weird that it's okay to hate racist people? I guess prejudice is accepted, but you just have to pick the right kind.

It isn't.

Actually I think it's you who doesn't know what prejudice means. To be prejudiced is to form a negative opinion of someone or something based on some characteristic he, she or it possesses. You can even see that by the word itself (pre-judge).

You don't have to hate anyone (not even "met-pigs," whatever they are). In fact, a person incapable of hating anyone for any reason would be completely without prejudice. We've all got things we don't like; it's just that most of us have picked things lots of other people don't like too, so everyone seems to think it's okay.

You are sadly misguided. And I can say that without prejudice or hate.

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Yeah after watching the footage of her she seemed very upset. I think she should be banned for a year and they should make her spend time with some of the indigenous players from Collingwood. The most important thing out of this is that people become better educated.

I doubt she will ever say a racist remark again after being publicly humiliated.

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How does a 13 year old girl think what she yelled out was clever, witty, and most importantly acceptable.

We have all done stupid things when we were young... but this is just beyond stupid and she has learnt a very important lesson in front of the whole country.

The sad thing is that this isn't the first time I have seen a young female Collingwood supporter being ejected from a stadium. The worst was when I saw an underage girl who was drinking get thrown in the back of a divy van quickly followed by mum and dad who were both as drunk as her.

Some of the things coming out of her mouth still bewilders me... ironically she clearly learnt it from her parents who were yelling the same things when they were being arrested.

I wonder if you get a family discount if you all get arrested together

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Do people realise racism goes both ways? They're talking about getting the Police involved, reverse racism is rife in this country. In my field of work I often get called a "white [censored]" and because I am white can do nothing about it.

Yes, fight the power brother. It's always inspiring to see the white man fight back against the rigged, oppressive system that has forced them to live in a relentless cycle of wealth and opportunity. There is a rant coming up not necessarily aimed at you DinWA but at those on the 'Land who seem to find another gear when indigenous people are mentioned on here.

Racism itself isn't just being called bad names (though it does include that) and why racism towards indigenous tends to get frowned upon more is because that community for years has been fighting an ongoing battle just to live with some self respect. People bang on about the stolen generations (and that is a crime against the indigenous this country has to live with) but when a lot of aborigines were sent to missions, reserves etc., many were sent away from their tribes, many of whom spoke a different language. Because of this, and the wholesale slaughter of various groups i.e. Tasmania, the number of languages has gone from 350 to 750 before settlement to around 150 now. As of the '80's, bilingual education has been manhandled in the NT by education ministers who have dismantled successful Walpiri/English language programs because the people in the red centre need to 'fit in'. Imagine the Pastafarians invaded Australia and forced you to stop using English. They would be taking away your identity as a lot of what we are is related to our language.

Indigenous soldiers who served in the second world war weren't allowed to even enter their local RSL clubs. They weren't even able to vote in some places before 1962. It was until Mabo that we graciously stopped viewing them on a par with kangaroos and waratah plants. Even before all the stuff I have just mentioned, the indigenous population of Tasmania was completely wiped out. I could go on and on.

I have lived in a culture where I was the minority and experienced racism, subtle and overt. It ranged from

1) condescending comments like 'You speak Japanese well!': I had lived there for 5 years. I could say excuse me, the sentence I was being praised on, pretty comfortably. That's all I said as well. It wasn't like I had read Shakespeare in Japanese.

2)to outright hostile stuff: being asked to leave a pizza restaurant because I was a foreigner. I get the feeling a bunch of American soldiers had been there, gotten drunk and trashed the place. I had a number 2 crew cut at the time and was on a hiding to nothing. I yelled at the staff and promised to tell city hall. I never got around to it. That was a real kick in the guts to say the least.

Note: Long term foreign residents of Japan are unable to vote and are unable to get duel citizenship. Until recently, Filipino children born in Japan to Japanese men out of wedlock were denied citizenship as citizenship is defined by blood lineage, not location of birth. For a child of a mixed nationality couple to acquire citizenship, they need their parents to be married.

Now I am back in my own culture, I don't get kicked out establishments based on my race (probably for other reasons) ;). I still get some condescension from Japanese people if I talk to them in Japanese but I realize society isn't necessarily rigged against me like it was in Japan.

Hence, why the indigenous population of Australia tends to get a little pizzed off when on top of all the other crap that has happened/is happening to them, they get racially abused.

Oh and as for the footy...

Attention Mark Neeld. That is what the hardest team to play against ACTUALLY looks like. I was at the game last night (my missus is still in the process of choosing a team, it's not going to be Collingwood after last night) and Sydney was brilliant. Never gave Collingwood an inch. They could generate no run through the midfield and while their skills were made to look sloppy at times, this was more a case of the amount of pressure they were under.

There were no big pronouncements before the season.

There was no wholesale alienation of players.

There was actual pressure out on the field.

Players were playing for each other.

This was the hardest team to play against. No question.

Oh by the way, I will retract some of my comments about stupid gimmicks and the MFC. Collingwood has them too. We were treated to kiss cam and smile cam during the breaks last night. I cringed.

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They work hard and they work for each other. Two things we don't do.

And they are smart wit their tackling. They don't barge in there and give away frees. They think then tackle, Not sure you can teach that.

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What on Earth was the point of that enormous post?

I wrote the point in the first paragraph. Just a friendly reminder to those who think 'reverse racism against whites aka being called a white so and so' is as bad as being called a nasty name on top of having the structures of society against you for nearly 100 hundred years or more.

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I wrote the point in the first paragraph. Just a friendly reminder to those who think 'reverse racism against whites aka being called a white so and so' is as bad as being called a nasty name on top of having the structures of society against you for nearly 100 hundred years or more.

So you are saying that complementing someone's language skills is MORE racist than calling them names? Of course the real issue is the inequality between races. We all know that. But your first paragraph looks at the issue backwards; the problem is not that white people are treated well, but that minorities are treated poorly.

You were treated poorly in Japan, but it wasn't because you were white - it was because you weren't Japanese. That's why I was confused about the point of what your wrote.

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So you are saying that complementing someone's language skills is MORE racist than calling them names? Of course the real issue is the inequality between races. We all know that. But your first paragraph looks at the issue backwards; the problem is not that white people are treated well, but that minorities are treated poorly.

You were treated poorly in Japan, but it wasn't because you were white - it was because you weren't Japanese. That's why I was confused about the point of what your wrote.

I get you now. That takes a bit of explanation in itself, the complementing bit and the other racial stuff. I am aware that I'm straddling a fine line here by making racial comments as you can't deal EXCLUSIVELY in stereotypes but I will try and be as honest as I can without being demeaning.

The complementing stuff isn't worse than calling someone the N word or whatever. I put that up as an example of subtle racism (maybe there is a better word for it) and how you can take 'certain' things a little better if other things aren't working against you (though it was kind of clumsily put). Originally, when I spoke no Japanese, I took it as a complement. However, after a while, when you actually can converse at a pretty high level it can feel like flat out condescension in that you feel like the bar has been set very low for you. It's almost like they are saying 'OH MY GOD! You AREN'T a complete incompetent!' Japan has, and deservedly so, an awesome reputation for receiving guests and tourists as they understand that they DON'T understand the language, it's customs and it's lifestyle. It's when you have lived there for X amount of years and want to be treated on a little bit more of an intimate basis that you start to feel that your neighbors tend to look down on you. It's the same deal for 'My god! You can use chopsticks!' Imagine how they would feel if you said to them, 'Wow! You can use a knife and fork!' They would look at you like you were from Mars.

I would also contest the line of 'You are not Japanese' as I have been to establishments in Japan with Asian friends who can't speak Japanese. Despite me being able to, the waiters/waitresses always looked at my friends first and started ranting away in Japanese, despite the fact they had no idea what they were saying.

I would also add I had some great times in Japan. Some of these things are double edged swords. While they can be awkward in their treatment of foreigners, there is not the kind of in your face, balls out style inconsiderate behavior you see here (i.e. people putting tags on trains OR people getting racially abused on trains). People tend to live and let live. The cities are WAY cleaner than here and if I wanted to buy a six pack of beer (or anything) at 4 in the morning, I could! The convenience rules.

I also think you have misinterpreted the first sentence about 'fight the power'. That's more about perspective. I can't cop people telling me whites have had it tough in this country. That somehow we are as discriminated against as other races in this country have been.

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It's always inspiring to see the white man fight back against the rigged, oppressive system that has forced them to live in a relentless cycle of wealth and opportunity.

What on Earth was the point of that enormous post?

The point is that white, anglo-saxon christian-derived men should really keep their traps shut when complaining about people who are trying to fight prejudice and oppression.

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How does a 13 year old girl think what she yelled out was clever, witty, and most importantly acceptable.

We have all done stupid things when we were young... but this is just beyond stupid and she has learnt a very important lesson in front of the whole country.

The sad thing is that this isn't the first time I have seen a young female Collingwood supporter being ejected from a stadium. The worst was when I saw an underage girl who was drinking get thrown in the back of a divy van quickly followed by mum and dad who were both as drunk as her.

Some of the things coming out of her mouth still bewilders me... ironically she clearly learnt it from her parents who were yelling the same things when they were being arrested.

I wonder if you get a family discount if you all get arrested together

How on earth does a parent remain there after their 13 year old daughter has been ejected? Unreal.

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