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Any chance he might also be reporting to the AFL in addition to the Board?

And his brief from the AFL may well be different to what the brief is from the Board?

I would have thought his assessment and report on the club to the AFL would be honest without the incumbent ties of a permanent CEO.

spreading your fantasies again rhino?

vlad is on record as saying he reports to mfc and not to the afl

if he is professional he will understand his loyalty is to the mfc as his employer

any reporting he does to the afl should just be restricted to the normal club ceo - afl interfaces/meetings and sanctioned by the mfc board

anything beyond that would be a breach of contract

your suggestion he has a "brief" from the afl as well as a "brief" from the mfc is potentially libellous

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spreading your fantasies again rhino?

vlad is on record as saying he reports to mfc and not to the afl

if he is professional he will understand his loyalty is to the mfc as his employer

any reporting he does to the afl should just be restricted to the normal club ceo - afl interfaces/meetings and sanctioned by the mfc board

anything beyond that would be a breach of contract

your suggestion he has a "brief" from the afl as well as a "brief" from the mfc is potentially libellous

Not really libelous and it would not surprise if there was some collaboration or information sharing between Jackson, the MFC and the AFL. Wouldn't surprise if the AFL's footing the bill (or some of it) for Jackson over the next 6 months.

All speculation, of course.

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I can't see why the role of heading the club into the future should not be an enticing prospect.

We're not broke as we we were five years ago; in fact we're in the black thanks to the work of the current board and administration which includes Cameron Schwab.

There are clearly going to be some changes as a result of the interim stewardship of Peter Jackson who obviously has the backing of the AFL and yes, we have a team that can only go one way and that's up.

The right person for the job needs to be a positive thinker and a doer, a concept that some people cannot comprehend.

Jack, I hope that I don't have to remind anyone that it has been YOU that has talked about the shadow conspiracy at the club - the one that is suppossedly undermining the club. That - your own understanding of the political state of the MFC - is an enormous disincentive for every applicant. Or does the conspiracy only exist when you want it to? I've been waiting for the evidence to come out and there has been none so far. You won't show your hand either.

Every applicant also knows this board that flip-flops on decisions, cannot make coherent statements to the media and has presided over the worst on-field performances in decades while stating that they don;t know why any of that is happening. How could that possibly be regarded as a non-issue for applicants?

Every applicant would go in knowing that they could be scape-goated and undermined. Exactly how do you frame that positively?

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Not really libelous and it would not surprise if there was some collaboration or information sharing between Jackson, the MFC and the AFL. Wouldn't surprise if the AFL's footing the bill (or some of it) for Jackson over the next 6 months.

All speculation, of course.

yes speculation, but tell rhino that

but also notice I said "sanctioned by the board"

any suggestion he is a fifth columnist with a separate brief with the afl from his mfc brief is not supported by any statements from the club or afl. in fact vlad has denied it.

if the mfc is unaware of any of his roles then this is a serious matter and as a member i think we have a right to know, at least at a macro level

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My thoughts would be he would be employed and report to MFC but Vlad and the AFL would also be kept in the loop.

They can already check on us to make sure we are using the top up money they give us.

that sounds more like business as usual

suggesting he is there to do a review of the club for the AFL is a different matter all together

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Jack, I hope that I don't have to remind anyone that it has been YOU that has talked about the shadow conspiracy at the club - the one that is suppossedly undermining the club. That - your own understanding of the political state of the MFC - is an enormous disincentive for every applicant. Or does the conspiracy only exist when you want it to? I've been waiting for the evidence to come out and there has been none so far. You won't show your hand either.

Every applicant also knows this board that flip-flops on decisions, cannot make coherent statements to the media and has presided over the worst on-field performances in decades while stating that they don;t know why any of that is happening. How could that possibly be regarded as a non-issue for applicants?

Every applicant would go in knowing that they could be scape-goated and undermined. Exactly how do you frame that positively?

Yep, well be careful what you wish for.

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Jack, I hope that I don't have to remind anyone that it has been YOU that has talked about the shadow conspiracy at the club - the one that is suppossedly undermining the club. That - your own understanding of the political state of the MFC - is an enormous disincentive for every applicant. Or does the conspiracy only exist when you want it to? I've been waiting for the evidence to come out and there has been none so far. You won't show your hand either.

Every applicant also knows this board that flip-flops on decisions, cannot make coherent statements to the media and has presided over the worst on-field performances in decades while stating that they don;t know why any of that is happening. How could that possibly be regarded as a non-issue for applicants?

Every applicant would go in knowing that they could be scape-goated and undermined. Exactly how do you frame that positively?

Obfuscating, revisionist and as usual on this subject, another weak attempt to put words into my mouth TimD. You know very well that there are people who were undermining the club for some time. They surfaced over a number of matters including Mifsud/Davey and the tanking enquiry and if you looked closely at what I have revealed in the past, you'll know it's not invention. I certainly know it couldn't possibly be so and my understanding is that the board is aware of them as well. You also know that those elements aren't internal to the club at present and therefore a competent candidate should have no problems dealing with them, particularly if, as you apparently believe, they don't exist anyway.

That being the case, you should be extremely excited about the club's future prospects.

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vlad is on record as saying he reports to mfc and not to the afl

if he is professional he will understand his loyalty is to the mfc as his employer

any reporting he does to the afl should just be restricted to the normal club ceo - afl interfaces/meetings and sanctioned by the mfc board

anything beyond that would be a breach of contract

your suggestion he has a "brief" from the afl as well as a "brief" from the mfc is potentially libellous

I must be a bit thick

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Obfuscating, revisionist and as usual on this subject, another weak attempt to put words into my mouth TimD. You know very well that there are people who were undermining the club for some time. They surfaced over a number of matters including Mifsud/Davey and the tanking enquiry and if you looked closely at what I have revealed in the past, you'll know it's not invention. I certainly know it couldn't possibly be so and my understanding is that the board is aware of them as well. You also know that those elements aren't internal to the club at present and therefore a competent candidate should have no problems dealing with them, particularly if, as you apparently believe, they don't exist anyway.

That being the case, you should be extremely excited about the club's future prospects.

Those faceless men with hidden agendas eh Jack? Pesky critters arent they.

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I suppose the fact that the former chairman bagged the club for tanking at the start of the tanking investigation counts for nothing TimD & RR (or Bill & Ben the flowerpot men?).

Or that someone told lies about the new coach to Mifsud about our indigenous players?

Or that a few disgruntled ex-employees ratted on the club to the tanking enquiry and went to the media on top of that?

Or that people formerly connected to the club boasted of knowing what media people knew and what the AFL knew?

None of them are thankfully in positions at the club and while they remain squeaky wheels, are now basically irrelevant.

A competent CEO would easily by pass such elements.

I'm confident that we will end up with someone better than Ray Ellis, the faceless man from the Age or the wonder boy from the world of tennis.

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Obfuscating, revisionist and as usual on this subject, another weak attempt to put words into my mouth TimD. You know very well that there are people who were undermining the club for some time. They surfaced over a number of matters including Mifsud/Davey and the tanking enquiry and if you looked closely at what I have revealed in the past, you'll know it's not invention. I certainly know it couldn't possibly be so and my understanding is that the board is aware of them as well. You also know that those elements aren't internal to the club at present and therefore a competent candidate should have no problems dealing with them, particularly if, as you apparently believe, they don't exist anyway.

That being the case, you should be extremely excited about the club's future prospects.

My opinion 'Jack' is that CS gave them a rallying point, he was a divisive figure at the club whether that was fair or not. Now that he is gone it is important that the new CEO has no ties to the club and can get on with the job without the galvanising force that CS had become for those who would undermine the club.

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I find it remarkable that people who use this site to undermine people at the club and abuse other posters are in denial about the fact that there are those around who would undermine the club.

Mind boggling.

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I have no problem if the AFL pay some of Jacksons wage for the 6 months.

We need outside eyes to go through the place completely devoid of any social or faction connections within the club.

That is the whole point.

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They are "faceless" but by no means nameless Rhino.

Their day will come.

Did these faceless men make the decision to tank (oh, sorry, let's call it bringing the AFL into disrepute to avoid a silly legal discussion)? Did these faceless men fail to report our dealings with Danks to the AFL? Did these faceless men make a press release stating that there would be no major change at the club only to sack the CEO the next day? Did these faceless men release SMS's between Danks and Bate to the press? Did these faceless men instigate a coach recruiting process that was child like in its conception? Did these faceless men also cause the Board to act in a way they themselves stated was poor? Did these faceless men tell Schwab he was sacked before the Geelong game in 2011 only to change their minds and reinstate him a few days later? Did they then grant him a three year contract that we as members will in part be responsible for honouring?

FM. Perhaps these faceless men, if indeed they exist and aren't just a figment of your imagination, are acting in the best interest of the Club. What this administration is asking us to do is back them after 5 years of incompetent management and embarrassment on the field. But unbelievably they still believe they are the ones to lead us to the promised land.

Jack in another place you said that when the tanking investigation was complete you'd share this "faceless men" conspiracy with me (and others) and I was interested because you included me in the broad categorization of those you accused. But you failed to keep your word.

It's actually time to put up or shut up because at the moment you're the faceless man undermining the club.

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My opinion 'Jack' is that CS gave them a rallying point, he was a divisive figure at the club whether that was fair or not. Now that he is gone it is important that the new CEO has no ties to the club and can get on with the job without the galvanising force that CS had become for those who would undermine the club.

There's some merit in what you say and I suppose we can leave it to the historians to determine whether it was fair or not. My view is that the white ants got in early when Charles Happell was fed a story about Hollywood Boulevard early in the Stynes administration. Schwab had hardly had time to set up residence at his desk at that time.

Looking to the future, I remain optimistic and I genuinely believe that the challenges of the new CEO's position offer enormous rewards and like many others here hope we get the right candidate in the chair.

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Did these faceless men make the decision to tank (oh, sorry, let's call it bringing the AFL into disrepute to avoid a silly legal discussion)? Did these faceless men fail to report our dealings with Danks to the AFL? Did these faceless men make a press release stating that there would be no major change at the club only to sack the CEO the next day? Did these faceless men release SMS's between Danks and Bate to the press? Did these faceless men instigate a coach recruiting process that was child like in its conception? Did these faceless men also cause the Board to act in a way they themselves stated was poor? Did these faceless men tell Schwab he was sacked before the Geelong game in 2011 only to change their minds and reinstate him a few days later? Did they then grant him a three year contract that we as members will in part be responsible for honouring?

FM. Perhaps these faceless men, if indeed they exist and aren't just a figment of your imagination, are acting in the best interest of the Club. What this administration is asking us to do is back them after 5 years of incompetent management and embarrassment on the field. But unbelievably they still believe they are the ones to lead us to the promised land.

Jack in another place you said that when the tanking investigation was complete you'd share this "faceless men" conspiracy with me (and others) and I was interested because you included me in the broad categorization of those you accused. But you failed to keep your word.

It's actually time to put up or shut up because at the moment you're the faceless man undermining the club.

Bob ... you know that I never accused you but rather I stated that I couldn't rule out the fact that the people undermining the club came from a certain group that incidentally also included myself because I had once served the club. Being in that broad group does not make one guilty of anything.

I've also stated that I've given an undertaking to my informant not to name names without that person's consent and you know this, so stop playing the precious thin skinned victim. When I'm permitted to divulge that information, I will.

In the meantime, I believe the information I have is 100% fact. This is because the identity of one of the people who gave the tanking investigation the vault story (as early as 30 October) subsequently was proven and nobody could have guessed at that time this it was that person without the inside information.

You also said in another place at around that time that you knew what Caroline Wilson knew and that you also knew what the AFL knew and that the two things were different. Now that the tanking investigation is over, would you care to tell us what Caro knew and what the AFL knew at the end of October and how you came upon that knowledge?

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This club is like Game of Thrones. But not awesome.

haha i was watching episodes last night thinking the same thing! :)

Read the books - they are awesome. There are 7 of them (some books spread over multiple - ie the third had so many characters he split it into volumes).

The HBO tv show does them alot of justice.

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I find it remarkable that people who use this site to undermine people at the club and abuse other posters are in denial about the fact that there are those around who would undermine the club.

Mind boggling.

I really like the thought behind your post but I think the difference is that folks who post on this forum primarily have the club's interests at heart, even if they do agree to disagree. People who are, or previously were, within the club and attempt to undermine it are purely pursuing personal vendettas.
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In the meantime, I believe the information I have is 100% fact. This is because the identity of one of the people who gave the tanking investigation the vault story (as early as 30 October) subsequently was proven and nobody could have guessed at that time this it was that person without the inside information.

Who was that?

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Read the books - they are awesome. There are 7 of them (some books spread over multiple - ie the third had so many characters he split it into volumes).

The HBO tv show does them alot of justice.

HBO programs should have a cinema release.

Yes i have been told the books are worth it. Thanks for the reminder.

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