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Someone quoted you so I'll respond. Although it's been brought to my attention that you have a fascination with my posts. Cute.

You're right. I probably dislike Melbourne supporters more than any other supporter group. I've rarely met one I like. In the main they know nothing of footy, have little passion, and are dreadfully soft. I treat this as a forum and not a community. I may well be shown the door again. So be it.

Unlike you, I don't pretend I'm drinking at a bar and I have no desire to befriend anybody. I think I've succeeded.

I make comments as I see fit and have zero agenda, or allowances for feelings. I try to have no bias, but I'm human and I'm too positive at times.

Don't like it don't read me. And no need to reply.


You always put a "no need for reply" at the end as if what you have said is all there is.

Why did you start a Dreamteam league and ask Landers to join it? Couldn't find anyone other than your brother to get back to you?

I know you don't think much of this place, and my 'fascination' of your post of late is a morbid intrigue of the disturbed: just go back to Bigfooty if you can't stand this place. Or better yet, follow another club that isn't so sick with softness, passionlessness, and stupidity.

Plenty of people here are passionate, smart (on football and a great number of subjects), and we are not so soft as to become a bitter shell of a person that finds nothing better to do than sh!t on the only community he feels at home in (you're not at home? Then why do you keep coming back?)

If you keep trolling this place, because that is effectively what you are doing with your mountainous array of cheap shots - then you should be banned.

Or kicked out of the pub.

Next round is on me, fellas (and ladies) because I may be (very) arrogant, but I am not so arrogant as to delude myself that I am not one of you.

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Hogan and Clark together in 12 months - more anticipated than my dodgy Robbie Flower Collectors Edition Port I purchased two decades ago. Vowed I wouldn't open it until we won a flag. It's looking very dusty.

Look had to be the one to break up the optimism in this thread but can't we lay off Hogan for a bit, his 18 years old. Have we not learnt anything from the Watts saga, just let him prove himself before you build up expectations for everybody else. I know the post may have been said jokingly but I just don't wont to have a 100 page thread in 12 months time dedicated to why Hogan is not dominating.

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Look had to be the one to break up the optimism in this thread but can't we lay off Hogan for a bit, his 18 years old. Have we not learnt anything from the Watts saga, just let him prove himself before you build up expectations for everybody else. I know the post may have been said jokingly but I just don't wont to have a 100 page thread in 12 months time dedicated to why Hogan is not dominating.

I think the difference is that Hogan looks 'ready'.

When Watts was drafted it was all about 'getting games into him' so he'd develop (which looks like a bad idea as it turns out). From what I read from the training reports and what I saw against North, Hogan is ready now.

Completely different situations IMHO.

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I think I might have a little something in common with BH, in that when MFC is winning, this place holds little interest for me.

The success of the side and my interest in demonland seem to vary inversely.

It's not a conscious decision, just an observation.

There's some interesting and intelligent conversation on here that satisfies me when watching the footy itself becomes hardly bearable.

But on the whole I reckon there's a hell of a lot of stupid comments by all and sundry.

I have a feeling the assertion that it is something reserved for MFC supporters alone, is actually a veiled barb to generate a reaction from the great unwashed.

I think he's smart enough to know that's not the case.

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Getting back on topic, just listened to Neeld's summary of the Gold Coast game (some doomsdayers here should do the same) and I would think next weeks game at Casey will be a good one for all those passionate supporters to get down to. Looks like Dawes, Clarke, Trengove, Blease, Viney etc will all be playing. Obviously interest will be centred on Mitch and also how he and Dawes gel together.

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How can you not have something in common with the people in this place.

There is a wide spectrum of posters ranging from slagging off every player to forgiving all of them and convincing themselves that Simon Godfrey kicked the ball like Gary Ablett but in the main we all share the same highs and lows...shared the same euphoria of winning and same "sads" at a loss.

There are few on here who have described that indescribable feeling of the walk out of the Whitten oval in 1987 after the realisation we had made the finals. How can you not share something with someone who has the same euphoria from something as simple as walking back to a freakin car !!!!

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Someone quoted you so I'll respond. Although it's been brought to my attention that you have a fascination with my posts. Cute.

You're right. I probably dislike Melbourne supporters more than any other supporter group. I've rarely met one I like. In the main they know nothing of footy, have little passion, and are dreadfully soft. I treat this as a forum and not a community. I may well be shown the door again. So be it.

Unlike you, I don't pretend I'm drinking at a bar and I have no desire to befriend anybody. I think I've succeeded.

I make comments as I see fit and have zero agenda, or allowances for feelings. I try to have no bias, but I'm human and I'm too positive at times.

Don't like it don't read me. And no need to reply.

I just find your right wing views funny, if not a little disturbing. To say you don't have an agenda is a bit rich. Your agenda is clear. Make yourself seem smart by taking potshots at teenagers on this site. Now go back to counting your money and investing in coal.

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You're right. I probably dislike Melbourne supporters more than any other supporter group. I've rarely met one I like. In the main they know nothing of footy, have little passion, and are dreadfully soft. I treat this as a forum and not a community. I may well be shown the door again. So be it.

Unlike you, I don't pretend I'm drinking at a bar and I have no desire to befriend anybody. I think I've succeeded.

I make comments as I see fit and have zero agenda, or allowances for feelings. I try to have no bias, but I'm human and I'm too positive at times.

Don't like it don't read me. And no need to reply.

You are really serious aern't you.

You really do consider yourself part of a higher race than the the mere human being.

Reality Check Benny...Your poop smells just as pungent as the the next person.

I agree with some of your views on football & the MFC & that is great, but your political stance and disdain for other opinions on this sight is actually humorous.

When did the Liberal Party ever have a relevent opinion outside Toorak...??

I think MFC supporters are tough as nails in the main considering the tripe the club has served up over 49 odd years. So i think your put down of MFC supporters is just wrong.

But i am sure you will continue your path of arrogance along the lines of your hero Andrew Bolt whose column today made me laugh out loud.

Rupert Murdoch's empire is under threat of "Free Speech" Fox News is an embarrassment in terms of fact. Always has been.

But i am sure you will disagree.

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Someone quoted you so I'll respond. Although it's been brought to my attention that you have a fascination with my posts. Cute.

You're right. I probably dislike Melbourne supporters more than any other supporter group. I've rarely met one I like. In the main they know nothing of footy, have little passion, and are dreadfully soft. I treat this as a forum and not a community. I may well be shown the door again. So be it.

Unlike you, I don't pretend I'm drinking at a bar and I have no desire to befriend anybody. I think I've succeeded.

I make comments as I see fit and have zero agenda, or allowances for feelings. I try to have no bias, but I'm human and I'm too positive at times.

Don't like it don't read me. And no need to reply.

Have agreed with a fair bit of what you have said over the years BH and disagreed with some posts, but opinions are opinions. Think you may have tarred a lot with the same brush with this gem!

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Someone quoted you so I'll respond. Although it's been brought to my attention that you have a fascination with my posts. Cute.

You're right. I probably dislike Melbourne supporters more than any other supporter group. I've rarely met one I like. In the main they know nothing of footy, have little passion, and are dreadfully soft. I treat this as a forum and not a community. I may well be shown the door again. So be it.

Unlike you, I don't pretend I'm drinking at a bar and I have no desire to befriend anybody. I think I've succeeded.

I make comments as I see fit and have zero agenda, or allowances for feelings. I try to have no bias, but I'm human and I'm too positive at times.

Don't like it don't read me. And no need to reply.

So it really is just about hearing your own voice then?

If you're so dismissive of Melbourne supporters and feel so superior that you have no need to hear anybody's opinion other than your own why not just talk to yourself in the mirror? There must be some gratification from being on Demonland. Could it be to feed your own ego? Perhaps your bias is towards yourself and your over-inflated sense of general greatness. Methinks you're overly positive about yourself.

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Ross Lyon has brought a lot of match simulation training to the Dockers in regard to players coming back from injury. He choses to use match simulation with their fitness rather then bring them back through the WAFL, seemed to work well last season with Barlow, Fyfe & Mundy. It is possible the philosophy was adopted by MISSON during his time at Saints.

The game has evolved and there are ways of getting decent fitness bases for the players without load bearing activity.

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Good luck Mitch i hope you come through the game no worse for wear.

In relation to Mr Hur - Ben may not have an agenda but I know that he generates a hell of lot of discussion and debate on this forum and he also ensures that there's an alternative view. Regardless if you agree about that view he keeps the argument/discussion going. (and going and going)

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Good luck Mitch i hope you come through the game no worse for wear.

In relation to Mr Hur - Ben may not have an agenda but I know that he generates a hell of lot of discussion and debate on this forum and he also ensures that there's an alternative view. Regardless if you agree about that view he keeps the argument/discussion going. (and going and going)

He relishes in taking a contrary stance, that's for sure, and has milked every last dying drop out of "Watts is a soft spud, you just can't see it because we view footy very differently".

Half of Ben's posts make for interesting reading, the other half you have to wonder if he'd prefer signing up to BenHurLand with only 1 forum member.

The guy is either a troll or a monumental [censored], but it provides for some light entertainment either way.

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I don't understand when it became a crime to have an alternate view on a forum. I can't think of how boring this place would be if it were everybody just agreeing with one another. Can we take the politics to the general board please? A lot of what is being posted is irrelevant & embarrassing. This is coming from a leftist.

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I don't understand when it became a crime to have an alternate view on a forum. I can't think of how boring this place would be if it were everybody just agreeing with one another. Can we take the politics to the general board please? A lot of what is being posted is irrelevant & embarrassing. This is coming from a leftist.

It's not about "alternate views" Jimmi. If you've read any of Ben-Hur's posts you will see his version of "alternate" is "whatever I say is 100% truth and if you disagree in ANY way you are a stupid lefty gherkin who knows nothing about football"... This is a discussion board after all, not his own personal blog.

I'm all for alternate views and even arguments, but you'll notice 99% of posters here will get to a point where they shake hands and either agree to disagree or find mutual ground, this has never been the case with the poster in question.

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Once upon a time

Julie Gillaard was visiting a Sydney primary school,
the class was in the middle of a discussion relating to words and their
meanings' The teacher asked Ms Gillaard if she would like to lead the discussion
on the word "Tragedy".

So our illustrious leader asked the class
for an example of a "Tragedy".

Fred stood up and offered: "if my
best friend, who lives on a farm, is playin' in the field and a tractor runs
over him and kills him, that would be a tragedy".

"Incorrect", says Gillaard,
"that would be an accident".

Mary raised her hand: "if a school
bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everybody inside, that
would be a tragedy".

"No", said Gillaard, "that
is what we would refer to as a great loss".

After a long silence, little Johnny stood
up at the back of the room and said:

"if a plane carrying you and Mr Rudd,
and Mr Swan and Mrs Roxon was struck by a 'friendly

fire' missile and blown to smithereens,
that would be a tragedy" ?

"Fantastic", exclaimed Gillaard,
"and can you tell me why it would be a tragedy".

"Well", said Johnny, "it
has to be a tragedy, because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss and it
probably wouldn't be a f..king accident either!"

Sorry couldn't help myself!

I don't understand when it became a crime to have an alternate view on a forum. I can't think of how boring this place would be if it were everybody just agreeing with one another. Can we take the politics to the general board please? A lot of what is being posted is irrelevant & embarrassing. This is coming from a leftist.

No problem


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Of the few MFC supporters I've ever met, not many have had much idea about footy, and it's usually an awkward, passionless convo about their favourite players, I usually lose interest pretty quickly.

When fellow supporters strike up a convo on the train, it always just seems to me like a casual interest, nothing worth hearing or interesting, nothing at all like some of the good posts/posters on here.

So in my experience I completely agree with what B-H has said.

The softness is also right. Just look at the reactions to some of the mild, honest criticisms on here. Go back and look for anyone calling Bennell or Morton soft, the reactions to those comments, which are true, just shows how many Demons supporters will put up with and even defend any garbage that is repeatedly displayed on the field.

At the games we're the most quiet, reserved crowd you ever see. The rare times when we have been unusually loud and rowdy, it stood out like dogs balls and I wondered why it wasn't like that at every game.

Edited by Deestroy All
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Of the few MFC supporters I've ever met, not many have had much idea about footy, and it's usually an awkward, passionless convo about their favourite players, I usually lose interest pretty quickly.

When fellow supporters strike up a convo on the train, it always just seems to me like a casual interest, nothing worth hearing or interesting, nothing at all like some of the good posts/posters on here.

So in my experience I completely agree with what B-H has said.

The softness is also right. Just look at the reactions to some of the mild, honest criticisms on here. Go back and look for anyone calling Bennell or Morton soft, the reactions to those comments, which are true, just shows how many Demons supporters will put up with and even defend any garbage that is repeatedly displayed on the field.

At the games we're the most quiet, reserved crowd you ever see. The rare times when we have been unusually loud and rowdy, it stood out like dogs balls and I wondered why it wasn't like that at every game.

Ironically, your post (and Ben-Hur's) highlight the TRUE nature of MFC supporters as a collective. We always argue amongst ourselves, put our club and players down, berate our admin for us not being a powerhouse, and just generally kick anything red and blue rather than show ANY type of unity. That's why we're weak as a club. It's not Cam Schwab's fault. It's not Dean Bailey's fault. It's not Jack Watts' fault. It's the way we focus our angst on each other, rather than use it to unite us against our actual enemies.

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