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THE WILSON FILE - the arrogance at the heart of the innuendo


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Gasoline Wison is going to combust if we dont get the book thrown at us.

Yet no mention of her squeaky clean club with their skeltons, add Carlscum with a longer rap sheet.

Why stop at 2009, Players took bribes,to lose a game. The same club abused their salary cap,then tried to sweep it under carpet,but got caught.

Used the drafting system to their advantage,and made it known to all,what they were up too. Add the bottomless VISY bag to secure players.

Geelong tried the same with GAbblett, the AFL let that run its course.

When we put forward our plan to have a same payout to a player(s), all hell broke loose.The AFL suddenly was jumping up and down, saying you cant do that.

When we blew our salary cap out of the water, and a certain CEO (in her sights atm) voluntarily submitted all the info the to AFL,we put our hand up. and admitted we made a mistake. And suffered the penality.

So Kero?? .. perhaps a box of bex and a good lay down.

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There are some pretty smart boys on the AFL commission and they are sitting around the poker table with the following cards in their hands

One card is "no player was told not to perform"

Another card is a fudgy to non existant definition of tanking

The next card is lots of heresay, tongue and cheek and innuedo but little of substance

The last card is practices that have been highlighted which at least 6 other clubs have practiced for generations and would mean that if they take MFC on they need to take on others.

Sitting across the poker table is Slick Finkelstein who the AFL know is holding a hand of "bring down a bad verdict on the flimsy stuff you have got in your hand and be prepared for this to go horribly legal".

Hmmm - make an example ? you got to know when to hold em and know when to fold em...example ? I think not....I'm thinking fold em.

I wouldn't have thought the members on the AFL Commission would be too pleased with Mr Demetriou. And I wonder if the Commission has brought in the Investigators for a pep talk and asked them to re-interview "everyone and anyone" with a distinct line of questionning that will enable them to fold...

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I wouldn't have thought the members on the AFL Commission would be too pleased with Mr Demetriou. And I wonder if the Commission has brought in the Investigators for a pep talk and asked them to re-interview "everyone and anyone" with a distinct line of questionning that will enable them to fold...

I would have thought that AD would have told the commission - too much heat from the media - the investigators have got to go do this - they will hear lots of innuendo, assertions and scuttlebutt but will come back with nadda hard evidence - we have done what we have to do and now we all get on with life and catch those damn salary cap cheats.

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Again you have missed everything I have said.

I did say it has gone quiet, I did say the Spring Carnival is a major factor, I did say that I think your over-valuing her reporting skills which was a dig at how bad they are, but I did not say that you said you over-valued her reporting skills.

Don't put words in my mouth.

SO let me get this straight: you agree with everything I have said. Including that she doesnt need new evidence to write another article, which contradicted your original argument "It's gone quiet because there's nothing new to say", but you do not place any weight on the Spring Racing Carnival as a factor that AFL (which was my original argument) reports have stopped

Let me lay it out nice and simply for you

DOT 1:

AFL tab taken of the Sports page of The Age at the start of the Spring Racing Carnival

The total amount of AFL articles in single digits during the Spring Racing Carnival

The main sports market is focused on the Spring Racing Carnival

The chief football reporter going on holiday during the Spring Racing Carnival

DOT 2:

The Spring Racing Carnival

Please connect them, because we have established that she doesnt need any new evidence to write more articles so then whats the common factor in all of this?

Hurrican Sandy? The U.S elections? Bob Brown not being let into Rowanda?

I'll give you a hint - its the race that stops a nation [DOT 2]

If you would like any evidence:


This article contains nothing new, the MFC have expressed that they are angry about the interview process a week ago.

Ironic considering that the Spring Racing Carnival finished... yesterday :)

Your posts are already difficult enough to understand as it is, no need to make them longer.

Essence of this debate: you said there was nothing happening because of the Spring Carnival, I said it was because there was nothing new to add. You then agreed with me, I then agreed with you. That is all.

Also, that's not irony. I'd explain it, but then you'd argue with me despite actually agreeing with me.

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Your posts are already difficult enough to understand as it is, no need to make them longer.

Essence of this debate: you said there was nothing happening because of the Spring Carnival, I said it was because there was nothing new to add. You then agreed with me, I then agreed with you. That is all.

Also, that's not irony. I'd explain it, but then you'd argue with me despite actually agreeing with me.

  1. I never agreed with you.
  2. Your argument was it went quiet because there wasn't any new evidence.
  3. You agreed with my point she doesn't need any new evidence to write articles, therefore contradicting your argument.

SO if she doesn't need any new evidence to write articles then why did the articles stop and go on holiday? Because of the Spring Racing Carnival.

Now that the Spring Racing Carnival is over the articles have resumed, as I pointed out.

I'm right, your wrong. Have a good day.

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  1. I never agreed with you.
  2. Your argument was it went quiet because there wasn't any new evidence.
  3. You agreed with my point she doesn't need any new evidence to write articles, therefore contradicting your argument.

SO if she doesn't need any new evidence to write articles then why did the articles stop and go on holiday? Because of the Spring Racing Carnival.

Now that the Spring Racing Carnival is over the articles have resumed, as I pointed out.

I'm right, your wrong. Have a good day.

Again, I was going to let this slide, until the last bit. Ironically (please note the correct use of irony), you spelled 'you're' wrong.

The first article she wrote was this one: http://www.theage.co...029-28g2n.html.

Date: October 30. Cox Plate was on the 27th, Derby Day the 3rd of November. So she wrote her first article right in the middle of the Spring Carnival, and continued to churn out articles for the next week, the one leading up to the Melbourne Cup.

So she wrote all her articles during the Spring Racing Carnival. Well done buddy.

Edited by titan_uranus
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Her latest article today, she's like a dog with a bone and isn't going to let go.

This is the bit I found most telling:

Clothier, a former tax lawyer, had his team beefed up last year when the internationally recognised police officer Haddad joined the AFL as its first intelligence co-ordinator.

As the league intensified its fight to preserve the game's integrity and protect it from match-fixing and the threat of performance-enhancing drugs, Haddad, who worked in Sierra Leone and Cambodia and has worked as a tactical intelligence operative for the Victoria Police sexual crimes squad, came on board and quickly had his involvement at head office widened.

Suggest someone on this beefed-up investigative team is feeding Wilson the info, in what is the old spooks game of staying on the front foot and building the power base of the new 'crack' team. They won't want to lose face on this, so the ploy is to build their case using CW and the media. The fact they feel the need to use Wilson may indicate the (legal) weaknesses in their investigation, as do their investigative techniques. Long way to go, though... CW got that bit right.

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Again, I was going to let this slide, until the last bit. Ironically (please note the correct use of irony), you spelled 'you're' wrong.

The first article she wrote was this one: http://www.theage.co...029-28g2n.html.

Date: October 30. Cox Plate was on the 27th, Derby Day the 3rd of November. So she wrote her first article right in the middle of the Spring Carnival, and continued to churn out articles for the next week, the one leading up to the Melbourne Cup.

So she wrote all her articles during the Spring Racing Carnival. Well done buddy.

That link doesn't work titan.

Maybe they've pulled it...lol

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From the shock and awful article. W. Wilson.

Some really terrible things said in there about OUR club which was jumped on by ravenous leeches all over the place. No real substance just some venom. This mud will stick in some way.

"But even if Stynes' legacy is spared because we might never truly know how much he knew, the game must cast aside concerns about legacies and images and football myths and concentrate on repairing the collateral damage.

Melbourne will be harshly punished. Cameron Schwab and Chris Connolly will be finished at the club. But football lives, young men who played no real active part in the treacherous football facade which took place at the club in 2009 were ruined or at the very least tarnished by their association with it.

It is nonsense to suggest the AFL must carry the can for Melbourne because it created a system which encouraged tanking. That is rot. The AFL was not complicit in this. At best it was naive and at worst the commission and its chief executive incompetent in failing to see what was being unveiled in front of them."

"What Melbourne did in manipulating results was disgusting. The result of the fix was pathetic. To think that so many reputations could be destroyed and so many playing careers hurt all for one ambitious young footballer who began looking for a way out of the place after only one year.

If what some former players and coaches say is true, then the tanking was only the half of it. But to put in the fix for Tom Scully and not to create a training and development laboratory for all similarly-talented young men to improve and retain them is just so glaringly short-sighted."

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/demons-shock--awful-20121102-28ppz.html#ixzz2C58UEwLz

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/demons-shock--awful-20121102-28ppz.html#ixzz2C57wlqh1

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From the shock and awful article. W. Wilson.

Some really terrible things said in there about OUR club which was jumped on by ravenous leeches all over the place. No real substance just some venom. This mud will stick in some way.

"But even if Stynes' legacy is spared because we might never truly know how much he knew, the game must cast aside concerns about legacies and images and football myths and concentrate on repairing the collateral damage.

Melbourne will be harshly punished. Cameron Schwab and Chris Connolly will be finished at the club. But football lives, young men who played no real active part in the treacherous football facade which took place at the club in 2009 were ruined or at the very least tarnished by their association with it.

It is nonsense to suggest the AFL must carry the can for Melbourne because it created a system which encouraged tanking. That is rot. The AFL was not complicit in this. At best it was naive and at worst the commission and its chief executive incompetent in failing to see what was being unveiled in front of them."

"What Melbourne did in manipulating results was disgusting. The result of the fix was pathetic. To think that so many reputations could be destroyed and so many playing careers hurt all for one ambitious young footballer who began looking for a way out of the place after only one year.

If what some former players and coaches say is true, then the tanking was only the half of it. But to put in the fix for Tom Scully and not to create a training and development laboratory for all similarly-talented young men to improve and retain them is just so glaringly short-sighted."

Read more: http://www.theage.co...l#ixzz2C58UEwLz

Read more: http://www.theage.co...l#ixzz2C57wlqh1

Thanks for the reminder. What an extraordinarily poisonous pen that woman wields. How can anyone who supposedly followed football through the noughties possibly attack one club so viciously? As for her shameful reference to Jim.............. and then there's her pitiful sympathy for "poor Brock" .

Seriously she shouldn't survive this

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Again, I was going to let this slide, until the last bit. Ironically (please note the correct use of irony), you spelled 'you're' wrong.

The first article she wrote was this one: http://www.theage.co...029-28g2n.html.

Date: October 30. Cox Plate was on the 27th, Derby Day the 3rd of November. So she wrote her first article right in the middle of the Spring Carnival, and continued to churn out articles for the next week, the one leading up to the Melbourne Cup.

So she wrote all her articles during the Spring Racing Carnival. Well done buddy.

Actually you are both wrong. She wrote them before she went to Noosa on holidays

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Looks like shes heading over to have another gnaw at the Tippett bone now., the JYD !!

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Looks like shes heading over to have another gnaw at the Tippett bone now., the JYD !!

Took over from EQ for this one.

Probably because it is an ACTUAL STORY.

You know with the evidence, and the nefarious dealings, and the imminent punishment and all that crap that makes it relevant to write about.

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Again, I was going to let this slide, until the last bit. Ironically (please note the correct use of irony), you spelled 'you're' wrong.

The first article she wrote was this one: http://www.theage.co...029-28g2n.html.

Date: October 30. Cox Plate was on the 27th, Derby Day the 3rd of November. So she wrote her first article right in the middle of the Spring Carnival, and continued to churn out articles for the next week, the one leading up to the Melbourne Cup.

So she wrote all her articles during the Spring Racing Carnival. Well done buddy.

So you've resorted to picking out spelling mistakes. Forums like this are made for informal conversations, don't get your knickers in a twist over a spelling mistake champ.

Also the Spring Racing Carnival started on the 22/10, but the main week is from the 3/11 to the 12/11. The period she took a holiday, the period she stopped writing, the period that the AFL tab was removed from The Age Sports page..

You've contradicted your original argument long ago and now you're clutching at straws.

I'm right, you're wrong.

Have a nice day.

Edited by PJ_12345
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Took over from EQ for this one.

Probably because it is an ACTUAL STORY.

You know with the evidence, and the nefarious dealings, and the imminent punishment and all that crap that makes it relevant to write about.

Not so much relevant to write about but something that in her mind might make HER seem more relevant to anything football !!

She hoping the factuality of the subject with cloak her in similar.

Sorry Kerro....we know you for what you are !!

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Adelaide are in deep deep poo, & no i am not rejoicing i am just seeing the story get bigger.

I heard David Gallbaly on radio this morning who is representing Tippett.

It is on when he gets involved.

with all that is happening at the Moment in afl circles, what is the chance of shuffling deck chairs amongst CEO's?

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Adelaide are in deep deep poo, & no i am not rejoicing i am just seeing the story get bigger.

I heard David Gallbaly on radio this morning who is representing Tippett.

It is on when he gets involved.

Yep 'WYL' and he wasn't there for a polite chat either, reading between the lines he was letting the AFL know in a public forum that it's game on if they take action against the player. Interesting times ahead.

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Yep 'WYL' and he wasn't there for a polite chat either, reading between the lines he was letting the AFL know in a public forum that it's game on if they take action against the player. Interesting times ahead.

yes he gave that fool Andy Maher an earfull it was great.

Personally i think Tippett has a case. Adelaide and his management are in deep trouble.

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Adelaide are in deep deep poo, & no i am not rejoicing i am just seeing the story get bigger.

I heard David Gallbaly on radio this morning who is representing Tippett.

It is on when he gets involved.

That is very nice of you wyl.

Because I am.

I dislike the Crows with a vengence.

I am smiling ear to ear.

I even barrack for the Pies when they play Adelaide.

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That is very nice of you wyl.

Because I am.

I dislike the Crows with a venengance.

I am smiling ear to ear.

I even barrack for the Pies when they play Adelaide.

i have no sympathy. That comment was in reference to the blowtorch being diluted on us for now.

F$&@k the crows as a football team. I agree!!

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yes he gave that fool Andy Maher an earfull it was great.

Personally i think Tippett has a case. Adelaide and his management are in deep trouble.

I am not sure how you exempt Tippett, I know his managers were probably tell him everything is ok.

But at the end of the day he had to sign an agreement.

Try saying to a bank after you have signed a loan agreement.

"I was only 22 and did not read it properly / understand the wording" when you cannot pay.

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I am not sure how you exempt Tippett, I know his managers were probably tell him everything is ok.

But at the end of the day he had to sign an agreement.

Try saying to a bank after you have signed a lone agreement.

"I was only 22 and did not read it properly / understand the wording" when you cannot pay.

A lone agreement. Who would you agree with if you were alone?

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