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Who the hell is responsible?


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Need seriously looks like he is trying to save face real quick, going after two players nearly thirty and one with three serious knee ops.

David Rodan is one of the worst pics I ever have seen

so what would your solution to the shocking state of our list before this trade period be tez?

Enlighten us all.

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Well Malthouse said earlier this year that Neeld should basically loosen up and have a "love in" with his players to earn back some respect. Too much stick and not enough carrot combined with a game plan no one but Neeld understands. But then again Malthouse did say Neeld would make a great coach did he?

As for Lyon, he got a distracted and effette team who were [censored] off with losing Mark Harvey and got them into shape and playing his way seamlessly and almost immediately with minimal changes. Even got primadonna Pavlich buying into his game. And he did the same with the Saints too. Pundits were saying it would go pear shape for Lyon but it didn't. He knows how to earn respect. And Sanderson says hello too. Neeld is more like the proverbial bad tradesman. Blaming his tools for inept work and wanting new ones.

This entire post sings of bad tools.

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Not sure what some people expect we have been at the bottom for 5 years, we have won 30 out of 130 games

Clearly we do not have the cattle.

The list has to have substantial changes.

If you cannot play at the required standard it does not matter if you are pick 4 or pick 90.

Changes are being made I struggle with how that will do anything but improve matters.

We Will not be world beaters in 2013 but hopefully by 2014 and 2015 after a lot more changes we will be a competitive side

Capable for getting into the top 4.

Please everyone keep in mind in 2012 we were not even competitive!

And who was coach

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A few bad eggs every club has them. They come and they go. But what is happening at our club is different. When the majority of the list is [censored] off then there is a serious problem higher up beyond the playing group and FD. It is beyond the realms of reality that we could have recruited so may losers. I owe an apology to Cameron Bruce. I bagged him when he left but around 186 I came to the realisation to why he he walked and why so many senior and prime draft pick players are are now gone. My word is that more than a few of our so called backbone players remaining are biding their time or just taking the money and don't give a Faark. All goes back to Schwab and his lackeys. They put this club on it soul destroying tanking strategy, meddling with player development and FD issues. Marginalising loyal players and burning recruits. Performance which is the heart and soul of a football club has spiralled down to VFL level. They legitimise themselves on the success of Debt Demolition as justification but which will likely need to be repeated on the back of financial losses this season and next year. When it all goes sour they remove anyone who disagrees. The current coach is now Schwab's No.1 lackey with the culture change mantra. Removed some malcontents and replaced them with has beens and never we're's. Coming in to do Schwab's dirty work to save his new bosses skin. He will never get respect from his players and they will perform in kind. They will get their Karma but at more expense and angst for this club in the meantime.

Hogan, Viney, Dominic, Dawes....all has beens?? Geez some are hard to please.

Why the hell don't you join the other guy from another thread - I certainly cant be bothered to look up his pseudonym - and sign up with the player spitters at Richmond. WE DO NOT NEED "SUPPORTERS" LIKE YOU. [censored] OFF.

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good onya mono , mate i got rubbed out for a few weeks for far less than that , apparently i stuck up for my footy club ? , but these slimes run the club down at will , seems a bit rich , oh well , idont give a rats i stick up for my team , pc brigade maybe , but i will always be a true dee , , and by the way i , dont give a flying ,,, ah no better not , this is my fav thread at the moment , i just cant help myself , lol , its sooooo funnneeeeeeeee

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I nearly went there...

I was about to start a new topic that expressed my feelings about all these supporters getting on here and complaining about the clubs recent batch of recruits and delistings. I thought however that a simple reply to this thread would be good enough. It will be expansive but if I don't vent about this, I may not be responsible for my actions towards my neighbours and those close to me! I am going to cover a lot of territory here and may ramble but stick with me.

If anyone, ANYONE, went to a Melbourne game this year and thought that the results were exclusively due to game plan, you may want to get in touch with Peter Russell Clarke and join the AFL (Anti Football League) as you quite clearly have your head up your anus when it comes to your understanding of Aussie Rules. I have taken two girlfriends to see the Dees play in the last two years. Incidentally, they were both foreigners (American and Taiwanese). Both told me, without any knowledge of the game, that our team 'didn't try'. The two games they saw were 'the Bruise Free game' vs. Carlton in 2011 and the opening round of 2012 vs. Brisbane where the efforts were both deplorable. If someone with no knowledge of the game can work out how pizz weak our players are before the scribes spell it out in plain English in the papers, it must be pretty bleeding obvious that they are... GASP... soft!

There's more to it than what you see on the field as well. A lot of people who move in and around Victoria have probably heard a lot about the post six o'clock shenanigans of the boys. I heard once, through second hand sources, that a premiership player from another club described them as both 'soft' and 'party boys'.

Now, we get to read all this bollocks about how we could get rid of so many promising young players. Let me spell it out. They were coddled, lazy and quite frankly not half as good as you or they thought they were. Many of them just got a game as they were young and quite frankly no-one was there to compete for their position. Now, there is a little competition in the ranks and people are whinging that the vets might take game time away from kids. IF THE KIDS ARE BLOODY GOOD ENOUGH AND WORK HARD ENOUGH THEY WILL GET A F***ING GAME!

I will admit. A thesis it wasn't but I got a little pent up rage out. I don't think I have written something that unstructured for a while. It served it's purpose though!

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I nearly went there...

I was about to start a new topic that expressed my feelings about all these supporters getting on here and complaining about the clubs recent batch of recruits and delistings. I thought however that a simple reply to this thread would be good enough. It will be expansive but if I don't vent about this, I may not be responsible for my actions towards my neighbours and those close to me! I am going to cover a lot of territory here and may ramble but stick with me.

If anyone, ANYONE, went to a Melbourne game this year and thought that the results were exclusively due to game plan, you may want to get in touch with Peter Russell Clarke and join the AFL (Anti Football League) as you quite clearly have your head up your anus when it comes to your understanding of Aussie Rules. I have taken two girlfriends to see the Dees play in the last two years. Incidentally, they were both foreigners (American and Taiwanese). Both told me, without any knowledge of the game, that our team 'didn't try'. The two games they saw were 'the Bruise Free game' vs. Carlton in 2011 and the opening round of 2012 vs. Brisbane where the efforts were both deplorable. If someone with no knowledge of the game can work out how pizz weak our players are before the scribes spell it out in plain English in the papers, it must be pretty bleeding obvious that they are... GASP... soft!

There's more to it than what you see on the field as well. A lot of people who move in and around Victoria have probably heard a lot about the post six o'clock shenanigans of the boys. I heard once, through second hand sources, that a premiership player from another club described them as both 'soft' and 'party boys'.

Now, we get to read all this bollocks about how we could get rid of so many promising young players. Let me spell it out. They were coddled, lazy and quite frankly not half as good as you or they thought they were. Many of them just got a game as they were young and quite frankly no-one was there to compete for their position. Now, there is a little competition in the ranks and people are whinging that the vets might take game time away from kids. IF THE KIDS ARE BLOODY GOOD ENOUGH AND WORK HARD ENOUGH THEY WILL GET A F***ING GAME!

I will admit. A thesis it wasn't but I got a little pent up rage out. I don't think I have written something that unstructured for a while. It served it's purpose though!

hahahaha i like that , , but you have 2 girl friends , well done , , lol
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This place is great. There are some fair-minded posters who understand how to agree to disagree and that to me is how discussion works. But there are a great mass of semi-literate muppets that believe criticism is heresy. If our footy boss was Neil Balme and our team Geelong I could get the whole circle the wagons bit with decisions taken. I reckon we had a great trade period until Thursday. I totally support the Dawed pickup, it was my best moment as a Dees supporter outside the Essendon win.

But Rodan and chucking away Gysberts and Martin just stunned me. And I reckon as a supporter who's sat through a lot of crap in the past few years to question the decisions. The club has treated supporters with something approaching contempt and isn't above questioning (no different to the stupid decision with junior).

For the record, I'm not wedded to draft picks and had no problem with Morton - our Richard Tambling - being moved in for nothing.

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Not surprised at this vituperative abuse. Same posters who screamed at me that Tom Scully was such a great guy, would die for this club, was apple of his dads eye etc; Till the very day he crawled away they belched and spewed forth. How come I never meet these kind at the games? They must be lurking in some crack in the concrete for all I know.

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and what would be your solution for 2013 Pant?

More of the last 5 years?

yes true!

not more of the last five years. Like many that don't post I suppose am holding out for ONE big signing for 2013. One example would be a Goddard type. Melbourne's defence needs a GODDARD type?

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We will have Watts pick 1, Trengove Pick 2, Viney 3-8, Wines Pick 4, Clark Pick 9, Frawley Pick 12, Jones Pick 12, Grimes Pick 14, Blease Pick 17, Tapscott 18 and Strauss Pick 19 all playing in our 22 next year. Thats half our team as top 20 picks under 25 years old! The idea we needed to stock up on 6 kids is laughable! What that list of players doesn't have is a long history of success, premierships or Grand Final performances, being part of a club that is consistantly in the top 8 or a large number of games experience. This is why we need Byrnes, Dawes and Rodan.

I am happy with what we have done, we have picked up quality players, clubmen and trainers that fill roles we are defiencient in. Rodan and Byrnes will play small forward rotating to the midfield, last year we had no-one play this role effienciently, Blease started to do it in the second half of the year, but ideally you want his run in the middle. Dawes plays second power forward, this was done this year by Rivers, Garland and Watts not to any great success, certainly not as well as you would think a Premiership CHF would do. Pedersen will play 3rd lead up forward/pinch hit in ruck, he just has to do better than Sellar and Martin, which I am backing him to do.

As for our trades for Martin, Gys and Morton, clearly these were just contracted de-listings, money saving trades, we were luck to get anything for Morton at all. Gys and Martin may well play well at their new clubs, but I'm betting they won't.

All the other de-listings were flagged months ago, all the players knew from the start of the year they had 1 year to get to the standard Neeld wanted or they were out, guess what, these guys didn't make the grade. I am always sad to say goodbye to players as like all supporters I am emotionally invested in them and always want them to be the best, however all coaches should be able to have a team that fits their standards and ideals and Neeld certainly hasn't been half-assed in making that happen for him this year.

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Well Malthouse said earlier this year that Neeld should basically loosen up and have a "love in" with his players to earn back some respect. Too much stick and not enough carrot combined with a game plan no one but Neeld understands. But then again Malthouse did say Neeld would make a great coach did he?

As for Lyon, he got a distracted and effette team who were [censored] off with losing Mark Harvey and got them into shape and playing his way seamlessly and almost immediately with minimal changes. Even got primadonna Pavlich buying into his game. And he did the same with the Saints too. Pundits were saying it would go pear shape for Lyon but it didn't. He knows how to earn respect. And Sanderson says hello too. Neeld is more like the proverbial bad tradesman. Blaming his tools for inept work and wanting new ones.

Still blaming everything but the players hey? The recent clean-out doesn't prove the list wasn't up to it? Why are you always ranting about administration and coaches, are you a disgruntled ex-player or just some kind of conspiracy nut? Or just a plain old trolling [censored]?

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Players of AFL standard are all way above us mere mortals. A love in may well have worked much better. No way Malthouse would of let Gysberts or Morton go for Rodan and Byrnes. Not that the latter two are bad just that they are nearly at an end.

Neeld has brought Big Bertha out big time.

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All the complaining is good, it shows we have real supporters who really do give a [censored] about this club. I'd suggest anyone who spends their day reading through the tripe on this forum is a true dees supporter, why the f&(k else would you put yourself through that torture.

Everyone is nervous, I share their fears. Will be devastated if Gys, Morton, Moloney start tearing it up at their new club, will be equally devastated if the Dees stay firmly at the bottom of the ladder for the next 2 years. The reality is if that happens 'Demonland' might be some weird [censored] old forum where people discuss some irrelevant football club that use to exist back in 2012.

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Not surprised at this vituperative abuse. Same posters who screamed at me that Tom Scully was such a great guy, would die for this club, was apple of his dads eye etc; Till the very day he crawled away they belched and spewed forth. How come I never meet these kind at the games? They must be lurking in some crack in the concrete for all I know.

At the game seated is vastly different to Demonland Forum. For one there is no "territorial front gate" . Cyber space provides the protection to say whatever it is that's on your mind and troll to your hearts content. This is one reason I enjoy the banter and general disagreement.

A game is different. Opinions are kept a little closer to the chest. The Pro Neeld camp are very quiet at games and for good reason.

All said I am neither pro Neeld or ANTI . Just don't see any good reason to follow the endless threads about him being the best thing since sliced bread. This trade period to date has done nothing to change that.

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The club has treated supporters with something approaching contempt and isn't above questioning

a) no they haven't, they've done what many (most?) here have been asking for for a while

B) question away, but then don't complain when you don't like the answers

Gysberts and Martin - not a problem. A cheap way of delisting contracted players who didn't have a future under Neeld.

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